
All the people of Deyun Club knelt down to see Zhang Wenshun, and Guo Degang cried bitterly in the mourning hall: it was really uncomfortable

author:Science on the past and the present
All the people of Deyun Club knelt down to see Zhang Wenshun, and Guo Degang cried bitterly in the mourning hall: it was really uncomfortable
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All the people of Deyun Club knelt down to see Zhang Wenshun, and Guo Degang cried bitterly in the mourning hall: it was really uncomfortable

In the Babaoshan Funeral Home, there was a solemnity. All the members of Deyun Club knelt down in front of Zhang Wenshun's spirit to bid farewell to this respected elder. Guo Degang stood at the forefront, tears kept pouring out of his red eyes, and he said in a choked voice: "I see who can die him."

This person who once spent his life guarding Deyun Club has now left forever. Everyone present was moved, and the air was filled with sadness. Guo Degang's grief is beyond words, and people can't help but wonder: What kind of character is Zhang Wenshun? What kind of deep relationship does he have with Deyun Club? Let's trace this little-known past and uncover the touching story behind Deyun Club.

However, Zhang Wenshun's talent is not limited to the field of art. In the 90s, he successfully ventured into the business world with his keen business acumen. His career is thriving, and he even contracted half of Qianmen Street in Beijing's bustling area at one point.

This feat not only showcased his business acumen, but also earned him a reputation as a "business wizard".

All the people of Deyun Club knelt down to see Zhang Wenshun, and Guo Degang cried bitterly in the mourning hall: it was really uncomfortable

The twist of fate happened on an ordinary night in the mid-90s. Zhang Wenshun, who was already in his late teens at the time, happened to meet a young man named Guo Degang.

This young man from Tianjin, although he is shy, his eyes reveal an unusual aura. With years of artistic intuition, Zhang Wenshun saw at a glance the potential contained in Guo Degang.

This chance encounter became an important turning point in the lives of the two. Zhang Wenshun admired Guo Degang's talent and unique sense of humor and decided to become his guide. They quickly developed a strong relationship of mentorship and friendship.

Zhang Wenshun's rich life experience provides him with a unique perspective. He has experienced the ups and downs of cross talk art, and has also experienced ups and downs in the business world. It is this diverse background that has allowed him to play a vital role in the development of Deyun Club.

All the people of Deyun Club knelt down to see Zhang Wenshun, and Guo Degang cried bitterly in the mourning hall: it was really uncomfortable

His wisdom and experience are like a beacon, guiding Deyun Club to move forward in difficult years.

Zhang Wenshun's legendary life is not only reflected in his personal achievements, but also in his inheritance of cross talk art and the cultivation of the younger generation. His story is an indispensable chapter in the history of the development of Chinese cross talk, and it is also an important background for the rise of Deyun Club.

The establishment of Deyun Club is one of the most influential chapters in Zhang Wenshun's life. In the early 90s, he joined hands with Guo Degang and other like-minded partners to found this cross talk group that later became famous at home and abroad.

Deyun Club in its initial days faced many difficulties. Without a fixed place to perform, the actors can only run around and barely make ends meet.

All the people of Deyun Club knelt down to see Zhang Wenshun, and Guo Degang cried bitterly in the mourning hall: it was really uncomfortable

In this difficult time, Zhang Wenshun's generosity and vision played a key role. He not only solved the basic life problems of the members of Deyun Club, but also won valuable performance opportunities for the group by virtue of his reputation in the cross talk industry.

His support is like a booster, injecting the impetus for the survival and development of Deyun Club.

The growth of Deyun Club has not been smooth sailing. As their fame grew, so did their peers. Once, some people sneaked into the performance site of Deyun Club with recording tools, trying to seize the "handle" in Guo Degang's cross talk to report.

In the face of this danger, the fledgling Guo Degang is difficult to deal with.

All the people of Deyun Club knelt down to see Zhang Wenshun, and Guo Degang cried bitterly in the mourning hall: it was really uncomfortable

At the critical moment, Zhang Wenshun stepped forward again. He used his influence in the Beijing cross talk industry to successfully resolve the crisis. His wisdom and connections have built an invisible protective wall for Deyun Society, allowing this young group to thrive in the wind and rain.

With the passage of time, Deyun Club gradually gained a foothold and began to emerge in the cross talk world. During this period, Zhang Wenshun has always played the role of the guardian and think tank of Deyun Club.

His experience and suggestions have provided valuable guidance for the development direction of Deyun Club.

Guo Degang is well aware of the importance of Zhang Wenshun to Deyun Club. He has publicly stated many times that without Zhang Wenshun's great help, there would be no Deyun Club today. In Guo Degang's eyes, Zhang Wenshun is not only one of the founders of Deyun Club, but also the cornerstone of the glorious history of Deyun Club.

All the people of Deyun Club knelt down to see Zhang Wenshun, and Guo Degang cried bitterly in the mourning hall: it was really uncomfortable

Zhang Wenshun's contribution to Deyun Club is not limited to material support and help in times of crisis. His artistic attainments and deep understanding of cross talk have also deeply influenced the artistic style of Deyun Club.

He encouraged Deyun Club to be brave in innovation while inheriting traditional cross talk, which laid the foundation for the future artistic development of Deyun Club.

Every step of Deyun Club's growth embodies Zhang Wenshun's hard work and wisdom. The relationship between him and Deyun Club is not only a touching friendship between master and apprentice, but also a good story in the history of the development of Chinese cross talk art.

Zhang Wenshun's dedication has allowed Deyun Club to take root and grow in the fertile soil of cross talk, and finally become one of the most influential cross talk groups in contemporary China.

All the people of Deyun Club knelt down to see Zhang Wenshun, and Guo Degang cried bitterly in the mourning hall: it was really uncomfortable

As the years passed, Zhang Wenshun's health deteriorated. A merciless blow of fate came, and he was diagnosed with one vocal cord paralysis. This is undoubtedly a bolt from the blue for a cross talk artist.

Losing his healthy vocal cords, Zhang Wenshun had to say goodbye to the cross talk stage he loved so much. However, even in the face of adversity, he still stood firmly behind Deyun Club and Guo Degang and gave him full support.

When Deyun Club faced an internal crisis, Zhang Wenshun once again showed his wisdom and determination. At that time, Xu Deliang, a well-known actor of Deyun Club, publicly criticized Guo Degang and announced his resignation, which caused an uproar in the cross talk world.

In the face of this crisis, Zhang Wenshun, who was already old, resolutely decided to withdraw Xu Deliang's "de" character. This move not only maintained the reputation of Deyun Club, but also demonstrated his trust and support for Guo Degang.

All the people of Deyun Club knelt down to see Zhang Wenshun, and Guo Degang cried bitterly in the mourning hall: it was really uncomfortable

In order to make up for the loss caused by Xu Deliang's departure, Zhang Wenshun recruited newcomers on the occasion of his 70th birthday. He accepted two new apprentices, Zhang Dewu and Deng Deyong, and also accepted a righteous son Gaofeng.

This is not only a supplement to the talents of Deyun Club, but also an emphasis on the inheritance of cross talk art.

Despite the deterioration of his physical condition, Zhang Wenshun still insisted on appearing in the finale at an important cross talk conference. In that performance, he sang a touching song "The Big Truth" in unison with the crowd.

Although he needs the support of others to stand, Zhang Wenshun still insists on presenting himself to the audience in the best condition. He didn't want the audience to see his weak side, and his love for the stage and professionalism deeply touched everyone present.

All the people of Deyun Club knelt down to see Zhang Wenshun, and Guo Degang cried bitterly in the mourning hall: it was really uncomfortable

Zhang Wenshun's actions in his later years not only reflect his deep feelings for Deyun Club, but also show the persistence and responsibility of an artist. Even if his body no longer allows him to stand in front of the stage, he still escorts Deyun Social Security in his own way and contributes his strength to the inheritance of cross talk art.

He used practical actions to interpret what is the true spirit of an artist, and also set an example for the younger generations of Deyun Club. Zhang Wenshun's persistence and dedication have become one of the most moving chapters in the development of Deyun Club.

At the last moment of his life, Zhang Wenshun entrusted his most cherished concern to Guo Degang. This entrustment not only contains his love for his relatives, but also his expectations for the inheritance of cross talk art.

He handed over the future of his beloved daughter Zhang Deyan and grandson Ning Yunxiang to Guo Degang, which not only showed his absolute trust in Guo Degang, but also reflected his deep expectations for the future of Deyun Club.

All the people of Deyun Club knelt down to see Zhang Wenshun, and Guo Degang cried bitterly in the mourning hall: it was really uncomfortable

Guo Degang deeply felt that he had a heavy responsibility on his shoulders and lived up to his teacher's entrustment. He made every effort to cultivate Ning Yunxiang, and even included him in the lineup of the "Four Sons of Deyun", standing side by side with Zhang Yunlei, Zhang Helun, and Meng Hetang.

This decision is not only an affirmation of Ning Yunxiang's talent, but also a solemn fulfillment of Zhang Wenshun's last wishes.

Although Ning Yunxiang finally chose to leave Deyun Club for personal reasons, in the family tree of Deyun Club, he still retains the lofty status of "Cloud Character Family". This is not only a respect for Zhang Wenshun, but also an adherence to the tradition of cross talk.

Zhang Deyan, as a rare actress in the cross talk industry, finally chose to work as the theater manager in Deyun Club after years of stage experience. This arrangement not only exerts her professional ability, but also allows her to contribute to the development of Deyun Club behind the scenes.

All the people of Deyun Club knelt down to see Zhang Wenshun, and Guo Degang cried bitterly in the mourning hall: it was really uncomfortable

Guo Degang's care for Zhang Wenshun's family is not limited to Zhang Deyan and Ning Yunxiang. It is reported that Zhang Deyan's husband also holds important positions in the related industries of Deyun Club, which reflects Guo Degang's comprehensive care for Zhang Wenshun's family.

Zhang Wenshun's invitation to orphans has gone beyond personal kindness and has become an important part of the inheritance and development of Deyun Club. Guo Degang fulfills his promise with practical actions, which is not only a gratitude to his teacher, but also a responsibility for the art of cross talk.

This master-apprentice friendship, through the cultivation and care of the next generation, has been continued and deepened, and has become a good story in the history of the development of Deyun Club.

After Zhang Wenshun's death, Guo Degang handled his teacher's aftermath with the highest standard, showing his infinite respect for the soul of Deyun Club. He decisively ordered that all performance venues under Deyun Club be suspended for seven days as a sign of mourning.

All the people of Deyun Club knelt down to see Zhang Wenshun, and Guo Degang cried bitterly in the mourning hall: it was really uncomfortable

In the Deyun Library, Guo Degang personally arranged a solemn sacrificial hall to commemorate the outstanding contributions of his teacher.

With great reverence, Guo Degang personally wrote an elegy for his teacher. The upper link "the East China Sea wind is sad and the prince is gone", and the lower link is "the two words "the sunset in the West Mountain is unpleasant", and the horizontal criticism of "the heroes of the war".

This elegiac couplet not only shows Guo Degang's literary skills, but also expresses his deep condolences to his teacher.

In order to let Zhang Wenshun's spirit stay in Deyun Club forever, Guo Degang respectfully enshrined the old man's posthumous photo in the backstage of Deyun Club, so as to encourage future generations of artists to inherit and carry forward Zhang Wenshun's artistic spirit.

All the people of Deyun Club knelt down to see Zhang Wenshun, and Guo Degang cried bitterly in the mourning hall: it was really uncomfortable

This move made Zhang Wenshun seem to still be guarding this stage he loved deeply.

Guo Degang's remembrance of Zhang Wenshun is not only an expression of personal feelings, but also a collective memory of Deyun Club's founder of Deyun Club. This deep friendship between master and apprentice, this touching entrepreneurial history of Deyun Club, will forever be engraved in the long river of development of Chinese cross talk art, and become a moving story.

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