
The branch held a meeting, and everyone paid the party fee very actively, and there was a little suggestion

author:Hahahe 123


Every time our branch holds a meeting, we remind everyone to pay party dues, and everyone pays very positively.

The party fee standard for party members in our branch varies from more than 120 yuan per month to more than 100 yuan, more than 90 yuan, more than 80 yuan, more than 70 yuan, and more than 10 yuan.

The branch held a meeting, and everyone paid the party fee very actively, and there was a little suggestion

It is not surprising that the standard of party fees is linked to the basic salary, and everyone's income is high or low.

That's why I said at the branch meeting that you should be happy if you pay more, which means that your salary is relatively high.

The relatively low standard of party expenses is generally comrades who have joined the unit. The starting point of the salary is not high, and the job title and everything are still in their infancy.

Every time party fees are discussed, there will be suggestions from party members at the branch meeting.

They said that it was the duty of party members to pay party dues, and everyone had no opinion. It is suggested that the superiors can take into account the actual situation at the grassroots level, make the activities of the grassroots branch more attractive, and achieve "diverse forms and solemn atmosphere".

To be honest, our branch activities include theme party day activities, and more is to learn the latest spirit of the leader's latest speech in the conference room, and then we have some exchanges in combination with the actual work.

The branch held a meeting, and everyone paid the party fee very actively, and there was a little suggestion

Such an event cannot be said to be unimportant, but it lacks attractiveness.

The branch activities that go out are generally to some places related to party building, party history, and clean government education in the city, such as the Memorial Hall of the Seven Victories of the Seven Wars, the Memorial Hall of the Red 14th Army, the Memorial Hall of the Anti-Qing Township, the Martyrs' Cemetery, and the Clean Government Education Center.

The branch held a meeting, and everyone paid the party fee very actively, and there was a little suggestion

It is said that there is a requirement above, that is, the branch activities cannot leave the city. Generally, half-day to full-day activities prevail. In the past ten or twenty years, everyone has been to these party building activities in the city, and some have been there more than once.

Everyone asked, can we organize education in Jinggangshan, Yan'an and other revolutionary holy places? Even if you pay for it yourself.

They also suggested that it would be better to come according to the age of the party. For example, there is a general range of where people with more than 10, 20, and 30 years of party age can go.

Receiving education in these holy places can also draw wisdom and power from the spiritual lineage, inherit the red gene, continue the spiritual bloodline, and drum up the spirit.

I think these suggestions are not unreasonable.

It is expected that the superiors will take note of the voices and suggestions of grassroots party members.

We all know that it is definitely not okay to go out and enjoy the mountains and rivers now. However, it should be possible to consider organizing comrades to go to other places to receive education.

One year, the branch activity of our unit was to go to Lu'an, Anhui Province, and connect with the Lu'an Party School. The other party will combine the local party building resources to learn and train everyone.

So far, everyone still remembers the arrangement of the branch activities.

Later, our unit did not organize such an event for many years.