
Zhu Tie, a poor boy, fell in love with his wife at first sight, had no scandals in his 10-year marriage, and lived as a winner in life

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Zhu Tie, a poor boy, fell in love with his wife at first sight, had no scandals in his 10-year marriage, and lived as a winner in life
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Zhu Tie, a poor boy, fell in love with his wife at first sight, had no scandals in his 10-year marriage, and lived as a winner in life

On Teacher's Day in 2009, 34-year-old Zhu Tie stood in front of the window, his fingers trembling slightly. He took a deep breath and summoned up the courage to dial the number that had been on his phone for a full decade.

"Ye Liang, hello, I'm Zhu Tie." A gentle but confused female voice came from the other end of the line, apparently unimpressed by the name.

Zhu Tie's heart beat faster, trying to calm his nervous emotions. He explained softly: "I'm Tian Feng's friend, I don't know if you remember?" If it's convenient, we can spend this Teacher's Day together.

This seemingly ordinary call was a turning point in Zhu Tie's life. It not only unveiled an unforgettable love story, but also became the starting point for this "drama celebrity is not popular" actor to reach the pinnacle of life.

Zhu Tie, a poor boy, fell in love with his wife at first sight, had no scandals in his 10-year marriage, and lived as a winner in life

Zhu Tie never thought that this long-planned phone call would completely change the trajectory of his life.

Zhu Tie was born in a military family, but his family was not wealthy. In 1995, 19-year-old Zhu Tie was admitted to the Central Academy of Drama with excellent results, opening a new door for his life.

However, this joy is quickly diluted by the reality of the predicament. In order to raise money for tuition, Zhu Tie's parents traveled around and borrowed money from relatives and friends, and finally managed to barely scrape together the required expenses.

Zhu Tie, who stepped into the university campus, was full of longing for the future, but he also felt inferior because of his family's poverty. In the cold winter, he wore shabby clothes, and couldn't help but bow his head when he looked at the youthful appearance of his classmates around him.

Zhu Tie, a poor boy, fell in love with his wife at first sight, had no scandals in his 10-year marriage, and lived as a winner in life

This experience left a deep imprint on Zhu Tie's heart, and it also made him cherish the hard-won learning opportunity even more.

In order to escape the predicament of reality, Zhu Tie chose to devote all his energy to studying. He knew that his parents had paid a huge price for him to study, so he cherished this opportunity.

During his time at school, Zhu Tie maintained excellent academic performance and became a leader in the eyes of his teachers. At the same time, he also performed well in drama performances, winning warm applause from the audience.

However, in terms of feelings, Zhu Tie seemed to be cringe. Seeing that the campus was filled with the smell of love, he couldn't help but ask himself: "I can't even take care of myself, how can I give happiness to others?" This inferiority complex makes him always seem timid when he comes into contact with girls, and even avoids eye contact.

Zhu Tie, a poor boy, fell in love with his wife at first sight, had no scandals in his 10-year marriage, and lived as a winner in life

In his daily study and drama rehearsals, Zhu Tie tried to avoid contact with girls, forming an embarrassing situation.

After four years of college life, Zhu Tie gradually became taciturn from a cheerful and lively teenager. But at the same time, his acting skills and knowledge are also accumulating, laying a solid foundation for his future acting career.

This arduous study experience not only exercised Zhu Tie's will, but also cultivated his indomitable character, laying a solid foundation for his future development in the entertainment industry.

Despite facing many difficulties, Zhu Tie never gave up his vision and pursuit of the future. With his own efforts and persistence, he has transformed step by step from a poor teenager to an outstanding student of central opera, opening a door full of hope for his next acting career.

Zhu Tie, a poor boy, fell in love with his wife at first sight, had no scandals in his 10-year marriage, and lived as a winner in life

After graduation, Zhu Tie successfully entered the National Theater and officially embarked on the road of acting. By chance, he was invited to participate in the TV series "Mountain or Mountain", which became the starting point of his acting career.

Zhu Tie knows the preciousness of opportunities, and every time he gets a development opportunity, he will go all out and interpret each role with his heart.

In 2001, Zhu Tie participated in the TV series "Flying Knife Love" adapted from Gu Long's novel, which was an important turning point in his acting career. Then in 2002, he played the role of Da Shaoyang Jin Fengju in the hit drama "The Family of Gold Powder", this personable and sentimental character made him stand out on the screen and won the love and recognition of the audience.

Zhu Tie's acting skills and charm began to be noticed by more people, laying the foundation for his future development.

Zhu Tie, a poor boy, fell in love with his wife at first sight, had no scandals in his 10-year marriage, and lived as a winner in life

Subsequently, Zhu Tie's acting career began to flourish. He co-starred with the famous actor Ma Jingtao in "Spring Flowers and Autumn Moon", and also starred in "Videotape" directed by Zhao Baogang.

These works not only enhanced Zhu Tie's popularity, but also made him make greater progress in his acting skills. In his career, works such as "The Holy Land of the West", "Years Like Songs" and "Fighting Youth" have achieved high ratings and become the best in the genre.

However, the success of his career did not change Zhu Tie's attitude towards life. He has always maintained a low-key and humble style, devoted himself to his acting career, and has never been involved in any negative news.

This kind of focus and persistence has made him unique in the entertainment industry and won the respect of industry insiders and audiences.

Zhu Tie, a poor boy, fell in love with his wife at first sight, had no scandals in his 10-year marriage, and lived as a winner in life

In 2012, Zhu Tie ushered in another peak in his career. His collaboration with Zhu Yawen "Under the Zhengyang Gate" became popular on the screen, and this work not only received high ratings, but also made Zhu Tie's acting skills more recognized.

Then in 2013, he co-starred with Li Xiaolu and Jia Nailiang in "Male Obstetric Doctor", which also received great attention.

Zhu Tie's acting career continues to heat up, and he has starred in or participated in popular dramas such as "If You Can Love Like This", "Mother Like a Flower", "Little Huanxi", "Qingping Le" and "Fox Hunting".

These works not only consolidated Zhu Tie's status in the hearts of the audience, but also further improved and recognized his acting skills.

Zhu Tie, a poor boy, fell in love with his wife at first sight, had no scandals in his 10-year marriage, and lived as a winner in life

Zhu Tie's ability to shape the role has been greatly improved. Whether it is a small life in the Republic of China, a costume drama, or a modern urban theme, he can easily interpret the role to the fullest.

This kind of diversified performance ability has allowed Zhu Tie to occupy a unique position in the entertainment industry and become an indispensable powerful actor in the hearts of the audience.

However, in stark contrast to the brilliance of his career, Zhu Tie's love life has always been a blank. Among male actors of his age, girlfriends change frequently, but he is the only one who always sticks to his single position.

Although Zhu Tie, who is busy with his career, does not feel lonely, his friend Tian Feng sees it in his eyes and is anxious in his heart, and has been worrying about Zhu Tie's lifelong affairs.

Zhu Tie, a poor boy, fell in love with his wife at first sight, had no scandals in his 10-year marriage, and lived as a winner in life

Zhu Tie's acting career, from the initial hardships to the later glory, embodies his efforts and persistence over the years. He used his strength to prove that as long as he focuses on the performing arts and maintains his original intention, he will definitely be able to gain a firm foothold in this highly competitive industry and win the love and respect of the audience.

During the ten years that Zhu Tie was busy with his career, his friend Tian Feng has been silently matchmaking for him. Every time they got together, Tian Feng would mention Ye Liang's name and ask her about her current situation, trying to create an opportunity for Zhu Tie to get acquainted with Ye Liang.

Although Zhu Tie had never seen Ye Liang with his own eyes, through Tian Feng's description, he had an inexplicable liking and interest in this girl.

On Teacher's Day in 2009, 34-year-old Zhu Tie finally mustered up the courage to dial the phone number that had been kept in his mobile phone for ten years. When the phone was connected, Zhu Tie's heart beat faster, he took a deep breath, and said softly: "Ye Liang, hello, I'm Zhu Tie."

Zhu Tie, a poor boy, fell in love with his wife at first sight, had no scandals in his 10-year marriage, and lived as a winner in life

Facing Ye Liang's doubts, Zhu Tie explained gently: "I am the little actor that Tian Feng often mentions, I don't know if you still have an impression?" If you want, we can spend this Teacher's Day together.

Zhu Tie's sincerity touched Ye Liang, and she did not refuse this rare opportunity to get together.

When they first met, both of them appeared in their truest appearances and did not deliberately embellish themselves. As Tian Feng expected, Zhu Tie was deeply attracted at the first sight of Ye Liang.

Ye Liang's gentle temperament and intellectual charm are exactly what Zhu Tie has been looking for. This is probably the so-called love at first sight.

Zhu Tie, a poor boy, fell in love with his wife at first sight, had no scandals in his 10-year marriage, and lived as a winner in life

However, Zhu Tie was not in a hurry to confess. Instead, he chose a more stable way to pursue Ye Liang. From that day on, Zhu Tie began a year-long pursuit journey.

Every day, he would invite Ye Liang to dinner and watch movies, just like a couple in love. In this process, Zhu Tie showed a completely different side from the screen image.

Ye Liang gradually discovered that Zhu Tie, the personable and ruffian "eldest young master" on the screen, was such a gentle and considerate man in real life. He cares about Ye Liang very much, and he can always reflect his care and care for her in the subtleties.

This contrast not only did not disappoint Ye Liang, but made her even more fascinated.

Zhu Tie, a poor boy, fell in love with his wife at first sight, had no scandals in his 10-year marriage, and lived as a winner in life

As time passed, Ye Liang gradually fell in love with Zhu Tie. She was moved by Zhu Tie's sincerity and persistence, and was also attracted by his dedication and achievements in his career.

The relationship between the two is heating up day by day, and finally in 2010, the lovers entered the palace of marriage hand in hand.

Soon after their marriage, in 2011, they ushered in the crystallization of their love - their daughter. 34-year-old Zhu Tie finally has a warm family of his own.

This "prodigal son", who has been adrift for many years, has found his home.

Zhu Tie, a poor boy, fell in love with his wife at first sight, had no scandals in his 10-year marriage, and lived as a winner in life

The love story of Zhu Tie and Ye Liang is like a well-choreographed movie. From the initial miss, to the reunion ten years later, to the one-year pursuit, and finally to the positive result.

The preciousness of this relationship lies not only in its hard-won, but also in Zhu Tie's persistence and persistence in love. With ten years of waiting and one year of pursuit, he proved the power of true love, and also composed a moving love song for his life.

Today, the 44-year-old Zhu Tie has become a winner in life. In the complex entertainment industry, he has always adhered to his original intention, been diligent and dedicated, and focused on creating excellent film and television works.

Zhu Tie's career is like a wonderful movie, from obscurity to fame, every step of the way confirms his talent and hard work.

Zhu Tie, a poor boy, fell in love with his wife at first sight, had no scandals in his 10-year marriage, and lived as a winner in life

In terms of family, Zhu Tie and Ye Liang's marriage is happy and happy. For ten years, they have been working together to run this warm little home. Zhu Tie used practical actions to interpret his deep affection for his wife and his firm protection of the family.

In addition to his busy filming schedule, he always finds time to spend with his family as much as possible and balance his career and family.

In his career, Zhu Tie's achievements are obvious to all. The vivid characters he created left a deep impression on the audience. From "Little Life of the Republic of China" to costume dramas, and then to modern urban themes, Zhu Tie's performances are all wonderful.

His works such as "Under the Zhengyang Gate", "Obstetric Male Doctor", "If You Can Love Like This", etc., have become topics that the audience talks about.

Zhu Tie, a poor boy, fell in love with his wife at first sight, had no scandals in his 10-year marriage, and lived as a winner in life

Zhu Tie's success is not only reflected in his acting career and family life, but also in his consistent attitude towards the world. He maintains his love and focus on his acting career, and at the same time cherishes his hard-won happy family.

This balance and persistence made Zhu Tie truly an all-round winner in life at the age of 44.

Despite creating many outstanding works, Zhu Tie still maintains a low-key posture of "drama celebrities are not popular". This contrast is perhaps what makes him so appealing as a true artist.

In his 21-year acting career, Zhu Tie has cooperated with many well-known actresses, but he has always maintained a record of zero scandals, which can be called a clear stream in the entertainment industry.

Zhu Tie, a poor boy, fell in love with his wife at first sight, had no scandals in his 10-year marriage, and lived as a winner in life

Zhu Tie proved with his actions that an excellent actor does not need to rely on hype and scandals to gain attention, and the real strength is the most dazzling light. He focuses on his performing arts, pouring all his passion into each role, and this professionalism has earned him the respect of industry insiders and audiences alike.

Zhu Tie's success is not only the success of his acting skills, but also the victory of personality charm, showing the character and pursuit that a successful artist should have.

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