
The post-00s girl "857" 7 times a week died of rotten intestines: you can't afford the consequences of indulgence

author:Tiggers love to eat jumping candy
All of the information stated in this article is based on reliable sources, and the specific information is detailed in the article and at the end of the article

Have you ever heard of "857"? It's not a clock-in/out, but a "happy life" that comes from 8 p.m. to 5 a.m., seven days a week, soaking in nightclubs, numbing yourself with alcohol and music, and escaping reality.

The post-00s girl "857" 7 times a week died of rotten intestines: you can't afford the consequences of indulgence

Isn't it exciting to listen to? But have you ever thought about whether you can really afford the price of this kind of "happiness"?

The post-00s girl "857" 7 times a week died of rotten intestines: you can't afford the consequences of indulgence

The post-00s Xiaomei (pseudonym) girl used her own living example to tell everyone that you can't afford the consequences of indulgence!

The post-00s girl "857" 7 times a week died of rotten intestines: you can't afford the consequences of indulgence

Good children can also be confused

In the eyes of outsiders, Xiaomei is an excellent child, but who would have thought that such a young girl would suddenly disappear at the age of 21, do you say it's a pity?

The post-00s girl "857" 7 times a week died of rotten intestines: you can't afford the consequences of indulgence

The reason for this has a lot to do with "857", when she wanted to experience "857", a few glasses of wine, and then stimulated by the dynamic music, she gradually let go, all the troubles seemed to be thrown out of the clouds, only the music and lights in front of her.

The post-00s girl "857" 7 times a week died of rotten intestines: you can't afford the consequences of indulgence

After that, Xiaomei became a frequent visitor to nightclubs, and often "857" with friends. She felt as if she had found an outlet to release her stress, and she had also found the happiness she had not seen for a long time, and even later to the point of obsession, 7 times a week.

As the saying goes, if you come out to mix, sooner or later you will have to pay it back, although Xiaomei's life of "857" is chic and happy, but her body is gradually unable to bear it.

The post-00s girl "857" 7 times a week died of rotten intestines: you can't afford the consequences of indulgence

At first it was just an occasional stomach ache. She didn't take it seriously, thinking that the food in the nightclub was not clean, and she would be done with some medicine.

But this stomach hurts, just like an alarm clock, I come to "visit" her every three or five times, and each time it is more and more menacing, sometimes the pain makes her pale, cold sweat, and she can't even stand steadily.

The post-00s girl "857" 7 times a week died of rotten intestines: you can't afford the consequences of indulgence

Colleagues looked at her and asked her worriedly: "Xiaomei, have you been feeling unwell recently?" The face is so ugly, do you want to go to the hospital to have a look? ”

Xiaomei said "It's okay, it's okay, it's old", but she began to drum in her heart: Is it really a physical problem? It can't be a serious illness, right?

The post-00s girl "857" 7 times a week died of rotten intestines: you can't afford the consequences of indulgence

But when she thought about it, she was only 21 years old, which was the age of youth and invincible, how could there be any big problems, it must be the fuss of her colleagues, so Xiaomei used the reason of "no time" to prevaricate the past.

In order to make herself feel at ease, Xiaomei also deliberately checked on the Internet, and found that many young people have similar symptoms, mostly because of too much pressure, irregular work and rest, and unhealthy diet.

The post-00s girl "857" 7 times a week died of rotten intestines: you can't afford the consequences of indulgence

Seeing this, Xiaomei was immediately relieved, and just like that, Xiaomei endured the pain in her body while continuing her "857" life.

The last

Until one day Xiaomei came to the nightclub as usual, the music started, she endured the discomfort of her body, walked into the dance floor, and began to dance, but within a few minutes, she felt a sharp pain, and her eyes were dark, and she didn't know anything.

The post-00s girl "857" 7 times a week died of rotten intestines: you can't afford the consequences of indulgence

When she woke up again, she was already lying in a hospital bed. The doctor told her that her intestine was already badly ulcerated and that she needed immediate surgery or risk her life.

Hearing the news, Xiaomei completely collapsed, and she was even more scared. But she couldn't figure it out, she didn't do anything, how did she get to this point?

The post-00s girl "857" 7 times a week died of rotten intestines: you can't afford the consequences of indulgence

If you want to say how Xiaomei's intestines are rotten, speaking of which, the lifestyle of "857" is "indispensable", seven days a week, from 8 o'clock in the evening to 5 o'clock in the morning, this routine has long been out of order.

And none of those things in the nightclub, fried chicken, fries, beer, and foreign wine, are good for the stomach, and it is no wonder that there are no problems with the stomach after eating and drinking so much for a long time.

The post-00s girl "857" 7 times a week died of rotten intestines: you can't afford the consequences of indulgence

In addition, Xiaomei's body has been in a state of overload for a long time for "857", her immunity has plummeted, and her stomach and intestines are already fragile, which is even worse, which is a big problem.

At this time, Xiaomei also regretted not being at the beginning, but now it is too late to regret it, although the doctor tried his best, Xiaomei's condition still took a sharp turn for the worse, and finally this 21-year-old girl closed her eyes forever.

The post-00s girl "857" 7 times a week died of rotten intestines: you can't afford the consequences of indulgence

Can you really afford the consequences of indulgence?

Xiaomei's story, in the final analysis, is still overindulgent, and eventually reaps the consequences, today's young people, life is stressful, and there are many temptations, many people want to live a life of "having wine today and getting drunk today", and feel that it is most important to have fun in time, as for what will happen in the future, who cares?

The post-00s girl "857" 7 times a week died of rotten intestines: you can't afford the consequences of indulgence

And not only girls, but also boys because of addiction to "857", the doctor of Changsha Xiangya Hospital once said that she can sometimes receive 3 similar patients a day, and once received a 29-year-old boy Xiaolei.

Xiao Lei is also under a lot of pressure in his daily work, his life is boring, and he has no other hobbies, so he can only rely on alcohol to numb himself to barely survive.

The post-00s girl "857" 7 times a week died of rotten intestines: you can't afford the consequences of indulgence

Usually get into the bar after work, drink cup after cup, drink until the sky is dark, "857" is the norm, that day Xiao Lei finally stayed up until the end of work, thinking about jumping to relax a little, but not long after the high, it was dark in front of him, and he fainted directly on the dance floor, and was finally sent to the hospital for first aid.

It can be seen that this is not an isolated case, especially for young people nowadays to catch up with the trend, and "857" has almost become a part of daily life.

The post-00s girl "857" 7 times a week died of rotten intestines: you can't afford the consequences of indulgence

But do you think staying up late and indulging in fun is to release stress and enjoy life? But in reality, you are overdrawing your body and depleting your future health.

I still think that I am young and my body can bear it, don't be stupid, my body is like a machine, if you don't take good care of it and squeeze it hard, it will strike one day. When the time comes, it's too late for you to cry.

The post-00s girl "857" 7 times a week died of rotten intestines: you can't afford the consequences of indulgence

Isn't Xiaomei a living example? At the age of 21, at the same age as flowers, because of living an irregular life for a long time, it eventually led to the collapse of the body and the loss of precious life. Isn't such a tragedy enough to wake up enough?

Why do young people like this lifestyle?

In fact, many young people are not unaware that there is a problem with such a lifestyle, but today's young people, with a fast pace of life and great pressure, will inevitably feel lonely and confused, and at this time "857" has become a way for them to release pressure and escape from reality.

The post-00s girl "857" 7 times a week died of rotten intestines: you can't afford the consequences of indulgence

And "857" is also a way for young people to socialize, in bars, nightclubs and other places, they can more easily meet new friends and expand their social circle.

For some introverted, unsociable people, alcohol may give them some courage and make it easier for them to fit in with the group.

The post-00s girl "857" 7 times a week died of rotten intestines: you can't afford the consequences of indulgence

But "857" is just a way to escape from reality after all, and over-indulging in it will only make life more empty and confused.

While you're young, take good care of your body. Stop indulging in the illusory happiness of "857", which will only make you farther and farther away from health.

The post-00s girl "857" 7 times a week died of rotten intestines: you can't afford the consequences of indulgence

Go to exercise more, breathe fresh air, feel the warmth of the sun, and you will find that there are too many more meaningful things in life than "857".

Especially young people who have just entered society, don't squander your youth anymore and put your time in more valuable places, isn't it?

The post-00s girl "857" 7 times a week died of rotten intestines: you can't afford the consequences of indulgence


Life is stressful, everyone is the same, but it can't be used as an excuse to hurt your body, and the harder you "hi", the worse your body will be overdrawn, and in the end it will be you who suffer.

The post-00s girl "857" 7 times a week died of rotten intestines: you can't afford the consequences of indulgence

Therefore, instead of indulging in that false happiness, it is better to think about how to make yourself truly happy, there is only one life, and the body is the capital of the revolution. Don't wait for your body to collapse and regret it.

Information sources:

The original article was recorded in the Outlook Oriental Weekly on October 19, 2021 about a 21-year-old Changsha girl who "857" seven times a week, and her intestines are rotten: Don't indulge, it's really going to be fatal

The post-00s girl "857" 7 times a week died of rotten intestines: you can't afford the consequences of indulgence