
How many beers is 1 glass of liquor? The scientific "calculation formula" was announced, and there was no loss after reading the spelling

author:Nine rivers on the clouds

There are many people at the party, and drinking is definitely indispensable. In the dazzling world of liquor, liquor has always occupied an important position. For many friends who love to drink, how to convert liquor and other liquor has always been a problem.

How many beers is 1 glass of liquor? The scientific "calculation formula" was announced, and there was no loss after reading the spelling

Don't worry, let's reveal the secret today, use scientific methods to calculate how many bottles of beer a glass of liquor is equivalent to, and drink at the next party, know in your heart, don't lose!

The scientific "calculation formula" of liquor and beer

To figure it out, you first have to look at the alcohol content of liquor and beer. The alcohol content of beer is between 3% and 10%, and almost all of the liquor is over 40%, and most of them are around 50%-55%.

Formula: milliliters × degrees % = alcohol content

For example, if a bottle of beer is 500 ml, 500×5% = 25, its alcohol content is 25 ml;

Similarly, a 500ml bottle of 52-degree liquor, 500×52%=260, converts its alcohol content to 260ml;

How many beers is 1 glass of liquor? The scientific "calculation formula" was announced, and there was no loss after reading the spelling

You will find that with the same milliliter count, 1 bottle of liquor is worth 10 bottles of beer!

Therefore, when drinking baijiu, you really need to drink it in moderation, because even a small glass of liquor can bring a lot of "shock" to its alcohol content.

At this time, many people will say: "Why don't I drink liquor at all, and drink a few glasses of beer?"

Here's the point: the calculated results ≠ the real results

This involves the brewing method of wine, whether you are drunk or not, whether you will be uncomfortable, in addition to the degree, it is also related to other substances in it, such as fusel, carbon dioxide, etc.

Fusel is the main culprit that causes the discomfort of the top, and Chinese baijiu, which is based on the fermentation of koji, has a natural advantage in this regard, and the fusel content in the liquor brewed in this way is almost one-tenth of that of beer and even various foreign liquors, and it is bound to not be so easy to get drunk after drinking.

Therefore, we often say that if you want to drink liquor, you must drink real pure grain wine.

Secondly, carbon dioxide in beer is also an important cause. As a sparkling beverage, the delicate foam produced during drinking, that is, carbon dioxide, will swell in the stomach, making the beer stay in the stomach for a relatively long time and absorb more alcohol. In this way, it is easy to have a feeling of "slowly getting up".

How many beers is 1 glass of liquor? The scientific "calculation formula" was announced, and there was no loss after reading the spelling

If you want to be undefeated at the wine table, these three tips must be remembered:

1. Drink plenty of water between drinks, and don't let yourself feel dry;

2. Don't mix beer with white, it's easiest to get drunk;

3. Mix the wine, if you can, don't touch it.

How many beers is 1 glass of liquor? The scientific "calculation formula" was announced, and there was no loss after reading the spelling

Nowadays, the liquor market is mixed, and it is not easy to find a bottle of pure grain wine that is delicious and inexpensive. If you are picky, it is better to listen to everyone's opinions, the following two wines, excellent reputation, you might as well give it a try.

(1) Guokang 1935

Guokang was born in 1935 in Moutai Town, Guizhou, the hometown of Moutai, and used glutinous red sorghum and clear spring water irrigated by the Chishui River like Moutai. Brewing master Fan Yinghua has taken out his nearly 40 years of housekeeping skills, and is determined to build Guokang 1935 into a high-end product. As soon as it came out, Guokang 1935 was loved by local wine lovers, and in the past two years, it has gradually hit its own market.

How many beers is 1 glass of liquor? The scientific "calculation formula" was announced, and there was no loss after reading the spelling

Master Fan's original intention has not changed, and he wants everyone to taste the purest old taste of sauce. Relying on the craftsmanship passed down from the ancestors, coupled with the puree that has been aged in the cellar for 5 years, and finally blended by Master Fan himself, the 10-year-old wine is hooked, and the taste and quality of Guokang 1935 are naturally not ordinary.

How many beers is 1 glass of liquor? The scientific "calculation formula" was announced, and there was no loss after reading the spelling

As soon as I opened the cap, the sauce was so fragrant that it filled the whole room, and the fragrance went straight to my nose, and before I drank it, my heart was already drunk. Guokang 1935 is a cost-effective gem in soy sauce wine, whether you are a novice or an old man, you can be fascinated by it.

(2) Wuliangye: Jianzhuang wine

Wuliangye not only has high-end goods, but also a lot of cheap and good wines, and Jianzhuang wine is a typical one. Jianzhuang liquor and Wuliangye have the same origin, it used to be an independent distillery, and the flavor and process are the same after being acquired by Wuliangye.

How many beers is 1 glass of liquor? The scientific "calculation formula" was announced, and there was no loss after reading the spelling

This wine does not taste rushed, but it is refreshing with a special wheat aroma, the more you drink, the more you taste, from the coolness of the mouth to the sweetness of the throat, the changes are endless, making people want to drink it again.

The key is that the price of this wine is close to the people, and it is often seen on the table of ordinary people, and it is still a sales star in the "light bottle wine industry".

If you have any favorite liquor, you are also welcome to take a look in the message area, and let's communicate together.