
The man has been married for three years, and his wife has not been pregnant, but the beggar says that your son has been born

author:Kind Coffee S

Oh, listen to what I tell you, we have such a story in Nagada, Northeast China. In other words, there is a small village called Yunxi Village, which is far away to the south. There is a young man in the village, named Li Changfeng, his body is strong, he looks quite energetic, and he is also sincere, and the people in the village say that he is a good guy. Li Changfeng has been married for three years, and his relationship with his daughter-in-law Wang is very good, but he has such a heart problem - his daughter-in-law has not been able to add a man and a half girl to his family. Li Changfeng didn't say anything, but Wang was like a mirror in his heart, knowing the hope in his husband's heart. She prayed every day, hoping that God could give her a child as soon as possible, so that the Li family could have a successor. But time passed day by day, and Wang's stomach just didn't move. People in the village began to gossip, saying that the Wang family was a "hen that didn't lay eggs" and that Li Changfeng was a man who had "no queen".

One day, at the hottest time of summer, the sun was roasting the earth like a fireball. At the entrance of the village came a beggar in rags, with a broken stick in his hand and a rag bag on his back, and the wrinkles on his face could trap flies. The beggar walked to the door of Li Changfeng's house, knocked on the door, and shouted: "Li Changfeng, your family is happy!" Li Changfeng was busy at home, and when he heard someone calling the door, he quickly threw down the work in his hand and ran out to see that he was a beggar he didn't know. He muttered in his heart, but his face was still polite, and he asked, "Old man, what are you looking for me?" The beggar grinned, showed a mouthful of yellow teeth, and said, "I see your countenance, you are destined to have a son, and he has already been born." When Li Changfeng heard this, he almost didn't laugh. The heart said, this beggar is crazy, he has been married for three years, and his daughter-in-law has not been able to conceive, where is the son? But he didn't feel embarrassed to bomb people directly, so he replied: "Old man, you may be mistaken." I've been married for three years, and my daughter-in-law has never been pregnant. The beggar shook his head and disagreed: "I'm not talking about your daughter-in-law's womb, it's your destined son." He is not with you now, but he has come into the world. Li Changfeng was confused when he heard it, and he didn't know what the beggar was talking about. He wanted to ask more clearly, but the beggar had already turned away, leaving only his back and a sentence floating in the wind: "If you want to know the truth, go to the ruined temple in the north of the village to look for it." Li Changfeng stood at the door, watching the back of the beggar go farther and farther, and the feeling in his heart was indescribable. He pondered the beggar's words, and a thought popped up in his heart: Is there really such a strange thing in this world? Is his destined son really born? He went back to the house and told the Wang about it. Wang was also stunned when she heard this, but she quickly said: "Changfeng, although that beggar talks strangely, maybe there is really such a thing. Why don't we just do what he said and go to the ruined temple in the north of the village to have a look? Li Changfeng nodded and said, "Okay, let's go to the broken temple to find out." The two of them said they would leave, and after a while, they arrived in front of the ruined temple in the north of the village. Yo, look at this ruined temple, the years are not short, the doors and windows are broken like something, and the weeds on the roof grow taller than people. Li Changfeng pushed the door, ho, and a stream of cold air rushed straight to the door. He stabilized his spirit, and the two of them walked into the temple. The temple was dark, and a few rays of sunlight came in through the holes in the roof. The two of them looked around, but they didn't see anything. Just as he was about to retreat, he suddenly heard a small cry from behind. Li Changfeng's heart moved, and he hurriedly pulled Wang and walked back.

They bypassed a tattered Buddha statue and came to a desolate courtyard. Oh, there was a broken cradle in the middle of the yard, and there was a baby lying in it, crying so much that it was a lively one. Li Changfeng and Wang walked to the front of the cradle, and saw that the little baby was white and chubby, and it was so cute. The two of them couldn't help but feel a wave of intimacy in their hearts, feeling that this little baby was like their own baby. Wang picked up the baby and coaxed it gently. The baby slowly stopped crying in Wang's arms, and a sweet smile appeared on his face. Li Changfeng looked at this scene, and wondered in his heart: This little baby can't really be my destined child, right? He turned his head to look at Wang, and Wang's eyes were full of tears. The two of them looked at each other and smiled, as if all the doubts and confusions had disappeared at once.

The man has been married for three years, and his wife has not been pregnant, but the beggar says that your son has been born

But at this moment, there was a sudden sound of hurried footsteps outside the temple. The two of them were shocked, and quickly put the baby down and hid behind the Buddha statue. Several big men rushed into the temple, looked around, and finally fixed their eyes on the little baby in the cradle. Li Changfeng and Wang's hearts tightened, knowing that these big men were not good. But how can they watch their baby being snatched away? So, the two of them took a deep breath and rushed out from behind the Buddha statue...... Wang held the baby, although his face was pale, his eyes were firm, and his voice trembled and said: "This baby is ours, don't want to take it away!" Li Changfeng stood next to Wang, his fists clenched tightly, ready to fight at any time.

When the big man heard this, he laughed: "Your children? I stole this baby from the city, why did it become your child? As he spoke, he swung his knife and slashed at Li Changfeng. Although Li Changfeng is usually honest, in order to protect his family, he is also open at this time. He dodged the knife and punched the big man in the stomach with a backhand. The big man was so pained that he retreated straight back, and when the other big men saw the situation, they also surrounded him. For a while, the head of the temple was full of swords and swords, and fists and feet flew wildly. Wang hugged the baby tightly and hid in the corner, watching the scuffle in horror. She prayed silently in her heart, hoping that her husband would be safe.

At this moment, a melodious flute suddenly sounded outside the temple. The sound of the flute is crisp and pleasant, and it sounds like fairy music floating down from the sky, which makes people feel comfortable when they listen to it. As soon as the flute sounded, the chaotic men in the temple all seemed to have been immobilized, and the guys in their hands stopped, staring directly at the temple entrance. I saw a Taoist priest in a green shirt, holding a jade flute in his hand, with a faint smile on his face, and walked in slowly. He walked to the crowd, first glanced at the baby in Wang's arms, and then turned to the gang of men and said, "You guys, for a few stinky money, don't even let go of a baby, you really have no conscience to go home!" When the big men heard this, their faces were as red as monkeys' butts, and their heads were so low that they were almost touching the ground. The Taoist priest smiled and said to Li Changfeng and Wang: "This child is arranged by God, and as soon as he is born, he can bring hope and beauty to our world." You are parents, you have to pull him up. When Li Changfeng and Wang heard this, they were so excited that they quickly knelt down and kowtowed to the Taoist priest to thank him. The Taoist priest waved his hand, asked them to get up, and said, "I have thought of the name of this baby for him, so let's call it 'Tianfu'." After saying that, the Taoist priest turned around and was about to leave. Li Changfeng hurriedly stepped forward to stop him and asked, "Dao Chief, how do you know this?" And what will happen to our Tianfu in the future? The Taoist priest stopped, turned around and said with a smile: "This is all destined by God, I just follow the will of God." As for Tianfu's future, I can only say that he will definitely be a great figure in the future, and his fate is full of legends and mysteries. Li Changfeng listened, and the expectation in his heart was so excited. He thanked the Taoist priest again, and then watched the Taoist priest walk away slowly.

The man has been married for three years, and his wife has not been pregnant, but the beggar says that your son has been born

After the Taoist priest left, Li Changfeng and Wang returned home with Tianfu in their arms. They decided that they had to do what the Taoist priest said, and raise Tianfu well. Tianfu, a child, has been smart since he was a child, and he has shown extraordinary talent and wisdom at just a few years old. He is tireless in learning, not only good at poetry, books and etiquette, but also a must in martial arts and the art of war. As the years grew, Tianfu's reputation became more and more famous. He acted chivalrous and righteous, helped the needy, and his deeds spread among the people. Everyone said that he was a blessed star in the sky and came to save the world. Li Changfeng and the Wang family were so proud in their hearts because of Tianfu's excellence, they were so relieved. They know that their son is arranged by God, and his future must be infinite and wonderful.

That day, Tianfu hugged the body of his parents, tears were in his eyes, and he vowed to make those scourges pay the price of blood. And just like that, he embarked on a path of revenge. Along the way, he used his own head and guts to kill demons and demons, and did a lot of good things. He moved many people to this point, and also attracted many like-minded brothers. In the end, in a bloody battle, Tianfu overturned those scourge leaders and avenged his parents and fellow villagers. He himself has become a hero in everyone's hearts and a legend.

Under the leadership of Tianfu, Yunxi Village slowly came out of the shadow of the disaster, and the villagers began to rebuild their homes and farm, and life returned to the former peace and tranquility. But in Tianfu's heart, there is always a hurdle that he can't get over, he always thinks of his parents' smiles and teachings, and the taste in his heart is mixed.

The man has been married for three years, and his wife has not been pregnant, but the beggar says that your son has been born

One day, Tianfu stood at the entrance of the village, looking into the distance, and his heart was up and down. Suddenly, a figure walked slowly, Tianfu glanced at it, yo, this is not the green-shirted Taoist priest who pointed out the maze. The Taoist priest nodded to Tianfu with a smile and said, "Tianfu, you did a good job, Yunxi Village was reborn because of you." Tianfu hurriedly saluted and said respectfully: "Dao Chief, it was you who showed me a clear path. But the death of my parents, I felt so uncomfortable in my heart, I really didn't know how to face it. The Taoist priest sighed softly and said, "Life and death have fate, and wealth is in the sky." Your parents' death is predestined, but their expectations and blessings will always be with you. You must remember that your mission is not only to seek revenge, but also to protect the land and its people. ”

After hearing this, Tianfu felt that bright hall in his heart. He bowed deeply and said gratefully, "Thank you for your advice, I will definitely keep it in my heart." The Taoist priest smiled and nodded, and turned to leave. Tianfu suddenly remembered something, and hurriedly asked, "Dao Chief, I still have a question." You say I'm destined for it, so what will happen to my future? The Taoist priest stopped and looked back at Tianfu, a mysterious glint flashing in his eyes. He said slowly: "Your future is full of infinite possibilities. There are countless challenges and opportunities you will face, but as long as you stay true to your heart and move forward, you can definitely do great things. After hearing this, Tianfu was full of confidence and expectation in his heart. He thanked the Taoist priest again, and then watched him disappear into the distance.

The man has been married for three years, and his wife has not been pregnant, but the beggar says that your son has been born

But Tianfu this young man, he is not satisfied with this achievement. He knew in his heart that the burden on his shoulders was heavy, and he had to pass on his father's expectations and blessings to bring more happiness to this land and the villagers. No, one day, he received a letter from far away. The letter said: "Brother Tianfu, it is really happy to hear that you have become the hero and leader of our Yunxi Village. I am a ranger, I have heard of your name for a long time, and I especially want to invite you to do great things together. I hope you can enjoy your face, let's have a good chat. ”

After reading the letter, Tianfu was so excited in his heart that it was like drinking two pots of head. He knew that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for him to meet more heroes and heroes and work together for the benefit of the people of the world. So, he said goodbye to his fellow villagers and relatives and friends, and embarked on a journey to a distant place. Along the way, he went through a lot of hardships and finally came to the place agreed in the letter. There, he met a large group of like-minded heroes, and they discussed together how to work for the welfare of the people of the world.

After a period of getting along and cooperating, Tianfu has won everyone's respect and trust with his ingenuity and courage. Together, they have established a righteous alliance to resist the intrusion and oppression of those evil forces. With their joint efforts, those villains were defeated one by one, and peace and tranquility were restored to the world. Tianfu has also become a hero in people's hearts, and his deeds have been praised for thousands of years and will be recorded in history forever.

The man has been married for three years, and his wife has not been pregnant, but the beggar says that your son has been born

But Tianfu, this young man, he didn't get complacent because of these achievements and stopped. He knew that his mission had not yet been completed, and he had to continue to move forward, continue to fight, and seek more happiness and peace for the people of the world. In this way, Tianfu embarked on a new journey with the expectations and blessings of his father, the trust and support of the villagers, and the followers and support of those heroes and heroes. His future is full of infinite possibilities and wonderful, and his story will continue to be written...... (End of story)