
Who still remembers "Heaven Doesn't Hide Rape" twenty years ago, the five mistresses were too scene-stealing and made classics

author:Yonehara Elementary Teacher

Criminal investigation dramas have always been a favorite theme of domestic audiences, but it is not easy to shoot well.

The pinnacle is the familiar "Conquest", and many of the characters in the play are still fresh in everyone's memory.

Everyone was amazed by the "masculine charm" of Hadron, and the fate of the two sisters, Li Li and Mei, also changed because of him.

Who still remembers "Heaven Doesn't Hide Rape" twenty years ago, the five mistresses were too scene-stealing and made classics

In fact, in 2004, "Heaven Does Not Hide Rape" starring Wang Yanan is also a good criminal investigation drama.

Many of the small characters in the play are not inferior to "Conquest" at all.

Today, let's take you to revisit this somewhat "whimsical" TV series.

Jiang Xiaoqi looks gentle and elegant, but in fact he is ruthless, always pretending to be a love saint in front of women, but his real purpose is to use them as tools for himself to escape from pursuit.

Who still remembers "Heaven Doesn't Hide Rape" twenty years ago, the five mistresses were too scene-stealing and made classics

Jin Beibei, played by Cheng Lisha, is an urban girl who pursues fashion.

She loves shopping and has a strong material need, brand-name bags, gold and silver jewelry are her favorites.

Jiang Xiao's financial resources are what she values the most, so she does not hesitate to betray her best friend Ruan Ping, because Ruan Ping is Jiang Xiao's real girlfriend.

Who still remembers "Heaven Doesn't Hide Rape" twenty years ago, the five mistresses were too scene-stealing and made classics

Cheng Lisha is a very good actor, and her husband is Guo Xiaodong, who everyone is familiar with.

The marriage of the two was also a hot topic of discussion among netizens.

Cheng Lisha treats her husband very obediently, and she doesn't even let him in the kitchen.

Guo Xiaodong said that he rarely carries the keys when he goes out, because he knows that as long as he comes home, his wife will be waiting for him at home.

Who still remembers "Heaven Doesn't Hide Rape" twenty years ago, the five mistresses were too scene-stealing and made classics
Who still remembers "Heaven Doesn't Hide Rape" twenty years ago, the five mistresses were too scene-stealing and made classics

Although Cheng Lisha in the TV series is charming and charming, in reality she is a very obedient wife.

Jin Beibei is Jiang Xiao's right-hand man, she helps Jiang Xiao transmit information, play cover, spy on the target of robbery, and belong to the femme fatale.

Who still remembers "Heaven Doesn't Hide Rape" twenty years ago, the five mistresses were too scene-stealing and made classics

In stark contrast to Jin Beibei, it is Jiang Xiao's genuine girlfriend Ruan Ping.

Ruan Ping has a docile personality, is simple and kind, and knows nothing about what Jiang Xiao has committed.

She can be said to be infatuated with her boyfriend, and Jiang Xiao also has some true feelings for her, and he is unwilling to kill him unless he has to.

Who still remembers "Heaven Doesn't Hide Rape" twenty years ago, the five mistresses were too scene-stealing and made classics

Actor Pan Xingyi has also starred in TV series such as "Boy Rushing Forward" and "The Family of Gold Powder".

The reason why everyone has no impression of her is just because in 2009, she died at home due to an accident, which has also become an eternal pain in the hearts of her fans.

Who still remembers "Heaven Doesn't Hide Rape" twenty years ago, the five mistresses were too scene-stealing and made classics
Who still remembers "Heaven Doesn't Hide Rape" twenty years ago, the five mistresses were too scene-stealing and made classics

In the second half of the plot, Jiang Xiao is busy running for his life, and finally settles at another girlfriend's residence.

This is Sister Qiong played by Huang Ailing.

Sister Qiong was originally a hotel proprietor, and she liked Jiang Xiao not because of money, but simply because of him.

Who still remembers "Heaven Doesn't Hide Rape" twenty years ago, the five mistresses were too scene-stealing and made classics

The old Sister Qiong just wants to have a sincere and passionate love, but Jiang Xiao just takes her hotel as a foothold.

Actor Huang Ailing used to be regarded as outstanding, but when she got older, she could only play some middle-aged women with mothers-in-law or mothers.

Who still remembers "Heaven Doesn't Hide Rape" twenty years ago, the five mistresses were too scene-stealing and made classics

is a tool man like Sister Qiong, and there is also a female taxi driver.

Because she has a handle in Jiang Xiao's hands, the two also use each other and cover each other.

Zhu Lihong once pointed her gun at Jiang Xiao, wanting to solve this person who knew her secret.

But under Jiang Xiao's mouth cannon, she actually put down the gun in her hand and lay in Jiang Xiao's arms, enjoying the warmth of love.

Who still remembers "Heaven Doesn't Hide Rape" twenty years ago, the five mistresses were too scene-stealing and made classics
Who still remembers "Heaven Doesn't Hide Rape" twenty years ago, the five mistresses were too scene-stealing and made classics

Jiang Xiao has multiple identities in this drama, and when he faces different girlfriends, he can seamlessly switch and capture the hearts of every girlfriend.

In fact, he has a legal wife in the play, a country woman named Zhou Xiumei.

Zhou Xiumei, a woman, can be said to be simple or complex.

Who still remembers "Heaven Doesn't Hide Rape" twenty years ago, the five mistresses were too scene-stealing and made classics

She was clear about what Jiang Xiao was doing, but she didn't stop it at all, and she didn't even feel afraid.

Whatever Jiang Xiao asked her to do, she did.

She didn't ask Jiang Xiao to give her much money, promising her a good life, as long as she could help her husband, she would be satisfied.

Who still remembers "Heaven Doesn't Hide Rape" twenty years ago, the five mistresses were too scene-stealing and made classics

The reason why netizens don't have a high evaluation of this drama is also because the supporting actresses in the play seem to be fascinated by Jiang Xiao and are infatuated with Jiang Xiao.

The character of Jiang Xiao not only has a high IQ, but also has an EQ far beyond ordinary people, and in the end, many viewers also began to like him.

It is said that this drama is based on a real case, and these girlfriends in the play also have real people to correspond to.

It can only be said that the world is so big, there are no surprises, is there really such a man in this world who can deceive the heart?

Who still remembers "Heaven Doesn't Hide Rape" twenty years ago, the five mistresses were too scene-stealing and made classics
Who still remembers "Heaven Doesn't Hide Rape" twenty years ago, the five mistresses were too scene-stealing and made classics