
Tang Miao's current situation in the men's volleyball team has been paralyzed for 16 years, his mother and wife have already remarried, and her test-tube daughter is just 6 years old

author:Kotsuki Finding Office
Tang Miao's current situation in the men's volleyball team has been paralyzed for 16 years, his mother and wife have already remarried, and her test-tube daughter is just 6 years old
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Tang Miao's current situation in the men's volleyball team has been paralyzed for 16 years, his mother and wife have already remarried, and her test-tube daughter is just 6 years old

In 2007, Tang Miao, the main player of the Chinese men's volleyball team, suffered a dramatic turn in his life. During a seemingly ordinary pre-match warm-up, the two-meter-tall volleyball star accidentally fell from a height and the sky fell apart in an instant.

The diagnosis at the hospital was like a bolt from the blue: comminuted fracture of the cervical vertebrae, high paraplegia. The athletes who once galloped on the field and won glory for the country can now only be accompanied by wheelchairs for life.

16 years have passed, and the former scenery is no more. His wife left, his mother remarried, and his elderly father depended on him. However, in 2017, the test-tube technology brought a ray of hope - the lovely daughter was born.

Today, 6-year-old Tang Zhenzhen is the brightest star in his father's life. Tang Miao's story is a testimony to the impermanence of fate, and it is also a hymn to the tenacity of life.

Tang Miao's current situation in the men's volleyball team has been paralyzed for 16 years, his mother and wife have already remarried, and her test-tube daughter is just 6 years old

Tang Miao's sports career originated on the green field. In elementary school, he showed exceptional athletic talent and was invincible on the football field. However, as he grew older, he quickly climbed in height and soon surpassed two meters.

This tall stature, which used to be an advantage, has become a constraint on the football field. Faced with this dilemma, Tang Miao fell into confusion.

At the suggestion of her coach, Tang Miao decided to try to switch to volleyball. This decision was like opening Pandora's box and unleashing his long-hidden volleyball talent. Those disadvantages on the football field have become his magic weapon on the volleyball court.

In 2000, Tang Miao joined the Shanghai men's volleyball team and officially stepped into the professional arena. However, the 2001 Shanghai team was at a low point and had a poor record.

Tang Miao's current situation in the men's volleyball team has been paralyzed for 16 years, his mother and wife have already remarried, and her test-tube daughter is just 6 years old

In the face of this dilemma, the coach boldly used newcomers and gave Tang Miao a chance to show his skills. Tang Miao seized this rare opportunity and shined on the field, and soon attracted the attention of the national team.

After entering the national team, Tang Miao faced a more severe challenge. The intensity of training for the national team is far greater than he imagined, and every day is an extreme test of physical fitness and will.

But Tang Miao did not flinch, he gritted his teeth and continued to break through himself in the hard training. In the competition with strong teammates, Tang Miao's skills became more and more sophisticated, and soon grew into an indispensable backbone of the Chinese men's volleyball team.

The twist of fate occurred in a men's and women's volleyball match. Tang Miao accidentally hit the ball in the face of the women's volleyball team captain Zhou Suhong during the game. Rather than triggering a conflict, the accident became a catalyst for the two to become emotional.

Tang Miao's current situation in the men's volleyball team has been paralyzed for 16 years, his mother and wife have already remarried, and her test-tube daughter is just 6 years old

Tang Miao's sincere apology touched Zhou Suhong, and the two fell in love. This pair of "golden boys and girls" in the volleyball world soon became the focus of envy.

In January 2007, Tang Miao and Zhou Suhong tied the knot, pushing their love to the peak. At this time, Tang Miao had a bumper harvest in career and love, as if she had all of her life.

However, fate often plays tricks. In this seemingly perfect year, Tang Miao's life is about to usher in a dramatic turn, and a major event that can change the trajectory of his life after that is quietly approaching.

In 2007, Tang Miao's life suffered a ruthless blow. During a seemingly ordinary pre-race warm-up, he unexpectedly fell from a height. At that moment, it was as if the whole world had stopped turning.

Tang Miao's current situation in the men's volleyball team has been paralyzed for 16 years, his mother and wife have already remarried, and her test-tube daughter is just 6 years old

When Tang Miao woke up from a coma, she found herself in a hospital in St. Petersburg. The doctor's diagnosis was like a bolt from the blue: a comminuted fracture of the cervical vertebrae, resulting in high paraplegia.

The legs that once galloped on the field have now become shackles that cannot be shaken off. Tang Miao's heart was full of despair and pain. He could not accept this cruel reality and spent his days in deep self-blame and sadness.

However, it was in this darkest moment that the strong support of his wife, Zhou Suhong, gave him the courage to continue living.

As the captain of the Chinese women's volleyball team, Zhou Suhong was supposed to devote herself to training and competition. But in the face of her husband's misfortune, she chose to stay by Tang Miao's side without hesitation.

Tang Miao's current situation in the men's volleyball team has been paralyzed for 16 years, his mother and wife have already remarried, and her test-tube daughter is just 6 years old

She took care of Tang Miao day and night, and carefully handled all kinds of trivial daily life. Zhou Suhong's gentleness and tenacity became the only solace in Tang Miao's dark years.

However, as time went on, the pressures of reality began to manifest themselves. The 2008 Beijing Olympics is approaching, and Zhou Suhong, as the main force of the women's volleyball team, has to start preparing for the game.

Watching his wife work hard for herself and having to be distracted from training, Tang Miao's heart was full of guilt. In order not to drag down his wife's career, he made a difficult decision - to take the initiative to file for divorce.

Faced with her husband's decision, Zhou Suhong was resolutely opposed at first. She was reluctant to leave when her husband needed her most. But at Tang Miao's insistence, the two finally reached an agreement: if Tang Miao was still unable to stand after five years, they would end the marriage.

Tang Miao's current situation in the men's volleyball team has been paralyzed for 16 years, his mother and wife have already remarried, and her test-tube daughter is just 6 years old

Five years passed in a hurry, and fate once again ruthlessly defeated the former "golden boy and girl". Tang Miao's physical condition did not improve substantially, and he was still unable to stand.

The two had to fulfill their agreement and move towards separation. Although this decision is painful, it also reflects the deep love and respect that the two have for each other.

What's even more heart-wrenching is that during these difficult years, Tang Miao's mother also reorganized the family without his knowledge. When Tang Miao learned the news, the blow in his heart could be imagined.

Once a glamorous volleyball star, now only his elderly father is left to rely on him.

Tang Miao's current situation in the men's volleyball team has been paralyzed for 16 years, his mother and wife have already remarried, and her test-tube daughter is just 6 years old

During this period, Tang Miao experienced physical pain, spiritual torment and loss of family affection. Every day was a great test of his will. However, it was in such a trough that Tang Miao began to re-examine the meaning of life and look for a new direction in life.

Despite losing many, he did not lose the courage to live. With the careful care of her father and the support of her friends, Tang Miao slowly accepted the reality and began a difficult but hopeful new life.

Faced with the ruthless blow of fate, Tang Miao did not choose to give up. Under his father's careful care, he began a long and arduous road to recovery. Every training session is a double test of body and will, but Tang Miao gritted her teeth and persevered.

His eyes burned with the stubbornness and persistence on the field in the past, as if he had returned to the glorious years of winning glory for the country.

Tang Miao's current situation in the men's volleyball team has been paralyzed for 16 years, his mother and wife have already remarried, and her test-tube daughter is just 6 years old

The day-to-day effort has finally paid off. Gradually, Tang Miao's upper body function began to recover. What used to be a simple move is now a huge improvement for him.

When he was able to eat independently for the first time, the ecstasy was indescribable. Subsequently, he learned to comb his hair and dress himself. These small advances mean to Tang Miao to regain the dignity and hope of life.

In the process of recovery, Tang Miao came into contact with many patients who had similar experiences to him. Their stories touched Tang Miao's heart deeply, making him realize that there were many others who were going through a similar predicament to him.

This empathy inspired Tang Miao's heart for public welfare, and he decided to do something for this group.

Tang Miao's current situation in the men's volleyball team has been paralyzed for 16 years, his mother and wife have already remarried, and her test-tube daughter is just 6 years old

Despite her physical limitations, Tang Miao still hopes to be able to contribute to society. He began to actively participate in various charitable activities, using his own experience to encourage others in adversity.

Tang Miao's story quickly spread and became an inspirational role model in the hearts of many people. His strength and optimism have infected everyone around him and brought hope to more disabled people.

In addition to devoting herself to public welfare, Tang Miao also regained her love for calligraphy and painting. These art forms became new ways for him to express his inner feelings. Through brushstrokes, he poured his inner joys, sorrows, and sorrows into the paper, creating many moving works.

In addition, Tang Miao did not give up the pursuit of knowledge. He took advantage of the gap in rehabilitation and worked hard to complete his studies. Studying not only enriched his life, but also opened up new horizons for him.

Tang Miao's current situation in the men's volleyball team has been paralyzed for 16 years, his mother and wife have already remarried, and her test-tube daughter is just 6 years old

This enterprising spirit not only helped Tang Miao rebuild his self-confidence, but also paved a new path for his future.

From sports stars to philanthropists, from athletes to art lovers, Tang Miao has proved with her actions that the value of life is not what you lose, but how you use what you have to create new possibilities.

His story is inspiring more people to bravely face the challenges of life and redefine their lives.

In 2017, Tang Miao's life ushered in a turning point. After much consideration, he decided to try the IVF technique. This decision is not only a desire for life, but also a hope for the future.

Tang Miao's current situation in the men's volleyball team has been paralyzed for 16 years, his mother and wife have already remarried, and her test-tube daughter is just 6 years old

When she learned the news of the success of the test tube, Tang Miao's heart was full of excitement and apprehension.

The nine-month wait seemed like a year. Finally, on a sunny day, Tang Miao's daughter Tang Zhenzhen fell to the ground. When the nurse put this little life in Tang Miao's arms, he felt unprecedented warmth and responsibility.

This small life has brought a new color and hope to Tang Miao's world.

Surprisingly, Tang Miao's ex-wife Zhou Suhong immediately sent sincere blessings after learning the good news. Not only did she gladly accept the invitation to become Tang Zhenzhen's godmother, but she also often visited the father and daughter.

Tang Miao's current situation in the men's volleyball team has been paralyzed for 16 years, his mother and wife have already remarried, and her test-tube daughter is just 6 years old

This move not only dissolved the estrangement between the two, but also built a bridge of friendship between the two families. Zhou Suhong's generosity and kindness make this special family relationship warm and harmonious.

The birth of her daughter gave Tang Miao a new motivation in life. Although he was still physically limited, he worked hard to be a competent father. Every time spent with her daughter made Tang Miao feel the beauty and preciousness of life.

He began to learn about parenting and participated in the development of his daughter to the best of his ability.

The arrival of Tang Zhenzhen not only filled the vacancy in Tang Miao's heart, but also became a link between him and the outside world. Through his daughter, he regained the warmth of life and found a new meaning of existence.

Tang Miao's current situation in the men's volleyball team has been paralyzed for 16 years, his mother and wife have already remarried, and her test-tube daughter is just 6 years old

This little life unconsciously healed Tang Miao's inner wounds, allowing him to embrace life again and look forward to the future.

Accompanied by her daughter, Tang Miao's smile became more frequent, and the light of hope was rekindled in her eyes. He began to write a new chapter in his life with a new identity and role.

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, Tang Zhenzhen is already 6 years old and is about to step into the door of primary school. Watching her daughter grow up strongly, Tang Miao's heart was full of relief and expectation.

Despite his physical limitations, he strives to participate in his daughter's life and interpret fatherhood in his own unique way. Every night, he will tell his daughter the wonderful story of his past on the volleyball court, hoping to inspire her love of life and the pursuit of her dreams.

Tang Miao's current situation in the men's volleyball team has been paralyzed for 16 years, his mother and wife have already remarried, and her test-tube daughter is just 6 years old

Tang Miao did not stop her public welfare path. He continues to be actively involved in various charitable activities and inspires others with his experiences. His story has become an inspirational model in the hearts of many people, spreading positive energy.

Through live webcasts and offline lectures, Tang Miao shared her life experience with more people in need, bringing hope and strength to them.

Although life is still full of challenges, Tang Miao has learned to face it with a peaceful mind. With the love of his daughter, father and friends, he found a new focus in life.

Every day, Tang Miao is interpreting the meaning of life in her own way and writing her own chapter of life.

Tang Miao's current situation in the men's volleyball team has been paralyzed for 16 years, his mother and wife have already remarried, and her test-tube daughter is just 6 years old

The 16-year wheelchair career has changed the trajectory of Tang Miao's life, but it has not erased his love for life. From volleyball stars to public welfare people, from able-bodied people to people with disabilities, Tang Miao's experience interprets the tenacity and preciousness of life.

His story is inspiring more people to face life's challenges bravely, cherish the present moment and embrace hope.

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