
When the widow returned from the night, she was dragged into the grass by the old beggar and told her to change her clothes

author:Kind Coffee S

Let's put the secret of this Maoshan for you today, we have to say, this thing is really twisted and bizarre. Let's start with the beautiful town in the south of the Yangtze River, where there is a widow named Li Xiu'e. Li Xiu'e is in her early thirties, she looks like a water spirit, but her life is hard, her husband went early, leaving her alone.

That night, Li Xiu'e came back from the town, carrying some small daily things in her hand, but her heart felt like a stone. As she walked, she wondered, why is this day so difficult? The sky was getting darker and darker, and there were fewer and fewer people on the road, so Li Xiu'e quickened her pace and wanted to hurry home.

Just as she was about to get home, she suddenly heard the sound of rustling in the grass. Her heart tightened, and when she looked back, an old beggar in ragged clothes was walking towards her. The old beggar had wrinkles on his face like a mountain, his hair was as messy as a chicken's nest, and he walked tremblingly with a broken stick in his hand.

When the widow returned from the night, she was dragged into the grass by the old beggar and told her to change her clothes

Li Xiu'e saw that this old beggar was quite pitiful, so she thought of stepping forward to help. But who knows, the old beggar suddenly grabbed her arm, and the strength was terrifying, and pulled her directly into the grass. Li Xiu'e was so frightened that her soul was about to fly, and she shouted for help, but the old beggar covered her mouth and whispered, "Don't scream, don't scream!" I am a Taoist priest of Maoshan Mountain, and there are evil ghosts haunting me tonight, so you have to listen to me to keep you safe. ”

When Li Xiu'e heard that it was a Taoist priest of Maoshan, her heart was a little more steady, but she was still scared. She nodded, signaling for the old beggar to let go. The old beggar let go of his hand, took out a yellow robe from his arms, handed it to Li Xiu'e and said, "Quick, change your clothes, this robe can ward off evil spirits and drive away ghosts." Li Xiu'e took the robe, although she was a little puzzled, she still put it on. After putting on the robe, she felt warm all over her body, as if a mysterious force was protecting her.

The old beggar saw that Li Xiu'e had changed her clothes, and took out a copper bell and a piece of rune paper from her arms, and said to her: "Take this copper bell, no matter what sound you hear, don't be afraid, just rattle the bell." This talisman is attached to your chest to keep your mind from being disturbed by evil spirits. Li Xiu'e took the copper bell and the rune paper, and held it tightly in her hand, although her heart was still up and down, but she also had to bite the bullet.

When the widow returned from the night, she was dragged into the grass by the old beggar and told her to change her clothes

When the old beggar saw that she was ready, he took a deep breath and began to recite the incantation. As soon as the incantation was read, the surrounding atmosphere immediately became strange. The wind was gusting in the grass, and it seemed as if countless eyes were staring at them in the dark. Li Xiu'e's heart was beating like a drum, and her palms were sweaty, but she still endured it, holding the copper bell and rune paper tightly.

At this moment, a terrible cry suddenly sounded, and Li Xiu'e trembled all over, almost throwing away the copper bell. She looked up and saw a female ghost with a disheveled head floating towards them. The female ghost's face was as white as snow, her eyes were red and dripping blood, and her mouth was crying, which made people get goosebumps all over her body when she heard it. Li Xiu'e was so frightened that she trembled, but she still stiffened her head and shook the copper bell. As soon as the brass bell rang, the female ghost seemed to have hit a wall, unable to move, and moved away from them. The old beggar saw this situation, and with words in his mouth, he also took out a peachwood sword in his hand, pointed at the female ghost and shouted, "You evil one, where did you come from?" Get out of here! When the female ghost saw the peachwood sword pointing at her, she was frightened and began to move back slowly. But at this moment, a gust of wind blew, and the female ghost suddenly became fierce and vicious, and pounced on them again. The old beggar saw that the situation was not good, and hurriedly danced the peachwood sword to fight with the female ghost. Li Xiu'e watched from the side, her heart was about to jump out, but she knew that she couldn't watch it. She held the brass bell and the talisman paper tightly in her hand, and kept shaking it to cheer up the old beggar. She also silently recited Taoist scriptures in her heart, hoping to use the power of the gods to drive away the evil spirits. After a fierce battle, the old beggar finally beat the female ghost back. He gasped, returned to Li Xiu'e and said, "Okay, the evil has retreated." Let's go home. Li Xiu'e was so grateful that tears were about to come out, nodded, and followed the old beggar out of the grass. Although she was still a little scared in her heart, she was more grateful and admired for the old beggar. She didn't expect that she would be able to meet a real Maoshan Taoist priest on such a treacherous night, and she also saved her life. Since then, Li Xiu'e has been fascinated by Taoism, and began to read Taoist books and learn Taoist spells, hoping that she can be like an old beggar who can exorcise ghosts and ward off evil spirits. The old beggar also took her as an apprentice, regarded her as a successor, and taught her all his skills. Under the protection of Maoshan, Li Xiu'e slowly became an excellent Taoist priest. Let's go on to talk about the secret of Maoshan Mountain. Since Li Xiu'e worshipped the old beggar as a teacher, her heart has become much more steady. The old beggar looked at Xiu'e and was also happy in his heart, thinking that this apprentice was not only handsome, but also smart, and a good material for learning. So, the old beggar began to teach Li Xiu'e the spells of Maoshan Mountain, from the basic skills of drawing talismans and chanting mantras to the high tricks of exorcising ghosts and subduing demons. Li Xiu'e also studied hard and didn't dare to be lazy at all. Time passed, and Li Xiu'e's spells became more and more powerful. One night, when it was as dark as the bottom of a pot, a strange roar suddenly came from the town, and people were afraid to go out. As soon as Li Xiu'e heard this voice, she knew in her heart that there was something evil at work. She hurriedly put on her robe, picked up the peachwood sword, and rushed in the direction of the strange roar. When I got there, my mother, a huge black shadow was dancing in the moonlight, and the look made people's hearts tremble. Li Xiu'e took a deep breath, stabilized herself, and then shouted: "Where is the evil, dare to spread wild here!" As soon as the black shadow heard this, he immediately pounced on Li Xiu'e. Li Xiu'e didn't cover it, she was holding a peachwood sword in her hand, and she had sex with the black shadow. For a while, the sword light flashed like thunder, the ghost shadow was dazzling, and the two of them fought like chicken blood, and no one wanted to take advantage of anyone. When the fight was in full swing, the old beggar suddenly appeared. As soon as he glanced at this posture, his heart said that it was broken, and the apprentice had encountered a hard stubble. Hurriedly, he took out a piece of rune paper from his pocket, chattered in his mouth, and then shook his hand, and the rune paper flew towards the black shadow. As soon as the rune paper was next to the black shadow, there was a "bang", like a cannon battle, and the golden light flashed, covering the black shadow. As soon as the black shadow was covered by the golden light, it immediately wilted like a frosted eggplant. As soon as Li Xiu'e saw it, she couldn't miss the opportunity, so she slashed at the black shadow with her sword. With a "click", the black shadow was split in half, turned into a puff of black smoke, and dispersed. Li Xiu'e breathed a sigh of relief and wiped the beads of sweat on her head. The old beggar came over, patted her on the shoulder, and exclaimed, "Well done, apprentice!" Thanks to you this time! Li Xiu'e smiled and replied, "Master, you are too polite, it's not that you teach well!" "The two of them have a pair of eyes, and the master-apprentice relationship is stronger than the old wine.

Since then, Ms. Lee has become famous in the town. Everyone knows that she is a capable Taoist priest who can drive away ghosts and evil spirits and protect everyone's safety. Whenever there was an evil disturbance, Li Xiu'e must have been the first to rush forward and use her spell to clean up the evil. Gradually, her fame spread farther and farther, and even people in several surrounding towns heard about it. People who have strange things in the house, or who are haunted by evil spirits, come to her for help. Li Xiu'e also did not refuse to come, and tried her best to help people solve problems.

When the widow returned from the night, she was dragged into the grass by the old beggar and told her to change her clothes

One day, a big man from the northeast hurriedly found Li Xiu'e. He said anxiously: "Daochang Li, my old mother was entangled by evil ghosts and couldn't sleep all night, can you go and help?" As soon as Li Xiu'e heard that she was from the Northeast, she was so kind in her heart that she immediately agreed: "Okay, I'll go with you!" Then she went to his house. When I arrived, the old lady was lying on the bed, her face was pale, her eyes were hollow, and she looked like she was entangled in evil spirits. Li Xiu'e asked the man to go out, closed the door, and began to cast a spell. After casting a spell, the old lady's face gradually became rosy, and her spirit improved. She opened her eyes, saw Li Xiu'e, and said excitedly: "Thank you, Daochang Li!" Now I can get a good night's sleep! Li Xiu'e smiled and said, "Old lady, you are too polite, this is what I should do." Before leaving, she also told the man a few words and asked him to pay more attention to the old lady's physical condition.

Li Xiu'e, that's the patron saint of Maoshan, she is like a tumbler, she has been guarding that land, looking at us villagers. Her good spells, coupled with her clever ideas, made this place smooth and harmonious, and became a beautiful scenery in everyone's hearts. Let's talk about this matter today, do you think it's quite mysterious and in-depth? If you think we speak well, then give us a big thumbs up and give us a cheer! Next time, we'll give you some other fun, and let's continue to talk about the secrets of Maoshan Mountain.

Li Xiu'e's reputation is like the lotus flower in the water town in the south of the Yangtze River, the more fragrant it becomes, and it is known to everyone. There was a guest who came from afar, and he traveled thousands of miles to find her to untie the knot. As for her, she didn't disappoint everyone, every time she made a move, it was the Maoshan spell, one move and one style, to drive away those evil spirits, so that everyone could live in peace.

When the widow returned from the night, she was dragged into the grass by the old beggar and told her to change her clothes

But the good times didn't last long, and when the fame was great, it attracted some inconsistencies. One day, a guy who called himself a "master of northern Taoism" came to the door with a swagger, saying that Li Xiu'e's spell was pediatric in his eyes, and his real ability was there. As soon as Li Xiu'e heard it, she understood in her heart that this guy was here to kick the gym. She was not ambiguous, and directly the man. The two of you went back and forth, and after fighting for a few rounds, the "master" was a little overwhelmed. As soon as he saw that the situation was not good, he played a trick, took out a black thing from his arms, and threw it at Li Xiu'e.

Li Xiu'e was quick to catch the thing, and when she saw it, it turned out to be a black bell. As soon as the bell was caught, it began to make that creepy sound, and it sounded like there were countless evil spirits wailing there. Li Xiu'e's heart tightened, knowing that this thing was not a good stubble. She took a deep breath and began to recite Maoshan's mental method, wanting to suppress the evil aura of the bell. But the evil spirit of the bell was too strong, and Li Xiu'e couldn't suppress it after reading it for a long time, but her mind was a little confused.

At this moment, the old beggar suddenly appeared. As soon as he saw this formation, he knew that his apprentice was in serious trouble. Without saying a word, the old beggar took out a handful of golden dust from his bosom and waved it at the bell, and the bell was sucked by the dust. Then the old beggar began to recite an old incantation, which was so loud that it shook everyone around him a little dazed. As the incantation was recited, the evil aura of the bell slowly dissipated. Finally, the bell fell to the ground with a "snap" and turned into a pile of scrap metal.

When the widow returned from the night, she was dragged into the grass by the old beggar and told her to change her clothes

When the "master" saw that his magic weapon was broken, his face changed, and he turned around and wanted to slip away. But how could the old beggar let him run away? grabbed the collar of the "master" and carried him to Li Xiu'e. "Apprentice, this person is here to make trouble, you can do it yourself!" As he spoke, the old beggar threw the "tall man" to the ground. Li Xiu'e looked at the "master" on the ground and understood a little in her heart. She stepped forward, her eyes were as cold as popsicles, and she said, "You go quickly, don't come in the future." When the self-proclaimed "master" heard this, he got up as if he had picked up a big bargain, and slipped away in disgrace. The old beggar looked at the apprentice's performance, nodded happily, and praised: "Apprentice, well done!" Although this time is a bit of a twist and turn, it can be regarded as tempering your Dao heart. Li Xiu'e replied with a smile: "Master, you are too polite, this is all taught by you well!" The two looked at each other and smiled, and the relationship between master and apprentice became even stronger.

As the days passed, Li Xiu'e's spells became more and more good. Not only can she help people exorcise evil spirits, but she can also cure some incurable diseases. Everyone said that she was the living Bodhisattva of Maoshan and the savior of everyone. One day, a young man from the Northeast hurriedly came to the door, looking anxious: "Daochang Li, our Nagada has been haunted so much recently that people are afraid to go out, can you go and help?" When Li Xiu'e heard that she was from the northeast, her heart warmed a little, and she said happily: "Okay, I'll go with you!" ”

Following the young man back to his hometown, the whole village was enveloped in an eerie atmosphere. Li Xiu'e didn't drag the mud and water, and directly cast spells. After some tossing, I finally found the evil that was at work, and I dispelled it with one move. When the villagers saw that the evil cult had been driven away, they were as happy as the New Year, and they gathered around to thank Li Xiu'e. The young man was even more excited and tearful, and thanked him repeatedly. Li Xiu'e waved her hand and said, "You're welcome, this is what I should do!" Then she said goodbye to the villagers and returned to Maoshan.

When the widow returned from the night, she was dragged into the grass by the old beggar and told her to change her clothes