
My brother wanted me to lend him money to speculate in stocks, but I was worried that he would lose all his money and refused

author:Exceptional sailboat R

In our Northeast China, we have to pay attention to everything we do, and our family is the same. As for me, I'm the little girl in the family, I've been following the back of my two brothers' butts since I was a child, my brother is five years older than me, I'm like a little follower, I go wherever he goes, and I do what he does. Our brother has a very bright head, but sometimes he is very high-spirited, and he always wants to achieve it overnight. Over the years, he has changed a lot of errands and tossed a lot of transactions, but in the end, he always loses more and makes less. He has a problem, that is, he always likes to listen to the fools of those so-called "successful people", and thinks that what people say is good words, but as a result, he is often bluffed. No, recently he has been obsessed with stock speculation again, holding his mobile phone every day, staring at those red, green, and green lines, and muttering "K-line", "moving average" or something in his mouth, my head is big when I hear it. I told him that our family is not the rich and noble, don't always think about pies falling from the sky, and living in peace is the last word. But he just didn't listen, and said that I didn't understand his pursuit.

One night, when our brothers were sitting on the kang, he suddenly put down his chopsticks and said to me with a serious face: "Little sister, my brother has recently taken a fancy to a stock, and I think I will definitely make a lot of money." Can you borrow some money from my brother and let him speculate in stocks? When I heard this, my heart chuckled, and I knew that he had done it again. I put down the dishes and chopsticks and looked at his face full of anticipation, and my heart was really mixed. I said, "Brother, don't you know what's going on in our family, my parents are not in good health, and our salaries are not high, so how can we have spare money to speculate in stocks?" When he heard this, his face showed a trace of displeasure, and he said, "Little sister, why are you so unambitious? Look at who are the people, how much money do you make from stock trading, why can't we do it? When I heard this, I became angry, and I said, "Brother, why don't you understand?" People are people, we are us. People have that vision, that luck, do we? Besides, you don't know that you don't know about stock speculation. If you really want to make money, get a job and don't always think about these crooked ways. When he heard this, his face became even more ugly, and he said, "Little sister, why do you look down on your brother so much? I don't believe I can't speculate on stocks. "Oops, this guy slapped the table and left in a huff. Looking at his back, my heart is full of mixed tastes. We know that this guy is as stubborn as a donkey, once he decides something, it really can't be pulled back by nine cows. We also understand that this time he is really moving, and he is determined to speculate in stocks. But in my heart, it's called a seven-up and eight-down, I'm afraid that he will lose his weight and be hit again.

In those days, we were like dumb people, and we didn't say a word. He snuggled up in the house all day, studying the stocks without raising his head, and I was as busy as a spinning top, not to mention work, and had to take care of the family. Sometimes I bring him food, and he is in a hurry, and he finishes it in three or two, and buries his head in the stock. Looking at his obsession, my heart is anxious and angry, it's really not a taste.

My brother wanted me to lend him money to speculate in stocks, but I was worried that he would lose all his money and refused

One night, when I came home from work, I pushed the door and saw him sitting on the couch, his face as white as paper, and the stock chart in his hand. I walked over and took a look, the stock fell like a roller coaster, and I felt a worry in my heart, knowing that this guy was planted this time. He looked up at me with despair and reluctance in his eyes. He said, "Little sister, I'm ...... I lost it all. When I heard this, my heart felt like a needle had been pricked. I looked at him like that, and I was really angry, hateful, and distressed.

I walked over, sat down next to him, patted him lightly on the shoulder, and said, "Brother, didn't we say it a long time ago, this thing is not reliable for stock trading." Look at you...... Alas......" He looked up at me, tears glistening with tears in his eyes. He said, "Little sister, I know I'm wrong. But what should I do now? Mom and Dad are still counting on us to support the elderly...... "As soon as I heard this, tears couldn't stop falling. I know he really regretted it this time, but what's the use of regretting? The money is gone, and the life has to be taken care of, right?

My brother wanted me to lend him money to speculate in stocks, but I was worried that he would lose all his money and refused

That night, the two of us sat on the kang and chatted for a long time. I told him about our family's situation, we have to live a down-to-earth life, and we can't always think about getting rich overnight. He also told me about his plans, saying that he would work hard in the future and stop doing these unreliable things. Looking at his serious appearance, my heart was a little more relaxed.

Since then, our relationship has gradually improved. He found a stable job and got up early every day and worked late at night. I also continue my work and have to take care of the family. Although the days are dull, we are steady. Although our family's life is still so ordinary, our family works together and lives our own little life...... The days just slipped away day by day, and my brother's work gradually got on the right track, although he didn't earn much, but fortunately, it was stable, and the atmosphere at home slowly returned to the warm feeling it used to be. I slowly began to believe that as long as we are willing to work hard, good times will come.

But this good day hasn't been hot for long, and my brother can't hold it anymore and starts to "toss". One night, he mysteriously pulled me aside and said that he had found another "sure-as-you-can-lose" business and wanted to borrow some more money. As soon as I heard this, I felt like I was blocked by something. I glared at him and said in a stern tone, "Brother, why don't you remember to eat or fight?" Haven't you remembered the last stock trading for a long time? Want to do it again? He looked at me, a trace of embarrassment flashed in his eyes, but he quickly became firm and said, "Little sister, this time is really different, I see it, I will definitely make money this time." I looked at his sworn look, and I was really angry and anxious. I know that he is a typical person who "forgets the pain after the scar is good", and when he is a little troubled, he wants to "gamble" again.

My brother wanted me to lend him money to speculate in stocks, but I was worried that he would lose all his money and refused

I sighed and said, "Brother, don't mess around anymore. You also know what the current situation of our family is, my parents are not in good health, and the little money we earn is not rich, how can there be spare money for you to toss? When he heard what I said, his face sank, and he said, "Little sister, why don't you understand me so much? Isn't this also for the good of our family? You can lend me some more money, I promise you will do it this time. I looked at his eagerness, and my heart was really mixed. I know he's really in a hurry this time, but how can I trust him with the money?

Just as we were at a stalemate, Mom came out of the house. She looked at the way we brother and sister looked, and probably guessed a few points. She walked up to us, patted my brother on the shoulder, and said, "Son, Mom knows that you want to earn money and want our family to live a good life." But you have to understand that making money is not something that can be done by luck and gambling. You have to be down-to-earth, get a job, and move forward step by step. Brother listened to his mother's words and was silent for a while. At that time, he looked up, looked at me and my mother, and said seriously: "Mom, sister, I know I'm wrong." From now on, I'll stop messing around, I have to do some serious work. I looked at his seriousness, and my heart felt a little more relaxed. I understand that this time he really realized his mistake, and he really planned to live a down-to-earth life. Since then, my brother has really changed as a person. He gets up early every day and is very busy, and he will no longer be involved in those unrelated businesses. His efforts were not in vain, his salary slowly rose, and our family's life became more and more prosperous. I watched his changes, and the emotion in my heart was really indescribable. I know it's all because he finally realized the weight of the word "steadfast".

My brother wanted me to lend him money to speculate in stocks, but I was worried that he would lose all his money and refused

Time flies, and years pass in a flash. Our brother has become the backbone of the company, and the conditions of our family have been greatly improved. As for me, I also have my own little family and baby, but the relationship between our brothers and sisters is still so iron. We often go back to our parents together and reminisce about those years together. Every time at this time, I will think of the long conversation we had on the kang that night, and the "tossing" and later transformation of my brother.

Once, my brother and I were sitting in the courtyard chatting, and I asked him with a smile: "Brother, do you remember when you lost a lot of money in stock trading?" When he heard this, he rejoiced, and said, "How can you forget?" That was the worst lesson of my life. Then he looked at me and said with a serious face, "Sister, I have to thank you so much." If you hadn't persuaded me and stopped me at that time, I might have been even worse. Thinking about it now, I was stupid back then. I looked at his familiar face and felt warm in my heart. I know that both of us brothers and sisters have been through a lot and have grown a lot. We are all fighting and struggling for a better life. Although there have been stumbles along the way, it is these experiences that have made us stronger and more mature. Looking back now, although those days were difficult, they were also one of the most valuable treasures in our lives. It allows us to understand what is truly "steadfast" and "hard-working", and also makes us cherish our current life and feelings with each other more.

I believe that in the days to come, our brothers and sisters will experience more together, grow together, and face the ups and downs of life together. We are shoulder to shoulder, heart to heart, and no difficulties can stop our footsteps. We are all a family, we have to think like this: let's think in one place, work hard in one place, our big family, don't we have to be so neat? Our group of people is like the big pot of stew, all the flavors are mixed together, the more stewed the more fragrant, the more stewed the more delicious. Let's not be so close, what's going on, help each other and carry it together. We are a group of people, heart to heart, hand in hand, not afraid of any wind and waves, and all difficulties together. We are a family, we have to think like this, we have to do this.

My brother wanted me to lend him money to speculate in stocks, but I was worried that he would lose all his money and refused