
The second male businessman in "Yan Xinji" parted: I don't love the heroine, I only love crazy revenge!

author:Entertainment has a circle


The unique charm of business separation: the path of revenge of a madman

In the TV series "Yan Xinji", the character setting of Shang Bieli broke the traditional model of the second male, not only did he not love the heroine, but pursued revenge in an almost crazy way. Shang Bieli's appearances are always accompanied by violence and chaos, and he has only one goal: to avenge his big brother.

The second male businessman in "Yan Xinji" parted: I don't love the heroine, I only love crazy revenge!

This extreme way of behavior allows the audience to see a completely different image of the second male. There is no internal friction in the act of separation, and all the energy is used for external attacks and destruction. His attitude of "the whole capital knows that Lao Tzu is crazy" is not only impressive, but also sparked a series of discussions about the character's personality and behavioral motivations.

The second male businessman in "Yan Xinji" parted: I don't love the heroine, I only love crazy revenge!

Netizens have mixed reviews of business separation. Some people think that his actions are too extreme and lack reason; There are also those who believe that his loyalty and courage are to be appreciated. A netizen commented: "This kind of character setting is too novel, I am used to seeing a gentle and considerate male second, and suddenly a madman comes, it's really eye-catching!" This novel character setting undoubtedly adds a lot of highlights to the plot.


The revenge philosophy of Shang Biling: For the sake of the big brother, there is no limit to madness

Behind the behavior of parting is a deep brotherhood with the eldest brother. In order to avenge his eldest brother, he will do whatever it takes, even to portray himself as a madman.

The second male businessman in "Yan Xinji" parted: I don't love the heroine, I only love crazy revenge!

In his world, anyone who stands in his way for revenge is an enemy and must be ruthlessly eliminated. This extreme revenge mentality makes Shang Bieli particularly prominent in the play. Although his behavior is crazy, there is a deep affection for his brother hidden behind it.

The second male businessman in "Yan Xinji" parted: I don't love the heroine, I only love crazy revenge!

Although this kind of emotional expression is difficult to accept in reality, it can resonate with the audience in TV dramas. Netizens have different opinions on this behavior of business separation.

The second male businessman in "Yan Xinji" parted: I don't love the heroine, I only love crazy revenge!

Some people think that his actions are too extreme and lack reason; There are also those who believe that his loyalty and courage are to be appreciated. A netizen commented: "This kind of character setting is too novel, I am used to seeing a gentle and considerate male second, and suddenly a madman comes, it's really eye-catching!" This novel character setting undoubtedly adds a lot of highlights to the plot.


The Crazy Aesthetics of Separation: The Art of Indiscriminate Attack

The madness of business separation is not only reflected in his behavior, but also in his mentality. He attacks in an indiscriminate manner, and whoever stands in his way for revenge will be mercilessly attacked by him.

The second male businessman in "Yan Xinji" parted: I don't love the heroine, I only love crazy revenge!

This kind of indiscriminate attack, although morally unacceptable, has a certain impact on artistic expression. The crazy aesthetics of business separation allow the audience to feel the tension and excitement at the same time, but also to think about deeper human nature and moral issues.

The second male businessman in "Yan Xinji" parted: I don't love the heroine, I only love crazy revenge!

Netizens have different opinions on this behavior of business separation. Some people think that his actions are too extreme and lack reason; There are also those who believe that his loyalty and courage are to be appreciated.

The second male businessman in "Yan Xinji" parted: I don't love the heroine, I only love crazy revenge!

A netizen commented: "This kind of character setting is too novel, I am used to seeing a gentle and considerate male second, and suddenly a madman comes, it's really eye-catching!" This novel character setting undoubtedly adds a lot of highlights to the plot.

The second male businessman in "Yan Xinji" parted: I don't love the heroine, I only love crazy revenge!

Deep thinking behind the madness

Although the character setting of Shang Biling, although it seems to be a simple avenger on the surface, an in-depth analysis can reveal that there are deeper social and human problems hidden behind his behavior and mentality.

The second male businessman in "Yan Xinji" parted: I don't love the heroine, I only love crazy revenge!

His crazy behavior, although to a certain extent satisfies the audience's curiosity, has also sparked a series of discussions about morality, law and human nature. The role of business separation is not only a simple TV drama role, but also a medium that triggers social thinking.

The second male businessman in "Yan Xinji" parted: I don't love the heroine, I only love crazy revenge!

Netizens have mixed reviews of business separation. Some people think that his actions are too extreme and lack reason; There are also those who believe that his loyalty and courage are to be appreciated.

The second male businessman in "Yan Xinji" parted: I don't love the heroine, I only love crazy revenge!

A netizen commented: "This kind of character setting is too novel, I am used to seeing a gentle and considerate male second, and suddenly a madman comes, it's really eye-catching!" This novel character setting undoubtedly adds a lot of highlights to the plot. The role of business separation is not only a simple TV drama role, but also a medium that triggers social thinking.

The second male businessman in "Yan Xinji" parted: I don't love the heroine, I only love crazy revenge!