
The Ukrainian army annoys its neighbors, and rocket artillery of Chinese blood opens to the border: once it starts, it can cut off the NATO hub

author:Caritas science

In recent days, the situation between Belarus and Ukraine in the border area has been extremely tense, and the armies of both countries have massed in the border area, and Belarus has even deployed the latest rocket artillery in this area.

This rocket launcher is "Polonetz-M", its performance is equivalent to China's A300 rocket launcher, with a range of up to 300 kilometers, and once it starts, it can almost cut off the supply line between Ukraine and NATO.

So why did Belarus deploy such powerful firepower to the Ukrainian border?

What's so important about it?

The situation at the border is tense.

Recently, the situation between Belarus and Ukraine has been extremely tense, and the Ukrainian side has even turned to NATO for help, hoping that NATO will come to their aid.

In order to prevent the Russian army from attacking, Ukraine's domestic intelligence work on the Russian army has been quite in place, and they have not only greatly increased the frequency of use of reconnaissance drones and reconnaissance drones, but also deployed a large number of reconnaissance troops to the border line.

The Ukrainian army annoys its neighbors, and rocket artillery of Chinese blood opens to the border: once it starts, it can cut off the NATO hub

Belarus is very unhappy with this, believing that Ukraine has deployed too many troops along the border, which will not only pose a threat to Belarus's security, but also make it necessary for Belarusian troops to spend a lot of time and resources to deal with this threat.

In order to prevent a sudden offensive by the Ukrainian side, Belarus had to send more troops and weapons to the border.

Judging by the intelligence published by the Belarusian side, the Ukrainian side has gathered a large number of special forces and well-equipped mechanized units along the border.

The most notable of these are the mechanized units equipped with Leopard-2A4 and PT-91 main battle tanks, as well as Bradley fighting vehicles.

These troops are usually equipped by some powerful countries, and it is obviously very puzzling that Ukraine, as a new country, can have such equipment.

In addition to this, the Ukrainian side has deployed artillery battalions and companies equipped with 155-mm artillery and Hippocampus rocket launchers along the border.

The Ukrainian army annoys its neighbors, and rocket artillery of Chinese blood opens to the border: once it starts, it can cut off the NATO hub

These equipment are relatively advanced weapons in modern warfare, and Ukraine, as a new country, can have such a powerful military force, which undoubtedly makes people wonder whether it is supported by foreign powers.

Why did Ukraine turn to NATO for help?

In this case, why should Ukraine turn to NATO for help?

In fact, there are some very complex reasons behind this.

First of all, because there has always been a territorial dispute between Russia and Ukraine.

Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, there has been a territorial dispute between Russia and Ukraine.

In 2014, a "pro-Western" regime change movement erupted in Ukraine, a coup that led to the overthrow of then-ruling President Viktor Yanukovych and his flight to Russia to seek refuge.

The main role in this coup d'état was played by a number of pro-EU and pro-American politicians who seized power through illegal means and tried to draw Ukraine into the Western camp.

Russia is not satisfied with this, believing that Western countries are interfering in the internal affairs of Ukraine and supporting a number of anti-Russian politicians to come to power.

The Ukrainian army annoys its neighbors, and rocket artillery of Chinese blood opens to the border: once it starts, it can cut off the NATO hub

So Russia sent troops into the eastern part of Ukraine and protected the inhabitants there.

However, Western countries have described Russia's reinforcements as aggression against Ukraine, accusing Russia of violating international law and imposing a series of sanctions on Russia.

Although the region has always been inhabited by the majority of the former Soviet Union, some pro-Western politicians want to include the region in their sphere of influence because of its abundant resources and advantageous geographical location.

In order to protect its national interests, Russia has sent troops into the region and protected it.

Over time, the region gradually developed into a "pro-Russian" one.

In order to completely get rid of the influence of Western countries on their interference in internal affairs, the Ukrainian authorities began to pursue a policy of "de-Sovietization" and tried to rename it the "Eastern Administrative Region".

The move sparked discontent and protests from local residents, who saw it as an encroachment on their national identity and history and culture.

In order to defend their rights, they began to hold demonstrations and demanded that the authorities stop pursuing a policy of "de-Sovietization".

The Ukrainian army annoys its neighbors, and rocket artillery of Chinese blood opens to the border: once it starts, it can cut off the NATO hub

However, the Ukrainian authorities did not listen to their views and instead violently suppressed the demonstrators.

Faced with such a brutal reality, the local population began to form armed forces and engaged in fierce battles with the authorities troops.

Many civilians have been victims of this conflict, not only losing family and friends, but also being caught in the fighting.

Rocket artillery of Chinese origin is deployed on the border.

Recently, in the tense border situation between Belarus and Ukraine, the Belarusian side has also sent a very powerful rocket artillery - Polonet-M to the border line.

This rocket launcher is a new weapon developed and produced based on China's A200 rocket artillery.

It has a 300 mm caliber and can fire A300 rockets.

Compared to other models, there is a significant improvement in range and accuracy.

The Polonetz-M can launch all 8 rockets in tens of seconds, and each rocket has an accuracy of about 30 meters.

The rockets it carries also use a satellite navigation system, which can be adjusted according to real-time data during the launch process and can accurately hit the target.

The Ukrainian army annoys its neighbors, and rocket artillery of Chinese blood opens to the border: once it starts, it can cut off the NATO hub

Therefore, even as a rocket artillery, it can exert a missile-level strike effect.

In addition to this, there are other types of rocket artillery weapons in the Belarusian army.

One of the most famous and often used on the battlefield is the 9K58 "Tornado" multiple rocket launcher.

It can launch up to 40 rockets at the same time in a short period of time, and each rocket can hit a different target.

This weapon is extremely lethal on the battlefield and can effectively suppress enemy attacks.

In addition, there are advanced weapons and equipment such as the S-300 and S-400 anti-aircraft missile systems.

It can be said that the Belarusian army has extremely strong air defense capabilities and can effectively protect the security of its own airspace.

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