
The summer job that was deceived by the intermediary is unreasonable, and it is regarded as the first social class out of school

author:Chinese businessmen

Every year during the summer vacation, many college students choose to come out to work. At this time, many agents came to the campus to lure students to work in the Southern Electronics Factory with lucrative salaries. When I arrived at the Southern Electronics Factory, the actual salary was very different from what the intermediary said. And the intermediary got the introduction fee and had already fled.

The summer job that was deceived by the intermediary is unreasonable, and it is regarded as the first social class out of school

Every year, students are cheated on summer jobs like this, and after the work is done, if the salary is not calculated as previously said, half of the money cannot be paid. The students have to go back to school, and they don't have time to dwell on it. The summer job that was deceived by the intermediary is unreasonable, and it is regarded as the first social class out of school.

The high wages said by the agent are all lies, deliberately saying that the working hours are very high, fooling others to come for interviews, and wasting other people's time and money. Many college students have been fooled many times and can't trust the intermediary anymore. However, when the company recruits students, it only connects with the labor dispatch company, so it is difficult for individuals to work in the electronics factory.

The summer job that was deceived by the intermediary is unreasonable, and it is regarded as the first social class out of school

Who can be fooled, and you can't fool these students who have just left school, how can you bear it? On such a hot day, the children who can come out to work can be said to have poor family conditions, so why bother to earn money with bad conscience on these children? More than 20 years ago, when I went to Shenzhen to work, I was deceived by an intermediary of 600 yuan, and I was not assigned a job, and I had no money for food, which I will never forget.

The summer job that was deceived by the intermediary is unreasonable, and it is regarded as the first social class out of school

Students have no social experience, and parents must give their children a reference. The current market, 30 yuan an hour, turn to get student workers? Remind me that there are basically 16 social workers in Dongguan, 13 summer workers, and of course 11 yuan! The daily settlement is basically about 13 yuan, and the logistics daily settlement is around 17 yuan. Working a summer job is really an indispensable experience in life, happy, tired, bitter, and laughing.

The summer job that was deceived by the intermediary is unreasonable, and it is regarded as the first social class out of school

Netizen Li Tao said: The source of evil is the labor dispatch system! In order to reduce costs and avoid paying social security for workers, many enterprises collude with labor service companies! The labor service company basically only buys an accident insurance for employees, and the company's personnel, finance and intermediaries share and deduct the interests of employees!

Summer jobs can change a lot of students, and getting cheated out of some money is a small thing when you get your first job. As long as it's safe, it's a long experience, but it's also very expensive. If you look at it in a few years, you will be safe. Every school has a career planning class, but it rarely tells us how to find an internship or a job. I still recommend that students go to regular apps and websites to find internships, which is conducive to later career choices.

The summer job that was deceived by the intermediary is unreasonable, and it is regarded as the first social class out of school

Many students go out to work during the summer vacation and go outside to earn money to fulfill their wishes. During this time, the train was full of students running around, hoping that they would know why they were alive. It doesn't matter if you have more money or less money, it's good to be safe, just take this opportunity to understand the sinister nature of the world. This is not an experience, to feel the complexity of society in advance, and the countless times that parents nag is not as good as feeling it personally.

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