
The less yang energy, the more sweat, Zhang Zhongjing only used two flavors of medicine, and when the yang energy was sufficient, there was less sweat

author:Li Shefang, director of the Department of Encephalopathy

Hello everyone, I am your TCM friend Li Shefang,

Today I want to talk to you about sweating, in fact, it is normal to sweat in summer, and proper sweating is also beneficial to our body, especially in this hot summer, frequent sweating can help the body remove moisture, cold, and heat dissipation, and sweating is also good for the skin and can reduce the risk of acne, so people who exercise regularly are not prone to acne.

But what? There is also a kind of sweating that is bad!

The less yang energy, the more sweat, Zhang Zhongjing only used two flavors of medicine, and when the yang energy was sufficient, there was less sweat

For example, night sweats, after waking up, you find that your body is full of sweat, which is actually caused by yin deficiency, and there is also a kind of sweating during the day when you move a little, accompanied by fatigue, not liking to talk and no energy, tinnitus, dizziness, etc. may be caused by qi deficiency.

In addition to qi deficiency, there is also yang deficiency, which is also one of the causes of sweating.

If the yang energy in our body is insufficient, then the ability to hold on will decrease, resulting in an abnormal loss of fluid in the body.

Traditional Chinese medicine says that "sweat is the fluid of the heart", which means that the relationship between heart yang and sweat is particularly close, and the generation of sweat needs to be promoted by heart yang.

The less yang energy, the more sweat, Zhang Zhongjing only used two flavors of medicine, and when the yang energy was sufficient, there was less sweat

Insufficient heart yang and decreased ability to fix sweat will lead to a large loss of sweat, which will form a vicious circle of yang deficiency leading to excessive sweating and excessive sweating aggravating yang deficiency.

Today, I will share with you a recipe from Zhang Zhongjing, cinnamon licorice soup, which has only two flavors, cinnamon and boiled licorice.

The cinnamon branch is taken from the end of the laurel tree, the young branches that have just grown, have a strong germinal nature, just like a vigorous teenager, vigorous yang, eager to try, have a strong will to continue to grow outward, and the power of upward and outward divergence is very strong, this power can break through the cold and open up the meridians of the whole body.

The less yang energy, the more sweat, Zhang Zhongjing only used two flavors of medicine, and when the yang energy was sufficient, there was less sweat
  • In addition, the cinnamon branch into the heart meridian can invigorate the heart yang, so that the heart yang can give full play to the role of fixing sweat, so as to achieve the purpose of stopping sweating;
  • Cinnamon sticks can also make the heart muscle beat strongly, improve blood circulation, blood circulation is good, the whole body is hot, so using cinnamon sticks is like adding firewood to the heart, so that the small flame of the heart burns more vigorously.
  • Licorice has a soothing effect, which can make the cinnamon branch burn a little slower, so that not only the yang energy is replenished, but the sweat is also stopped, and the fire can be burned longer, and it also avoids the situation of fire due to too much yang.

If the heart is compared to a fire, the cinnamon branch is the fuel, and the addition of the cinnamon branch is like adding fuel to the small flame of the heart, and in order to make the medicinal effect last, a gentle licorice is also added to slow down the effect of the cinnamon branch.

The less yang energy, the more sweat, Zhang Zhongjing only used two flavors of medicine, and when the yang energy was sufficient, there was less sweat

Guizhi licorice decoction is suitable for those caused by insufficient heart yang;

Like people with insufficient heart yang, the heart is also weak, the courage is very small, easy to be frightened, the slightest movement will be startled, in this case, as long as the cinnamon branch licorice soup is used to make up for the heart yang, the heart yang is strong, the heart has confidence, and the face will not change color.

The above is a recipe shared today, friends who are usually prone to sweating are drinking with Shengmai, so that the heart yang, heart energy, and hard work are all there!