
Li Changyu: Song Miaojuan is the most important woman in my life for me besides my mother

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Li Changyu: Song Miaojuan is the most important woman in my life for me besides my mother
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and take a walk, get rich forever, pay attention to the like, it is difficult to get rich if you don't want to
Li Changyu: Song Miaojuan is the most important woman in my life for me besides my mother

On a hot afternoon in July 2017, a 78-year-old Chinese woman passed away quietly in a ward at New Haven Hospital in Connecticut, New York. At the bedside, a gray-haired man held her hand tightly, tears welling up in his eyes.

This man is the world-renowned "Chinese Detective" Li Changyu, and the woman who passed away was his wife Song Miaojuan, who had been with him for 56 years.

Li Changyu choked up and said, "Except for my mother, she is the most important woman in my life. This sentence shows the weight of Song Miaojuan in his heart. However, what few people know is that it was this unknown woman who laid a solid foundation for Li Changyu's legendary life.

Her departure is not only a major personal loss for Li Changyu, but also an end to a little-known legend.

Li Changyu: Song Miaojuan is the most important woman in my life for me besides my mother

On an ordinary afternoon in Taipei in 1962, young police sergeant Lee Chang-yu was dealing with a routine case of expired documents. When he looked up and saw the young woman standing in front of him, an indescribable feeling instantly welled up in his heart.

The 20-year-old girl, Song Miaojuan, is from Malaysia and is studying at National Normal University in Taiwan.

Attracted by Song Miaojuan's temperament, Li Changyu offered to help her pay the fine, and took the opportunity to ask for contact information. From that day on, he began to appear frequently near the Normal University, always "coincidentally" meeting Song Miaojuan.

Whenever Song Miaojuan participated in the school basketball game, Li Changyu would bring a few friends to the scene to cheer her on.

Li Changyu: Song Miaojuan is the most important woman in my life for me besides my mother

The two quickly fell in love and had a grand wedding in Taipei. Soon after their marriage, they returned to Song Miaojuan's hometown of Malaysia and held another wedding with the blessing of her father.

In this way, the couple had a marriage certificate from both places, which became a fond memory that they often talked about in the future.

However, a comfortable life could not satisfy Lee's thirst for knowledge. In 1963, he decided to go to the United States for further study. Faced with her husband's decision, Song Miaojuan did not hesitate to choose to walk with him and face unknown challenges together.

And so, with little savings of $50 and enthusiasm, the young couple embarked on a long journey across the Pacific Ocean.

Li Changyu: Song Miaojuan is the most important woman in my life for me besides my mother

Standing in a foreign land, they looked at each other and smiled, their eyes full of hope for the future and trust in each other. Although the road ahead is full of unknowns and hardships, they firmly believe that as long as they work together, there is no difficulty that cannot be overcome.

This seemingly accidental encounter actually started the common life journey of Li Changyu and Song Miaojuan. From the first encounter at the Taipei Police Station, to the wedding in Malaysia, to the resolute departure to the United States, every step has witnessed their deep affection and common ideals.

Song Miaojuan once recalled: "At that time, I was moved by his sincerity and kindness, he worked seriously and responsibly, and cared for me, so I gladly accepted his pursuit."

This original intention has become an important force to support them through the difficult years ahead.

Li Changyu: Song Miaojuan is the most important woman in my life for me besides my mother

The first days in the United States were a challenging time for Li Changyu and Song Miaojuan. In order to complete his studies, Li Changyu had to juggle multiple jobs at the same time.

During the day, he works as a waiter in a restaurant, serving dishes and pouring tea for customers; At night, he worked as a technician in the laboratory, immersed in complicated experiments; On weekends, he also teaches Chinese martial arts to earn extra money.

Despite his busy schedule, Lee managed to complete what would have taken four years to complete in just two and a half years, eventually earning his Ph.D. with amazing perseverance.

In these difficult years, Song Miaojuan has always been Li Changyu's most solid backing. She wakes up early and works late to earn a small income by taking care of other people's children.

Li Changyu: Song Miaojuan is the most important woman in my life for me besides my mother

In the dead of night, she often stands alone in front of the window, looking at the lights in the distance, imagining her husband working in the laboratory, and the corners of her mouth can't help but show a relieved and distressed smile.

Whenever Li Changyu felt frustrated due to academic pressure, Song Miaojuan would always encourage him with gentle but firm words: "Honey, I believe you will succeed."

Let's work together, and one day there will be light. Such words have become Li Changyu's spiritual pillar in the most difficult moment.

Even after Changyu Li received her Ph.D. and became a professor at the University of New Haven, Ms. Song did not stop herself. She travels by train every day between the New York City area and her home, imparting knowledge to her students.

Li Changyu: Song Miaojuan is the most important woman in my life for me besides my mother

During this period, although the couple was very busy, their mutual understanding and support made them cherish the time they spent together even more.

In 1979, Li Changyu ushered in an important turning point in his career and became the director of the criminal laboratory of the Connecticut Police Department. When her living situation began to improve, Song Miaojuan quit her job as a teacher to concentrate on taking care of her family.

She often said to Li Changyu: "Your success is my greatest happiness." This simple and unpretentious sentence expresses her heart for many years of silent dedication.

Song Miaojuan's dedication interprets the famous saying "Behind every successful man, there is an unknown woman". In her own way, she paved the way for Lee's success and became an integral part of his life.

Li Changyu: Song Miaojuan is the most important woman in my life for me besides my mother

Her tenacity and dedication not only supported a family, but also made a legend of a "Chinese detective".

With the full support of Song Miaojuan, Li Changyu was able to devote himself to his work and gradually emerged in the field of criminal investigation. With his unique insight and superb skills, he successfully solved a series of difficult cases and gradually won the reputation of "Chinese Detective".

Li Changyu's achievements are not only personal glory, but also the pride of the entire Chinese community in American society.

In 1998, for Li Changyu, who was 60 years old, it should have been the time to enjoy his old age. However, fate once again prepared an important turning point for him.

Li Changyu: Song Miaojuan is the most important woman in my life for me besides my mother

The Governor of Connecticut extended an invitation to him to serve as the Commissioner of Police. Mr. Lee, who has never been interested in political affairs, has repeatedly declined similar invitations. But this time, the governor skillfully persuaded Lee's mother, Wang Shuzhen, to eventually broker the appointment.

In this way, Li Changyu became the first Chinese sheriff in the 100-year history of the United States, and he is also the highest-ranking Asian American in the history of the American police industry. When he put on the police uniform and took over the police badge, Song Miaojuan stood under the stage, tears of pride flashing in her eyes.

She knew that her husband was finally at the pinnacle of his career, and it was all the result of their joint efforts.

In 2006, during a teaching activity, a student curiously asked Li Changyu if he had been married twice. Faced with this slightly naughty question, Li Changyu showed his usual sense of humor.

Li Changyu: Song Miaojuan is the most important woman in my life for me besides my mother

He smiled and replied, "Yes, I did get married twice, once with my wife and once with my career. These words caused the audience to laugh, but only Song Miaojuan knew how much bitterness and dedication were behind this joke.

Li Changyu's success is inseparable from Song Miaojuan's silent support over the years. She is not only his right-hand man in his career, but also an indispensable companion in his life.

As Li Changyu often said: "Besides my mother, Miaojuan is the most important woman in her life."

In Lee's career, from a professor at the University of New Haven to the director of the Criminal Laboratory of the Connecticut Police Division, to the director of the Connecticut State Police Department, every step has been the result of the husband and wife's efforts.

Li Changyu: Song Miaojuan is the most important woman in my life for me besides my mother

Song Miaojuan's understanding and support enabled Li Changyu to devote himself to his work, continue to innovate in the field of criminal investigation, and finally become a world-renowned Chinese detective.

Lee's achievements are not only personal victories, but also epitome of the history of an immigrant family's struggle. Their stories illustrate the true meaning of the American Dream and set an example for countless Chinese immigrants with dreams.

Li Changyu's success is not only due to the support of his wife, but also to the education of his mother Wang Shuzhen. Wang Shuzhen is a strong and great mother, and her life experience is legendary.

Li Changyu was born in a wealthy family in Rugao, Jiangsu, and is ranked eleventh. However, as fate would have it, his father Li Haomin was tragically killed in the "Taiping Wheel" accident, leaving Wang Shuzhen alone to raise 13 children, including 8 daughters and 5 sons.

Li Changyu: Song Miaojuan is the most important woman in my life for me besides my mother

In the face of sudden changes, Wang Shuzhen was not knocked down by difficulties. With amazing perseverance and wisdom, she took on the responsibility of raising a large family. When the family's savings were exhausted, Wang Shuzhen had to go out to work.

She often admonishes her children: "Be sincere with others and be down-to-earth." We must be diligent and hardworking, maintain a kind heart, and study hard to make a difference in the future.

Under Wang Shuzhen's earnest teaching, all 13 children grew up to receive doctorates, and three of them were awarded the "Top Ten Outstanding Young Persons of America".

The legend of "Thirteen Doctors" has become a good story talked about by the Chinese community.

Li Changyu: Song Miaojuan is the most important woman in my life for me besides my mother

Li Changyu once fondly recalled: "Mother's strength and wisdom are an example to all of us. She uses her actions to tell us that as long as we work hard, nothing is impossible.

Wang Shuzhen's great maternal love and selfless dedication have been widely recognized. Former US presidents Clinton and George W. Bush both praised her as "a truly great mother."

In March 2003, the legendary woman who spanned three centuries passed away peacefully in the United States at the age of 106.

Wang Shuzhen's life, starting from the Guangxu period at the end of the Qing Dynasty, experienced the turmoil of the Republic of China, and finally came to an end in the era after the founding of New China. Her tenacity, wisdom and selfless love not only shaped Lee's character, but also deeply influenced the entire family.

Li Changyu: Song Miaojuan is the most important woman in my life for me besides my mother

Her spirit and teachings will forever inspire her children to continue to shine in their respective fields.

Lee Chang-yu and Song Miaojuan's married life lasted for 56 years, and they not only achieved great success in their careers, but also composed a harmonious movement in their family life.

Together, the couple raised two wonderful children, who were proud to have achieved something similar in their life paths to their father's expectations.

Li Changyu once hoped that his children could inherit his mantle and develop in the police field. However, his son Lee Hyo-yo chose to become a doctor, and his daughter Lee Hyo-mi made a name for herself in the banking industry.

Li Changyu: Song Miaojuan is the most important woman in my life for me besides my mother

In the face of their children's choice, Li Changyu and Song Miaojuan gave full understanding and support, reflecting their enlightened educational philosophy.

Li Changyu often said: "Home and everything is prosperous." A harmonious family is more important than the pursuit of temporary success. This sentence is not only his philosophy of life, but also the result of his and Song Miaojuan's joint efforts.

They illustrate how to strike a balance between career and family.

In July 2017, 78-year-old Song Miaojuan passed away due to illness. In the last moments of her life, Li Changyu and her children were always by her side, warming her with endless love.

Li Changyu: Song Miaojuan is the most important woman in my life for me besides my mother

This picture is a true portrayal of Li Changyu's family concept.

Looking back, Li Changyu was full of emotion: "My life has become complete because of the dedication of my mother and wife. They are two of the most important women in my life, giving me the strength and courage to pursue my dreams, and at the same time making me understand the importance of family.

The story of Li Changyu and Song Miaojuan is not only a legendary love, but also a model of balancing career and family. They have spent their lives interpreting the true meaning of success, that is, having a happy family while having a brilliant career.

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