
The wife dreamed that she was being chased and killed, and the next morning she killed a pig for her heart, but her husband tied her up and killed her

author:Chia Tai Bright Universe 0xN

Our Gada has such a story, which sounds very evil, but it is quite interesting. It is said that there is a small village in the south called Yangliu Village. This village is not big, but the people are honest people, and the days are as ordinary as the sunrise and sunset. There is a pair of young people in the east of the village, the male is called Li Tiezhu, who is an honest farmer, and the female is called Liu Cuihua, who is called a gentle and virtuous person. Although the two of them had a hard life, they supported each other and lived a peaceful and beautiful life.

One day, as soon as the sky was bright, Li Tiezhu was woken up by a rapid knock on the door. He rubbed his eyes, put on his clothes, walked to the door and opened the door, and it turned out to be the old king of the village. The old Wang Tou looked anxious, panted and said, "Tiezhu, your daughter-in-law had a strange dream last night, dreaming that she was chased and killed by a group of black-clothed people, and she was so scared that she didn't sleep well all night. Go back and see, don't go wrong. When Li Tiezhu heard this, his heart tightened, and he hurriedly ran home. At first glance, Liu Cuihua was still lying on the bed, her face was pale, and her forehead was covered with sweat. He sat on the edge of the bed distressedly and asked softly, "Cuihua, what's wrong with you?" Is it a nightmare? Liu Cuihua nodded, and said in a trembling voice: "Yes, I dreamed that I was being chased and killed by a group of men in black, they were holding knives in their hands, and I ran out of breath." I...... I ......" At this, she burst into tears. Li Tiezhu hurriedly comforted: "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, it's just a dream." I'm going to ask the village goddess to come and show you, maybe I can solve this dream. ”

After speaking, Li Tiezhu went to the temple in the village and found the elderly goddess. After listening to his words, the goddess thought for a while, and said slowly, "This matter is not simple. I think your daughter-in-law may have been entangled in something unclean. In this way, you go to the butcher at the entrance of the village to buy a pig, kill it to take the heart, and boil the pig's heart soup for your daughter-in-law to drink, maybe you can break this dream. When Li Tiezhu heard this, although he felt that this matter was quite mysterious, he had no other tricks, so he hurriedly ran to buy a pig and came back. He personally took the knife, killed the pig and took the heart, and boiled a large pot of pig heart soup. At night, Liu Cuihua drank this soup, and really slept well, and didn't have that weird dream again. Li Tiezhu saw that his daughter-in-law was stable, and he was relieved, thinking that this matter was over.

The wife dreamed that she was being chased and killed, and the next morning she killed a pig for her heart, but her husband tied her up and killed her

But who would have thought that early the next morning, as soon as the sun shone into the house, Liu Cuihua suddenly screamed and sat up from the bed. She pointed at Li Tiezhu and asked in a trembling voice, "You...... Why did you tie me up last night? When Li Tiezhu heard this, he was stunned. He scratched his head and looked confused: "When did I tie you up?" Are you dreaming again? Liu Cuihua shook her head and said resolutely: "No, I didn't dream. "Oh mom, I remember the events of that night clearly, you took advantage of my sleep like a dead pig, tied me up like a dumpling with a rope, and ...... ......"Speaking of this, she suddenly got stuck, as if she couldn't say anything." Li Tiezhu looked at her like this, and he was so anxious in his heart, he hurriedly urged her: "What's wrong?" Say it quickly! Liu Cuihua took a deep breath and mustered up her courage: "It's still ...... And stole my heart! When Li Tiezhu heard this, he was so frightened that he almost didn't turn his back on it. He hurriedly defended: "Cuihua, you must be having a nightmare." I was by your side last night, how could I do that? But no matter how he explained, Liu Cuihua was sure that he did it. She also said that she clearly saw Li Tiezhu's face in her dream, which was as hideous as a ghost, and she was still frightened.

This matter spread in the village one by one, ten by hundreds, and there was a lot of uproar. There was a lot of discussion in the village, some said that Li Tiezhu was a monster, and some said that Liu Cuihua was haunted by ghosts. Li Tiezhu became a monster in the village, he was instructed everywhere he went, and even hid away when someone saw him. Li Tiezhu felt the bitterness in his heart, knowing that he was wronged, but he didn't know how to clear himself. He had no choice but to go to the goddess and beg her to find a solution.

The goddess listened to what happened to him and sighed: "This matter may not be simple. Your daughter-in-law's nightmare may have something to do with that pig's heart. You come with me, and I'll figure it out for you. Li Tiezhu followed the goddess to the temple. The goddess burned incense and worshiped in the temple, and then said to Li Tiezhu: "You go to the river at the entrance of the village to get some river mud, remember to ask for that kind of wet." Although Li Tiezhu didn't understand what the goddess wanted the river mud to do, he still complied. When he reached the river, he picked up a piece of wet mud and carefully retrieved the temple.

The wife dreamed that she was being chased and killed, and the next morning she killed a pig for her heart, but her husband tied her up and killed her

The goddess took the mud, closed her eyes, and muttered words in her mouth. After a while, she opened her eyes and said to Li Tiezhu: "Tiezhu, this matter is a bit strange, that pig's heart may have been tampered with." Don't worry too much, though, I'll give you an idea. The goddess took out a cloth bag from her bosom and opened it to see that there was a bronze talisman inside. She handed it to Li Tiezhu and instructed: "You stick this talisman on the lintel of your house, and you will stay by your daughter-in-law's side tonight, don't let her leave your sight." When it's late at night, you watch her carefully, and if something is wrong, you wake her up immediately. ”

Li Tiezhu took the talisman seal, although he had to do it in his heart. He went home and, as the goddess had said, pasted the seal on the lintel. Then, he sat on the edge of the bed and held Liu Cuihua's hand tightly, for fear that something would happen to her. It was late at night, and the village was quiet. Li Tiezhu sat on the edge of the bed, his eyes were as wide as copper bells, staring at Liu Cuihua without blinking. Oops, this is a whole thing, but it can make people anxious. Li Tiezhu glanced at it, Liu Cuihua's brows were furrowed like a twist, and the expression on her face was as if she had taken some bitter medicine. He quickly shook her hand and called softly: "Cuihua, Cuihua, what's wrong with you?" Liu Cuihua was called by him, as if she had woken up from a dream, opened her eyes, and looked at him with a confused expression.

Li Tiezhu saw that Cuihua had woken up, and hurriedly asked, "What happened to you just now?" Are you dreaming of something bad again? Liu Cuihua shook her head and said, "No, it's just that I feel panicked in my heart, and I feel as if there is a stone pressing down." When Li Tiezhu heard this, he let out a "chuckle" in his heart, remembered what the goddess had said before, and hurriedly asked, "Then do you feel that there is something wrong with your body?" For example, a pounding heart, or a chest ache or something? Liu Cuihua felt it carefully for a while, then nodded and said, "Well, it's a little." However, it's not a big deal, maybe I didn't sleep well last night. ”

The wife dreamed that she was being chased and killed, and the next morning she killed a pig for her heart, but her husband tied her up and killed her

When Li Tiezhu heard this, his heart became even more nervous. He knew it wasn't easy. He held Liu Cuihua's hand tightly and said, "Cuihua, don't be afraid, I'm here." I'm sure I'll protect you. In this way, Li Tiezhu didn't close his eyes all night, and stayed by Liu Cuihua's side all the time. It wasn't until dawn that he felt sleepy and fell asleep unconsciously.

When he woke up, the sun was high. He rubbed his eyes and saw that Liu Cuihua had woken up and sat on the edge of the bed and looked at him. He hurriedly asked, "Cuihua, how are you feeling now?" Is there anything else you feel uncomfortable with? Liu Cuihua shook her head and said, "I'm fine, I'm just a little tired." By the way, I had a dream last night that an old man with a white beard said something to me. When Li Tiezhu heard this, he hurriedly asked, "What did the old man tell you?" Liu Cuihua thought for a moment and said, "The old man said that I was entangled by an evil spirit. That evil spirit wants my heart, that's why he chases me in his dreams. However, the old man also said a way to crack it. ”

As soon as Li Tiezhu heard that there was a way to crack it, he hurriedly asked: "What way?" Liu Cuihua said, "The old man said that to solve this evil spirit, I must find a rooster, and at noon, draw a talisman on my chest with the blood of the rooster." In this way, the evil will be scared away, and I will be well. When Li Tiezhu heard this method, he felt that it was quite reliable. He hurried to the village and found one of the strongest roosters. Then, according to Liu Cuihua's words, at noon, he drew a talisman on Liu Cuihua's chest with the blood of a rooster.

The wife dreamed that she was being chased and killed, and the next morning she killed a pig for her heart, but her husband tied her up and killed her

It's strange to say, as soon as the Fu was finished, Liu Cuihua felt much more relaxed in her chest, and the whole person was in good spirits. She looked at Li Tiezhu, her eyes full of gratitude. Since then, Liu Cuihua has never had that strange dream, and her and Li Tiezhu's lives have returned to their former calm. When the people in our village heard about this, their eyes were as wide as copper bells, and they were all amazed. They talked a lot, there really is such a crooked thing in this world! However, thanks to the enthusiasm of the goddess and Li Tiezhu, everyone escaped the catastrophe. As for Li Tiezhu and Liu Cuihua, the relationship between the two is getting deeper and deeper, and they know in their hearts that nothing in this world can compare to the two holding hands and standing side by side.

This matter is spread in our Yangliu Village, although it is a bit of a chatter, but it also makes people see the kindness and warmth of people's hearts. The world is complex and ever-changing, and sometimes, a little story can make people's hearts warm.

Speaking of which, Li Tiezhu followed the hint in Liu Cuihua's dream and drew a talisman in her heart with rooster blood. As soon as the talisman was drawn, Liu Cuihua immediately felt that the burden in her heart was lifted, and she was much more relaxed. She looked at Li Tiezhu's sweaty appearance, her eyes were red, and her voice trembled and said, "Tiezhu, thank you so much, I feel much better now." Li Tiezhu wiped his sweat and laughed: "Cuihua, you are better than anything else." We're not afraid of those evil things, with me. The two of them looked at each other and smiled, as if all the fear and anxiety had vanished.

The wife dreamed that she was being chased and killed, and the next morning she killed a pig for her heart, but her husband tied her up and killed her

But Li Tiezhu knew in his heart that this matter was not over yet. He has to find out the root of the evil spirit, and he can't let Liu Cuihua suffer again. So, he began to inquire and look for clues. First, I went to the butcher's house at the entrance of the village, wanting to ask about the pig's heart. When the butcher heard this, he was also confused: "Iron pillar, I haven't done anything about that pig's heart." We have been killing pigs for so many years, and we have all behaved in a proper manner, and we have never done anything lacking in morality. Li Tiezhu saw that the butcher was very sincere, so he believed his words. But he knew in his heart that it was certainly not for nothing.

He just ran around and asked all the people in the village. But everyone said that they hadn't seen anything evil, and they didn't know what was going on with the pig's heart. Just when Li Tiezhu was about to lose heart, he met Uncle Wang, an old hunter in the village. When Uncle Wang heard what happened to Li Tiezhu, he pondered for a while, and then said, "Tiezhu, I heard that there is an old demon in the mountains and forests near here, and he likes to play tricks on people. Your pig's heart, maybe it was manipulated by it. As soon as Li Tiezhu heard this, the spirit came up: "Uncle Wang, do you know the details of this old demon?" We have to find a way to get rid of it, so that it doesn't hurt people again. Uncle Wang shook his head: "This old demon is very cunning, no one has seen its true face." However, I've heard that it likes to collect people's hearts, especially those with bad intentions. Your pig's heart may have been used as a substitute by it. When Li Tiezhu heard this, he suddenly realized that all this was the old demon making trouble. He took a deep breath and said to Uncle Wang, "Uncle Wang, thank you for telling me this. "I'm going to prepare, I have to clean up that old demon and get rid of this scourge for our village." Uncle Wang listened, nodded yes, and patted Li Tiezhu's shoulder: "Tiezhu, you young man really has two strokes, dare to take responsibility." Be careful, though, that old demon isn't a fuel-efficient lamp. ”

Li Tiezhu said goodbye to Uncle Wang, and went home to tell Liu Cuihua about his plans. Although Liu Cuihua was upset and upset, she still supported him. As soon as the two of them put it together, they decided to do it the next night.

The wife dreamed that she was being chased and killed, and the next morning she killed a pig for her heart, but her husband tied her up and killed her

By the next night, it was as dark as the bottom of a pot, and the wind was blowing. Li Tiezhu held a sharp machete in his hand and tiptoed into the mountains and forests. He followed Uncle Wang's instructions and found the place where the old demon was hiding. There was a bottomless cave in that place, and the entrance of the cave still had an eerie atmosphere.

Li Tiezhu took a deep breath, mustered up his courage, and walked to the cave. The cave was dark and rumbling, and it was illuminated by the moonlight at the entrance of the cave. He groped back step by step, for fear of alarming the old demon. Suddenly, a strange laugh came from the depths of the cave, and Li Tiezhu's heart tightened, knowing that the old demon had noticed it.

He clenched his machete, ready to fight. The laughter drew closer, and a tall black figure slowly walked out of the hole. The black shadow was fierce-looking, and he still had a bloody heart in his hand. Li Tiezhu looked at it, isn't that a pig's heart! He shouted, swung his knife and slashed at it. The black shadow didn't dodge or dodge, but just met it. With a "bang", the two collided together, and Li Tiezhu felt a huge force that shook him out and fell to the ground, and his bones were about to fall apart.

The wife dreamed that she was being chased and killed, and the next morning she killed a pig for her heart, but her husband tied her up and killed her

But he gritted his teeth, endured the pain, and got up. He knew that he couldn't lose, and if he lost, Liu Cuihua and the villagers would suffer. He swung his sword again, and the two of them fought together. This time, Li Tiezhu used his strength to eat, and finally slashed at the shoulder of the black shadow. The black shadow screamed, his body trembled, and the pig's heart in his hand fell to the ground.

Li Tiezhu took the opportunity to pick up the pig's heart and threw it at the black shadow. The black shadow was hit by the pig's heart, and there was another scream, and then it turned into a cloud of black smoke and dissipated. Li Tiezhu gasped and sat on the ground, knowing that he had finally cleaned up the old demon.

He picked up the machete and pig's heart on the ground and was about to leave the cave when he suddenly heard hurried footsteps outside. He hurriedly hid behind the stone wall, and when he saw that it was none other than Liu Cuihua, it was Liu Cuihua! Liu Cuihua saw Li Tiezhu sitting there safe and sound, and she was so excited that tears were about to come out. She ran over, hugged Li Tiezhu, and cried: "Tiezhu, it's great that you're okay, I'm almost worried to death!" ”