
Zhang Ziyu concluded: 5 games of 175+64 unstoppable loss of the championship won the MVP and cried bitterly after the game

author:Love Home Fei Yi Entertainment
Zhang Ziyu concluded: 5 games of 175+64 unstoppable loss of the championship won the MVP and cried bitterly after the game

Foreword: In a wonderful basketball game, Zhang Ziyu became the focus of attention with his outstanding performance. In five games, she scored 175 points and contributed 64 rebounds, a statistic that is remarkable in any league. Despite her impeccable individual performance, the team ultimately failed to win the title, which left her extremely disappointed and even cried bitterly after the game. Zhang Ziyu's tears are not only a reflection of the desire for victory, but also a deep concern for the team's honor. Despite the disappointing results, her hard work and fighting spirit earned her the honor of MVP, which is the highest recognition of her abilities.

Zhang Ziyu concluded: 5 games of 175+64 unstoppable loss of the championship won the MVP and cried bitterly after the game

First, a glimpse of the sky, the rise of the field

On the field of the U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup, a 17-year-old girl named Zhang Ziyu suddenly rose like a bright new star, lighting up the entire court.

In her first competition for the national team, she showed amazing dominance and became the center of attention.

In three consecutive games, Zhang Ziyu is like an all-powerful god of war, contributing at least 30+10 data.

Zhang Ziyu concluded: 5 games of 175+64 unstoppable loss of the championship won the MVP and cried bitterly after the game

This is not something that ordinary people can do, every jump, every shot, every rebound scramble on the court, as if with an innate domineering.

Especially in the fierce battle against the Japanese team, she slashed 44 points, 14 rebounds and 5 assists, leaving her opponent in the dust.

Imagine that scene, Zhang Ziyu was like a whirlwind, raging on the court, and the Japanese team's defense was like paper paste in front of her, vulnerable.

Her every move is full of power and skill, and people can't help but cheer for it.

Zhang Ziyu concluded: 5 games of 175+64 unstoppable loss of the championship won the MVP and cried bitterly after the game

Second, the finals are still glorious

The arena is always full of uncertainties and challenges.

Facing the fierce defense of the Australian team in the final, Zhang Ziyu encountered an unprecedented predicament.

Her performance has been limited, but that doesn't mean she's overshadowed.

Even so, Zhang Ziyu still contributed an astonishing stat of 42 points and 14 rebounds.

Zhang Ziyu concluded: 5 games of 175+64 unstoppable loss of the championship won the MVP and cried bitterly after the game

China lost 79-96 to Australia and finished second.

But remember, this is by no means a failure for Zhang Ziyu, but a valuable experience.

Like a brave warrior, even though the road ahead is difficult and dangerous, she still moves forward bravely and does not flinch.

Zhang Ziyu concluded: 5 games of 175+64 unstoppable loss of the championship won the MVP and cried bitterly after the game

Although the results were not satisfactory, Zhang Ziyu's fighting spirit and tenacious fighting spirit let us see the dawn of hope.

For example, if the race is a difficult mountaineering trip, the Australian team is like a steep mountain, and Zhang Ziyu is the brave man who is determined to climb to the top.

Although she didn't make it to the top, we were moved by the courage and perseverance she showed during the climb.

Zhang Ziyu concluded: 5 games of 175+64 unstoppable loss of the championship won the MVP and cried bitterly after the game

3. The whole process shines and is crowned with glory

Looking back on the whole event, Zhang Ziyu's performance can be called outstanding.

With an average of 35 points and 12.8 rebounds per game, he is as dazzling as the brightest star in the night sky.

Specific to each game, 19 points, 7 rebounds and 3 blocks in G1, 36 points, 13 rebounds and 4 blocks in G2, 34 points, 16 rebounds and 5 assists in the semifinals, and then 42 points and 14 rebounds in the finals, behind every number is the crystallization of her sweat and hard work.

Zhang Ziyu concluded: 5 games of 175+64 unstoppable loss of the championship won the MVP and cried bitterly after the game

Zhang Ziyu was named the MVP of the U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup, which is a well-deserved honor.

She is like a mountain that stands tall, no matter how the wind and rain invade, she always sticks to her position and holds up a piece of the sky for the Chinese team.

Zhang Ziyu concluded: 5 games of 175+64 unstoppable loss of the championship won the MVP and cried bitterly after the game

Fourth, the whirlpool of controversy, where to go

In the final quarter of the final, Zhang Ziyu was substituted for 4 fouls on his back, a decision that instantly caused an uproar.

Many fans believe that her departure became the fuse for the collapse of the Chinese team, and failed to withstand the fierce counterattack of the Australian team.

The coaching staff's decision became a hot topic of discussion after the game.

Zhang Ziyu concluded: 5 games of 175+64 unstoppable loss of the championship won the MVP and cried bitterly after the game

Was this a wise move by the coaching staff, or was it a misjudgment? It's like an unsolved mystery that keeps people arguing.

Some people say that Zhang Ziyu's role on the field is irreplaceable, and her existence is the Dinghai Shenshen Needle of the Chinese team;

There are also those who believe that the coaching staff considers the overall tactics in order to protect the players and avoid the risk of too many fouls.

Zhang Ziyu concluded: 5 games of 175+64 unstoppable loss of the championship won the MVP and cried bitterly after the game

But in any case, this moment of controversy leaves us with deep food for thought.

In future competitions, how to better deal with similar situations and how to find a balance between protecting players and pursuing victory are issues that the Chinese women's basketball team needs to seriously study and solve.

Zhang Ziyu concluded: 5 games of 175+64 unstoppable loss of the championship won the MVP and cried bitterly after the game

Fifth, the future is promising, and the hope is unlimited

Despite the loss in the final, Zhang Ziyu won the MVP honor with her outstanding performance, which undoubtedly showed her huge potential and strength.

She is like a rising star, although she has not yet fully bloomed, but she has already made people see the infinite possibilities of her future.

For the Chinese women's basketball team, how to make better use of Zhang Ziyu's advantages will be an important topic.

Zhang Ziyu concluded: 5 games of 175+64 unstoppable loss of the championship won the MVP and cried bitterly after the game

Is it to develop a specific tactic for her to play a bigger role on the court?

Or is it through the team's cooperation that she and her teammates will have a stronger chemistry?

This requires the coaching staff and team members to work together and plan carefully.

Zhang Ziyu concluded: 5 games of 175+64 unstoppable loss of the championship won the MVP and cried bitterly after the game

Sixth, the potential is tapped, and the brilliance is created

Zhang Ziyu's outstanding performance makes us look forward to her future, and if she wants to truly become a superstar in women's basketball, she needs to continue to explore her potential in many aspects.

The first is the refinement of technology.

While she has shown a strong dominance on the inside, the game of basketball is constantly evolving, and opponents' defensive strategies are constantly changing

Zhang Ziyu concluded: 5 games of 175+64 unstoppable loss of the championship won the MVP and cried bitterly after the game

She needs to further improve her skills such as her under-the-basket footwork, hook shot, and back-to-back singles to make her offense more versatile and unguardable.

For example, like Yao Ming, he not only has excellent interior offensive ability, but also has an accurate mid-range shot, which makes him almost omnipotent on the court.

The second is the strengthening of physical fitness.

Zhang Ziyu concluded: 5 games of 175+64 unstoppable loss of the championship won the MVP and cried bitterly after the game

The high-intensity competition has extremely high physical requirements, and Zhang Ziyu needs to improve his endurance and explosiveness through scientific training methods to ensure that he can still maintain a good competitive condition at the critical moment of the game.

Just like LeBron James, with his super physical strength, he can still dominate the court in the final stage of the game.

The second is the tempering of mentality.

In the face of great attention and pressure, it is important to maintain a normal heart.

Zhang Ziyu concluded: 5 games of 175+64 unstoppable loss of the championship won the MVP and cried bitterly after the game

Whether in good times or bad times, it can play stably without being disturbed by external factors.

Kobe Bryant is a model of a strong mentality, no matter what difficulties and doubts he faces, he can stand firm in his beliefs and move forward.