
In the 38 years of "Journey to the West", the three Tang monks are not compared today, with the same roles and different fates

author:No. 5 Explorer
In the 38 years of "Journey to the West", the three Tang monks are not compared today, with the same roles and different fates

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Sentence | No. 5 Explorer

Editor|Explorer No. 5


"Tang Seng can be popular whoever acts! If you don't want to act, just go! ”

In the 38 years of "Journey to the West", the three Tang monks are not compared today, with the same roles and different fates

"Same role, different life".

"Journey to the West" has been broadcast for 38 years.

And it wasn't until I grew up for many years that I found out that there were actually three actors of Tang Seng.

But who is it that makes Director Yang Jie so "furious"?

In the 38 years of "Journey to the West", the three Tang monks are not compared today, with the same roles and different fates

Who is "ungrateful"?

Who decided to leave because of the 5 yuan salary?

And Chi Chongrui, who persevered to the end, what kind of life is he living now?

In the 38 years of "Journey to the West", the three Tang monks are not compared today, with the same roles and different fates

Wang Yue

Wang Yue, born in 1955, is the first Tang monk we saw.

It is worth mentioning that the "Five Buddha Crowns" of Tang Seng's classic shape were designed and produced by him.

It can be seen that Wang Yue's understanding and design of the role are very unique.

But why, he only starred in 4 episodes of "Journey to the West"?

In the 38 years of "Journey to the West", the three Tang monks are not compared today, with the same roles and different fates

Wang Yue's role as Tang Seng was not smooth sailing.

Thin and tall, he doesn't have a plump face like Xu Shaohua.

Even because his face is a little long, he always droops his face when he is not smiling.

At that time, the leaders of the TV station were not very satisfied with Wang Yue's decision to become a Tang monk.

However, director Yang Jie was unwilling to give in by half a point.

In the 38 years of "Journey to the West", the three Tang monks are not compared today, with the same roles and different fates

Although Wang Yue has a "bitter face".

But the dignified and serious temperament is very in line with the setting of Tang Sanzang's "high monk".

In order to keep his favorite actor, Yang Jieli disagreed.

This is why Tang Seng in the first four episodes of "Journey to the West".

But why, Wang Yue only starred in four episodes?

What is the reason behind not saying goodbye?

In the 38 years of "Journey to the West", the three Tang monks are not compared today, with the same roles and different fates

Wang Yue worked hard to be able to play Tang Seng well.

Before the start of filming, he deliberately went to the temple to observe the clothing, food, housing and transportation of the monks.

At that time, the host of the temple gave Wang Yue a word.

But in the end, it became the "verdict" of his life.

In the 38 years of "Journey to the West", the three Tang monks are not compared today, with the same roles and different fates

"Be pragmatic, speak and act accordingly, and not be arrogant; There is perseverance, something to do, and not to give up. ”

It's a pity that Wang Yue didn't understand the true meaning.

And he also lived up to director Yang Jie's expectations.

In the 38 years of "Journey to the West", the three Tang monks are not compared today, with the same roles and different fates

Because there are many mosquitoes in the temple, Wang Yue originally arranged a month of study time.

But in just 10 days, he became a "deserter".

This is the first time that Director Yang Jie has forgiven him.

However, I never expected that immediately after, Wang Yue gave Yang Jie a "heavy blow".

In the 38 years of "Journey to the West", the three Tang monks are not compared today, with the same roles and different fates

A student of Beiying major, he was selected to play Tang Sanzang in his early twenties.

Wang Yue's acting career seems to be very good.

But because of a word, he embarked on a "road of no return".

In the 38 years of "Journey to the West", the three Tang monks are not compared today, with the same roles and different fates

A teacher said that playing Tang Seng may affect Wang Yue's future acting career.

When the character image is ingrained in the hearts of the audience.

Then it will be even more difficult for him to act or transform in the future.

For the sake of his movie and star dream, Wang Yue submitted his resignation to Yang Jie.

But this time, it became the most "regrettable" decision in his life.

In the 38 years of "Journey to the West", the three Tang monks are not compared today, with the same roles and different fates

"Three Dozen White Bone Spirits" has become a classic clip of Wang Yue in "Journey to the West".

Tang Sanzang's hesitation, unwillingness and regret when he drove away Sun Wukong.

Does it also represent Wang Yue's mood at that time?

In the 38 years of "Journey to the West", the three Tang monks are not compared today, with the same roles and different fates

However, Wang Yue's "big ambition" did not materialize.

Whether it is a movie or a TV series, it has sunk into the sea.

On the contrary, it was "Tang Seng", which became the only "masterpiece" of his acting career.

It's ironic.

In the 38 years of "Journey to the West", the three Tang monks are not compared today, with the same roles and different fates

Later, the film and television industry was renewed.

Wang Yue can only change from a professional actor to an acting teacher.

Many years later, Liu Xiaolingtong planned to film "Xuanzang's Journey to the West" Wang Yue starred in Tang Sanzang again.

But unfortunately, time has passed, and no one has paid for it.

In the 38 years of "Journey to the West", the three Tang monks are not compared today, with the same roles and different fates

So Tang Sanzang is gone, how did this TV series continue to be filmed?

Just when the crew was in a hurry, Xu Shaohua appeared.

However, Director Yang Jie was let down again.

In the 38 years of "Journey to the West", the three Tang monks are not compared today, with the same roles and different fates

Xu Shaohua


Xu Shaohua's delicate appearance made him recognized by many audiences as soon as he appeared.

In the 17 episodes of "Journey to the West" (plus a sequel) played by him.

It also happened to concentrate the several calamities of the female goblins who kidnapped him one after another and wanted to marry the holy monk.

even has it, the "famous scene" of the daughter country.

In the 38 years of "Journey to the West", the three Tang monks are not compared today, with the same roles and different fates

"You say that the four are empty, then you open your eyes and look at me, I don't believe you, your eyes are empty."

Cultivators encounter "love calamity", but they have no choice but to "live up to it".

Xu Shaohua's handsomeness and Zhu Lin's beauty, although the story is short, it has left countless thoughts for the audience.

In the 38 years of "Journey to the West", the three Tang monks are not compared today, with the same roles and different fates

In terms of acting, Xu Shaohua's acting skills are really solid.

Later, he remade the sequel to "Journey to the West", and he starred again.

So why did he leave the crew because of "5 yuan"?

In the 38 years of "Journey to the West", the three Tang monks are not compared today, with the same roles and different fates

In 1980, Xu Shaohua became an instant hit with "Yuanfeng" in "Refined Change".

Thick eyebrows and big eyes, very delicate.

And in the hearts of the audience, the most in line with Tang Seng's soft and sentimental appearance is Xu Shaohua.

But there is one thing that makes Yang Jie very dissatisfied.

In the 38 years of "Journey to the West", the three Tang monks are not compared today, with the same roles and different fates

That is, Xu Shaohua was too thin at that time.

Beauty is beautiful, but it lacks meaning and charm.

"Fattening"! Director Yang Jie slapped his hand and made the most popular Tang Sanzang candidate among the audience.

But Xu Shaohua is not like Wang Yue, who graduated from a professional acting college.

Therefore, in order to improve his acting knowledge, he enrolled in an acting school.

And this also became the "fuse" for him and director Yang Jie to "fall out".

In the 38 years of "Journey to the West", the three Tang monks are not compared today, with the same roles and different fates

If you are admitted to school, you have to leave the crew to study in school.

But Xu Shaohua said that he wanted the crew to talk to the school and let him not go to class for filming.

At that time, director Yang Jie felt that he was being "tricked".

In the 38 years of "Journey to the West", the three Tang monks are not compared today, with the same roles and different fates

But for the sake of the entire crew, she could only agree first.

Unexpectedly, after filming the scene of his daughter's country, Xu Shaohua "evaporated from the world".

But many years later, Ma Dehua, the actor of Zhu Bajie, told the "truth".

In the 38 years of "Journey to the West", the three Tang monks are not compared today, with the same roles and different fates

In addition to the reason of going to school, Xu Shaohua is not satisfied with his salary.

may have been famous before entering the crew of "Journey to the West".

Xu Shaohua couldn't accept it, Liu Xiaolingtong and Ma Dehua were paid 5 yuan more than him.

In the 38 years of "Journey to the West", the three Tang monks are not compared today, with the same roles and different fates

Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie have to stick wool and put on leather cases in terms of styling, and it is understandable that the salary is more.

But at that time, Xu Shaohua was useless for the director's rhetoric.

Perhaps, going to school is just an excuse, and profit is the real reason for his departure.

But what I know is that Xu Shaohua, who left "Journey to the West", no longer has the "peak moment" he once had.

In the 38 years of "Journey to the West", the three Tang monks are not compared today, with the same roles and different fates

Many years later, he saw that the six-year-old child relied on his "feelings" to take on commercial performances.

The actor also shaved his hair again and put on a robe, and the commercial performances continued.

even put on the skins of the characters and consumed them again and again, so as not to cherish their feathers.

All kinds of behaviors have nothing to do with the words "living Buddha and holy monk".

It's really embarrassing and sighing.

In the 38 years of "Journey to the West", the three Tang monks are not compared today, with the same roles and different fates

But it is reported that Xu Shaohua did this for his sick wife.

After all, "every family has a scripture that is difficult to read."

And after Xu Shaohua left, "Journey to the West" also ushered in the third "Tang Seng".

In the 38 years of "Journey to the West", the three Tang monks are not compared today, with the same roles and different fates

Chi Chongrui

If Xu Shaohua is "the most handsome Tang monk".

Then Chi Chongrui is "the Tang monk closest to the original work and the most Buddha-hearted".


In the 38 years of "Journey to the West", the three Tang monks are not compared today, with the same roles and different fates

Chi Chongrui was born in Beijing into a Peking Opera family.

The literati style is something engraved in his soul.

Born in a professional class, he has been a soldier, and a national first-class actor.

Before starring in "Journey to the West", he already had many representative works and excellent results.

But that's just a part of his excellence.

In the 38 years of "Journey to the West", the three Tang monks are not compared today, with the same roles and different fates

The most rare thing about Chi Chongrui is that he is as kind and temperamental as Tang Seng.

Where does this begin?

In the 38 years of "Journey to the West", the three Tang monks are not compared today, with the same roles and different fates

Many years later, when Liu Xiaolingtong was interviewed, he said that Chi Chongrui, the "master", was the most gentle.

He speaks slowly and always takes care of everyone on the crew.

Even after filming "Journey to the West", he devoted himself to Buddhism and did many public welfare.

Especially in the 2021 Henan flood, he attended on behalf of Fuhua International Group and donated 10 million yuan.

When Yang Jie saw Chi Chongrui for the first time, she felt that he was a "Tang monk" who could go to the end.

In the 38 years of "Journey to the West", the three Tang monks are not compared today, with the same roles and different fates

I have to say that Director Yang Jie's vision is "vicious".

Chi Chongrui's version of Tang Seng led his apprentices to finally complete the "ninety-nine-eighty-one difficulties" and "get the true scriptures".

And in the later remade "Journey to the West Sequel".

The most impressive is the episode in which Sun Wukong and Tang Seng swap identities.

Chi Chongrui's performance made us all think at that time that Sun Wukong would really change seventy-two.

In the 38 years of "Journey to the West", the three Tang monks are not compared today, with the same roles and different fates

The so-called "eighty-one difficulties" are not all kinds of setbacks in life.

On this road of growth, tribulations are indispensable.

But as long as you don't forget your original intention and persist to the end, you can see the most beautiful scenery in life.

And Chi Chongrui also obtained his own "true scriptures".

In the 38 years of "Journey to the West", the three Tang monks are not compared today, with the same roles and different fates

Chen Lihua, "China's richest woman", is not only divorced and has children, but also 11 years older than Chi Chongrui.

After meeting Chi Chongrui, this "strong woman" launched a pursuit offensive.

Chen Lihua is a very good independent woman, she is capable and talented.

Her soul and unique insight into things also attracted Chi Chongrui.

But this relationship has been controversial.

In the 38 years of "Journey to the West", the three Tang monks are not compared today, with the same roles and different fates

Chi Chongrui was labeled as "eating soft rice".

Chen Lihua was complained by netizens about "picture hue".

But whether the shoes fit or not, only you know.

In any case, the two have been together for many years and are still in love, and they have proved their feelings.

In the 38 years of "Journey to the West", the three Tang monks are not compared today, with the same roles and different fates

Compared with Wang Yue's ordinariness and Xu Shaohua's embarrassment.

Chi Chongrui is undoubtedly the one who has reached the "peak of life" among the three.

Today, at the age of 72, he is still active in the public eye.

At the beginning of 2024, at the "Classic Night" Annual Ceremony held by CCTV, Chi Chongrui also appeared to perform "Journey to the West".

In the 38 years of "Journey to the West", the three Tang monks are not compared today, with the same roles and different fates

In addition to that, on social media.

He and his wife are also co-operating the account of the "China Rosewood Museum".

Chi Chongrui in the video is still kind and kind, and his mental state is also very good.

On the road of spreading Chinese red sandalwood culture and traditional culture, efforts are made to exude residual warmth.

In the 38 years of "Journey to the West", the three Tang monks are not compared today, with the same roles and different fates


I saw some netizens say this:

"The biggest regret of "Journey to the West", in addition to the lack of funds, the sequel and the feature film style are somewhat incompatible, that is, Tang Seng's actors are not the same person."

But the three actors, who played Tang Seng in three different periods, how can they not be regarded as "the arrangement of fate"?

In the 38 years of "Journey to the West", the three Tang monks are not compared today, with the same roles and different fates

Wang Yue has ideals, free blood, and is unwilling to be imprisoned in order to pursue his dreams.

Although the final result was unsatisfactory, it was also the state that should be in youth.

So he was able to perform the unwillingness and persistence in "Three Dozen White Bone Spirits".

In the 38 years of "Journey to the West", the three Tang monks are not compared today, with the same roles and different fates

Xu Shaohua made up for Tang Seng's beauty and made him experience a love catastrophe.

experienced Tang Seng for the first time and only once, wavering on the path of cultivation.

Just like the reason and motivation for him when he left the crew.

In the 38 years of "Journey to the West", the three Tang monks are not compared today, with the same roles and different fates

What about Chi Chongrui?

It seems to be silent, but in fact, it is the most solid step by step.

From the treatment of people, to the pursuit and respect of art, as well as his marriage.

These all reflect his calmness and gentleness.

So he was able to become the one who received the scriptures.

In the 38 years of "Journey to the West", the three Tang monks are not compared today, with the same roles and different fates

Who do you think is the most suitable for the role of "Tang Seng" among the three?

Welcome to discuss.

In the 38 years of "Journey to the West", the three Tang monks are not compared today, with the same roles and different fates

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