
The widow stole watermelons at night and was caught by a bachelor, widow: I will give you a baby

author:Kind Coffee S

Hey, we have such a thing in Gada in the Northeast, and we have to give you a good nag. In our small village on the southern border, there lives a widow named Xiu'e. Xiu'e is a smart person, but her fate is unfortunate, she died early, leaving her alone to pull the little baby. Her industriousness made the people in the village feel distressed when they saw her, and they sympathized with and respected her.

Next to Xiu'e's house, there is a melon field, and the person who grows melons is a bachelor named Tiezhu. Tie Zhu is very sincere, in addition to farming, he is guarding his green melon field. His melon, which looks really good, is big and thin-skinned, and when he bites it, the juice overflows, and it is sweet to the heart, and the people in the village have not patronized it.

One day, it was as dark as the bottom of a pot, Xiu'e lay on the bed and tossed and turned, feeling so sad in her heart. The rice tank at home has bottomed out, and the baby's tuition has not yet been settled, how can this be done? She suddenly thought of the melon field of the iron pillar, and said in her heart that if she could steal a few melons to sell, she might be able to solve her urgent need. Although she knew that this matter was not authentic, thinking about the difficulties of her orphans and widows, she gritted her teeth and decided to let it go.

The widow stole watermelons at night and was caught by a bachelor, widow: I will give you a baby

Xiu'e tiptoed out of the door and came to the edge of the melon field in the dark. She crouched down and cautiously reached for the round watermelon. Just as I was picking it vigorously, a gust of wind blew, and the watermelon leaves "rustled", which woke up the iron pillar. Tie Zhu sat up, rubbed his eyes, and looked out, and saw a dark shadow sneaking in the melon field. He thought to himself that this must be some kind of thief who did not have long eyes to steal melons, so he was furious, picked up a wooden stick, and walked silently towards the black shadow.

Xiu'e was in a hurry, when she suddenly felt movement behind her, and when she turned around, Tie Zhu walked towards her with a wooden stick. She was so frightened that her soul was about to fly, and the watermelon in her hand fell to the ground with a "pop". She wanted to run, but her legs were as weak as noodles and she couldn't move. Tie Zhu walked up to Xiu'e and raised the wooden stick to beat. Xiu'e closed her eyes tightly, waiting for that to happen. But the stick didn't fall, and I only heard a long sigh from the iron pillar: "Xiu'e, Xiu'e, why are you suffering?" ”

Xiu'e opened her eyes and saw that Tie Zhu's face was full of helplessness, and the wooden stick had been put down. She was ashamed and embarrassed, and tears flowed down her face. She choked up and said, "Brother Tiezhu, I'm ...... I just can't help it. There is no rice at home, and the baby's tuition can't be paid, so I ...... I just wanted to sell some watermelon for some money. Tie Zhu looked at Xiu'e's pitiful appearance, and felt uncomfortable. He sighed and said, "Xiu'e, why do you want to do this? If you have any difficulties, tell me, I will help if I can. ”

The widow stole watermelons at night and was caught by a bachelor, widow: I will give you a baby

When Xiu'e heard this, she couldn't cry even more. She knelt in front of Tiezhu with a "plop" and cried: "Brother Tiezhu, if you can help me get through this difficulty, I ...... I'm willing to give you a baby! As soon as these words came out, Tie Zhu was stunned. He looked at Xiu'e's sincere eyes, and his heart was mixed, and he didn't know what to say. Tie Zhu pulled Xiu'e up, and his voice was a little straightforward and concerned about the Northeasterners: "Xiu'e, what are you doing here?" We are both hard-working people, and it is natural for us to help each other. But this matter of having a child, it's not a joke, you have to think about it. Xiu'e wiped her tears and looked at Tie Zhu with a firm look: "Brother Tie Zhu, I know it in my heart." You're a good man, and I'm willing to live with you. As long as you nod your head, I'll give you a baby! Tie Zhu listened, his heart went up and down, he knew that Xiu'e was sincere, but he also knew the responsibility and responsibility behind it. He was silent for a while before he said, "Xiu'e, I have to think about this matter." You go home first, don't freeze. Xiu'e nodded, glanced at Tiezhu gratefully, and turned to leave. Tie Zhu watched her thin back disappear into the night, and his heart couldn't calm down for a long time......

Let's take a break and catch our breath. The fate of this Xiu'e and Tiezhu is really messy. Whether they can come together in the end depends on God's will. Let's talk about it next time. Let's go on to say that Xiu'e and Tie Zhu had such an affectionate conversation on the edge of the hazy melon field at night. Xiu'e proposed to marry Tie Zhu and give him a baby, but Tie Zhu's heart was in a mess and he didn't agree immediately. Tie Zhu returned to the melon shed, tossed and turned and couldn't sleep, thinking about Xiu'e's words repeatedly, this widow, really dare to think and dare to speak!

Early the next morning, Tie Zhu carried a few large watermelons and went straight to Xiu'e's house. He knocked on the door and put the watermelon on the table: "Sister Xiu'e, you can sell these watermelons in exchange for some rice and flour." Xiu'e looked at the iron pillar, tears shining in her eyes. She didn't expect Tie Zhu to help her so generously, and she felt both grateful and guilty. She whispered, "Brother Tiezhu, I'm ...... I really don't know how to thank you. Tie Zhu waved his hand: "Hey, thank you, we are all villagers, and we should help each other." You can take care of your children at home with peace of mind, and stop thinking about those crooked things. When Xiu'e heard this, she had mixed feelings in her heart. She knew that Tiezhu was reminding her of the events of last night, and she felt even more guilty. She looked at the back of the departing iron pillar, and secretly made up her mind in her heart.

The widow stole watermelons at night and was caught by a bachelor, widow: I will give you a baby

In the following days, Xiu'e seemed to be a different person. She no longer thinks about stealing melons and selling them for money, but gets up early and works greedily on the farm, and raises a few chickens and ducks, and the family gradually improves. She also went to help Tiezhu from time to time, and the relationship between the two became closer and closer. The people in the village looked at Xiu'e's changes and praised her for being a woman with backbone. As for Tiezhu, looking at Xiu'e's better and better days, he also felt relieved. But he always had a pimple in his heart, that is, the marriage proposed by Xiu'e before. That night, the iron pillar lay on the kang, tossing and turning, his heart was like a cat scratching, and he couldn't sleep. His mind was full of the eyes and words of Xiu'e that day, and his heart was full of ups and downs. Tie Zhu pondered, Xiu'e, this girl, is diligent, kind-hearted, and knows how to be grateful, if she can marry home, it will really be a treasure. But he muttered in his heart, how would the people in the village look at him as a bachelor, and if he married a widow, would he be laughed at?

The more Tie Zhu pondered, the more troublesome he became, and finally slapped his thigh and decided to discuss with the elders in the village. He went straight to the village chief's house and poured out the matter. When the village chief heard this, he pondered for a long time and said, "Tiezhu, you have to make your own decisions about this matter. Xiu'e is a good woman, yes, but marriage is not child's play. You have to figure it out, if you really like her and are willing to live with her for the rest of your life, then marry her; If there's still a lump in your heart, wait a little longer. ”

Tie Zhu listened to the words of the village chief, and his heart was even more bottomless. He returned to the melon shed and stared at the stars in a daze. At this moment, Xiu'e walked in with a basket. Seeing Tie Zhu in a daze, she asked with a smile, "Brother Tie Zhu, what do you want?" Tie Zhu was stunned for a moment, looking at Xiu'e's bright smile, his heart was hot. He plucked up his courage and said, "Sister Xiu'e, I'm ...... I'd like to discuss something with you. Xiu'e put down the basket and said, "What's the matter?" You said. ”

The widow stole watermelons at night and was caught by a bachelor, widow: I will give you a baby

Tie Zhu took a deep breath and said, "I...... I want to marry you. When Xiu'e heard this, she was stunned. She looked at Tie Zhu's serious eyes, and her heart blossomed. She said excitedly, "Brother Tiezhu, what you said is true? Are you really willing to marry me? Tiezhu nodded and said, "Well, I do." I've thought about it, you're a good person, and I'm willing to live with you. Xiu'e was moved to tears, threw herself into Tiezhu's arms, and said, "Brother Tiezhu, thank you!" I am willing to marry you! The two hugged each other tightly, and it felt like the whole world was still.

Soon, Tie Zhu and Xiu'e simply held a wedding. Everyone in the village came to congratulate them, and although the wedding was simple, they both had happy smiles on their faces. They know that as long as they truly love each other, they can overcome any difficulties. After marriage, the two worked together, helped each other, and faced the ups and downs of life together. The days are getting more and more prosperous, and the house is full of laughter.

A few years later, Xiu'e gave birth to a fat boy to Tiezhu, and the family of three lived a happy life. Everyone in the village said that Tie Zhu married a good wife, and Xiu'e also felt that she had found a good home. They have proved with practical actions that as long as they truly love each other, they can create a better future. Since Tie Zhu married Xiu'e, the village has become much more lively. The two of us are called diligent, and the outside of the house are neatly cleaned up and orderly. Look at the watermelons in the melon field, they grow brightly, and they are sweeter than ever. When the people in the village saw them, they all gave them a thumbs up and praised them as a model couple, and their lives were prosperous.

The widow stole watermelons at night and was caught by a bachelor, widow: I will give you a baby

Don't underestimate these two mouths, as the saying goes, every family has a scripture that is difficult to read. Although Tie Zhu and Xiu'e looked amiable, they also had a little pimple in their hearts. Xiu'e always felt sorry for the iron pillar in her heart, she took the initiative to kiss him, and said that she wanted to give him a baby. Xiu'e was happy and worried about this baby, afraid that Tie Zhu would think she was a burden.

As for the iron pillar, although he didn't say it, he muttered in his heart. He thought, he is a big man, and it is okay to marry a widow, but this widow still has a baby, how can he live in the future? He was afraid that the people in the village would gossip and point fingers.

That night, the two of them sat on the kang, the iron pillar smoked dry cigarettes, and Xiu'e took the soles of his shoes on the side. The house was quiet, and I heard the insects outside the window and the fire dancing in the light of the kang. Xiu'e couldn't hold it back, and spoke first: "Brother Tiezhu, do you have something on your mind?" Tie Zhu was stunned for a moment, and quickly knocked the cigarette pouch to the edge of the kang and said, "No, what can I do?" Xiu'e sighed and said, "I know what you're worried about, the people in our village are broken, and I also know that I have wronged you by marrying you." But you have to believe me, I will live a good life with you and raise the baby to be fat for nothing. When Tie Zhu heard this, there was a warm current in his heart. He looked up at Xiu'e's sincere eyes, and the worries in his heart flew away. He grabbed Xiu'e's hand and said, "Sister Xiu'e, don't say that. I married you because I like you, and I want to live with you. No matter what others say, let's just live our lives. When Xiu'e heard this, tears fell. She choked up and said, "Brother Tiezhu, you are so good. It's really the right thing in my life for me to marry you. ”

The widow stole watermelons at night and was caught by a bachelor, widow: I will give you a baby

The two of them just held hands, sat on the kang and talked for most of the night. Since then, their relationship has deepened. When the people of the village saw them again, they could feel the happiness and satisfaction that emanated from them. As the days passed, Xiu'e's belly gradually grew bigger. Tie Zhu treated her as a baby, and didn't let her do any work, so he let her rest at home. The people in the village were very envious when they saw it, saying that Tie Zhu was really a good man who would love his daughter-in-law.

Finally, on a sunny morning, Xiu'e gave birth to a big fat boy to Tiezhu. Tie Zhu was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth, and walked around the village several times with his son in his arms. People in the village came to say goodbye, saying that the import of Tiezhu's family was a great joy. Xiu'e looked at the kid in front of her, as well as the iron pillar next to her, and her heart was full of gratitude and happiness. She understands that she has picked the right person and found the right home in her life. She secretly swore in her heart that she would have to live a good life in the future, and pull her son up with Tiezhu to make him a promising adult. Time flies, a few years have passed, and my son has grown into a sensible young man, smart and clever, with top academic performance, and always helping the family with farm work. Tie Zhu and Xiu'e watched their son grow up day by day, and their hearts blossomed.

One night, the family sat around the kang and chatted over dinner. Tie Zhu suddenly said: "Xiu'e, it is really a destiny for the two of us to meet in this life." Look at our son, how well we have been raised, these days are getting more and more delicious, I am really satisfied. When Xiu'e heard this, her heart was warm, and she responded with a smile: "Yes, Brother Tiezhu, it's not easy for the two of us to come together." In the future, we have to continue to live a good life, raise our son as an adult, and let him live a better life than us. ”

The widow stole watermelons at night and was caught by a bachelor, widow: I will give you a baby

In this way, Tie Zhu and Xiu'e have been living a happy and happy life. With their own hands and wisdom, they kept their homes in good order and became the envy of the villagers. Their story also spread in the village and became a good story. That's the story we're going to tell today. Tie Zhu and Xiu'e, two hard-working people, finally came together and lived a happy life. Their stories tell us that as long as we maintain a kind and sincere heart, we can find our own happiness and beauty. Okay, that's all for today's story, we'll see you next time!

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