
Tinnitus, only tonifying the spleen but not the kidneys is equivalent to tossing blindly, a recipe to tonify the liver, kidney and spleen Tinnitus has nothing to hide

author:Li Shefang, director of the Department of Encephalopathy

Hello everyone, I am your TCM friend Li Shefang,

I have been in clinical practice for more than 20 years, and I can deeply feel that the most difficult thing for doctors is not to treat diseases, but to be able to heal patients' hearts, and this healing power is much more powerful than any superb medical technology.

For example, tinnitus and deafness are common diseases, most people don't take it seriously at first, and often don't go to the doctor.

But over time, the more frequent the tinnitus attacks, the more difficult it is to treat, irritable, and prone to depression.

Like my previous patient, who was only 29 years old, two years ago, he found that he had a problem in his married life, and he also clearly felt that he was cold and afraid of cold from the waist down, accompanied by palpitations and shortness of breath, and his memory was obviously not as good as that of his age. The ears also began to chirp. Although the sound is not loud, it lasts for a long time. It affects the life of the couple even more, and I usually sleep at night and have insomnia and dreams.

I didn't feel like a 29-year-old at all, so her wife's dad had seen tinnitus at my visit, so I asked him to come and see him.

Tinnitus, only tonifying the spleen but not the kidneys is equivalent to tossing blindly, a recipe to tonify the liver, kidney and spleen Tinnitus has nothing to hide

After the consultation, I saw that his tongue was pale and slippery, his pulse was thin and weak, and his ulnar pulse was sluggish.

Later, I gave her a prescription:

Later, after he insisted on drinking for half a month, the cold in his waist was greatly improved, and the time of tinnitus was also reduced.

Later, according to the recovery situation, the quality of sleep is also better, the dizziness and shortness of breath are gone, and the life of the couple is more harmonious.

Like this patient, the lack of kidney yang at a young age is actually abnormal.

Tinnitus, only tonifying the spleen but not the kidneys is equivalent to tossing blindly, a recipe to tonify the liver, kidney and spleen Tinnitus has nothing to hide

Kidney Yang deficiency means that there is a lack of warmth. The warmth is insufficient, and the lower body is cold and afraid of cold. This is a manifestation of insufficient kidney yang and abnormal warmth. Yang Qi is insufficient, agitation is weak, so the pulse is thin and weak.

Kidney Qi is insufficient, so the ulnar pulse is weak and weak, and it is a sinking pulse.

Yang deficiency is cold, and blood flow is slow, so the pulse is slow. Yang deficiency cannot warm the water and dampness, so the moss is slippery, the kidney yang is insufficient, and the sealing is abnormal, so the patient in the medical case is slippery.

Tinnitus, only tonifying the spleen but not the kidneys is equivalent to tossing blindly, a recipe to tonify the liver, kidney and spleen Tinnitus has nothing to hide

If the kidney yang is insufficient, the heart qi will be insufficient, so the heart palpitations and shortness of breath will occur. Yang energy can nourish the mind. Kidney Yang is insufficient, and the mind is not nourished, so insomnia, dreams, and forgetfulness. Kidney Yang can't nourish the ear, so there will be tinnitus.

Therefore, I use rehman, wolfberry, ligustrum, and mountain wood meat to replenish yin. If you want to seek yang, you must seek yang in yin. Next, start replenishing yang. Cistanche, dodder seed, psoralen, fairy spleen, suoyang, morinda day, these are the yang supplements.

If you have enough kidney yang, you can nourish your ears, and tinnitus will be solved naturally. If your tinnitus lasts for a long time, it's important to see a doctor to reduce the risk of hearing loss.