
Harbin Institute of Technology has made a lot of money! Hold back three bottles of rare lunar soil, and get the lunar soil alone, Tsinghua University and Peking University think deeply!

author:Scientific Liaison


"Harbin Institute of Technology obtained 1.33 grams of lunar soil samples."

This is recently, the China National Space Administration announced a news, since the Chang'e-6 lunar exploration mission, Harbin Institute of Technology with an absolute advantage of 1.33 grams of lunar samples, and this also surprised people, when Tsinghua University, Peking University two famous universities are absent and a second-rate university alone on the moon treasures, which makes others wonder what the bigwigs in the aerospace industry are thinking?

The professional direction is different, and Tsinghua University and Peking University are temporarily lagging behind.

Since 2003, Harbin Institute of Technology participated in the country's most important manned space project, its aerospace field has been out of control, all the way forward, first in 2014, because of its great contribution in the field of aerospace, was awarded a "Shenzhou spacecraft", a set of sapphire and gold watches, known as "China's first aerospace school", this title also made other universities jealous of it.

Since the release of the lunar exploration plan in 2019, Harbin Institute of Technology has become a role model for many colleges and universities, and has stood out perfectly through years of development, and has participated in many major lunar exploration missions such as Chang'e 3, Chang'e 5, Chang'e 6, etc., and in every lunar exploration mission, they have their figure, and in 2010, Harbin Institute of Technology and astronaut Sun Yafen entered the space launch site together, and witnessed the success of space the next day.

Harbin Institute of Technology has made a lot of money! Hold back three bottles of rare lunar soil, and get the lunar soil alone, Tsinghua University and Peking University think deeply!

From this point of view, the aerospace strength of Harbin Institute of Technology is still quite strong, and in this Chang'e 6 lunar exploration mission, Harbin Institute of Technology is even more spectacular, monopolizing 1.33 grams of lunar samples, while other universities are only a few tens of milligrams.

Is it because it does not attach much importance to space exploration missions, or is it because its position in the continental space field is no longer so important?

According to the relevant experts, in fact, the statement that Tsinghua University and Peking University do not attach importance to aerospace exploration missions is not valid, because in the field of mainland aerospace, there has always been a saying that "there is Qingbei first, then Qingbei, and there is no other than Qingbei", and it is also because the mainland's first manned spaceflight and the first landing on the moon are inseparable from the support of Tsinghua University and Peking University, so the importance of these two schools to the aerospace industry is definitely no less than that of Harbin Institute of Technology.

Then there is another saying, which may not be unreasonable, that is, the research direction, we all know that Harbin Institute of Technology is famous for its engineering disciplines, and the knowledge learned is naturally in line with aerospace, but Tsinghua University and Peking University are different, they focus on divergent thinking, and they are good at not only business.

Harbin Institute of Technology has made a lot of money! Hold back three bottles of rare lunar soil, and get the lunar soil alone, Tsinghua University and Peking University think deeply!

There are also many excellent engineering students, but they are more interested in the research of humanities and social sciences, biomedical sciences, etc., so from this point of view, maybe everyone will not be so fascinated by the aerospace field, because different research directions and different hobbies also constitute the path they want to go on.

Harbin Institute of Technology has made a lot of money! Hold back three bottles of rare lunar soil, and get the lunar soil alone, Tsinghua University and Peking University think deeply!

According to the data, we can see that more than 60% of the scientific research achievements of mainland universities come from Tsinghua University and Peking University, and it can be said that the two schools have reached a peak in the research direction of humanities and social sciences, and the contribution of their disciplines to society is also very huge.

At the advent of this "space age", Tsinghua University and Peking University have stepped up the "runway" and successively undertaken the development of the Long March 9 rocket, and their performance in this regard is also quite outstanding.

Therefore, although their performance in the field of aerospace is not satisfactory, this does not prevent Tsinghua University and Peking University from becoming the most coveted university for students, which does not mean that their aerospace strength is poor, let alone that their attitude towards aerospace has deviated.

The focus of development is not in the aerospace field, Tsinghua University and Peking University have their own aerospace road.

The aerospace field not only needs perseverance and quality, but also needs excellent scientific research strength, we compare the performance of the mainland aerospace field this year, we can find that whether the lunar soil samples can be obtained in the end, or need excellent scientific research strength, Harbin Institute of Technology relies on strength to obtain results, while Tsinghua University and Peking University have always been absent from the moon party, this fact is enough to prove that the scientific research strength of Harbin Institute of Technology is indeed excellent.

In fact, the aerospace field is not only the glory and glory on the surface, but also countless dedication and perseverance behind it, in such a seemingly brilliant field, everything depends on "strength" to speak, in fact, every university is working hard to pay, but each school has its own unique path choice.

Harbin Institute of Technology has made a lot of money! Hold back three bottles of rare lunar soil, and get the lunar soil alone, Tsinghua University and Peking University think deeply!

We can't use "good or bad" to measure its value, in this world, there is a Tsinghua University and Peking University, other universities may not cause heated discussions, it is precisely because there are many different universities in this world, we can see that each school has its own different charm, Tsinghua University and Peking University, as the "leader" of Chinese universities, face challenges, actively explore, and always maintain the dignity of the academic highland.

Harbin Institute of Technology has made a lot of money! Hold back three bottles of rare lunar soil, and get the lunar soil alone, Tsinghua University and Peking University think deeply!

As a famous university, Tsinghua Peking University has its own "aerospace road", although they are absent in the lunar exploration mission, but this is not their failure, the value of colleges and universities, by no means reflected in the aerospace field, the "courage" of the famous school, is to let them choose, independent research and development, independent exploration, Tsinghua Peking University although temporarily backward in the field of aerospace, but in other fields, they are still "strong".

Harbin Institute of Technology has made a lot of money! Hold back three bottles of rare lunar soil, and get the lunar soil alone, Tsinghua University and Peking University think deeply!

In this era of diversification, the value of prestigious universities is not only reflected in the aerospace field, and the responsibilities and missions of Tsinghua University and Peking University, as the "leader" of Chinese universities, are far beyond our imagination.

Tsinghua Peking University should not only make a breakthrough in academic research, but also cultivate more talents and innovative achievements for the development of the country, in terms of scientific research strength, Harbin Institute of Technology occupies a place, while Tsinghua Peking University focuses on basic scientific research, every university has the right to pursue excellence, and the values of every university are also worthy of respect.

Harbin Institute of Technology has made great contributions to the aerospace industry.

The performance of Harbin Institute of Technology is undoubted, after 23 years of hard work, the University of Aerospace Science and Technology and the Shenzhou Aerospace Program were jointly established, exploring a "engineering student" aerospace road, since the opening of the aerospace industry, Harbin Institute of Technology has established a road of faith, no matter from what point of view, can prove the strength and excellent quality of Harbin Institute of Technology.

Whether in teaching or scientific research, Harbin Institute of Technology is among the best, has participated in a number of major space missions, not only has excellent technical faculty, but also countless hard-working astronauts, but also has the spirit of perseverance, it is with such strength, Harbin Institute of Technology can be among the best in the field of aerospace.

It can be said that Harbin Institute of Technology has made great contributions to the aerospace industry, and it has set an example for students, no matter where they are, they need to explore the career they love, continue to learn, and keep forging ahead, so that we can stand out from the competition.

As an engineering school, Harbin Institute of Technology has excellent faculty, not only in the field of aerospace, but also in many scientific research fields, Tsinghua University and Peking University have indeed achieved hundreds of aerospace experts, but their research direction is different from Harbin Institute of Technology, which leads to more focus on aerospace technology research.

To a certain extent, Harbin Institute of Technology does have a unique "aerospace gene", which is not a simple technology, but also a kind of love and belief in the aerospace industry.

Harbin Institute of Technology has made a lot of money! Hold back three bottles of rare lunar soil, and get the lunar soil alone, Tsinghua University and Peking University think deeply!

The advantages of Harbin Institute of Technology are not only reflected in the discipline research, but also in its talent training mode, they not only pay attention to the theoretical learning of students, but also pay more attention to the cultivation of students' practical ability.

Harbin Institute of Technology has made a lot of money! Hold back three bottles of rare lunar soil, and get the lunar soil alone, Tsinghua University and Peking University think deeply!

It is with such a talent pool that Harbin Institute of Technology can emerge in the field of aerospace, while Tsinghua University and Peking University pay more attention to the depth of subject research, although they are temporarily lagging behind in the field of aerospace, but they have performed well in other fields.

Whether it is Tsinghua University, Peking University or Harbin Institute of Technology, they are the top universities in the mainland, whether in the aerospace field or in other fields, they have their own unique advantages, we should respect the choice of each school, the aerospace field needs diversified development, not a single outstanding.

Harbin Institute of Technology has made a lot of money! Hold back three bottles of rare lunar soil, and get the lunar soil alone, Tsinghua University and Peking University think deeply!


Whether it is Harbin Institute of Technology or Tsinghua University and Peking University, they are indispensable forces in the mainland's aerospace industry, their existence makes the mainland's aerospace field more colorful, we should respect the choice of each school, whether in the aerospace field or in other fields, each school has its own unique charm, worthy of respect.