
The man opened a noodle shop, but the business was good but he was going to die of illness, and the female snake said: The money you collected is not right

author:Kind Coffee S

In our northeast, there is a place called Qingshi Town, where the mountains and rivers are beautiful, and the people are real. There is a noodle restaurant in the town, and the owner's surname is Li, known as "Li Huzi". Don't look at him who looks five big and three thick, with a beard on his face, he starts making noodles, that craftsmanship, the soup is clear and the noodles are smooth, and the meat is fragrant, which makes people want to eat it again. Li Huzi's noodle restaurant business is in a mess, busy from morning to night, and the customers are wave after wave.

But you see, the better the business, the whiter Li Huzi's face became. At first, everyone didn't care, until one night, after the noodle shop was closed, the neighbor Lao Wang passed by and saw Li Huzi's house brightly lit, and there were crying. Lao Wang was curious, pushed the door and went in to see that Li Huzi was sitting on the ground, his face was full of tears, and his mouth was full of words. Lao Wang asked, "Li Huzi, what's wrong with you?" Business is so booming, why are you still crying? Li Huzi raised his head, his eyes full of horror: "Lao Wang, although my business is good, I am very panicked." Lao Wang was puzzled: "What are you panicking about?" Isn't it good to make money? Li Huzi trembled and took out a handful of copper coins: "Look at this money, why is it so cold?" When Lao Wang touched it, the money was as cold as a popsicle, and he muttered in his heart.

As the days passed, Li Huzi's health became worse and worse, he was as thin as a bamboo pole, and his face was pale, as if his spirit and spirit had been drained away. The doctors in the town came to see him, and they all said that he had fallen into evil and had to find someone who knew how to do it. Just when everyone was talking, a Taoist priest came to the town, claiming to travel all over the world and specialize in treating incurable diseases. After hearing about Li Huzi, the Taoist priest took the initiative to come to the door.

The man opened a noodle shop, but the business was good but he was going to die of illness, and the female snake said: The money you collected is not right

As soon as the Taoist priest entered the door, his brows furrowed: "There is too much yin qi in this room, there must be something unclean." When Li Huzi heard this, he hurriedly invited the Taoist priest into the house and told him everything about his situation. After hearing this, the Taoist priest pondered for a moment, and then said, "There may be some unclean things in your noodle shop. Have you ever seen any visions? Li Huzi thought for a while and said, "A while ago, I got up in the middle of the night and saw a female snake staring at me outside the window, and her eyes were green and scary. When the Taoist priest heard this, his eyes lit up: "Mother snake? It must be a snake demon. This snake demon may have taken a fancy to the popularity of your noodle restaurant and wanted to use this place to cultivate. The money it gives you may be changed by Yin Qi, and if you have been exposed to it for a long time, you will naturally be eroded by Yin Qi. When Li Huzi heard this, he trembled with fright: "That...... So what should I do? The Taoist priest touched his beard and said, "Don't panic, I have my own way." "Tonight, you still have to open the door of the store as usual, and I, as for the cat, in the dark, as soon as the snake demon appears, I will catch it all." When Li Huzi heard this, he burst into tears and bowed vigorously in thanks. In the evening, he followed the instructions of the Taoist priest, opened the door of the shop, and went about business as usual. Sure enough, after a while, there was a rustling sound outside, and a frighteningly large female snake crawled slowly into the noodle shop. As soon as the female snake entered the house, she went straight to the cash register, rolled her tail, and stuffed the copper coin into her mouth, and in an instant, the temperature of the whole noodle shop was like a shiver, and it was a lot colder. Li Huzi hid in the corner, watching this scene, and his heart was up and down.

At this moment, the Taoist priest suddenly jumped out of the shadows, holding a sword in his hand, pointing directly at the female snake. "You wicked, don't be arrogant!" He roared loudly, and the sword, with a fierce sword aura, went straight to the vital point of the female snake. When the female snake saw this posture, she let out a miserable scream, and her body shook and turned into a green light, and she wanted to escape from the window. How could the Taoist priest let it run away like this, and after him, the two of them started a thrilling chase in the night. And Li Huzi just stood dumbfounded, looking at all this, afraid and curious in his heart. He wondered in his heart what was the origin of this female snake and why he fell in love with his noodle shop. And how will this strange incident change his fate......

Li Huzi thought to himself that if this female snake really ran away, how could his noodle restaurant still open? But at this moment, the figure of the Taoist priest suddenly appeared at the door, holding the female snake in his hand, and the female snake had been tied up and could not move. "Li Huzi, this snake demon has been taken down by me, don't worry." As he spoke, the Taoist priest threw the female snake to the ground, and the female snake let out a "hissing" wail, and her voice was full of despair. Li Huzi hurriedly stepped forward and thanked him again and again: "Dao Chief, you really saved my life, otherwise my noodle restaurant would be finished." The Taoist priest waved his hand, "This is what I should do, it's not worth mentioning." But there must be a reason for this snake demon. Think about it, have you ever offended it? Li Huzi thought for a moment and shook his head, "I'm usually amiable, and I've never offended anyone, let alone this snake demon." The Taoist priest frowned, looked at the female snake on the ground again, and suddenly said, "This snake demon seems to have resentment in his eyes, which may be related to your noodle restaurant." Have you ever done anything unusual in this noodle shop? Li Huzi was stunned for a moment, and suddenly remembered something, "Dao Chief, I remembered you when you mentioned it." This noodle shop used to be a dilapidated temple, and when I took over, there was a statue of a snake god in the temple. I thought it was in the way, so I moved out. When the Taoist priest heard this, he immediately understood, "It turns out that this is the case, this snake demon may be the incarnation of the snake god." If you destroy its temple, it will naturally come to you for trouble. When Li Huzi heard this, his face turned pale with fright, "That'...... So what should I do? The Taoist priest sighed, "Don't panic, since this snake demon has been taken down by me, it can't be troubled anymore." "Gee, that sounds like a pretty good thing! We Northeast people speak straightforwardly, so I'll give you this paragraph.

The man opened a noodle shop, but the business was good but he was going to die of illness, and the female snake said: The money you collected is not right

"Oh, you see, this thing is troublesome, in order to appease the snake's resentment, we have to build a new temple, offer the statue of the snake god, and sincerely repent." When Li Huzi heard this, he nodded hurriedly, like a chicken pecking rice: "Okay, okay, Daoist, you're right, I'll listen to you." So, under the guidance of the Taoist priest, Li Huzi was busy working, the temple was rebuilt, the statue of the snake god was also offered, and he sincerely repented every day. As the days went by, the gloomy atmosphere in the noodle shop slowly dissipated, and Li Huzi's body became tougher and tougher day by day. The female snake, under the influence of the Taoist priest, disappeared from her resentment, turned into a wisp of green smoke, and dispersed like this. Since then, Li Huzi's noodle shop business has been very hot, and he no longer dares to underestimate the gods. He often reminded himself that he had to respect nature and respect life in order to live smoothly in the world.

The villagers in Bluestone Town have also learned a lesson from this incident, and they no longer offend the gods easily, and the town has returned to its former tranquility and harmony. Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, Li Huzi's noodle restaurant has been passed down for several generations. The current Qingshi Town still retains the temple dedicated to the snake god, and the story of Li Huzi Noodle Restaurant has also been passed down from generation to generation in this land. People say that in the dead of night, when the moonlight shines on the roof of the temple, you can hear the whispers of the snake demon, which is full of the vicissitudes and helplessness of the years, as if telling the dusty past.

One day, a foreigner came to the noodle shop, dressed very carefully, and he looked knowledgeable. He sat down and ordered a bowl of noodles, and chatted with Li Huzi while eating: "I heard that your noodle shop used to be a broken temple, and there is a story about a snake demon, is it true?" When Li Huzi heard this, he was happy: "Haha, brother, do you know about this?" That's right, I was young and ignorant at the time, so I moved the snake god statue in the temple, and as a result, I attracted the snake demon. But later, a Taoist priest helped me subdue the snake demon, and asked me to rebuild the temple and worship the statue of the snake god. Since then, my noodle shop business has been getting better and better. ”

The man opened a noodle shop, but the business was good but he was going to die of illness, and the female snake said: The money you collected is not right

The stranger listened with relish, put down his chopsticks, and patted his thigh: "Oh, Boss Li, you have met a nobleman!" Did you know that there is a similar legend in our place? It is said that there is a person who offended the mountain god, and as a result, the house is haunted, and the business has plummeted. Later, he invited a master to do so, and the matter was settled. ”

When Li Huzi heard this, his eyes lit up: "Oh, brother, what you said is similar to mine!" What do you think the master did? The foreigner smiled and said mysteriously: "I don't know exactly what to do, anyway, that master is quite capable." "Oh, this thing has to be said like this: that buddy, he first kowtowed to the mountain god, put incense on the pillar, and then chirped a scripture, and finally mysteriously drew a talisman and stuck it on the door with a bang. Since then, his family has been quiet, and business has slowly flourished. Li Huzi listened, nodded straight, and said, "Oh, this master is really a god!" If there is such a person in our town, I will have to ask him to come and give me a whole thing. ”

When the foreigner heard this, his eyes rolled and he said, "Boss Li, don't say it, I'm here to find a master." I heard that there is a Taoist leader near us, whose mana is boundless, and he can subdue demons and eliminate demons. That's where I came to ask him for help. When Li Huzi heard this, he was anxious and asked, "Oh? Where is this Taoist? Why haven't I heard of it? The stranger took a sip of tea and said slowly: "This Taoist is in the mountains east of our town, called Qingyunguan. He usually lives in a simple place and does not see people easily. It took me a lot of effort to hear from him. ”

The man opened a noodle shop, but the business was good but he was going to die of illness, and the female snake said: The money you collected is not right

When Li Huzi heard this, he became interested: "Oh, that brother, you have to take me to meet this Taoist leader!" Although my noodle shop is doing a good business now, I always feel that it is still a little hot. It would be even more perfect if I could ask the Taoist to give me some pointers. The stranger slapped his thigh: "No problem, I'll take you there." The two said that they would leave, and they arrived at Qingyunguan after a while.

That Dao Chang is really a tall man, wearing a fluttering robe, and he doesn't look like an ordinary person. When Li Huzi saw the Dao Chief, he hurriedly stepped forward and saluted: "Dao Chief, I am Li Huzi, and I have come to ask you for guidance." The Taoist chief smiled slightly and said, "Master Li, I already know your intentions. Although your noodle shop is doing a prosperous business, its foundation is unstable and it is easy to invite trouble. I have a talisman here, you take it and stick it at the door of the noodle shop, you can keep you safe. As he spoke, the Taoist took out a talisman from his sleeve and handed it to Li Huzi.

Li Huzi took the talisman and thanked him repeatedly: "Thank you, thank you!" After returning from Qingyunguan, Li Huzi hurriedly pasted the talisman at the door of the noodle restaurant. Strange to say, since this talisman was posted, the business of the noodle restaurant has been booming. Every day, there is an endless stream of guests, and even outsiders come to visit. As for Li Huzi, he has also become more modest and cautious. He often admonished himself that he had to respect nature and life in order to be safe and smooth in this world.

The man opened a noodle shop, but the business was good but he was going to die of illness, and the female snake said: The money you collected is not right

In this way, Li Huzi's noodle restaurant has been passed down in Qingshi Town. Whenever someone mentions the legend about the snake demon, Li Huzi always smiles slightly and says, "That's all in the past, and now our noodle restaurant is doing well!" And that talisman has always been attached to the door of the noodle restaurant, becoming a unique scenery of the noodle restaurant. When night falls, when the moonlight shines on the rune paper, it seems that a trace of golden light can still be seen, as if telling that mysterious and legendary story.

This is the story of Li Huzi Noodle House, a story about reverence for nature and respect for life. 235789 what we said is right, no matter how the times change, we must put our hearts at ease, respect nature, and respect life. In this way, we can live smoothly and peacefully in this world. Don't underestimate this, this is the truth, we have to keep it in mind. Don't care about the wind and rain, we have to be stable, don't let those messy things mess up our hearts. We have to take this matter seriously, don't be sloppy.