
To control sugar in summer, it is recommended that sugar friends should do the following 5 points, which may help stabilize blood sugar

author:Dr. Kwok talks about health

In this hot summer, Wang Ming, a senior sales and marketing manager, rides his bicycle to the company every morning. However, despite his busy schedule, his body needs extra attention because of his diabetes. Wang Ming has been diagnosed with diabetes for five years and his diet and exercise are strictly controlled every day to keep his blood sugar levels stable.

To control sugar in summer, it is recommended that sugar friends should do the following 5 points, which may help stabilize blood sugar

Wang Ming's day starts early in the morning, and he monitors his blood sugar at home. This process has become a habit for him, because he knows that only through timely monitoring can he better control his blood sugar. This summer, especially on hot days, he often found that his blood sugar fluctuated greatly, sometimes even on the high side.

Adverse effects of unstable blood sugar levels

Unstable blood sugar has brought a series of negative effects to Wang Ming's life and work. The first is the feeling of physical discomfort, when he has high blood sugar, he will feel dry mouth, fatigue and dizziness. This situation not only affected his energy and work efficiency, but also affected his communication and cooperation with his colleagues. During a client visit, he suddenly felt blackness in front of his eyes and almost fainted, which made him deeply shocked and anxious, and also made him pay more attention to the importance of blood sugar control.

Secondly, blood sugar fluctuations also had a negative impact on his mood and mental health. With the stress of family and work intertwined, the instability of blood sugar made him more irritable and tired. This mood swing not only affected his family's quality of life, but also his commitment and performance at work. Wang Ming knew he needed to make lifestyle changes to alleviate these problems, especially during a season like summer, which can easily cause blood sugar fluctuations.

Summer Sugar Control: 5 Practical Tips to Help You Stabilize Your Blood Sugar

Summer is indeed a season that requires special attention for diabetic patients, as hot weather and some changes in daily habits can affect blood sugar control. Here are five practical tips to help people with diabetes survive the summer months based on the advice you've provided:

Eat a plan

Accurate carbohydrate intake: Know the carbohydrate content of different foods and plan your daily carbohydrate intake accordingly. Choose foods with a low GI (glycemic index), such as brown rice, whole wheat bread, etc.

Mix with high-fiber foods: Vegetables (such as spinach, broccoli, carrots), legumes, whole grains, etc. are all good sources of high-fiber foods. They help slow the rate at which blood sugar rises and provide a variety of nutrients.

To control sugar in summer, it is recommended that sugar friends should do the following 5 points, which may help stabilize blood sugar

Increase protein intake in moderation: Protein also helps stabilize blood sugar, and you can choose lean meat, fish, eggs, etc. as a source of protein.

Avoid high-sugar foods and drinks: Summer is the season for a variety of cold drinks and desserts, but people with diabetes should try to avoid or limit the intake of these high-sugar foods.

Scientific Exercise Planning

Make sure you get the right amount of aerobic exercise: Aerobic exercises such as walking, swimming, yoga, etc., can be very beneficial for people with diabetes. Exercise not only helps lower blood sugar but also strengthens the heart and lungs.

Avoid exercising during hot hours: Exercising in hot weather can easily lead to heat stroke and dehydration, so it's best to exercise early in the morning or late afternoon.

Monitor your blood sugar before and after exercise: Monitor your blood sugar before and after exercise so you can adjust your exercise intensity and diet in a timely manner.

Adequate hydration

Maintain water balance in the body: Sweating a lot in summer can easily lead to dehydration, so diabetics should drink more water to maintain water balance in the body.

Avoid sugary drinks: Sugary drinks can cause a rapid rise in blood sugar, so choose water, unsweetened tea or coffee.

Watch for urine volume and color: If urine output decreases or urine is dark yellow, it may be a sign of dehydration and should be rehydrated.

Monitor your blood sugar regularly

Check blood sugar regularly: People with diabetes should check their blood sugar regularly, including before meals, after meals, and before bedtime.

Recording blood glucose data: Recording blood glucose data can help patients better understand their blood sugar changes so that they can adjust their diet and exercise plan in a timely manner.

Pay attention to the effects of hot weather on blood sugar: Hot weather can cause blood sugar fluctuations, so monitor your blood sugar more frequently and adjust your treatment plan based on your blood sugar profile.

To control sugar in summer, it is recommended that sugar friends should do the following 5 points, which may help stabilize blood sugar

Be aware of environmental factors

Avoid prolonged exposure to high temperatures: Prolonged exposure to high temperatures can lead to heat stroke and dehydration, so people with diabetes should avoid working or moving outdoors for long periods of time.

Learn to deal with the risk of common diabetes complications in the summer: foot infections, skin lesions, etc. Feet, skin and other parts should be checked regularly, kept clean and dry, and abnormal conditions should be dealt with in a timely manner.

Wear breathable, loose-fitting clothing: Wearing breathable, loose-fitting clothing in the summer can help dissipate heat and prevent skin infections.

Use sunscreen and a sun hat: Avoid skin damage from direct sunlight.

By following the above tips, people with diabetes can better control their blood sugar, reduce their risk of complications, and enjoy a healthy, enjoyable summer.