
Jiang Wen: From an actor to a director, now he has "crazy" capital, but he often says that he has low self-esteem

author:Brother Jie's Quest for Knowledge
Jiang Wen: From an actor to a director, now he has "crazy" capital, but he often says that he has low self-esteem
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Jiang Wen: From an actor to a director, now he has "crazy" capital, but he often says that he has low self-esteem

In the Chinese film industry, Jiang Wen is a remarkable contradiction. When asked about the director he admired the most, he did not hesitate to put himself alongside Xie Fei and Xie Jin, showing amazing confidence.

However, the director, who has won many awards at home and abroad with works such as "Sunny Day" and "Let the Bullets Fly", hides an imperceptible inferiority complex deep inside.

Jiang Wen once said frankly that despite his glamorous appearance, he has never been able to get rid of his inner insecurity. This contradictory personality trait seems to have become the driving force for him to constantly break through himself.

What is it that makes Jiang Wen such a unique character? Let's retrace his upbringing and unravel this mystery.

Jiang Wen: From an actor to a director, now he has "crazy" capital, but he often says that he has low self-esteem

On January 5, 1963, Jiang Wen fell to the ground in Tangshan, Hebei Province. However, fate soon arranged a tortuous life path for the boy. When Jiang Wen was six years old, his mother Gao Yang remarried Jiang Hongqi, and the little boy also changed his name.

Four years later, due to his father's job transfer, the family moved into the military compound in Beijing, and this place full of historical charm became the stage of Jiang Wen's childhood life.

In this environment, Jiang Wen met the best friend who changed his life - Yingda. Two teenagers with very different personalities hit it off at first sight as if they were destined. They frolicked in the alleys, staging scenes of young and crazy stories, as if the scenes in "Sunny Days" directed by Jiang Wen were staged in advance.

The literary and artistic atmosphere of Yingda's family had a profound impact on Jiang Wen. Yingda's father, Ying Ruocheng, is a leader in the entertainment industry, not only in acting, but also in the field of translation and drama.

Jiang Wen: From an actor to a director, now he has "crazy" capital, but he often says that he has low self-esteem

He often took two teenagers to watch movies together, which opened the door to movies for Jiang Wen and quietly planted the seeds of art.

However, Jiang Wen's childhood was not entirely good. His mother's strict education of him became an important factor in the formation of Jiang Wen's character. Ms. Gao Yang is extremely strict with the education of her children, especially Jiang Wen.

She firmly believes that "as long as you manage your brother well, your younger brothers will naturally correct it", so no matter which brother makes a mistake, it is always Jiang Wen who is punished.

In the face of his mother's strictness, Jiang Wen always endured it silently. Even if he sometimes doesn't understand what he is wrong, he firmly believes that as long as he is punished by his mother, he must have done something wrong.

Jiang Wen: From an actor to a director, now he has "crazy" capital, but he often says that he has low self-esteem

This haze of self-doubt lingered in Jiang Wen's heart and became the source of contradictions in his personality in the future. However, fate gave Jiang Wen not only a strict education, but also a unique talent.

Although there is a word "Wen" in his name, Jiang Wen is not a person who keeps to himself. His natural rebellion and creativity, even under strict discipline, did not disappear, but became the driving force for him to continue to break through on the road of art in the future.

In this contradictory growth environment, Jiang Wen's character gradually took shape: unruly on the outside, but full of self-doubt on the inside; Hungry for recognition, but unwilling to compromise on oneself.

This complex personality set the stage for his later artistic career.

Jiang Wen: From an actor to a director, now he has "crazy" capital, but he often says that he has low self-esteem

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, Jiang Wen and Yingda have entered high school. However, the trajectories of the two began to diverge significantly. Yingda gradually became calm, devoted herself to her studies, and fought hard to achieve her dream of being admitted to the ideal university.

In contrast, Jiang Wen still goes his own way and has little interest in learning.

The results of the college entrance examination confirmed the difference between the two: Yingda entered Peking University with excellent results, while Jiang Wen almost fell into the dilemma of "unemployed". Faced with his friend's success, Jiang Wen was full of confusion and self-doubt.

Just when Jiang Wen was at a loss for the future, Yingda made a suggestion to change his fate: "Maybe you can consider becoming an actor." This sentence is like a light in the darkness, pointing out a new direction for Jiang Wen.

Jiang Wen: From an actor to a director, now he has "crazy" capital, but he often says that he has low self-esteem

Yingda not only gave advice, but also invited his father to personally tutor Jiang Wen before the exam. On the day of the art examination, Yingda even rode a bicycle to carry Jiang Wen to the examination room, showing a deep brotherhood.

With such support, Jiang Wen successfully passed the exam and successfully entered the Central Academy of Drama.

However, when he happily told his mother the good news, he received a cold response. This blow made Jiang Wen fall into the quagmire of self-doubt again, and stepped into the hall of the university with a sense of loss.

After entering the Central Academy of Drama, Jiang Wen's naughty nature is still difficult to change. In the class of 80 boys, he was known throughout the school as the "King of Pranks". Jiang Wen often used school phones to play tricks on others, and the most famous "victims" included An Zhenjiang and Ma Jingwu.

Jiang Wen: From an actor to a director, now he has "crazy" capital, but he often says that he has low self-esteem

He imitated the voice of the famous actor Zhao Dan and teased Ma Jingwu.

However, the gears of fate turned again. In a seemingly ordinary prank, Jiang Wen unexpectedly received an invitation from the famous director Xie Jin to participate in the movie "Red Cliff".

At first, Jiang Wen thought it was another prank, but he refused to believe it. It wasn't until he returned to the dormitory and found that Director Xie Jin was really waiting for him that Jiang Wen realized that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Although the cooperation of "Red Cliff" did not come to fruition in the end, Xie Jin's appreciation for Jiang Wen has not diminished. In the second year after Jiang Wen graduated, he received a letter written by Xie Jin himself, inviting him to play the leading role in "Furong Town".

Jiang Wen: From an actor to a director, now he has "crazy" capital, but he often says that he has low self-esteem

This opportunity is not only a huge test of Jiang Wen's acting skills, but also an important turning point in his life.

From a naughty boy who doesn't know how to learn or know how to go to a rising star favored by famous directors, Jiang Wen's transformation is amazing. However, the inferiority complex in the heart still lingers. He began to think: Is he really suitable for this glamorous showbiz? Will his talent stand the test of time? This kind of self-doubt has become the driving force for Jiang Wen's continuous progress, and it has also laid the groundwork for his transformation from an actor to a director in the future.

1986 was a turning point in Jiang Wen's fate. Director Xie Jin personally invited this young man who had just entered the showbiz to play the leading role in the movie "Furong Town".

This role is not only a huge test of Jiang Wen's acting skills, but also an important milestone in his life.

Jiang Wen: From an actor to a director, now he has "crazy" capital, but he often says that he has low self-esteem

On the set, Jiang Wen met the already famous heroine Liu Xiaoqing. When they met for the first time, the veteran actor inevitably had some concerns about his partner Jiang Wen, who was so young and inexperienced.

However, as the filming deepened, Jiang Wen's talent was gradually revealed, and the relationship between the two quietly changed.

In less than three months, Jiang Wen and Liu Xiaoqing had feelings that transcended their working relationship and fell into a sensational relationship. This relationship not only affected the filming process of the movie, but also caused huge waves in the entertainment industry at that time.

For Jiang Wen, this is not only a sweet first love, but also an important turning point in his career.

Jiang Wen: From an actor to a director, now he has "crazy" capital, but he often says that he has low self-esteem

In the day and night with Liu Xiaoqing, Jiang Wen began to show a unique insight into filmmaking. He is no longer satisfied with simple performances, often disagreements with the director due to script issues, and even boldly changes his lines on his own.

This act is somewhat risky, but it also shows his passion and talent for the art of cinema.

However, Jiang Wen's inner contradiction still exists. On the one hand, he was confident in his talent and dared to challenge authority; On the other hand, the inferiority complex formed in his childhood is still at work in his subconscious, which often makes him fall into self-doubt.

The filming experience of "Furong Town" not only made Jiang Wen stand out in the entertainment industry, but more importantly, it opened a new door for Jiang Wen. Through his association with Liu Xiaoting, Jiang Wen was exposed to more behind-the-scenes work in filmmaking, which sparked his interest and enthusiasm for directing.

Jiang Wen: From an actor to a director, now he has "crazy" capital, but he often says that he has low self-esteem

Jiang Wen during this period is like a seed that is transforming. He oscillates between the roles of actor and director, eager to express himself in front of the camera and full of yearning for creation behind the camera.

This contradiction and struggle has become the driving force for Jiang Wen to keep moving forward.

The success of "Furong Town" won Jiang Wen recognition in the industry, but it also made him realize his true desire in his heart. He began to think: how to better present his understanding and creativity of film on the screen? The answer to this question will lead Jiang Wen to the next important stage of his life - becoming a director.

With Liu Xiaoqing's encouragement and support, Jiang Wen began to have the idea of directing. However, becoming a good director requires a wealth of knowledge and experience, which made Jiang Wen fall into deep hesitation.

Jiang Wen: From an actor to a director, now he has "crazy" capital, but he often says that he has low self-esteem

He is well aware that in order to become a serious director, one must first accumulate sufficient knowledge and valuable experience.

Liu Xiaoqing is full of confidence in Jiang Wen, and she firmly believes that Jiang Wen has the talent to become an excellent director. With her constant encouragement, Jiang Wen finally made up his mind and began to prepare his debut novel "Sunny Days".

However, the ideal is very plump, but the reality is very skinny. As a rookie director, Jiang Wen only has a pitiful tens of thousands of yuan in hand. Faced with this dilemma, Liu Xiaoqing did not hesitate to invest all his savings in film production.

She not only gave full financial support, but also ran around to win sponsors for Jiang Wen and seek support from all parties.

Jiang Wen: From an actor to a director, now he has "crazy" capital, but he often says that he has low self-esteem

With Liu Xiaoqing's great help, "Sunny Days" was finally successfully completed. This debut film not only shows Jiang Wen's unique artistic vision, but also marks his official debut as a director.

The unique narrative style and profound theme discussion in the film let the audience see a different Jiang Wen.

However, success did not overwhelm Jiang Wen's mind. He knew that this was just the beginning of a long film journey. The self-doubt in his heart still exists, driving him to constantly pursue the perfection of art.

Every success has made Jiang Wen more aware of his shortcomings, and this contradictory psychological state has become the driving force for his continuous progress.

Jiang Wen: From an actor to a director, now he has "crazy" capital, but he often says that he has low self-esteem

Starting from "Sunny Days", Jiang Wen has gradually established his status in the directorial industry. His works are distinctive in style, often touching on sensitive social topics, showing his deep insight and unique insights into social realities.

Despite the controversy that sometimes causes, Jiang Wen never backs down, but insists on telling stories and expressing ideas in his own way.

Jiang Wen at this stage is both confident and introspective. He is confident in his talents, daring to challenge conventions and innovate the language of film; At the same time, he always maintains a reverence for art, constantly reflecting and improving his works.

This contradictory character trait has become the driving force for Jiang Wen to continue to move forward on the road of film art.

Jiang Wen: From an actor to a director, now he has "crazy" capital, but he often says that he has low self-esteem

With the boom in his directorial career, Jiang Wen's position in the Chinese film industry has become increasingly solid. His works, such as "Let the Bullets Fly", continue to win national and international awards, which is a testament to his extraordinary talent as a director.

Jiang Wen has carved his own mark in the history of Chinese cinema with his unique perspective and style.

However, success did not make Jiang Wen forget the people who had helped him. In 2002, Liu Xiaoqing, who had played a key role in Jiang Wen's career, was in trouble.

When many people avoided it, Jiang Wen chose to stand up and do his best to help this former lover. This move not only reflects Jiang Wen's character, but also interprets his unique understanding of life and art.

Jiang Wen: From an actor to a director, now he has "crazy" capital, but he often says that he has low self-esteem

Today, Jiang Wen has become an indispensable figure in the Chinese film industry. However, he still retains a reverence for art and a self-examination. This contradictory character is not only his weakness, but also the driving force that pushes him forward.

Jiang Wen's story tells us that a true artist always finds a balance between self-confidence and introspection, and constantly surpasses himself. His experience presents a complex and authentic image of the artist: both a talented side and a vulnerable side of the heart; It can not only be bold and innovative in art, but also maintain sincerity in the sophistication of human feelings.

This contradictory and rich quality may be the reason why Jiang Wen can stand tall in the Chinese film industry.

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