
Girlfriend broke the news: 64-year-old actress Mao Shunjun has suffered from lupus erythematosus for many years and has had two miscarriages due to this disease



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Girlfriend broke the news: 64-year-old actress Mao Shunjun has suffered from lupus erythematosus for many years and has had two miscarriages due to this disease

Text: Cowbowton

Edited by Cowbowton

In this age of entertainment to death, we seem to have become accustomed to the glamorous side of celebrities. The gorgeous clothes on the red carpet, the smile in front of the screen, and the retouched photos on social media, as if this is their whole life.

But wouldn't it surprise you if I told you that behind those shining stars lies a weathered but still strong soul?

Today, let's take a closer look at 64-year-old Mao Shunjun and uncover her little-known life story. This actress, who is affectionately known as "Sister Mao", uses her tenacity and optimism to interpret what is the real life force.

Girlfriend broke the news: 64-year-old actress Mao Shunjun has suffered from lupus erythematosus for many years and has had two miscarriages due to this disease

Happy events are coming: a new chapter in Sister Mao's life

In the entertainment industry, 64 years old is definitely not a small number. But for Mao Shunyun, this age ushered in another important moment in her life.

Recently, Sister Mao announced a gratifying news: her 28-year-old eldest daughter is about to enter the palace of marriage in August. This good news not only made Sister Mao happy, but also made her fans feel very gratified.

After marriage, Sister Mao's eldest daughter will settle in the United States with her husband. Although her daughter is about to go to a foreign country, Sister Mao's face does not see the slightest reluctance, but is full of happiness and expectation.

Girlfriend broke the news: 64-year-old actress Mao Shunjun has suffered from lupus erythematosus for many years and has had two miscarriages due to this disease

This open-minded attitude may be related to Sister Mao's rich life experience. Looking back on Sister Mao's emotional experience, we will find that she has experienced three marriages.

The current husband Ou Dingping is a director, and the two have two daughters: the 28-year-old eldest daughter Ou Lingshan and the 23-year-old youngest daughter Ou Yishan. In the first two marriages, Sister Mao did not have children.

Three marriages and two daughters, behind this simple number is the ups and downs of Sister Mao's life trajectory.

Girlfriend broke the news: 64-year-old actress Mao Shunjun has suffered from lupus erythematosus for many years and has had two miscarriages due to this disease

Star-sgrushed: Sister Mao's acting career and emotional past

When it comes to Mao Shunyun, many people's first reaction may be "Oh, that's the actor". That's right, Sister Mao is indeed an excellent actor, and she has starred in many popular TV series and movies.

However, if you think that this is all Sister Mao, you are very wrong. In the impression of many people, Sister Mao also has a louder label: "Leslie Cheung's ex-girlfriend".

Girlfriend broke the news: 64-year-old actress Mao Shunjun has suffered from lupus erythematosus for many years and has had two miscarriages due to this disease
"Leslie Cheung fell in love with the innocent and lovely Mao Shunjun at first sight, and proposed to the other party under impulse."

This past incident once caused a lot of waves in the entertainment industry. However, Sister Mao at that time was frightened by this sudden marriage proposal.

In the end, the two did not enter the palace of marriage, but became good friends for decades. This relationship, although it did not come to fruition, has become one of the most precious memories in the lives of the two.

Girlfriend broke the news: 64-year-old actress Mao Shunjun has suffered from lupus erythematosus for many years and has had two miscarriages due to this disease

Time flies, and now Sister Mao is 64 years old. However, when you see her, you definitely can't guess her actual age.

She is well-maintained and optimistic, and she can't tell that she has reached the age of sixtieth year. In this state, people can't help but sigh: The years never defeat the beauty, at least in Sister Mao.

Hidden pain: Sister Mao's health troubles

Girlfriend broke the news: 64-year-old actress Mao Shunjun has suffered from lupus erythematosus for many years and has had two miscarriages due to this disease

However, just when everyone thought that Sister Mao's life was going well, an unexpected news broke this appearance.

On June 29, actress Zhong Huibing inadvertently revealed a secret in an interview: it turned out that Sister Mao's health has not been very good and she suffers from an immune system disease called lupus erythematosus.

As soon as this news came out, everyone was taken aback. Who would have thought that Sister Mao, who is always smiling like a flower in front of the camera, has to fight against the disease in private?

Girlfriend broke the news: 64-year-old actress Mao Shunjun has suffered from lupus erythematosus for many years and has had two miscarriages due to this disease

Zhong Huibing was the third runner-up of Miss Hong Kong in 1979, and she has been friends with Mao Shunjun for many years. Both of them are members of the "Zhibahui" and have a very close relationship.

It is precisely because of this relationship that Zhong Huibing will know Sister Mao's health condition. In fact, Sister Mao's announcement of her eldest daughter's marriage was announced on Zhong Huibing's show.

However, what makes the relationship between the two more intimate is an experience of fighting the disease together.

Girlfriend broke the news: 64-year-old actress Mao Shunjun has suffered from lupus erythematosus for many years and has had two miscarriages due to this disease

In 2016, Zhong Huibing suffered from a rare immune system disease called "vasculitis". In those most difficult days, it was Sister Mao who used her own experience to help and encourage Zhong Huibing.

"Mao Shunjun has lupus erythematosus, she is very good at studying the immune system, and she taught me a lot of health knowledge and how to make healthy bread," Zhong said.
Girlfriend broke the news: 64-year-old actress Mao Shunjun has suffered from lupus erythematosus for many years and has had two miscarriages due to this disease

This passage shows another unknown side of Sister Mao: a woman who has been fighting against illness for a long time, but is still optimistic and strong.

Strong and optimistic: Sister Mao's attitude to life

In fact, as early as March 2000, Sister Mao disclosed the fact that she had lupus erythematosus. At the time, she was pregnant with her second daughter.

Girlfriend broke the news: 64-year-old actress Mao Shunjun has suffered from lupus erythematosus for many years and has had two miscarriages due to this disease

Sister Mao revealed in the interview that after giving birth to her eldest daughter, her body has been uncomfortable, and she will be sick for a long time with a small cold, and she has had two miscarriages in a row during this period.

Later, after a detailed examination, the doctor told her that she had lupus erythematosus. This diagnosis is undoubtedly a bolt from the blue for Sister Mao.

In 1998, the doctor told Sister Mao that lupus erythematosus was an incurable disease that could only be controlled by medication, and could not be cured. In the face of such a blow, if it were someone else, it might have collapsed long ago.

Girlfriend broke the news: 64-year-old actress Mao Shunjun has suffered from lupus erythematosus for many years and has had two miscarriages due to this disease

But Sister Mao didn't give up. In order to cure her illness, she traveled around, saw many famous doctors, and even tried traditional Chinese medicine treatment.

Although the effect was not satisfactory, Sister Mao was not defeated. Instead, she began researching healthy eating and conditioning herself.

Over the years, Sister Mao has been working while taking care of her family. The audience has never seen the news of Sister Mao's illness in media reports, which shows that her condition has been well controlled.

Girlfriend broke the news: 64-year-old actress Mao Shunjun has suffered from lupus erythematosus for many years and has had two miscarriages due to this disease

Sister Mao proved with her own actions: Even if life gives you a heavy blow, you can stand up with a smile and move on.

Netizens hotly discussed: Sister Mao's story resonated

This incident quickly aroused heated discussions among netizens on the Internet. Some netizens expressed their deep admiration for Sister Mao's strength: "Sister Mao is amazing! The courage and perseverance to maintain a positive and optimistic attitude after so many years of illness is worth learning from all of us. "

Girlfriend broke the news: 64-year-old actress Mao Shunjun has suffered from lupus erythematosus for many years and has had two miscarriages due to this disease

Some netizens also praised Sister Mao's professionalism: "Think about it, Sister Mao has been insisting on working all these years, but she has never let the audience see her physical condition. This kind of professionalism is really admirable. "

Some netizens said: "Sister Mao's story made me understand that there is no hurdle in life that cannot be overcome." As long as we maintain a positive and optimistic attitude, we will definitely overcome difficulties. "

Girlfriend broke the news: 64-year-old actress Mao Shunjun has suffered from lupus erythematosus for many years and has had two miscarriages due to this disease

At the same time, some netizens expressed concern about the intensity of work in the entertainment industry: "I hope that Sister Mao and other artists can pay more attention to their bodies and not overwork for work." Health is the most important thing. "

More attentive netizens found that Sister Mao's story actually reflects a common social problem: "Many patients with chronic diseases are silently suffering from the pain, but they also have to face the pressure of work and life. I hope that the society can give more attention and support to these people. "

Girlfriend broke the news: 64-year-old actress Mao Shunjun has suffered from lupus erythematosus for many years and has had two miscarriages due to this disease

These comments reflect that Sister Mao's story is not only the personal experience of a star, but also reflects the challenges and pressures faced by ordinary people in contemporary society.

Written at the end: the resilience and beauty of life

Looking back on Mao Shunjun's life journey, we see not only the career of an excellent actor, but also a vivid example of how an ordinary person can keep smiling under the pressure of life.

Girlfriend broke the news: 64-year-old actress Mao Shunjun has suffered from lupus erythematosus for many years and has had two miscarriages due to this disease

From the emotional ups and downs of youth, to the health troubles after middle age, to now witnessing that her daughter is about to start a family. Sister Mao's life has experienced too many ups and downs, but she has always maintained an optimistic and positive attitude.

She tells us through her actions that the meaning of life is not what you go through, but how you face those experiences.

Girlfriend broke the news: 64-year-old actress Mao Shunjun has suffered from lupus erythematosus for many years and has had two miscarriages due to this disease

Sister Mao's story also makes us reflect: in this era of information explosion, do we ignore the real situation of the people around us? While we are chasing fame and fortune, do we still remember to care about the physical and mental health of ourselves and others?

Finally, let us wish Sister Mao together: may she be healthy, have a happy family, and continue to create brilliance in her acting career. At the same time, I also hope that every ordinary person can find their own rainbow in the wind and rain of life like Sister Mao.

Girlfriend broke the news: 64-year-old actress Mao Shunjun has suffered from lupus erythematosus for many years and has had two miscarriages due to this disease

How do you think we should maintain a positive and optimistic attitude in our busy lives? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section.

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