
Would you buy a gift for your mother-in-law? Netizen: The necklace I bought for my mother-in-law changed hands and gave it to her daughter

author:Refreshing summer

This is the normal operation, on the one hand, I feel sorry for you to spend money, and on the other hand, I am very happy, and I still say good things about you in front of outsiders.

Would you buy a gift for your mother-in-law? Netizen: The necklace I bought for my mother-in-law changed hands and gave it to her daughter

Some people just can't get used to it, maybe they are afraid of the soft!

Would you buy a gift for your mother-in-law? Netizen: The necklace I bought for my mother-in-law changed hands and gave it to her daughter

The older generation doesn't know the brand, so they think that the more money they have, the more they spend!

Would you buy a gift for your mother-in-law? Netizen: The necklace I bought for my mother-in-law changed hands and gave it to her daughter

This is really excessive, what your daughter-in-law gave you will give to your daughter. Let's pull out the cold!

Would you buy a gift for your mother-in-law? Netizen: The necklace I bought for my mother-in-law changed hands and gave it to her daughter

Generally, when a daughter-in-law enters the door, she wants to have a good relationship with her mother-in-law, and after a long time, her heart will be cold.

Would you buy a gift for your mother-in-law? Netizen: The necklace I bought for my mother-in-law changed hands and gave it to her daughter

Good things come out of it, you are good to me, and I am good to you.

Would you buy a gift for your mother-in-law? Netizen: The necklace I bought for my mother-in-law changed hands and gave it to her daughter

If you buy it or not, then there is no need to buy it, just give some money during the New Year's holidays.

Would you buy a gift for your mother-in-law? Netizen: The necklace I bought for my mother-in-law changed hands and gave it to her daughter

This is the so-called love house and black bar!

Would you buy a gift for your mother-in-law? Netizen: The necklace I bought for my mother-in-law changed hands and gave it to her daughter

Indeed, sons-in-law rarely even call to greet them, let alone buy gifts.

Would you buy a gift for your mother-in-law? Netizen: The necklace I bought for my mother-in-law changed hands and gave it to her daughter

The person who buys is happy, and the person who receives is happy, so why not?

Would you buy a gift for your mother-in-law? Netizen: The necklace I bought for my mother-in-law changed hands and gave it to her daughter

Yes, whoever you marry will have a good life.

Would you buy a gift for your mother-in-law? Netizen: The necklace I bought for my mother-in-law changed hands and gave it to her daughter

The two-way relationship is enviable!

Would you buy a gift for your mother-in-law? Netizen: The necklace I bought for my mother-in-law changed hands and gave it to her daughter

This is quite excessive, and it is completely treating you as an outsider.

Would you buy a gift for your mother-in-law? Netizen: The necklace I bought for my mother-in-law changed hands and gave it to her daughter
Would you buy a gift for your mother-in-law? Netizen: The necklace I bought for my mother-in-law changed hands and gave it to her daughter

Maybe I don't like it, after all, it's next generation, give some money to buy what you want.

Would you buy a gift for your mother-in-law? Netizen: The necklace I bought for my mother-in-law changed hands and gave it to her daughter

It's not, you may not like it if you buy it, and you feel sorry for the money. Rice oil noodles are very practical.

Would you buy a gift for your mother-in-law? Netizen: The necklace I bought for my mother-in-law changed hands and gave it to her daughter

Indeed, after a long time, not getting a response will also affect the relationship between each other.

Would you buy a gift for your mother-in-law? Netizen: The necklace I bought for my mother-in-law changed hands and gave it to her daughter

Indeed, it is better to spend it yourself than to buy it to someone who does not deserve it.

Would you buy a gift for your mother-in-law? Netizen: The necklace I bought for my mother-in-law changed hands and gave it to her daughter

Would you buy a gift for your mother-in-law? Welcome to discuss!

Would you buy a gift for your mother-in-law? Netizen: The necklace I bought for my mother-in-law changed hands and gave it to her daughter

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