
Bi Fujian's daughter took a recent photo, 27-year-old Bi Ling has a strong figure, a super short hairstyle, a heroic temperament, and a male appearance

author:Tiggers love to eat jumping candy
All of the information stated in this article is based on reliable sources, and the specific information is detailed in the article and at the end of the article

Since the launch of the variety show "I Am Not a Star", the audience's attention to the second generation of stars has also increased, and the son of Yi Nengjing who was well-known to everyone some time ago.

Bi Fujian's daughter took a recent photo, 27-year-old Bi Ling has a strong figure, a super short hairstyle, a heroic temperament, and a male appearance

"Out of the circle" with a unique shape, many netizens are "full of praise" for it, and even Yi Nengjing came forward to support his son "Harry is free", although he doesn't understand, but respects.

Bi Fujian's daughter took a recent photo, 27-year-old Bi Ling has a strong figure, a super short hairstyle, a heroic temperament, and a male appearance

On June 29, Bi Fujian's daughter Bi Ling also released her latest situation, and her unique clothing and personalized hairstyle in the photo also aroused heated discussions among netizens.

Bi Fujian's daughter took a recent photo, 27-year-old Bi Ling has a strong figure, a super short hairstyle, a heroic temperament, and a male appearance

On weekdays, Bi Ling is still very low-key, and he will not easily post some of his life dynamics on the circle of friends or social networking sites, this time he may be playing with friends, happy, and sharing his joy with everyone, but he didn't expect his current situation to make netizens a little dissatisfied.

Bi Fujian's daughter took a recent photo, 27-year-old Bi Ling has a strong figure, a super short hairstyle, a heroic temperament, and a male appearance

Many netizens are strange, Bi Ling's friends are all very normal, only she is dressed strangely, her figure is fatter than before, her hairstyle is also bright, and only a small piece of the top of her head is shaved on both sides, so she smiled, people who don't know still think it is Yue Yunpeng, I have to say that Bi Ling and Xiao Yueyue are indeed a little similar.

Bi Fujian's daughter took a recent photo, 27-year-old Bi Ling has a strong figure, a super short hairstyle, a heroic temperament, and a male appearance

But this kind of dress is a bit unacceptable, how to say that Bi Ling is also a little girl, now this look, fat, black, and greasy, if you don't know someone, no one knows that she is a little girl, especially sticking out her tongue and taking a selfie, which is somewhat uncomfortable.

Bi Fujian's daughter took a recent photo, 27-year-old Bi Ling has a strong figure, a super short hairstyle, a heroic temperament, and a male appearance

Standing with women, Bi Ling looks a little abrupt, but standing with boys is very suitable, a social big brother style, but there are still some differences in domestic and foreign aesthetics, Bi Ling's dress, although it is not acceptable in China, but people abroad may like it.

Bi Fujian's daughter took a recent photo, 27-year-old Bi Ling has a strong figure, a super short hairstyle, a heroic temperament, and a male appearance

I still remember the first time I met Bi Ling, it was in 2014 in "Avenue of Stars", when Bi Fujian was still the host, this show used to be a stage that countless "rural grassroots" dreamed of, and many talented people wanted to perform on it to open up their popularity.

Bi Fujian's daughter took a recent photo, 27-year-old Bi Ling has a strong figure, a super short hairstyle, a heroic temperament, and a male appearance

Like Phoenix Legend, Nine Moon Miracle, Ah Bao, etc., all became popular on this stage, and Bi Fujian let his daughter appear on this show at that time, and he may also have the idea of wanting her to make her debut, but she was still young at the time, and her appearance was a little unsatisfactory.

Bi Fujian's daughter took a recent photo, 27-year-old Bi Ling has a strong figure, a super short hairstyle, a heroic temperament, and a male appearance

When he was a child, Bi Ling was very likable, with a round little face and big eyes, he looked very cute, not inferior to the child stars of the same period, and his eyes were very similar to Bi Fujian's eyes.

Bi Fujian's daughter took a recent photo, 27-year-old Bi Ling has a strong figure, a super short hairstyle, a heroic temperament, and a male appearance

But there is no way to do it, Bi Ling, who was born in 1996, has not been in China for a long time, living in Canada with his mother when he was eight years old, and rarely returns to China, and studying in Canada.

Article information source: Metropolis Women's Daily ---2014.10.09: "Bi Fujian's daughter debuted on the show hosted by her father"
Bi Fujian's daughter took a recent photo, 27-year-old Bi Ling has a strong figure, a super short hairstyle, a heroic temperament, and a male appearance

At that time, because of Bi Fujian's show, a female singer Zhou Yanhong often appeared in his show, and the two behaved intimately, which seemed to produce some sparks, and after being discovered by Bi Fujian's ex-wife, she felt uncomfortable, so in 2004, she and Bi Fujian chose to divorce, and also took their daughter Bi Ling to Canada.

Article information source: China Daily --- 2015.4.29: "Bi Fujian's wife's recent photos, the reason for the divorce was speculated, and the daughter Bi Ling was complained about"
Bi Fujian's daughter took a recent photo, 27-year-old Bi Ling has a strong figure, a super short hairstyle, a heroic temperament, and a male appearance

Bi Ling, who lives in Canada, has also changed his physical condition because of his different living habits and diet, and when he made his debut, he wore a light blue dress and a small glasses, which was somewhat "deformed" compared with the cute aura when he was a child.

Bi Fujian's daughter took a recent photo, 27-year-old Bi Ling has a strong figure, a super short hairstyle, a heroic temperament, and a male appearance

Although Bi Ling lived in Canada with her mother, she still missed her father very much, and on Father's Day one year, she also specially found Bi Fujian, lying on Bi Fujian's back to take pictures, very intimate.

Bi Fujian's daughter took a recent photo, 27-year-old Bi Ling has a strong figure, a super short hairstyle, a heroic temperament, and a male appearance

But at this time, Bi Ling has begun to change her image, she has studied in Canada, and she has also accepted Western culture, and the photos she usually posts on social media are also very Western, and her hair is often the same as "fried hair", a bit of a "non-mainstream" feeling more than ten years ago.

Bi Fujian's daughter took a recent photo, 27-year-old Bi Ling has a strong figure, a super short hairstyle, a heroic temperament, and a male appearance

Bi Ling, who graduated from the Ontario College of Art and Design, has enough education, this school has a long history, and ranks first in Canadian art and designers, so her outfits and image belong to the Canadian style, and in social dynamics, she often posts photos of herself and her works, I have to say that it is still very good.

Bi Fujian's daughter took a recent photo, 27-year-old Bi Ling has a strong figure, a super short hairstyle, a heroic temperament, and a male appearance

But as time goes by, Bi Ling has become more and more "abstract", just like a man, but she used to be very feminine, like most girls, wearing a small skirt and combing her hair flat on her shoulders, she also has a charm.

Bi Fujian's daughter took a recent photo, 27-year-old Bi Ling has a strong figure, a super short hairstyle, a heroic temperament, and a male appearance

will also cater to the public style, wear earrings, paint eyeshadow, dress up their faces exquisitely, carefully choose a costume, and will also make a hairstyle.

Bi Fujian's daughter took a recent photo, 27-year-old Bi Ling has a strong figure, a super short hairstyle, a heroic temperament, and a male appearance

There was also a video of Bi Ling dancing on the Internet, although she didn't look very slim, but when she danced pole dance, it was so smooth, which shows how much effort she put in.

Bi Fujian's daughter took a recent photo, 27-year-old Bi Ling has a strong figure, a super short hairstyle, a heroic temperament, and a male appearance

In the piano, Bi Ling also has good attainments, so it seems that in addition to her appearance, which is a little unsatisfactory, she is a high-end existence in all other aspects, and she is also very low-key, very similar to the current Bi Fujian.

Bi Fujian's daughter took a recent photo, 27-year-old Bi Ling has a strong figure, a super short hairstyle, a heroic temperament, and a male appearance

Because not only did Bi Fujian, who left the CCTV stage, but also soon entered his retirement life, although he no longer appeared in the mainstream media, he would often release some of his own life dynamics.

Bi Fujian's daughter took a recent photo, 27-year-old Bi Ling has a strong figure, a super short hairstyle, a heroic temperament, and a male appearance

It's nothing to write, draw, and raise flowers, but also into a kind of comfort zone, as if leaving as he wishes, although he often attends some small activities to earn some living expenses, he rarely shows up.

Bi Fujian's daughter took a recent photo, 27-year-old Bi Ling has a strong figure, a super short hairstyle, a heroic temperament, and a male appearance

Compared with the scenery on the stage, Bi Fujian is much older now, but he seems to be a little unconvinced, and occasionally goes to play basketball.

Bi Fujian's daughter took a recent photo, 27-year-old Bi Ling has a strong figure, a super short hairstyle, a heroic temperament, and a male appearance

But most of them were made videos by others, and he didn't take the initiative to appear, Bi Ling was deeply affected by his father's low-key character, and basically didn't come forward much, she was 28 years old, and she was not as "arrogant" as the second generation of other stars, and she didn't rely on her father's energy, and she developed step by step.

Bi Fujian's daughter took a recent photo, 27-year-old Bi Ling has a strong figure, a super short hairstyle, a heroic temperament, and a male appearance


The ancients said that "the body is skinned, and the parents are received", although Bi Ling does not look so beautiful, but this is given by her parents, she herself likes it very much, she is happy, she doesn't have to care about other people's opinions at all, although she looks a bit like a man now, but her confident smile seems to have lived out of herself.

Bi Fujian's daughter took a recent photo, 27-year-old Bi Ling has a strong figure, a super short hairstyle, a heroic temperament, and a male appearance

Article sources:

Metropolis Women's Daily---2014.10.09: "Bi Fujian's daughter debuts on the show hosted by her father"

China Daily --- 2015.4.29: "Bi Fujian's wife's recent photo, the reason for the divorce was speculated, and the daughter Bi Ling was complained about"

Bi Fujian's daughter took a recent photo, 27-year-old Bi Ling has a strong figure, a super short hairstyle, a heroic temperament, and a male appearance
Bi Fujian's daughter took a recent photo, 27-year-old Bi Ling has a strong figure, a super short hairstyle, a heroic temperament, and a male appearance