
I have to believe that the encounter between the owner and the pet is predestined

author:Single-minded kitten yl
I have to believe that the encounter between the owner and the pet is predestined
I have to believe that the encounter between the owner and the pet is predestined
I have to believe that the encounter between the owner and the pet is predestined
I have to believe that the encounter between the owner and the pet is predestined
I have to believe that the encounter between the owner and the pet is predestined
I have to believe that the encounter between the owner and the pet is predestined
I have to believe that the encounter between the owner and the pet is predestined
I have to believe that the encounter between the owner and the pet is predestined
I have to believe that the encounter between the owner and the pet is predestined
I have to believe that the encounter between the owner and the pet is predestined

On a busy weekend afternoon, the sun shines through the sparse clouds and onto the bustling streets. Hao Chuan, an ordinary office worker, is hurrying to the company to deal with an urgent matter. He walked in a hurry, his brow furrowed, and he was obviously in a bit anxious.

At this moment, Hao Chuan's eyes were attracted by a puppy. The puppy was dirty, his hair was knotted, but his eyes revealed a stubbornness and longing. It was curled up next to a garbage can on the corner, looking at passers-by with watery eyes, as if looking for something.

Hao Chuan stopped, squatted down, and looked at the puppy for a moment. An inexplicable emotion welled up in his heart, as if he was deeply attracted by the puppy's eyes. He reached out and gently stroked the puppy's head, and the puppy rubbed his hand meekly.

"Why are you here? What about your master? Hao Chuan asked softly. The puppy seemed to understand his question and wagged his tail, but did not answer.

At this moment, Hao Chuan's mobile phone rang, it was the company's phone. He hesitated, looked at the puppy, and then at his phone. In the end, he decided to finish his work first and then find a way to help the puppy.

However, when he returned to the corner after finishing his work, the puppy was gone. Hao Chuan looked around, feeling a little lost in his heart. He could feel the puppy watching him silently, but he couldn't find it.

In the next few days, Hao Chuan would always think of the puppy inadvertently. He began to pay attention to the stray dogs on the streets, hoping to meet the puppy again. But strangely, he never saw the puppy again.

Until one day, Hao Chuan was on his way home from work when he unexpectedly found a puppy following him. He took a closer look and saw that the puppy was the same one he had met on the street corner that day. It seemed to be thinner than before, but the stubbornness and longing in its eyes were more obvious.

Hao Chuan's heart moved, and he decided to take the puppy home. He gently picked up the puppy and said softly, "Come home with me, you will be my family from now on." The puppy seemed to understand his words and snuggled up to him obediently.

After returning home, Hao Chuan gave the puppy a bath and trimmed its hair. After some care, the puppy has a new look, becoming cute and lively. Hao Chuan gave it a name, called "Wangcai".

The arrival of Wangcai brought a lot of joy to Hao Chuan's life. Every day after work, he can't wait to go home to accompany Wangcai. They walked, played, watched TV, and enjoyed each other's company together. Hao Chuan found that since he had Wangcai, his mood has become happier and his work has been smoother.

However, one night, Hao Chuan came home from work to find that Wangcai was gone. He searched everywhere, but he couldn't find Wangcai. His heart was filled with worry and anxiety, as if he had lost an important friend.

Just then, he received a strange phone call. The voice of a woman on the other end of the phone told Hao Chuan Wangcai that it was a stray dog that she had adopted, and that she could not continue to take care of it for some reason, so she put it on the corner of the street. She accidentally saw the encounter between Hao Chuan and Wangcai, and felt that there was a special fate between them, so she decided to hand over Wangcai to Hao Chuan to take care of.

After Hao Chuan listened to the woman's words, a warm current surged in his heart. He understood that his encounter with Wangcai was not accidental, but destined. He thanked the woman for her kindness, but at the same time felt fortunate that he was able to be the owner of the wealth.

Since then, Hao Chuan and Wangcai's relationship has become more intimate. They have had many happy times together, but they have also faced various challenges in life together. Hao Chuan deeply realized that the encounter with pets is a precious fate that needs to be cherished and cared for.

Whenever Hao Chuan walked down the street, he would always think of that sunny afternoon and that dirty puppy. He thought with emotion: "Maybe this is fate, let us meet, get acquainted, and accompany each other in the vast sea of people." He knew that this fate would be one of the most valuable treasures of his life.


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