
The world champion indulges in everyday life: lions as pets, throwing naked girls into the pool, driving tanks and pressing luxury cars

author:Tiggers love to eat jumping candy
All of the information stated in this article is based on reliable sources, and the specific information is detailed in the article and at the end of the article


In these years, in the world of the rich, we ordinary people are really getting more and more incomprehensible, let's just say that this world champion is worth more than 100 million, and people don't take the usual path and directly take lions as pets.

The world champion indulges in everyday life: lions as pets, throwing naked girls into the pool, driving tanks and pressing luxury cars

Throwing naked babes at a party and throwing naked babes into the pool, driving a tank and crushing a luxury car when you're idle may sound like something out of a movie, but it's the world champion's daily life.

The world champion indulges in everyday life: lions as pets, throwing naked girls into the pool, driving tanks and pressing luxury cars

Who the hell is he? Why can you live such a luxurious life?

The world champion indulges in everyday life: lions as pets, throwing naked girls into the pool, driving tanks and pressing luxury cars

The lion has become a pet, do you dare to visit his house?

Dan Bearderian is a legend who lives a life of stunning-bore luxury, keeping lions and crocodiles as pets, and imagine a lion lazily lying on the couch and yawning as soon as you go to his house.

The world champion indulges in everyday life: lions as pets, throwing naked girls into the pool, driving tanks and pressing luxury cars

What's even more jaw-dropping is his daily party with friends. It's not as simple as our usual dinner party, people play "synchronized swimming", but this "swimmer" is a bit special, all of them are naked girls.

Article information source: China Youth Network ---2016.03.29: "Derpoo Champion in the Women's Heap: Showing Off Wealth Skills to Explode Mayweather"
The world champion indulges in everyday life: lions as pets, throwing naked girls into the pool, driving tanks and pressing luxury cars

Once, he also threw naked beauties into the pool, which was a big fuss at the time, some people said that he was too hot, and some people envied him for living a chic life, which was not too comfortable.

The world champion indulges in everyday life: lions as pets, throwing naked girls into the pool, driving tanks and pressing luxury cars

Driving a tank and pressing a luxury car, poverty limits my imagination

If you think the above is exaggerated enough, it can only be said that you are too young and naïve, and Dan Bilzerian also has a "special preference" of driving a tank and pressing a luxury car.

The world champion indulges in everyday life: lions as pets, throwing naked girls into the pool, driving tanks and pressing luxury cars

This is not a movie, but his real life. A priceless luxury car may be a toy in his eyes, and he will press it without blinking at all.

The world champion indulges in everyday life: lions as pets, throwing naked girls into the pool, driving tanks and pressing luxury cars

Born in 1980, Dan Bearderian was a full-fledged U.S. Navy SEAL when he was young. This is the elite of the special forces, and ordinary people can't get in if they want to. After retiring, he began to let himself go, plunged headlong into the world of gambling, and was particularly obsessed with playing cards, which are said to be superb and won a lot of money.

The world champion indulges in everyday life: lions as pets, throwing naked girls into the pool, driving tanks and pressing luxury cars

What's even more exaggerated is that when he was 33 years old, his worth soared to hundreds of millions of dollars, you know, this is money that many people can't earn in a lifetime, and it only took him a few years to achieve financial freedom by playing poker.

Article information source: Modern Express --- 2013.12.04: "Local Tyrants" and "Exposure" Extravagant Life
The world champion indulges in everyday life: lions as pets, throwing naked girls into the pool, driving tanks and pressing luxury cars

However, some people say that the reason why he can win so much money is because he has the power behind him, and the casino owner has to give him three points. Of course, these are just rumors, and who knows what the truth is.

The world champion indulges in everyday life: lions as pets, throwing naked girls into the pool, driving tanks and pressing luxury cars

But this is enough to prove that he does have money, tanks, luxury cars are just the tip of the iceberg of his wealth, and he still has all kinds of investments, anyway, there is too much money to spend.

The world champion indulges in everyday life: lions as pets, throwing naked girls into the pool, driving tanks and pressing luxury cars

Behind the flaunting of wealth, is it emptiness or happiness?

Many people envy Dan Beardian's life and think that he is free and can do whatever he wants, but can this extremely extravagant life really bring real happiness?

The world champion indulges in everyday life: lions as pets, throwing naked girls into the pool, driving tanks and pressing luxury cars

Dan Beardion himself admits that he often feels empty and lost, and perhaps behind the drunken money, what he really craves is attention, recognition, which no amount of money can fill.

The world champion indulges in everyday life: lions as pets, throwing naked girls into the pool, driving tanks and pressing luxury cars

And this kind of "enjoyment" like indulgence of life, but also brought him a lot of problems, when he was 25 years old, the heart "struck" twice, that is, a heart attack, this is not a joke, enough to show how much damage to the body caused by long-term overwork and indulgence, some people say that he is enjoying life with his life. But this kind of "enjoyment" is inevitably too costly.

The world champion indulges in everyday life: lions as pets, throwing naked girls into the pool, driving tanks and pressing luxury cars

Influenced by his father

Many people wonder, why is Dan Birzerian so obsessed with showing off his wealth? It may have something to do with his childhood experience, where his father, a notorious business crook, went to prison at a young age, and Dan Bilzerian remembers that his father rarely accompanied him, and the only time he was sent to school was on the eve of his imprisonment.

Article information source: China Youth Network ---2016.03.29: "Derpoo Champion in the Women's Heap: Showing Off Wealth Skills to Explode Mayweather"
The world champion indulges in everyday life: lions as pets, throwing naked girls into the pool, driving tanks and pressing luxury cars

This lack of paternal love and distorted values left a deep imprint on his heart. Maybe he is crazy to show off his wealth, but also to make up for the lack of childhood, to prove that he is different, so as to be noticed and liked by more people.

The world champion indulges in everyday life: lions as pets, throwing naked girls into the pool, driving tanks and pressing luxury cars

But if you think Dan Birzerian is only going to splurge money, you're wrong, people occasionally play with investing, but this investment also has his usual "off-the-beaten-path" style.

The world champion indulges in everyday life: lions as pets, throwing naked girls into the pool, driving tanks and pressing luxury cars

It is said that he once invested millions of dollars in a well-known movie in exchange for an eight-minute role, and guess what? After the movie was released, he ran to watch the movie with great interest, only to find that there was no figure of him from beginning to end, and he was cut completely. Who can bear this? The grumpy Dan Bilzerian took the film team directly to court, and the matter was also in a uproar at the time.

The world champion indulges in everyday life: lions as pets, throwing naked girls into the pool, driving tanks and pressing luxury cars

"Flaunting Wealth" on Social Media

In addition, on social media, Dan Birzeri Anye is a "man of the hour", he often posts photos of various extravagant lives, attracting countless netizens to watch.

The world champion indulges in everyday life: lions as pets, throwing naked girls into the pool, driving tanks and pressing luxury cars

However, soon a "competitor" appeared, an Iranian businessman named Tony Toutouni, this Tony Toutouni is not a "fuel-efficient lamp", he is the same as Dan Bilzerian, keen on luxury cars, beautiful women, and money on the Internet, and the two seem to be secretly competing.

The world champion indulges in everyday life: lions as pets, throwing naked girls into the pool, driving tanks and pressing luxury cars

However, in the face of everyone's speculation, Tony Toutouni said that he and Dan Bilzelian are friends, and the photos are only influenced by him, and there is no provocation at all, which is pure nonsense.

The world champion indulges in everyday life: lions as pets, throwing naked girls into the pool, driving tanks and pressing luxury cars

For Dan Beardian's various behaviors, the outside world has been mixed, some people say that he is true temperament and dares to live his own life, and some people say that he is deliberately hyped and unscrupulous for fame and fortune, but in any case, Dan Beardion has indeed succeeded in attracting the attention of the world and has become a phenomenal existence.

The world champion indulges in everyday life: lions as pets, throwing naked girls into the pool, driving tanks and pressing luxury cars

Subjected to a "professional" ransack

But Dan Beardsian is also really big-hearted. Every day, he shows off his wealth, luxury cars, beauties, and private jets on the Internet, and he can't wait to let the world know how rich he is. As a result, it really "recruited thieves".

The world champion indulges in everyday life: lions as pets, throwing naked girls into the pool, driving tanks and pressing luxury cars

In 2015, his luxury villa in Los Angeles was targeted. And this gang of thieves is not a "motley army", they are prepared and very professional, it is said that they know the internal structure of the villa well, and even the specific location of the surveillance cameras.

The world champion indulges in everyday life: lions as pets, throwing naked girls into the pool, driving tanks and pressing luxury cars

On the day of the crime, the gang infiltrated the villa. In order not to leave any clues, they sealed all the surveillance cameras with black tape, which is an anti-reconnaissance consciousness, and it is a pity not to make movies.

Article information source: Minnan Net --- 2015.09.11: "American multimillionaire Dan Bicerien Ins photos of extravagant life attract thieves to steal"
The world champion indulges in everyday life: lions as pets, throwing naked girls into the pool, driving tanks and pressing luxury cars

Their goal is clear, to go straight to Dan Bilzerian's "baby" - the gun room, you know, Dan Bilzerian is a "gun enthusiast", his gun room has a collection of various types of guns, and the price is high. If they do succeed, the loss will be great.

The world champion indulges in everyday life: lions as pets, throwing naked girls into the pool, driving tanks and pressing luxury cars

But just as the gang of thieves was about to pry open the door of the gun room, an accident happened, and I don't know who accidentally touched something, and the security alarm system in the villa suddenly activated, which scared the thieves into a panic.

The world champion indulges in everyday life: lions as pets, throwing naked girls into the pool, driving tanks and pressing luxury cars

I didn't care about stealing anything else, so I quickly smeared oil on the soles of my feet and slipped away. The gang gave up the "fat" they had and fled the scene in a hurry, and when Dan Bilzerian learned that his mansion had been "visited" by thieves, he did not show much surprise and anger, but had an expression of "expected". It is estimated that this kind of thing has been seen a lot, so it is not strange.

The world champion indulges in everyday life: lions as pets, throwing naked girls into the pool, driving tanks and pressing luxury cars

However, after experiencing this incident, Dan Birzelian did not "change his ways" as everyone expected, and was a low-key person, he still went his own way, showing off his wealth and showing off his wealth, having fun and having fun, as if nothing had happened.

The world champion indulges in everyday life: lions as pets, throwing naked girls into the pool, driving tanks and pressing luxury cars

Maybe for him, the material loss is nothing at all, as long as his lifestyle remains the same, he is still the "unbeatable" "poker king". I just don't know if he will be as lucky as this next time he encounters a similar incident.

The world champion indulges in everyday life: lions as pets, throwing naked girls into the pool, driving tanks and pressing luxury cars

Article sources:

China Youth Network ---2016.03.29: "Derpoo Champion in the Women's Heap: Showing Off Wealth Skills to Explode Mayweather"

Modern Express ---2013.12.04: "Local Tyrants" and "Exposure" Extravagant Life

Minnan Net --- 2015.09.11: "American multimillionaire Dan Bisserion Ins photos of extravagant life attract thieves to steal"

Sina Sports ---2016.03.22: "Showing off your wealth? Mayweather is too simple, look at the world of Derby champion Dan

The world champion indulges in everyday life: lions as pets, throwing naked girls into the pool, driving tanks and pressing luxury cars
The world champion indulges in everyday life: lions as pets, throwing naked girls into the pool, driving tanks and pressing luxury cars
The world champion indulges in everyday life: lions as pets, throwing naked girls into the pool, driving tanks and pressing luxury cars

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