
Liu Tingzuo: Born in the second generation of wealth, he became an acting school without being a university teacher, and at the age of 43, he has a wife and daughter

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Liu Tingzuo: Born in the second generation of wealth, he became an acting school without being a university teacher, and at the age of 43, he has a wife and daughter
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Liu Tingzuo: Born in the second generation of wealth, he became an acting school without being a university teacher, and at the age of 43, he has a wife and daughter

On the screen, he is the villain who makes the audience gnash their teeth; In reality, he is a low-key actor. Liu Tingzuo, this name may not be familiar, but the characters he created are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

From Yuan Jun in "Blood Romance", to the eunuch Feng Jia in "The Legend of Miyue", and then to Yang Doujin in "Three Sisters", Liu Ting's superb acting skills have won the title of "male version of Mama Rong".

However, what is puzzling is why such a powerful actor has never been able to become a star in the limelight? What is the story behind this 43-year-old married man? Born in the second generation of the rich and giving up a stable university teaching position, why did he choose to work silently in the entertainment industry? Let's unravel the mystery of this acting school together.

Liu Tingzuo's story begins with a prominent military family. His father was the director of the Political Department of the Air Force of the Military Region, and his family was well-off and lived in a mansion in Beijing. However, this privileged environment did not allow Liu Ting to be pampered, on the contrary, he underwent an extremely strict family education.

Liu Tingzuo: Born in the second generation of wealth, he became an acting school without being a university teacher, and at the age of 43, he has a wife and daughter

In this military family, "mixed doubles" is not uncommon. His parents were extremely strict with Liu Tingzuo's discipline, hoping that he could inherit his father's mantle and become a soldier.

However, this rigorous education method unexpectedly inspired Liu Tingzuo's desire for freedom and his love for the performing arts.

The young Liu Tingzuo was full of contradictions. On the one hand, he is well aware of what his parents expect of him; On the other hand, his passion for acting is as volcanic as a volcano. In the end, he made a decision that disappointed his parents - to apply for the Beijing Film Academy.

The decision was undoubtedly difficult. Faced with his parents' incomprehension and disappointment, Liu Tingzuo struggled but remained firm. He knew that this road was not easy, but his inner voice told him that he had to be brave enough to follow his dreams.

Liu Tingzuo: Born in the second generation of wealth, he became an acting school without being a university teacher, and at the age of 43, he has a wife and daughter

During his study career at the Beijing Film Academy, Liu Tingzuo eagerly absorbed the knowledge and skills of acting. His talent and hard work quickly paid off. Soon after graduating, the opportunity came, and he played the role of "Yuan Jun" in the hit drama "Blood Romance".

Although Yuan Jun does not have many roles in the play, Liu Tingzuo's performance is amazing. He vividly interprets this lively and lovely, bold and upright, brave and resolute character.

The audience was moved by his natural and smooth performance, and this rookie actor, who was only in his twenties, established his status in the entertainment industry in one fell swoop.

This breakthrough performance not only proved that his choice was correct, but also strengthened his determination to continue to pursue his acting career. Mr. Liu began to believe that he had the ability to take his place in this highly competitive industry.

Liu Tingzuo: Born in the second generation of wealth, he became an acting school without being a university teacher, and at the age of 43, he has a wife and daughter

However, the road of life is never easy. Just when Liu Tingzuo thought that he could take advantage of the victory and pursue it and show his strength in the entertainment industry, he faced an unexpected choice.

This choice will once again test his love and determination for his acting career.

After the success of "Blood Romance", Liu Tingzuo's acting career seems to be about to soar. However, surprisingly, he did not immediately plunge into the entertainment industry, but made a surprising decision - to stay and teach at the Beijing Film Academy.

This choice seems to be contrary to his original intention of pursuing his dream of being an actor, but for Liu Tingzuo at that time, it was a rational and mature decision. On the one hand, this choice can alleviate parents' worries about his future and can be regarded as a kind of compensation for them. On the other hand, this also gave Liu Tingzuo an opportunity to accumulate experience in a relatively stable environment and prepare for his future acting career.

Liu Tingzuo: Born in the second generation of wealth, he became an acting school without being a university teacher, and at the age of 43, he has a wife and daughter

As a class teacher, Liu Tingzuo also serves as a line teacher and an acting teacher. In his career in education, he found new joy. Passing on what he has learned to his students and watching them grow up on the road of performance is a sense of accomplishment that Liu Tingzuo feels gratifying.

He was passionate about teaching and constantly improving himself in the process of preaching and teaching.

Over time, however, Liu Tingzuo began to realize his limitations. Although he has a wealth of theoretical knowledge, his lack of practical experience makes it difficult for him to give more substantive guidance to his students.

This dilemma made him start to re-examine his career choices.

Liu Tingzuo: Born in the second generation of wealth, he became an acting school without being a university teacher, and at the age of 43, he has a wife and daughter

Deep down, that dream of becoming a good actor has never disappeared. Whenever he saw the students shining on the stage, Liu Tingzuo would feel an inexplicable restlessness.

The choice was not easy. Teachers have stable jobs, are able to meet the expectations of their parents, and also have a certain social status. And the profession of an actor is full of uncertainties, and you need to face fierce competition and possible failure.

But Liu Ting made it clear that this was the real desire in his heart.

After careful consideration, Liu Tingzuo made a bold decision - to resign from his teaching position and devote himself to his acting career. It takes a lot of courage to make this decision, because it means giving up the foundation of the business that has been established and starting anew.

Liu Tingzuo: Born in the second generation of wealth, he became an acting school without being a university teacher, and at the age of 43, he has a wife and daughter

However, Liu Tingzuo's courage and self-confidence did not come out of nowhere. He knows that he has a deep acting foundation and is backed by the support of his family. Although his parents may be disappointed in his choice, he believes that as long as he achieves success in acting, he will eventually make his parents understand and be proud of him.

In this way, Liu Tingzuo once again embarked on the journey of chasing the dream of being an actor. This time, with more experience and determination, he is ready to make a big splash in the entertainment industry. Although the road ahead is full of unknowns, he believes that as long as he sticks to his dreams, he will eventually achieve something.

This decision marked an important turning point in Liu Tingzuo's life. Since then, he has devoted himself to his acting career, starting his long-term cultivation in the entertainment industry, and also laying the groundwork for becoming a "villain professional" in the eyes of the audience in the future.

After returning to the entertainment industry, Liu Tingzuo showed an admirable professional attitude and unique working methods. He adheres to a seemingly uncanny habit of shooting without a script.

Liu Tingzuo: Born in the second generation of wealth, he became an acting school without being a university teacher, and at the age of 43, he has a wife and daughter

This approach is extremely demanding for the actors, who not only need to be fully familiar with their roles and lines, but also have a good understanding of the performances of the co-actors.

For Liu Tingzuo, this habit stems from his persistent pursuit of the performing arts. He believes that only by completely abandoning the shackles of the script can he truly enter the role and present the most natural and authentic performance.

Even in large-scale projects where hundreds of scenes are filmed, he adheres to this principle, which undoubtedly adds great difficulty and pressure to himself.

However, it is this almost demanding self-requirement that makes Liu Tingzuo's performance even better. He is able to interact with other actors with ease, improvisation, as if he is actually living in the character.

Liu Tingzuo: Born in the second generation of wealth, he became an acting school without being a university teacher, and at the age of 43, he has a wife and daughter

This way of acting not only won the appreciation of the director and peers, but also made the audience feel the authenticity and vividness of the characters.

In addition to strict self-management, Liu Tingzuo also has a unique method of preparing for performances - going deep into life to experience the role. He often goes to public places such as vegetable markets and parks to observe the living conditions of ordinary people, capturing subtle expressions, movements and language characteristics.

These seemingly ordinary details can play an unexpected effect in Liu Tingzuo's performance, making the characters he creates more plump and three-dimensional.

has been up and down in the entertainment industry for many years, Liu Tingzuo has always adhered to his belief: real success comes from real works and well-shaped characters, not the so-called "shortcuts".

Liu Tingzuo: Born in the second generation of wealth, he became an acting school without being a university teacher, and at the age of 43, he has a wife and daughter

He believes that instead of paying too much attention to whether he is popular, it is better to calm down and ponder each role and prove himself with acting skills.

This kind of persistence and persistence has won Liu Tingzuo respect in the entertainment industry. While he may not be the brightest star, he is undoubtedly an admirable artist.

From the sinister and cunning eunuch Feng Jia in "The Legend of Miyue", to the scheming Yang Doujin in "Three Sisters", and then to the greedy Yin Ji in "The Wind Rises in Longxi", Liu Ting's superb acting skills have created impressive characters.

In Liu Tingzuo's view, being an actor is not only a job, but also an artistic pursuit. His story tells us that persistence and perseverance may be more important than talent on the road of acting.

Liu Tingzuo: Born in the second generation of wealth, he became an acting school without being a university teacher, and at the age of 43, he has a wife and daughter

Outside the spotlight, Liu Tingzuo has an enviable happy family. In 2013, he met his wife through matchmaking, and soon fell in love and entered the palace of marriage.

Soon after, they fell in love with their daughter and formed a warm little family.

This marriage, which began in a traditional way, unexpectedly became the most precious gift in Liu Tingzuo's life. is different from the characters on the screen, Liu Tingzuo in real life is a peaceful and warm family man.

The way he gets along with his wife is not a vigorous romance, but a little bit of warmth in life.

Liu Tingzuo: Born in the second generation of wealth, he became an acting school without being a university teacher, and at the age of 43, he has a wife and daughter

In between busy shoots, Liu Tingzuo always finds time to spend with his family as much as possible. They will cook a delicious dinner together and share interesting facts about each other's lives.

When one party is tired, the other party will silently massage the shoulder; When setbacks are encountered, they encourage each other to face them together. This kind of ordinary and sincere love has become an important support for Liu Tingzuo to maintain his original intention in the highly competitive entertainment industry.

Liu Tingzuo often lamented that his wife's tolerance and support was his greatest luck. She not only understands and supports her husband's career choices, but also gives him the greatest care in life.

This unconditional love and support made Liu Tingzuo more determined on the road of pursuing his acting career.

Liu Tingzuo: Born in the second generation of wealth, he became an acting school without being a university teacher, and at the age of 43, he has a wife and daughter

Outside of work, Liu enjoys fishing, golfing, and even e-sports. These seemingly ordinary pieces of life are his way of balancing work and life, and they are also the source of inspiration for his performances.

He believes that only by living authentically can the true charm of the character be shown in the performance.

Although he enjoys the evaluation of "drama celebrities are not popular" in the entertainment industry, Liu Tingzuo's life is full of comfort and tranquility. He cherishes this happiness in the ordinary, which may be the reason why he can always maintain his original intention in the highly competitive entertainment industry.

For Liu Tingzuo, family happiness is as important as career success, and this balance is the true meaning of his life.

Liu Tingzuo: Born in the second generation of wealth, he became an acting school without being a university teacher, and at the age of 43, he has a wife and daughter

Today, 43-year-old Liu Tingzuo is still active in the entertainment industry and continues to challenge various roles. Although he is often referred to as a "jack-of-all-trades" supporting role, this has not shaken his love and pursuit of acting.

Recently, in the popular TV series "Ordinary Road", Liu Tingzuo once again showed his superb acting skills, even if it was only a dozen minutes of scenes, he still left a deep impression on the audience.

Liu Tingzuo firmly believes that as long as he maintains his original intention and constantly improves himself, one day he will usher in a glorious moment that truly belongs to him. He looks forward to one day becoming a superstar in the eyes of everyone, but what he cherishes more is the pursuit of nature and a stable attitude towards life.

For the future, Liu Tingzuo is full of confidence. He knows that there is no end to the road of being an actor, and every role is a new challenge and opportunity. Whether it is continuing to create a villain that the audience hates so much, or trying more types of characters, he will go all out and perform it with his heart.

Liu Tingzuo: Born in the second generation of wealth, he became an acting school without being a university teacher, and at the age of 43, he has a wife and daughter

Liu Tingzuo's story tells us that success lies not only in fame and fortune, but also in perseverance in dreams and love for life. He interprets the profession of actor in his own way, and continues to write his wonderful life on the road of acting.

For Liu Tingzuo, his acting career is a never-ending performance, and he is composing this wonderful life drama in his own way.

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