
Beat the pregnant wife to a miscarriage! If he is not banned again, the entertainment industry will really be hopeless...

author:Kotsuki Finding Office
Beat the pregnant wife to a miscarriage! If he is not banned again, the entertainment industry will really be hopeless...
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Beat the pregnant wife to a miscarriage! If he is not banned again, the entertainment industry will really be hopeless...

The entertainment industry is always full of stories of ups and downs, but no one expected that Liu Zhoucheng, a member of the once-popular idol group Supreme Lihe, would return to the public eye in such a shocking way.

On an ordinary day, Liu Zhoucheng posted a video on his personal social platform, which instantly detonated the Internet. In the picture, he faces the camera, his eyes showing disdain and contempt, and he uses both fists and kicks, as if venting his anger on the air.

The video went viral and provoked a backlash from the public.

"Isn't this a recreation of a domestic violence scene?" Netizens questioned one after another. Soon, the topic of "Liu Zhoucheng's domestic violence" rushed to the top of the hot search list, causing an uproar.

Beat the pregnant wife to a miscarriage! If he is not banned again, the entertainment industry will really be hopeless...

As public opinion ferments, a dusty past is reopened, and a story of betrayal, violence and sadness gradually emerges.

From shining on the stage to domestic violence notoriety

Going back in time, it is not difficult for us to find Liu Zhoucheng's glorious moments. As a member of the Supreme Lihe group, he has become the dream lover in the hearts of countless girls with his outstanding appearance and stage charm.

Every time he takes the stage, he can cause the audience to scream, as if the whole world is shining for him. However, who would have thought that this idol, who once stood in the spotlight, would embark on a path of no return.

Beat the pregnant wife to a miscarriage! If he is not banned again, the entertainment industry will really be hopeless...

With the passage of time, the new generation of the entertainment industry continues to emerge, and the popularity of Supreme Lihe has gradually subsided. Without the blessing of the team's halo, Liu Zhoucheng's personal career has also fallen into a trough.

The former die-hard fans gradually turned their attention to other new idols, and Liu Zhoucheng's name disappeared from the major lists.

Faced with the stagnation of his career, Liu Zhoucheng seemed to be unable to find a way forward. Unlike other teammates who chose to transition behind the scenes or stick to their musical dreams, he felt as if he was lost in Vanity Fair.

No new works came out, no variety show invitations, and the former heartthrob was gradually forgotten by the public.

Beat the pregnant wife to a miscarriage! If he is not banned again, the entertainment industry will really be hopeless...

Just when people thought that Liu Zhoucheng would fade out of the entertainment industry, in 2017, an astonishing news pushed him back to the forefront of public opinion. His wife, Lin Miao, posted a long post on social media platforms, complaining bitterly about her experience of domestic violence.

This revelation was like a hammer, instantly shattering the sunny image that Liu Zhoucheng had carefully created.

Only then did the public realize that there was such a dark side hidden under the glamorous exterior. The young man who used to be sunny and handsome on the stage has now become an outrageous perpetrator.

Such a huge contrast is difficult for everyone to accept.

Beat the pregnant wife to a miscarriage! If he is not banned again, the entertainment industry will really be hopeless...

From a high-profile idol to a notorious domestic abuser, Liu Zhoucheng used his actions to destroy the reputation and career accumulated over the years. This shift can't help but make people sigh: what is it in Vanity Fair that makes a person lose his heart and behave in such a heinous way? Is it sudden pressure? Or is it unwilling to fade after fame? In any case, this cannot be a reason to harm others.

Liu Zhoucheng's fall is not only a personal tragedy, but also a stain on the entire entertainment industry. It warns us that behind the glamorous celebrity life, there may be a chilling reality.

For Liu Zhouben, this may just be the beginning of his nightmare.

The Consequences of Domestic Violence: The Pain of Two Miscarriages

Beat the pregnant wife to a miscarriage! If he is not banned again, the entertainment industry will really be hopeless...

When Lin Miao's experience was made public, everyone was shocked by this cruel reality. The truth is far more terrifying than people think, a marriage that should be full of love and warmth has turned into a constant nightmare.

In 2015, Lin Miao, a newlywed Yan'er, became pregnant with their first child. This should be the happiest moment for a family, full of anticipation and longing for a new life.

However, a heated quarrel completely changed everything. Liu Zhoucheng lost his mind in anger and beat up his pregnant wife. The consequences of this violent incident were catastrophic – Lin Miao lost the child in her womb.

In the face of such a blow, any woman will collapse. Lin Miao's heart was filled with sadness, anger and despair. However, under Liu Zhoucheng's repeated apologies and sweet words, the soft-hearted Lin Miao finally chose to forgive.

Beat the pregnant wife to a miscarriage! If he is not banned again, the entertainment industry will really be hopeless...

She fantasizes that her husband can change his past mistakes and that their marriage can start again. With such hope, in 2016, the two re-entered the palace of marriage.

However, history always repeats itself in the most brutal way. In the late stage of Lin Miao's pregnancy, Liu Zhoucheng, who should have taken more considerate care of his wife, committed violence again. The damage this time was not only physical, but also completely destroyed Lin Miao's mind.

The second child, like the first, lost his life before he even came into this world.

Two domestic violence, two miscarriages, and two innocent lives were lost. Lin Miao's world collapsed, and she finally recognized the cruel reality. This time, she is determined to end this violent marriage.

Beat the pregnant wife to a miscarriage! If he is not banned again, the entertainment industry will really be hopeless...

Her decision was not only for herself, but also for the sake of no more innocent lives suffering like this.

For Lin Miao, this experience was undoubtedly a nightmare that was difficult to get rid of. Every time I think about it, I will bring back heart-rending pain. The grief of losing her two children, combined with the fear of violence, left a scar in her heart that would not heal.

For Liu Zhoucheng, these should have been reasons for his deep introspection, but they did not seem to touch his conscience. His follow-up behavior was even more chilling, as if these painful lessons had never left any mark on his heart.

This experience not only reveals the terrible consequences of domestic violence, but also exposes the true face of some public figures in their private lives. It reminds us that beneath the glossy exterior, there may be outrageous behavior.

Beat the pregnant wife to a miscarriage! If he is not banned again, the entertainment industry will really be hopeless...

At the same time, it also calls on society to pay more attention to the issue of domestic violence and provide more support and protection for victims.

Negative headlines: unpaid support and controversial rhetoric

After the divorce, Liu Zhoucheng does not seem to have learned from his past mistakes, but a series of behaviors have made the public even more disdainful. Far from showing any remorse, his actions give the impression that he is using these negative events to gain attention.

On April 12, 2021, Lin Miao spoke out again on social platforms, revealing an infuriating fact: Liu Zhoucheng has not paid any alimony in the four years since the divorce.

Beat the pregnant wife to a miscarriage! If he is not banned again, the entertainment industry will really be hopeless...

In order to confirm this statement, Lin Miao posted the case notice of the people's court and the WeChat chat record with Liu Zhoucheng. This revelation once again aroused strong public concern, and many netizens condemned Liu Zhoucheng's behavior.

However, in stark contrast to the arrears of child support, Liu Zhouben seems to be living at ease. Not only did he release a new single, but he also showed affection with his new girlfriend in a high-profile manner, and even invited the other party to play the MV heroine.

This kind of behavior can't help but make people question: does he have the funds to make music and shoot music videos, but he can't afford to pay child support? This contrast has further provoked public discontent.

What's even more incredible is that Liu Zhoucheng seems to use his "domestic violence character" as a means to attract attention. He has repeatedly posted violent videos on social platforms, including the recent "domestic violence video" that caused an uproar.

Beat the pregnant wife to a miscarriage! If he is not banned again, the entertainment industry will really be hopeless...

In the video, he punches and kicks at the camera, as if recreating the scene of violence against Lin Miao. This behavior not only does not show any introspection, but rather gives the impression that it is showing off its past evil deeds.

Not only that, but when Liu Zhoucheng made his new relationship public, the situation became even more outrageous. His new girlfriend actually claimed to be a "new sandbag", and Liu Zhoucheng responded with a "fist" meme.

This act of treating domestic violence as a joke has sparked strong public dissatisfaction. Netizens have accused their words and deeds of being "outrageous" and "still enjoying it despite knowing about domestic violence".

This series of controversial behaviors not only did not bring Liu Zhoucheng the expected positive attention, but further deteriorated his image in the public mind.

Beat the pregnant wife to a miscarriage! If he is not banned again, the entertainment industry will really be hopeless...

Liu Zhoucheng's behavior also triggered people's thinking about the ecology of the entertainment industry. The public began to question, should the entertainment industry say no to such artists? Is there a need for stricter ethical standards and disciplinary mechanisms? These issues are not only related to Liu Zhoucheng personally, but also to the healthy development of the entire entertainment industry.

Online Accountability: Public Outrage and Platform Action

In the face of Liu Zhoucheng's repeated attempts to challenge the public's bottom line, netizens' patience finally ran out. On major social platforms, angry voices have come and gone, strongly calling for Liu Zhoucheng to be blocked.

People believe that as a public figure, Liu Zhoucheng not only did not play a positive guiding role, but used negative events to attract attention, which had an extremely bad impact on the social atmosphere.

Beat the pregnant wife to a miscarriage! If he is not banned again, the entertainment industry will really be hopeless...

"If he is not banned, the entertainment industry is really hopeless" has become the common voice of many netizens. It is feared that if such behavior is not severely punished, it will encourage more unscrupulous behavior of bad artists, and ultimately harm the image of the entire industry and the interests of the public.

Under strong public pressure, the video platform finally took action. On May 20, 2023, Liu Zhoucheng's account with 300,000 followers on a platform was converted into a private account and banned at the same time.

This measure undoubtedly gave Liu Zhoucheng a slap in the face, and also sent a clear signal to the public: the platform will not tolerate artists using serious social problems such as domestic violence to win attention.

However, is such treatment sufficient? Is it really possible to prevent similar incidents from happening again? Many people believe that a ban on a single platform may not be enough.

Beat the pregnant wife to a miscarriage! If he is not banned again, the entertainment industry will really be hopeless...

They called on more platforms and relevant departments to take joint action and establish a more complete punishment mechanism to fundamentally curb the occurrence of such behavior.

The incident has also sparked deep thinking about online regulation and the responsibility of public figures. How can we effectively stop harmful words and deeds while protecting freedom of expression? How to build a healthier and more positive online environment? These are all questions that deserve further discussion.

Rejecting "bad actors": calling for higher ethical standards

The development of Liu Zhoucheng's incident sounded the alarm for the entire entertainment industry. It reminds us that the words and actions of public figures, especially celebrities with high popularity, have a profound impact on the social climate.

Beat the pregnant wife to a miscarriage! If he is not banned again, the entertainment industry will really be hopeless...

This incident calls on us to re-examine the social responsibility of celebrities. We need more public figures to set positive role models and use their actions to guide positive social trends.

At the same time, platforms and relevant departments are also required to deal with illegal and ethical behaviors in a timely manner, and establish stricter industry standards and punishment mechanisms.

Only by adhering to high standards and strict requirements can we truly purify the entertainment industry and provide more positive energy for the audience. This is not only about the healthy development of an industry, but also about the morality of the whole society.

Let's work together to create a healthier and more positive cultural environment.

The purpose of this article is to advocate positive social energy, without vulgarity and other bad guidance. If you are involved in copyright or character infringement, please contact us in time

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