
The US media is not satisfied with the distribution of lunar soil? Chang'e-6 returned with honor: China has no intention of giving it

author:Scientific Liaison


On June 25, the Chang'e-6 returner successfully returned to Earth and landed in the Inner Mongolia region of the mainland with 1,935.3 grams of soil samples.

Chinese researchers will analyze and study these soil samples according to their own research needs, and the Chinese research team will also share these soil samples as appropriate to ensure their own research, which immediately attracted the attention of countries around the world.

Although the mainland has made it clear that it wants to protect its own interests, many countries have expressed their desire to obtain these soil samples, especially the United States, not only the United States wants to obtain soil samples, but even countries such as Turkey and Morocco have also expressed strong interest, but whether they can obtain these soil samples depends on China's attitude and decision.

Although there is no specific distribution plan, even the United States has begun to blame China for not distributing the soil samples in the first place.

The US media is not satisfied with the distribution of lunar soil? Chang'e-6 returned with honor: China has no intention of giving it

The Measures for the Administration of Lunar Samples were issued.

The return of soil samples from Chang'e-6 has not yet been specifically allocated, but the United States has already begun to be dissatisfied, thinking that China is too procrastinating.

In fact, the reason for this attitude of the United States is that the lunar soil samples returned by Chang'e-5 have not yet been allocated, which is why the lunar soil samples returned to Earth as soon as the Chang'e-6 lunar soil samples returned to Earth, the United States immediately began to be dissatisfied.

Chang'e-5's lunar soil samples, weighing about 1,731 grams, are not very large in number, but they contain a wealth of valuable information.

The US media is not satisfied with the distribution of lunar soil? Chang'e-6 returned with honor: China has no intention of giving it

Among these lunar soil samples, the scientific research team of the mainland found "Chang'e stone", graphene, solar wind origin water and other substances, which are difficult to obtain on the earth, have been found in the lunar soil samples brought back by Chang'e-5, and the discovery of these materials has greatly enriched our understanding of the moon.

Among the lunar soil samples brought back by Chang'e-5, there are also some new substances that are not available on Earth, and these new substances may have a significant impact on the future scientific and technological development of mankind, so the lunar soil samples brought back by Chang'e-5 are hailed as "China's most precious gifts".

Due to the high scientific research value of lunar soil samples, after Chang'e-5 brought them back, the mainland formulated the "Measures for the Management of Lunar Samples", which clarified the principles and standards for the distribution of lunar soil samples.

According to this method, the mainland divides lunar soil samples into three categories, the first type is the domestic shared sample, the second type is the international shared sample, and the third type is the retained sample.

The US media is not satisfied with the distribution of lunar soil? Chang'e-6 returned with honor: China has no intention of giving it

Of these three categories, only the second category can be shared with international partners, while the first category is limited to conducting research within China.

In developing this approach, the continent has also given special consideration to its international partners, under which it will give priority to sharing lunar soil samples with France and Russia.

This is because France and Russia are important partners of the mainland in the Chang'e-5 mission, and they also play an important role in the mission.

Therefore, the mainland is willing to give priority to sharing lunar soil samples with France and Russia as a sign of respect and gratitude to them.

In addition, the mainland also plans to lead more countries to participate in lunar exploration missions in the future, when more countries can participate in the research of lunar samples.

Although the mainland attaches great importance to the sharing and cooperation of lunar samples, this does not mean that the mainland will unreservedly share lunar soil samples with other countries.

In the "Measures for the Management of Lunar Samples", the mainland has also set some restrictions, such as requiring partners to first meet a certain level of technology and experimental equipment conditions.

These restrictions can effectively prevent the misuse or leakage of lunar soil samples, thereby safeguarding the national interests and national security of the mainland.

Although the mainland has taken a series of measures to safeguard its national interests and national security, the United States is still full of doubts and dissatisfaction with China's lunar exploration mission.

In fact, the United States has always been highly skeptical of China's lunar exploration mission.

The double standard of the United States, which claims to cooperate with other countries, is skeptical and obstructive of China's missions.

Outlook on soil samples.

The Chang'e-5 mission ushered in a new era of lunar exploration on the mainland, and the Chang'e-6 mission inherited and carried forward this achievement.

The Chang'e-6 mission has doubled the number of soil samples brought back, and these lunar soil samples will inject new impetus into the mainland's lunar scientific work.

The Chinese research team will look for more valuable information in these lunar soil samples, such as the origin and evolution of the Moon, and the effects of cosmic rays on the lunar surface.

The US media is not satisfied with the distribution of lunar soil? Chang'e-6 returned with honor: China has no intention of giving it

These research results are expected to provide an important reference for human exploration of space and other planets.

The US media is not satisfied with the distribution of lunar soil? Chang'e-6 returned with honor: China has no intention of giving it

In addition, the Chang'e-6 mission carries a special five-star red flag, which is made of special materials that can withstand high temperatures and radiation in extreme environments.

With the successful landing of the five-star red flag brought back by Chang'e-6, the mainland has become the second country after the United States to successfully deploy the national flag on the moon.

This is not only another important milestone in the mainland's aerospace industry, but also a high degree of recognition of the mainland's space research field.

In the future, the mainland also plans to establish a scientific research base station on the moon, which will provide strong support and guarantee for the mainland's deep space exploration mission.

At the recently concluded meeting of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC), the mainland formally approved a revised version of the "Three-Step Development Strategy for China's Manned Space Program."

This strategy aims to provide a clear development path and goals for the mainland's future manned space program.

The US media is not satisfied with the distribution of lunar soil? Chang'e-6 returned with honor: China has no intention of giving it

According to this strategy, the mainland will successively achieve the three stages of manned orbiting the moon, landing on the moon, and returning, thus laying a solid foundation for the mainland to become a space power.

In addition to the lunar exploration mission, the mainland has a number of other deep space exploration missions underway, and the smooth implementation of these missions will not only help improve the level of space technology on the mainland, but also provide valuable data and information for mankind to explore the universe more deeply.

In this process, the mainland has always adhered to the concept of open and cooperative scientific research, and is willing to share its scientific research results and data with other countries.

Through international cooperation, we can give full play to our respective advantages, jointly overcome scientific research problems, and promote more progress and breakthroughs in the world's scientific and technological undertakings.

Competition and cooperation between China and the United States in lunar exploration.

In recent years, the competition between China and the United States for lunar exploration has become increasingly fierce, but in the eyes of the United States, the mainland's lunar exploration mission does not seem to be based on pure scientific research.

The United States believes that the mainland's lunar exploration mission is for the development of lunar resources, and some people even worry that China will "colonize the moon." This view has caused a lot of panic in the United States.

On the road of international cooperation, the mainland has always adhered to the principles of peace, cooperation and win-win results, and we are willing to accept the cooperation proposals of all countries to jointly promote the cause of space exploration.

The US media is not satisfied with the distribution of lunar soil? Chang'e-6 returned with honor: China has no intention of giving it

In terms of lunar exploration, the continent's missions are not limited to scientific research, and we hope that through these missions we will promote international scientific research cooperation and provide more data and information for mankind to explore the universe more deeply.

In the process, the mainland is willing to share its scientific research results and data with other countries, but this does not mean that we will turn the moon's resources into a "free market".

We hope that through international cooperation, we will jointly develop and utilize the resources of the moon, rather than competing for resources.

Competition and cooperation between China and the United States in the field of space exploration coexist, because space exploration involves complex scientific research and national security issues.

In this field, countries want to be the leader and occupy the right to speak, so the competition in the field of space exploration is particularly fierce and sensitive.

But at the same time, countries need to cooperate with each other, because space exploration requires huge investment and long-term support.

Through cooperation, countries can work together to overcome scientific research problems and promote more progress and breakthroughs in space exploration.

The US media is not satisfied with the distribution of lunar soil? Chang'e-6 returned with honor: China has no intention of giving it

In this field, mutual respect, dialogue and communication are the key to promoting cooperation, and if all countries regard space exploration as a zero-sum game too narrowly, it will only limit the development of space exploration and ultimately harm the interests of mankind as a whole.

In such a complex international environment, the mainland hopes to inject more positive energy into the cause of space exploration through its own efforts.

We will adhere to the concept of peace, cooperation and win-win results, and are willing to carry out extensive cooperation with other countries to jointly explore the unknown world of space.


Space exploration is the eternal dream of mankind, and the importance of the moon as the first stop of human space exploration is self-evident.

With the successful completion of the Chang'e-6 mission, we have also taken an important step forward in our lunar exploration journey.

The mainland will continue to uphold the spirit of openness and cooperation, work with other countries to explore the mysteries of the moon and space, and make unremitting efforts for the development of human space exploration.

The US media is not satisfied with the distribution of lunar soil? Chang'e-6 returned with honor: China has no intention of giving it

It is hoped that in the future, all countries can build consensus, work together for the cause of space exploration, and make more contributions to the future and progress of mankind.

The US media is not satisfied with the distribution of lunar soil? Chang'e-6 returned with honor: China has no intention of giving it

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