
Yu Zheng faced netizens' questions: support and understanding for Wu Jinyan

author:The big crowd says entertainment

Recently, the high-profile producer Yu Zheng has sparked widespread heated discussions among netizens because of his position in handling the affairs of his artists. Netizens pointed out that Yu Zheng seemed to be more favored by artist Wang Xingyue in public, while his attitude towards another artist Wu Jinyan was more flat, and this observation couldn't help but make people question his management style.

Yu Zheng faced netizens' questions: support and understanding for Wu Jinyan

In the face of doubts from the outside world, Yu Zheng did not choose to avoid it, but chose to face the doubts of netizens. He said frankly that he didn't know what kind of grievances Wu Jinyan had suffered, because every time he saw her, she always showed a positive and optimistic side. At the same time, Yu Zheng also emphasized his support and attention to Wu Jinyan.

Yu Zheng faced netizens' questions: support and understanding for Wu Jinyan

Yu Zheng pointed out that in the past six years, he has devoted himself to providing Wu Jinyan with many high-quality acting opportunities, including "Yanxi Raiders", "Heirloom", "Shangshi" and other masterpieces that are loved by the audience. These works not only allow the audience to witness Wu Jinyan's growth and transformation, but also occupy an extremely important position in his career.

Yu Zheng faced netizens' questions: support and understanding for Wu Jinyan

However, although Yu Zheng's response expressed his recognition and support for Wu Jinyan, some netizens still had reservations. They believe that as the driving force behind the artist, the producer should not only focus on the number of works, but also deeply understand the inner world of the artist and pay attention to their emotional needs. After all, while facing career challenges, artists may also be under tremendous psychological pressure and distress.

Yu Zheng faced netizens' questions: support and understanding for Wu Jinyan

This incident not only sparked a public discussion about the management style, but also made us re-examine the relationship between artists and management companies. As the strong backing behind artists, agencies should not only provide rich resources and opportunities for artists, but also pay attention to their emotional needs and inner world. Only in this way can we truly achieve the common growth and prosperity between artists and companies.

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