
CCTV retired host gathering, Xing Zhibin became a white-haired old lady, with a fat figure but a good complexion



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CCTV retired host gathering, Xing Zhibin became a white-haired old lady, with a fat figure but a good complexion

Text: Cowbowton

Edited by Cowbowton

In this era of information explosion, we seem to have become accustomed to the "highlight moments" of celebrities. However, when a once radiant CCTV celebrity quietly retreats into the background and lives an ordinary life, will we still pay attention?

Xing Zhibin, a name that once resounded in thousands of households, has now become an ordinary white-haired old lady. But in this ordinary, we may be able to glimpse the most precious wisdom of life. Let's walk into Xing Zhibin's world and see how this "news queen" interprets the second half of her life.

CCTV retired host gathering, Xing Zhibin became a white-haired old lady, with a fat figure but a good complexion

From a screen goddess to an ordinary old lady: Xing Zhibin's life has changed

Who would have thought that Xing Zhibin, who once conquered countless audiences with his standard Mandarin and calm atmosphere, has now become a 76-year-old ordinary old lady?

Time flies, and time is like a knife. used to be a high-spirited CCTV celebrity, but now he has gray hair and a slightly fat figure. However, when you look closely, you will find that her eyes are still bright and her complexion is very ruddy.

Xing Zhibin's life experience is legendary. From a little girl from an ordinary intellectual family, to the most shining host of CCTV, to an ordinary old man who is now away from the spotlight to spend her old age in peace, her life trajectory is full of dramatic turns. However, it is these ups and downs that have shaped her unique philosophy of life.

CCTV retired host gathering, Xing Zhibin became a white-haired old lady, with a fat figure but a good complexion
"Life is like a marathon, the important thing is not how high the starting point is, but how to run the whole course." Xing Zhibin once said this in an interview.

This sentence may be the best interpretation of her life course. From being sent to the countryside at the age of 12, to entering CCTV at the age of 27, and then retiring resolutely at the age of 61, Xing Zhibin has taken every step firmly and calmly. She used her actions to tell us that no matter what situation we are in, we must maintain a positive attitude and strive to create a wonderful life of our own.

CCTV retired host gathering, Xing Zhibin became a white-haired old lady, with a fat figure but a good complexion

Roses blooming among thorns: Xing Zhibin's growth path

Xing Zhibin's growth experience can be called an inspirational story of roses blooming among thorns. At the age of 12, the age at which he should have been coquettish in the arms of his parents, Xing Zhibin was forced to leave his hometown and be sent to a remote rural area.

In the face of an unfamiliar environment and heavy farm work, this "little girl" from the city was not defeated. On the contrary, with her tenacity and extraordinary talent for language, she quickly won the love of the villagers.

CCTV retired host gathering, Xing Zhibin became a white-haired old lady, with a fat figure but a good complexion
"I'll never forget those days in the countryside. It was that experience that taught me to be strong and made me cherish every opportunity to learn more. Xing Zhibin sighed when recalling the past.

In that era of material scarcity, Xing Zhibin enriched the spiritual world in his own way. Every night, when everyone else was asleep, she would sneak into the village study to read. It was this thirst for knowledge that laid the foundation for her later success.

CCTV retired host gathering, Xing Zhibin became a white-haired old lady, with a fat figure but a good complexion

However, the test of fate did not end there. When Xing Zhibin finally returned to the city and was ready to start his studies again, he faced discrimination and alienation from the city. However, this girl who has experienced hardships has not been defeated. With her excellent grades and friendly personality, she quickly won the recognition of her teachers and classmates.

CCTV retired host gathering, Xing Zhibin became a white-haired old lady, with a fat figure but a good complexion

Xing Zhibin's story tells us that the road to growth will always be full of thorns, but as long as we maintain our perseverance, we will be able to bloom the most beautiful flowers. She used her own experience to interpret the profound meaning of the phrase "how can you see a rainbow without experiencing wind and rain".

CCTV retired host gathering, Xing Zhibin became a white-haired old lady, with a fat figure but a good complexion

The "Queen of News" on the CCTV stage

27 years old, for many people, this age is still confused about the direction of their careers. But for Xing Zhibin, this is an important turning point in her life. In 1975, Xing Zhibin passed layers of selection and successfully entered CCTV. Since then, she has started her brilliant hosting career.

CCTV retired host gathering, Xing Zhibin became a white-haired old lady, with a fat figure but a good complexion

However, success never happens overnight. As a newcomer, Xing Zhibin's challenges can be imagined. CCTV in that era had almost harsh requirements for the host. Xing Zhibin recalled:

"Every day after work, I would write down the questions that I had been criticized during the day, and then practice them repeatedly until I was satisfied. Sometimes my voice is hoarse when I practice late at night, but I never feel hard. "
CCTV retired host gathering, Xing Zhibin became a white-haired old lady, with a fat figure but a good complexion

It was this almost persistent effort that made Xing Zhibin stand out quickly. In 1981, she became the main anchor of the first batch of "News Network". Her calm and atmospheric hosting style and clear and fluent Mandarin quickly won the love of the audience.

CCTV retired host gathering, Xing Zhibin became a white-haired old lady, with a fat figure but a good complexion

Xing Zhibin's success is not only a personal glory, but also a microcosm of an era. In that era when information was relatively closed, "News Network" was like a window connecting China and the world. And Xing Zhibin has become the most beautiful scenery on this window.

She uses her professionalism and dedication to explain what a real "news person" is. In his 33-year hosting career, Xing Zhibin has never made a mistake in a news broadcast. This near-perfect professional ethics not only won the "Golden Microphone Award", the highest honor in the broadcasting industry, but also was affectionately called the "soul of news" by the audience.

CCTV retired host gathering, Xing Zhibin became a white-haired old lady, with a fat figure but a good complexion

The balance between career and family: Xing Zhibin's life choice

However, just when Xing Zhibin's career was at its peak, a sudden blow made her start to rethink her life. In 2006, her good partner and good friend Luo Jing died of illness. The blow of this bad news to Xing Zhibin can be imagined.

CCTV retired host gathering, Xing Zhibin became a white-haired old lady, with a fat figure but a good complexion
"Before he died, Luo Jing repeatedly said to me: 'You have to live well, you have to live for your family. Don't work all day, that's pathetic!'" Xing Zhibin recalled, his voice full of choked throats.

This sentence was like a heavy hammer, smashing Xing Zhibin's heart. She began to reflect on her dedication to her career over the years, is it worth the loss of family affection? As a working woman, she really neglected the company of her family too much.

CCTV retired host gathering, Xing Zhibin became a white-haired old lady, with a fat figure but a good complexion

So, at the age of 61, when he could have continued to shine, Xing Zhibin made a decision that surprised everyone - retirement. This decision made many viewers feel regretful and puzzled, but for Xing Zhibin, it was her choice after careful consideration.

CCTV retired host gathering, Xing Zhibin became a white-haired old lady, with a fat figure but a good complexion

Xing Zhibin's choice reflects the dilemma faced by many professional women. How do you find a balance between career and family? There may be no standard answer to this question, but Xing Zhibin gave her answer with her own actions.

CCTV retired host gathering, Xing Zhibin became a white-haired old lady, with a fat figure but a good complexion

Retirement: The Wonderful in the Ordinary

After retirement, Xing Zhibin's life has become plain and fulfilling. Every morning, she and her wife take a walk in the park near her home to breathe in the fresh air and feel the beauty of life. Occasionally, she would get together with some old friends to chat, play chess, and reminisce about the past.

CCTV retired host gathering, Xing Zhibin became a white-haired old lady, with a fat figure but a good complexion
"Life after retirement has given me a new understanding of what happiness is." Xing Zhibin said in an interview. "I used to think that success is a successful career, but now I understand that being with my family is the greatest happiness."
CCTV retired host gathering, Xing Zhibin became a white-haired old lady, with a fat figure but a good complexion

Today's Xing Zhibin, the greatest joy is to accompany his grandchildren to grow up. Watching the little ones grow up day by day, she always has a happy smile on her face. This kind of ordinary and warm life may be what many people yearn for in the depths of their hearts.

CCTV retired host gathering, Xing Zhibin became a white-haired old lady, with a fat figure but a good complexion

However, even in retirement, Xing Zhibin still maintains her unique temperament and charm. When some old drama bones came to the house for a small gathering, although her hair was gray and her movements were not as flexible as before, that kind of elegant and generous conversation still made people feel a kind of inner peace and wisdom.

CCTV retired host gathering, Xing Zhibin became a white-haired old lady, with a fat figure but a good complexion

Xing Zhibin's retirement life shows us a way to age gracefully. She tells us with her actions that the value of life is not only in the success of the career, but also in how to face every stage of life peacefully.

CCTV retired host gathering, Xing Zhibin became a white-haired old lady, with a fat figure but a good complexion

Netizens are hotly discussed: Look at Xing Zhibin's life choices from multiple angles

This incident quickly aroused heated discussions among netizens on the Internet. Some netizens said:

CCTV retired host gathering, Xing Zhibin became a white-haired old lady, with a fat figure but a good complexion
"Xing Zhibin's choice is so admirable! How much courage it takes to choose to retire at the peak of your career and focus on your family!"

Some netizens also think:

CCTV retired host gathering, Xing Zhibin became a white-haired old lady, with a fat figure but a good complexion
"Xing Zhibin's story made me rethink the meaning of life. Perhaps, ordinary happiness is the rarest. "

Some netizens expressed their views from the perspective of women's rights:

CCTV retired host gathering, Xing Zhibin became a white-haired old lady, with a fat figure but a good complexion
Xing Zhibin's experience reflects the plight of many professional women. We need more social support so that women don't have to make painful choices between career and family. "

Of course, there are some different voices. Some netizens think:

CCTV retired host gathering, Xing Zhibin became a white-haired old lady, with a fat figure but a good complexion
Xing Zhibin's retirement is her personal choice, but it should not be the standard for all women. Everyone has the right to pursue the life they want. "

Some netizens put forward their own views from a social perspective:

CCTV retired host gathering, Xing Zhibin became a white-haired old lady, with a fat figure but a good complexion
"Xing Zhibin's story shows us that society needs to establish a better retirement system so that everyone can live out their old age with dignity."

These diverse voices reflect the diversity of people's understanding of lifestyles and values. In any case, Xing Zhibin's story undoubtedly gives us a lot of room for thought.

Conclusion: See the truth in the ordinary

Xing Zhibin's life experience can be called a microcosm of China's social changes. From the hard rural life, to the glory of the CCTV host, to the ordinary life after retirement, every step of her is deeply imprinted with the mark of the times.

CCTV retired host gathering, Xing Zhibin became a white-haired old lady, with a fat figure but a good complexion

Her story teaches us that the value of life is not just how much we achieve, but also how we balance all aspects of our lives. It takes courage and wisdom to choose to retire at the peak of your career and focus on your family.

Xing Zhibin used his actions to explain what real success is. Perhaps, when we walk through the bright stage of life, we can enjoy our old age and enjoy the joy of family, which is the highest state of life.

Finally, let's consider the question: in this fast-paced society, should we also stop and re-examine our life values? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section.

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