
Laughing! The progress of the filming of "Celebrating More Than Years" was too slow, and the actors collectively jumped to "Spend the Year of China"!



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Laughing! The progress of the filming of "Celebrating More Than Years" was too slow, and the actors collectively jumped to "Spend the Year of China"!

Text: Cowbowton

Edited by Cowbowton

In this entertainment industry, there is a phenomenon called "actors collectively changing jobs". You thought it was just a joke? No, that's what happened!

Imagine you're chasing a hit drama and suddenly find that all the actors in it have gone to another show, and the characters are completely different. What kind of god operation is this? Is the director too slow? Or is the new drama too fragrant? Don't worry, let's take a look at what the hell is going on!

Laughing! The progress of the filming of "Celebrating More Than Years" was too slow, and the actors collectively jumped to "Spend the Year of China"!

The actors of "Celebrating More Than Years" collectively "jumped ship" to "Spend the Year of China"? That's hilarious, isn't it?

Oh, I'll go, what's going on with the crew of "Celebrating More Than Years"? The filming progress was too slow, and the actors all went to other crews! Let's take a look at what this is all about!

Speaking of "Celebrating More Than Years", it is an existence that many viewers love and hate. I love its wonderful plot and the superb acting skills of the actors, and hate that it will not be released for a long time in the third season, which is eye-catching. But who would have thought that while we were waiting for the sequel, the actors in the play actually collectively "jumped ship" to another drama "Spending the Year of China"?!

Laughing! The progress of the filming of "Celebrating More Than Years" was too slow, and the actors collectively jumped to "Spend the Year of China"!
"That's not true, is it? Where's my Fan Xian? Where's my Emperor Qing?"

Don't worry, let's take our time and watch them one by one.

"Heavy" Yu Jinwei: From the commander of the Northern Qi Dynasty to the emperor!

Laughing! The progress of the filming of "Celebrating More Than Years" was too slow, and the actors collectively jumped to "Spend the Year of China"!

Do you still remember the scheming and caregiving-minded Northern Qi commander in "Celebrating More Than Years"? is the ruthless character who even has to be cautious when the male protagonist Fan is idle.

In "Celebrating More Than Years", the Shen played by Yu Jinwei can be described as a contradictory existence. obviously has monstrous power, but he chose to commit suicide for the happiness of his sister. He's bad, but not completely bad. At that time, I was still thinking, if he was a little more ruthless, would this show have come to an end?

Laughing! The progress of the filming of "Celebrating More Than Years" was too slow, and the actors collectively jumped to "Spend the Year of China"!

Who knows, in the new drama "Du Hua Nian", he directly became the emperor of Great Xia! From a ruler to the king of a country, this promotion is too fast, right?

In "The Year of China", Emperor Li Ming played by Yu Jinwei can be said to be a strengthened version of "Emperor Qing". Suspicious by nature, with a typical imperial common disease. Every harem beauty is just a pawn for him to consolidate the throne, and he doesn't love anyone.

Laughing! The progress of the filming of "Celebrating More Than Years" was too slow, and the actors collectively jumped to "Spend the Year of China"!
"Wow, isn't this what 'heavy' has evolved to the extreme?"

Seeing this, I can't help but think of an interesting detail. In "Du Hua Nian", there is a concubine played by Aunt Fan Xian's actor, and the father-in-law who often accompanies the emperor is actually Lin Dabao! Does this mean that even in another world, Shen Zhong and Fan Xian are still enemies?

Such a contrast in the roles makes us have to admire Yu Jinwei's acting skills. From a sinister but tender ruler to a ruthless emperor, he has performed it all perfectly. No wonder netizens said: "This is simply an enhanced version of 'Emperor Qing'!"

Laughing! The progress of the filming of "Celebrating More Than Years" was too slow, and the actors collectively jumped to "Spend the Year of China"!

"Lin Dabao" Dong Kefei: From stupid white sweet to shrewd eunuch!

Speaking of Lin Dabao, who can forget that cute and simple image? As the actor of Lin Dabao, Dong Kefei can be said to have interpreted this role to the extreme.

In "Celebrating More Than Years", although Lin Dabao is a little lacking in IQ, his innocence and kindness make people can't help but like it. Do you still remember the phrases "except for Dad" and "curled up there and lived slowly"? It's so distressing that I want to cry!

Laughing! The progress of the filming of "Celebrating More Than Years" was too slow, and the actors collectively jumped to "Spend the Year of China"!

In "The Year of China", the eunuch Fulai played by Dong Kefei is a cautious and serious character. From silly and sweet to shrewd and capable, this contrast is too great!

Netizens' brains are even more open, and some people say:

"Isn't this the result that after Lin Xiang told the old man to return to his hometown, Fan Xian went out, and poor Dabao had no one to take care of the food, so he had to go out to find food by himself and was sold to the palace?"
Laughing! The progress of the filming of "Celebrating More Than Years" was too slow, and the actors collectively jumped to "Spend the Year of China"!
"Over time, the humble Dabao has become a father-in-law under the torture of work?"

Such imagination is really unbearable! However, Dong Kefei's acting skills really have nothing to say. Whether it is the simple Lin Dabao or the serious eunuch Fulai, he has performed vividly.

In his 20-year acting career, although Dong Kefei has not been popular, every role he has played is impressive. From Hao Congming in "The Spring of Kapok", to Lin Dabao in "Celebrating More Than Years", and then to Fulai in "Spending the Year of China", he used his acting skills to interpret what it means to "small role, big charm".

Laughing! The progress of the filming of "Celebrating More Than Years" was too slow, and the actors collectively jumped to "Spend the Year of China"!

"Auntie" Zhao Ke: From a virtuous lady to a master of palace fighting!

In "Celebrating More Than Years", Liu Ruyu played by Zhao Ke can be said to be a perfect image of a lady in charge. pamper his son, respect his stepdaughter, and take care of the affairs of the house in an orderly manner. Although he was a little hostile to Fan Xian at first, he gradually loved him as his own child.

Laughing! The progress of the filming of "Celebrating More Than Years" was too slow, and the actors collectively jumped to "Spend the Year of China"!

But! In "Du Hua Nian", Zhao Ke directly incarnated as the "heavy favorite concubine" Concubine Rou, this contrast is too great!

From a virtuous lady to a master of palace fighting, Zhao Ke's role change can be said to be the most dramatic. In "The Year of China", the concubine she plays does not seem to be interested in fame and fortune, and she is as bland as water in everything. But in fact, she is planning for her son all the time and has been waiting for an opportunity.

Laughing! The progress of the filming of "Celebrating More Than Years" was too slow, and the actors collectively jumped to "Spend the Year of China"!
"Good guy, isn't this what 'Auntie' has evolved to the extreme?"

The comments of netizens are even more interesting:

"Fan Jian can't fight Emperor Qing, and he can't fight the weight of becoming an emperor, and even his daughter-in-law has been robbed!"
Laughing! The progress of the filming of "Celebrating More Than Years" was too slow, and the actors collectively jumped to "Spend the Year of China"!
"Auntie, I now believe that there is really someone above you!"

With such a role change, I have to say that Zhao Ke's acting skills are really amazing. From gentle and virtuous to scheming, she is easy to interpret. This also allows us to see her versatility and plasticity as an actress.

"Guo Baokun" Jia Jinghui: From a simple villain to an upright official!

Laughing! The progress of the filming of "Celebrating More Than Years" was too slow, and the actors collectively jumped to "Spend the Year of China"!

Speaking of the role of Guo Baokun, many people's first reaction may be "Hanhan". In "Celebrating More Than Years", Guo Baokun played by Jia Jinghui was supposed to be a villain, but he played a cute Hanhan.

Do you still remember the appearance of being covered in white cloth and facing Fan Xian in court in the first part? That picture still makes people laugh. In the second part, he didn't pretend anymore, and was directly accepted by Fan Xian as a secret agent, and he also took the secret agents lurking in Northern Qi to build a team. This operation is really laughable.

Laughing! The progress of the filming of "Celebrating More Than Years" was too slow, and the actors collectively jumped to "Spend the Year of China"!

But! In "The Year of China", Guo Baokun actually turned into an upright official, and he is also the type who dares to admonish the emperor directly!

From a simple villain to an honest official, this role has changed too much! However, if you think about it carefully, in fact, Guo Baokun has already shown the potential to become a "good general in the world" in "Celebrating More Than Years". For example, when he returned to China, he always carried the relics of the veterans, which is really rare.

Laughing! The progress of the filming of "Celebrating More Than Years" was too slow, and the actors collectively jumped to "Spend the Year of China"!

Jia Jinghui's acting skills can be said to be very good. Whether it is the funny Guo Baokun or the upright official, he performed it just right. It also gives us a glimpse of his potential and possibilities as an actor.

Netizens hotly discussed: "Spending the Year of China" is a parallel universe of "Celebrating More Than Years"?

Laughing! The progress of the filming of "Celebrating More Than Years" was too slow, and the actors collectively jumped to "Spend the Year of China"!

This incident quickly aroused heated discussions among netizens on the Internet. Some netizens believe that this is simply a parallel universe version of "Celebrating More Than Years":

"Isn't this another time and space of "Celebrating More Than Years"? Shen Zhong became the emperor, Lin Dabao entered the palace as a eunuch, his aunt became a favorite concubine, and Guo Baokun became an upright official. It's so interesting, isn't it?"
Laughing! The progress of the filming of "Celebrating More Than Years" was too slow, and the actors collectively jumped to "Spend the Year of China"!

Some netizens also feel that this kind of role contrast can really test the acting skills of actors:

"Jumping from one role to another is the real acting! These actors are really amazing, I can't tell that they are the same person at all!"

Some netizens said that this phenomenon of "job hopping" is actually quite interesting:

Laughing! The progress of the filming of "Celebrating More Than Years" was too slow, and the actors collectively jumped to "Spend the Year of China"!
"It feels like I'm watching a side story of "Celebrating More Than Years", familiar faces, different characters, this contrast is too interesting!"
"I've already begun to fantasize about the crossover of "Celebrating More Than Years" and "Du Hua Nian", that picture is too beautiful for me to watch!"

Of course, some netizens are worried about this:

Laughing! The progress of the filming of "Celebrating More Than Years" was too slow, and the actors collectively jumped to "Spend the Year of China"!
"I hope the third season of "Celebrating More Than Years" will not be affected, I am still waiting to see the follow-up of Fan Xian!"
"So many actors have gone to the new crew, how should "Celebrating More Than Years" be filmed in the future?"

However, more netizens choose to look at this matter in a humorous way:

Laughing! The progress of the filming of "Celebrating More Than Years" was too slow, and the actors collectively jumped to "Spend the Year of China"!
"Lord Fan Jian is really miserable, he was robbed of his daughter-in-law, and his daughter-in-law's eldest brother was castrated, life is impermanent!"
"I just want to know now, what will Fan Xian's reaction be when he finds out about this?"
Laughing! The progress of the filming of "Celebrating More Than Years" was too slow, and the actors collectively jumped to "Spend the Year of China"!

This kind of heated discussion also reflects the audience's love and expectation for these two dramas from the side.

Write at the end

Laughing! The progress of the filming of "Celebrating More Than Years" was too slow, and the actors collectively jumped to "Spend the Year of China"!

Looking back on the whole incident, we have to admire the acting skills of these actors. From "Celebrating More Than Years" to "Spending the Year of China", they have shown amazing role switching ability and performance tension. This contrast not only brings unexpected laughs, but also allows us to see the multifaceted and malleable nature of the actors.

At the same time, this phenomenon of "collective job hopping" has also triggered us to think about actor casting and script writing. Is it possible to try to have actors challenge themselves to more different types of roles? This not only brings out the potential of the actors, but also brings freshness to the audience.

Laughing! The progress of the filming of "Celebrating More Than Years" was too slow, and the actors collectively jumped to "Spend the Year of China"!

Finally, I would like to ask you: if you were asked to arrange it, how would you design the roles of these actors in "The Year of China"? Feel free to leave your ideas in the comment section!