
In 30 years, more than 368 girls have been violated, including multiple Olympic champions, and the biggest scandal in world sports

author:Tiggers love to eat jumping candy
All of the information stated in this article is based on reliable sources, and the specific information is detailed in the article and at the end of the article

"You ruined so many girls, you deserve to go to hell!"

In 30 years, more than 368 girls have been violated, including multiple Olympic champions, and the biggest scandal in world sports

In August 2016, the Indianapolis Star newspaper IndyStar published a news story titled "Turning a Blind Eye to Sexual Abuse - Why the U.S. Gymnastics Team Withheld It."

In 30 years, more than 368 girls have been violated, including multiple Olympic champions, and the biggest scandal in world sports

According to reports, the U.S. gymnastics team has violated at least 330 female athletes in the past 30 years, including not only well-known Olympic champions, but also a number of victims under the age of 13.

The most unexpected thing is that these victims have repeatedly filed complaints against the U.S. Gymnastics Team and the U.S. Gymnastics Association, but they choose to ignore them for the sake of honor and their own interests, which has led to more and more female athletes suffering from pain all the time.

In 30 years, more than 368 girls have been violated, including multiple Olympic champions, and the biggest scandal in world sports

So, who is this man? Why is it so rampant?

The devil behind it

This person's name is Larry Nassar, not only is the team doctor for the Michigan State University gymnastics team and the women's team, but also an associate professor at Michigan State University Orthopedic Hospital, and what is even more unexpected is that he has also served as the team doctor for the four-time Olympic gymnastics team.

In 30 years, more than 368 girls have been violated, including multiple Olympic champions, and the biggest scandal in world sports

At first, when he heard these "titles", he looked like a good person with good manners, but he was a "wolf in sheep's clothing", and in the more than 30 years of work, he often used the name of reasonable treatment, as well as "class" or "sharing" to show female athletes the success of their research, so that they could slowly let down their guard.

The original article was published on The Paper on July 11, 2022 about using his identity as a team doctor of the US National Gymnastics Team as a cover, he harassed and molested more than 300 gymnastics girls...... reports
In 30 years, more than 368 girls have been violated, including multiple Olympic champions, and the biggest scandal in world sports

In 1990, 9-year-old Trina became Nassar's "prey" because of frequent training mistakes, and Nassar invited her to her home in the name of treatment.

In 30 years, more than 368 girls have been violated, including multiple Olympic champions, and the biggest scandal in world sports

In the face of Nassar's invitation, Trina agreed without thinking about it, but what she didn't expect was that Nassar's claws stretched out to her step by step, after all, she was very young at the time, and naturally she didn't understand this, but Nassar, who tasted the sweetness, did not give up, but hurt her many times after that.

It wasn't until Trina grew up that she gradually understood, but for Nassar, she already had enough "evidence" to threaten, which caused her to be deeply involved, and her lawyer estimated that Nassar had harmed her at least 856 times.

In 30 years, more than 368 girls have been violated, including multiple Olympic champions, and the biggest scandal in world sports

Attempting to report and expose

In fact, there are far more victims than Terina, such as 16-year-old Boyce, who was also hurt by Trina, but she did not choose to swallow her anger, but tried to ask for justice, but what she didn't expect was that when she told others about it, not only did she not get justice, but she was "threatened".

After all, as early as July 2015, American gymnast Maggie reported Trina's behavior to the United States Gymnastics Board, although the FBI also launched an investigation at that time, and there were 3 victims who were willing to stand up, but in the end, the evidence provided by these victims, as well as the transcript of the conversation, he did not bear any legal responsibility.

In 30 years, more than 368 girls have been violated, including multiple Olympic champions, and the biggest scandal in world sports
The original article was published on the overseas network on June 10, 2022 on the accusation that the FBI investigated the sexual assault case of the team doctor's dereliction of duty, and the U.S. women's gymnastics team claimed $1 billion! reports
In 30 years, more than 368 girls have been violated, including multiple Olympic champions, and the biggest scandal in world sports

Moreover, at the press conference after Nassar's confession, several victims specifically criticized Michigan State University's approach, that is, after receiving the report, not only did they not protect the rights and interests of the victims, but they continued to defend Nassar, and even calmed down the negative news many times.

Especially in the subsequent investigation, they found that the American gymnastics community has always had a tradition of covering up or downplaying such complaints, and they did not hesitate to sacrifice the physical and mental health of athletes, in order to better protect the reputation of the American gymnastics community.

In 30 years, more than 368 girls have been violated, including multiple Olympic champions, and the biggest scandal in world sports

After all, if this matter is exposed, it will not only damage their reputation, but it is also very likely that the commercial value of these gymnasts will be greatly reduced, so whenever someone reports it, they will choose to ignore it, and they will even ask the athletes to sign a confidentiality agreement.

Good and evil will be rewarded

As the saying goes: "It's not that you don't report it, the time has not come", with the rapid development of the Internet, in August 2016, the Indianapolis Star newspaper Indystar was also angry after learning the news, so it published a series of reports exposing Nassar's crimes.

In 30 years, more than 368 girls have been violated, including multiple Olympic champions, and the biggest scandal in world sports

Although in the report, it was only briefly explained that several female athletes were injured by Nassar, but what I didn't expect was that after reading this report, it quickly attracted widespread attention in the United States, and everyone supported the sanction of Nassar, and only then did someone formally prosecute him.

The original article was published on Red Star News on July 11, 2023 about the sexual assault of more than 330 athletes, and the former team doctor of the U.S. gymnastics team was stabbed 10 times in prison
In 30 years, more than 368 girls have been violated, including multiple Olympic champions, and the biggest scandal in world sports

Seeing that there was someone behind them, people who had been hurt dared to stand up at this time, but what was unexpected was that this was only the "tip of the iceberg", and in the days that followed, at least 330 people admitted to being hurt, and 156 women and children came to the court to make victim statements.

In 30 years, more than 368 girls have been violated, including multiple Olympic champions, and the biggest scandal in world sports

In January 2018, Nassar was sentenced to 40 to 175 years in prison for assaulting female athletes under the guise of treatment, including assault on female athletes.

And after a five-year legal process, those victims finally reached a settlement with the United States Gymnastics Association and other departments in 2021, and they compensated the victims a total of 380 million US dollars (about 2.4 billion yuan), but in the face of this high compensation, in 2018, the United States Gymnastics Association was forced to file for bankruptcy.

In 30 years, more than 368 girls have been violated, including multiple Olympic champions, and the biggest scandal in world sports

High-profile athletes were injured

For example, Rachel, a former gymnast in the United States and later a lawyer, was a girl who was injured by Nassar, and she was the first person to publicly expose Nassar's crimes in the media, and even called for more people to come forward with her own experience in court.

And at the 2016 Rio Olympics, Simon Biles, who won 4 gold medals with her own strength, although she did not appear in court publicly, she also admitted through social platforms that she was also a victim of Nassar, and she also told about the experience she had suffered over the years.

In 30 years, more than 368 girls have been violated, including multiple Olympic champions, and the biggest scandal in world sports
The original article was published on The Paper on July 11, 2022 about using his identity as a team doctor of the US National Gymnastics Team as a cover, he harassed and molested more than 300 gymnastics girls...... reports
In 30 years, more than 368 girls have been violated, including multiple Olympic champions, and the biggest scandal in world sports

Even Maroney, the team champion at the 2012 London Olympics, could not escape Nassar's clutches, and she even showed that she had suffered from Nassar's injuries since she joined the U.S. National Gymnastics Training Camp at the age of 13, and it has continued for many years.

In 30 years, more than 368 girls have been violated, including multiple Olympic champions, and the biggest scandal in world sports

Of course, the victims of this incident are far more than these people, which can see the loopholes of the American gymnastics team, and it makes people see Nassar's crimes, but fortunately, the law is very serious, and he finally paid the due price for his actions.

In July 2023, according to the president of the Federal Prison Union, Nassar was stabbed 10 times by his cellmate because of an argument with a criminal in prison, but fortunately, he was found in time and sent to the hospital for treatment, which led to his life-threatening escape.

In 30 years, more than 368 girls have been violated, including multiple Olympic champions, and the biggest scandal in world sports


Even in previous reports, at least 330 people were injured by Nassar, but the number has reached 368 one after another, but after the media's calculations, I am afraid that the number of victims is much lower than this number, after all, there are many people who have to bury this matter in their hearts for the sake of "reputation".

Although Nassar has received the punishment he deserves, it has always been an indelible pain for those victims, and this incident is still a "painful nightmare" in their hearts.

In 30 years, more than 368 girls have been violated, including multiple Olympic champions, and the biggest scandal in world sports

After this incident, the United States has also specially rectified thousands of gymnastics clubs, and at the same time, it has also aroused the vigilance of countries around the world.

In 30 years, more than 368 girls have been violated, including multiple Olympic champions, and the biggest scandal in world sports

Key sources of information:

The original article was published on The Paper on July 11, 2022 about using his identity as a team doctor of the US National Gymnastics Team as a cover, he harassed and molested more than 300 gymnastics girls...... reports

The original article was published on the overseas network on June 10, 2022 on the accusation that the FBI investigated the sexual assault case of the team doctor's dereliction of duty, and the U.S. women's gymnastics team claimed $1 billion! reports

The original article was published on Red Star News on July 11, 2023 about the sexual assault of more than 330 athletes, and the former team doctor of the U.S. gymnastics team was stabbed 10 times in prison

The original article was published on The Paper on July 11, 2022 about using his identity as a team doctor of the US National Gymnastics Team as a cover, he harassed and molested more than 300 gymnastics girls...... reports

In 30 years, more than 368 girls have been violated, including multiple Olympic champions, and the biggest scandal in world sports
In 30 years, more than 368 girls have been violated, including multiple Olympic champions, and the biggest scandal in world sports
In 30 years, more than 368 girls have been violated, including multiple Olympic champions, and the biggest scandal in world sports
In 30 years, more than 368 girls have been violated, including multiple Olympic champions, and the biggest scandal in world sports

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