
Look at the picture to guess the idiom (346): This feels very difficult, but my cousin who finished the college entrance examination thinks it is a piece of cake

author:The South Wind Girl

Look at the picture to guess the idiom: whether the language skills are good or not, you will know by testing!

Look at the picture to guess the idiom (345) answer announced:

Hearing and witnessing the mirror hanging high, smelling the rooster dancing, be cautious

Huainan chicken dog cut the nail on the head, bought the pearl and died in the line of duty

Use your brain more, it's not easy to get old! In this issue, I continue to share 8 questions to guess idioms by looking at pictures, I feel that the topic is quite difficult, and I can only guess half of it in half a day. But my cousin, who had just finished the college entrance examination, thought it was a piece of cake, and she quickly guessed it all. What is your language level? How many questions can you guess? Let's start today's journey of guessing idioms by looking at pictures!

Topic 1:

Underneath is a big black character for "sorrow", on which two wine glasses are poured together to pour wine on the word "sorrow".

Explanation: Drink alcohol to extinguish the anger or depression that has accumulated in your heart.

Look at the picture to guess the idiom (346): This feels very difficult, but my cousin who finished the college entrance examination thinks it is a piece of cake

Figure 1

Topic 2:

On the left are seven irregularly arranged stars, which are also connected to look like the Big Dipper. The seven stars spun around a bit and became like the one on the right.

Explanation: The position of the star bucket changes. Refers to a change in seasons or time.

Look at the picture to guess the idiom (346): This feels very difficult, but my cousin who finished the college entrance examination thinks it is a piece of cake

Figure II

Topic 3:

It is a large black "Xu" character, and the right half has an ancient woman's hair ornament on it, which together looks like a woman's face with slight fine lines.

Explanation: Refers to a middle-aged woman who is still charming.

Look at the picture to guess the idiom (346): This feels very difficult, but my cousin who finished the college entrance examination thinks it is a piece of cake

Figure III

Topic 4:

An old man with gray hair and beard walked forward on crutches, leaving a long trail behind him, and the right end of the footprint still had the words "1000 miles" written on it.

Explanation: Walking a thousand miles is accumulated in half a step and half a step. Figurative learning should be persistent and not give up halfway.

Look at the picture to guess the idiom (346): This feels very difficult, but my cousin who finished the college entrance examination thinks it is a piece of cake

Figure IV

Topic 5:

A brush pierces a blank piece of paper, which idiom does this express?

Explanation: Describe the calligraphy as strong and powerful, and the pen is almost through to the back of the paper. It also describes the poems as profound and concise.

Look at the picture to guess the idiom (346): This feels very difficult, but my cousin who finished the college entrance examination thinks it is a piece of cake

Figure V

Topic 6:

It's a thick dictionary-like book, except that the word "Cihai" is written on the cover. Which idiom is expressed? It's a bit difficult.

Explanation: In Buddhist language, it means that as long as a guilty person changes his mind and changes his past mistakes, he can climb to the "other side" and obtain transcendence. The latter is a metaphor for those who do bad things, as long as they are determined to repent, there is a way out.

Look at the picture to guess the idiom (346): This feels very difficult, but my cousin who finished the college entrance examination thinks it is a piece of cake

Figure VI

Topic 7:

The "cloud" on the left side of the word "soul" and the "礻" on the left side of the word "god" are interchanged, which idiom does this express?

Explanation: Mental trance, upside down, loss of normalcy.

Look at the picture to guess the idiom (346): This feels very difficult, but my cousin who finished the college entrance examination thinks it is a piece of cake

Figure VII

Topic 8:

This turned out to be a huge black "ear" character, but now the two horizontal lines inside are gone, and they have been replaced by a "thunder" character.

Explanation: Loud as thunder in your ears. Describe the fame of a person.

Look at the picture to guess the idiom (346): This feels very difficult, but my cousin who finished the college entrance examination thinks it is a piece of cake

Figure 8

That's all for this issue, how do you feel about the difficulty? How many of the 8 questions can you guess? If you can guess them all, you're a master.

What's your answer? Feel free to share it in the comment section!

If you can't guess it, it doesn't matter, the answer will be announced in the next issue~

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