
54-year-old Xie Guangkun was torn apart by his original partner, revealing that he had cheated many times and was dissatisfied with the daughter born to all three wives

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54-year-old Xie Guangkun was torn apart by his original partner, revealing that he had cheated many times and was dissatisfied with the daughter born to all three wives
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54-year-old Xie Guangkun was torn apart by his original partner, revealing that he had cheated many times and was dissatisfied with the daughter born to all three wives

On an ordinary night in June 2024, a shocking news suddenly broke on the webcast platform. Tang Jianjun, the actor who played Xie Guangkun in "Country Love", was exposed in public by his original wife Sun Xiaoyu in his chaotic private life.

In the live broadcast room, Sun Xiaoyu was emotional, and tearfully accused Tang Jianjun of betraying his marriage many times, and his cheating behavior was outrageous. What shocked the audience even more was that she also revealed that Tang Jianjun was deeply dissatisfied with the fact that all three wives gave birth to daughters, showing a serious patriarchal mentality.

This revelation was like a bombshell, instantly detonating the Internet. "Xie Guangkun", who was once loved by the audience, is he an out-and-out scumbag in real life? Many netizens expressed their disbelief and began to question the actor's personality.

For a time, Tang Jianjun became the focus of public opinion, and his acting career and personal life were shrouded in a huge shadow.

54-year-old Xie Guangkun was torn apart by his original partner, revealing that he had cheated many times and was dissatisfied with the daughter born to all three wives

Tang Jianjun's story can be called a typical history of rural youth struggle. Born in poverty, with his love and talent for two-person art, he gradually emerged in the two-person circle in Liaoyang.

His performances always draw applause, and his ability to perform alone for more than an hour is breathtaking, captivating a full audience.

The turning point of his fate came when he participated in the "Benshan Cup Competition". With his outstanding performance, Tang Jianjun won the favor of Zhao Benshan and became the fourth beginner disciple of the two-person master.

From that moment on, Tang Jianjun's life seemed to press the fast-forward button. Under Zhao Benshan's careful cultivation, he frequently appeared in major TV series and stages, and soon became a familiar face to the audience.

54-year-old Xie Guangkun was torn apart by his original partner, revealing that he had cheated many times and was dissatisfied with the daughter born to all three wives

Zhao Benshan was full of praise for this disciple, and even entrusted his affairs in the Heavenly Kingdom to Tang Jianjun during his serious illness and hospitalization, which shows the depth of his trust in him.

However, the pinnacle of life often means the beginning of a downhill slope. With the popularity of "Country Love", the role of Xie Guangkun played by Tang Jianjun is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and his popularity has reached an unprecedented height.

But at the same time, he seems to be lost in this sudden fame and fortune. Tang Jianjun began to have high expectations for his career, and even showed a disgraceful side in his personal life.

Gradually, the relationship between Tang Jianjun and his mentor Zhao Benshan also cracked. He once complained publicly on social media, saying that even the drama "Country Love", which made him famous, would no longer let him star.

54-year-old Xie Guangkun was torn apart by his original partner, revealing that he had cheated many times and was dissatisfied with the daughter born to all three wives

When asked why, Zhao Benshan only responded briefly: "You can't do it." In a few words, Tang Jianjun's life has been extremely disappointed by the master.

Since then, Tang Tiejun's acting career has fallen into a trough, and he can only take on some low-cost works, and even has to make a living through live webcasts. Once, when he learned that he had the opportunity to play the role of "eunuch", Tang Jianjun initially showed obvious disdain.

However, when he heard that the salary was as high as tens of thousands of yuan, he immediately changed his face and expressed his willingness to accept it with a smile on his face. This inconsistent attitude fully exposed his inner struggle and helplessness.

"Xie Guangkun", who used to be infinitely beautiful, has now fallen to the point where he is willing to put down his body for tens of thousands of yuan in salary, which is embarrassing. Tang Jianjun's story may give us a revelation: in the vanity fair of the entertainment industry, maintaining the original intention and continuous progress is the way to be evergreen.

54-year-old Xie Guangkun was torn apart by his original partner, revealing that he had cheated many times and was dissatisfied with the daughter born to all three wives

Otherwise, even if it is a smash hit, it may soon fall off the altar.

Tang Jianjun's second marriage can be called a well-designed emotional scam. After ending his marriage to Sun Xiaoyu, Tang Jianjun was on the rise in his career and became increasingly famous.

He skillfully used his influence to make a plausible request to the troupe: if he could not be paired with a good actress, he would leave the troupe.

This troupe happens to be run by Wang Xiaohua. In order to keep this hot actor, Wang Xiaohua agreed to Tang Jianjun's request, and the two became partners. In the rehearsals and performances that get along day and night, Tang Jianjun and Wang Xiaohua cultivated a deep relationship.

54-year-old Xie Guangkun was torn apart by his original partner, revealing that he had cheated many times and was dissatisfied with the daughter born to all three wives

However, at the beginning of the relationship, Tang Jianjun concealed an important fact: he was married and had one child.

Soon, the two began to live together. When this extramarital affair was exposed, Tang Jianjun behaved unusually calmly, quickly went through divorce procedures with Sun Xiaoyu, and then married Wang Xiaohua.

In the eyes of outsiders, this is a vigorous love, and Tang Jianjun is even more affectionate to the outside world. He once publicly stated that even if his wife had difficulty giving birth, he was willing to spend his life protecting this marriage.

This remark won a lot of praise at the time, and people praised Tang Jianjun as a man who valued love and righteousness.

54-year-old Xie Guangkun was torn apart by his original partner, revealing that he had cheated many times and was dissatisfied with the daughter born to all three wives

However, behind this seemingly happy marriage, there are hidden twists and turns that no one knows. After recuperation, Wang Xiaohua gave birth to two daughters for Tang Jianjun, thinking that he could be happy.

But Tang Jianjun doesn't seem to be satisfied with the status quo. He is once again stuck in a familiar cycle and wears of this hard-won marriage.

In the end, Tang Jianjun chose to betray again. Some netizens exposed photos of him interacting intimately with a young woman in public, and at this time he has not officially divorced Wang Xiaohua.

This series of behaviors not only deeply hurt Wang Xiaohua, who once loved him deeply, but also made the public strongly question his character.

54-year-old Xie Guangkun was torn apart by his original partner, revealing that he had cheated many times and was dissatisfied with the daughter born to all three wives

Tang Jianjun's second marriage, from beginning to end, was full of deception and betrayal. He used his influence and Wang Xiaohua's sincerity to weave a seemingly perfect but false love story.

When the truth is revealed, people can't help but sigh: In the vanity fair of the entertainment industry, sincere feelings are so precious and fragile. Tang Jianjun's actions not only ruined his marriage and reputation, but also made people deeply doubt the moral bottom line of the entertainment industry.

In Tang Jianjun's complex emotional journey, his first love marriage with Sun Xiaoyu is undoubtedly the purest one. At that time, Tang Jianjun was still a rural young man with dreams, full of enthusiasm for the two of them to turn art, and was a well-known "literary and artistic activist" in school.

Sun Xiaoyu is his protégé, the two work together in the same theater, and they have cultivated a deep relationship with each other day and night.

54-year-old Xie Guangkun was torn apart by his original partner, revealing that he had cheated many times and was dissatisfied with the daughter born to all three wives

When he was young, Sun Xiaoyu was beautiful and moving, with skin like snow and a graceful figure. At the age of 18, she was deeply attracted by Tang Jianjun's talent and charm, and the two quickly fell in love and entered the palace of marriage desperately.

At the age of 20, Sun Xiaoyu gave birth to a lovely daughter for Tang Jianjun, and the small family seemed to be happy, full of happiness and hope.

However, as time goes on, the stresses of life begin to manifest themselves. Although Tang Jianjun's career has improved, it has not been as smooth sailing as he wished. In this case, he began to seek excitement outside of marriage, secretly associating with other women behind Sun Xiaoyu's back.

The innocent Sun Xiaoyu didn't know anything about it, and still took care of the family wholeheartedly and supported her husband's career.

54-year-old Xie Guangkun was torn apart by his original partner, revealing that he had cheated many times and was dissatisfied with the daughter born to all three wives

It wasn't until someone revealed the truth to her that Sun Xiaoyu woke up from a dream and realized that the love and marriage she was pursuing were so fragile. She tried to persuade her husband many times, hoping to save the marriage, but in exchange for Tang Jianjun's ignorance and provocation again and again.

In the end, when her daughter was only three years old, Sun Xiaoyu couldn't bear it anymore and resolutely decided to divorce Tang Jianjun.

After the divorce, Sun Xiaoyu raised her daughter alone, and the mother and daughter depended on each other. This painful experience caused great psychological trauma to Sun Xiaoyu, and he suffered from an illness at a young age.

What made her even more heartbroken was that their daughter died of alcoholism as an adult. Sun Xiaoyu deeply felt that if Tang Jianjun hadn't failed to fulfill his responsibilities as a father, their daughters might have a completely different life trajectory.

54-year-old Xie Guangkun was torn apart by his original partner, revealing that he had cheated many times and was dissatisfied with the daughter born to all three wives

This experience made Sun Xiaoyu's resentment towards Tang Jianjun deep in the bone marrow. Many years later, when she exposed Tang Jianjun's various evil deeds in the live broadcast room, the pain and anger that had been suppressed for many years seemed to have found an outlet for catharsis.

Her revelations are not only an indictment of the past, but also a ruthless exposure of Tang Jianjun's current behavior.

Looking back on this first love marriage, we can't help but sigh: the sweetness of the past can't withstand the cruelty of reality after all. The story of Tang Jianjun and Sun Xiaoyu may give us some enlightenment: marriage needs to be maintained by both parties, not wishful thinking.

Only by respecting each other and supporting each other can we walk hand in hand on the long road of life.

54-year-old Xie Guangkun was torn apart by his original partner, revealing that he had cheated many times and was dissatisfied with the daughter born to all three wives

After two failed marriages, Tang Jianjun doesn't seem to have learned his lesson. His third marriage once again became the focus of public attention, sparking more controversy and questioning.

According to Sun Xiaoyu in the live broadcast, Tang Jianjun's third wife is a young and beautiful woman. When this relationship was exposed, Tang Jianjun had not officially divorced his second wife Wang Xiaohua, a fact that caused strong questions about his moral integrity in society.

People can't help but sigh that this "Xie Guangkun", who was once loved by the audience, is now so unbearable in emotional matters.

What's even more embarrassing is that Tang Jianjun's patriarchal thinking has not changed in this marriage. When he learned that his third wife had given birth to another daughter for him, Tang Jianjun showed obvious disappointment.

54-year-old Xie Guangkun was torn apart by his original partner, revealing that he had cheated many times and was dissatisfied with the daughter born to all three wives

This attitude not only hurt his wife and children, but also gave the public more negative perceptions of his character.

At the same time, Tang Jianjun's lifestyle has also caused a lot of controversy. He flaunts his luxury car online, a far cry from the grassroots image he's created before.

What's more, he was also exposed to illegally occupying land in his hometown to build a mansion, which not only violated the law, but also aroused strong disgust from the public. People can't help but sigh that the disciple who was once deeply valued by Zhao Benshan has now fallen to such a point.

In his career, Tang Jianjun is also facing huge challenges. After losing Zhao Benshan's support, his acting resources are obviously lacking. In order to make ends meet, he had to accept some low-cost performance opportunities, and even began to try live streaming online.

54-year-old Xie Guangkun was torn apart by his original partner, revealing that he had cheated many times and was dissatisfied with the daughter born to all three wives

However, his performances during live broadcasts have often sparked controversy, sometimes acting too greasy and even engaging in verbal clashes with viewers, which further tarnishes his public image.

In the face of all kinds of doubts and accusations, Tang Jianjun still does not seem to realize the seriousness of the problem. He continued to attract public attention with various outrageous behaviors, but failed to face up to his own problems.

This attitude not only disappointed his supporters, but also made his situation in the entertainment industry even more difficult.

Tang Jianjun's third marriage and recent situation reflect how an actor who was once beautiful fell from the altar step by step. His story may give us some inspiration: whether in a career or in a relationship, maintaining the original intention and continuous progress is the long-term way.

54-year-old Xie Guangkun was torn apart by his original partner, revealing that he had cheated many times and was dissatisfied with the daughter born to all three wives

Otherwise, even if you are momentarily proud, you may soon lose everything.

With the exposure of a series of scandals, Tang Jianjun's carefully shaped public image completely collapsed. From an acclaimed actor to a controversial "problem character", Tang Jianjun's transformation is embarrassing.

Faced with the predicament in front of him, the 54-year-old Tang Jianjun seems to be confused. His once-proud acting career is now struggling, and he can only accept some low-cost acting opportunities.

Once, when his agent told him that he had the opportunity to play the role of "eunuch", Tang Jianjun showed obvious disdain. However, when he learned that the salary was as high as tens of thousands of yuan, he immediately changed his attitude and expressed his willingness to accept it with a smile on his face.

54-year-old Xie Guangkun was torn apart by his original partner, revealing that he had cheated many times and was dissatisfied with the daughter born to all three wives

This inconsistent attitude fully exposed his inner struggle and helplessness.

In order to make ends meet, Tang Jianjun began to try live webcasting. However, his performance in live broadcasts has often sparked controversy. Sometimes he would behave too greasy in front of the camera and even get into verbal confrontations with the audience, which further damaged his public image.

In such a low period, Tang Jianjun still seems to be unaware of his own problems. He continues to attract public attention with various outrageous behaviors, but fails to truly reflect on what he has done.

This attitude not only disappointed his supporters, but also made his situation in the entertainment industry even more difficult.

54-year-old Xie Guangkun was torn apart by his original partner, revealing that he had cheated many times and was dissatisfied with the daughter born to all three wives

Today, Tang Jianjun stands at the crossroads of his life. His past is full of controversy, his present is full of difficulties, and his future is full of uncertainties. If he can sincerely reflect on his mistakes and try to correct his behavior, he may have a chance to regain public recognition.

However, if he continues to cling to his own opinions, then only a bleaker future awaits him.

Tang Jianjun's story has brought us a profound enlightenment: whether it is career or love, we need to manage it carefully, rather than getting by. Only by maintaining the original intention and making continuous progress can we deduce a wonderful script on the stage of life.

At the same time, his experience also warns us that every word and deed of public figures is highly regarded, and once they lose their moral bottom line, they will not only ruin their careers, but also lose the respect and trust of the public.

54-year-old Xie Guangkun was torn apart by his original partner, revealing that he had cheated many times and was dissatisfied with the daughter born to all three wives

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