
China's evil program: The boss went directly to prison, and even the CCTV host has been pitted

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China's evil program: The boss went directly to prison, and even the CCTV host has been pitted
China's evil program: The boss went directly to prison, and even the CCTV host has been pitted

Text: Lalala

Editor: Lalala

What age is it, chasing variety shows is an important daily routine for young people, so you can't watch it! Among so many shows, "You Belong" can be described as a high-profile brother.

China's evil program: The boss went directly to prison, and even the CCTV host has been pitted

As China's first variety show with the theme of "workplace reality show", it has been an instant hit since its launch, and its ratings have climbed year after year, attracting the attention of a large number of young audiences. The peak rating was as high as 1.21, which was a record!

China's evil program: The boss went directly to prison, and even the CCTV host has been pitted

Analysis of the reasons for the popularity in the early stage of the show

If you want to say why "You Belong" is so popular, it's not just because the theme is novel. Let's take a look at its marketing strategy:

China's evil program: The boss went directly to prison, and even the CCTV host has been pitted

The host is definitely a highlight, and if you invite Zhang Shaogang, Tu Lei and a few other guys who are known for being "not amazing and endless", you will know that the production team is going to take the route of "drama + tearing up the big drama". Of course, the audience will eat this set, how can anyone not like to watch the excitement.

China's evil program: The boss went directly to prison, and even the CCTV host has been pitted

Another trick is to invite many popular Internet bigwigs in the jury (affectionately called the "BOSS team" by the program team), such as Yao Jinbo, CEO of, Zhu Youbiao, founder of Jumei, and others. They are famous, and many people are curious about their life experiences and entrepreneurial stories, which naturally becomes a big selling point.

China's evil program: The boss went directly to prison, and even the CCTV host has been pitted

In order to attract attention, the program team also tried their best. From the very beginning, a "subversive" model was adopted, so that job seekers could refuse the boss's offer on the spot, which was the first time in a job search variety show! Coupled with all kinds of exaggerated self-presentation, the show looks so lively.

China's evil program: The boss went directly to prison, and even the CCTV host has been pitted

The increasingly "greasy" evolution of the show

Although "You Belong" successfully opened up the market through the above practices, problems followed one after another.

China's evil program: The boss went directly to prison, and even the CCTV host has been pitted

First of all, in order to attract attention, the program team has become more and more serious in its personal attacks on job seekers. There are job seekers who are humiliated by the boss and leave crying, and some people are slandered by the host's personality, etc., this kind of "plot is too doggy" is endless. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the program team is already working hard for the gradually declining ratings.

China's evil program: The boss went directly to prison, and even the CCTV host has been pitted

Secondly, there are also a lot of things going wrong on the BOSS team's side. Those bigwigs who claim to have set up workplace idols for young people have had various scandals one after another, completely erasing their positive image.

China's evil program: The boss went directly to prison, and even the CCTV host has been pitted

In the end, there are too many doubts about fake mosaics in the show. For example, some bosses are obviously here to advertise, and their own manufacturers' products have been repeatedly applauded; Some job seekers were later revealed to be sent by the agency, which was completely scripted; There are even comments that in the end, who will stay and who will go, in fact, it has been decided a long time ago, in short, one is more heart-piercing than the other.

China's evil program: The boss went directly to prison, and even the CCTV host has been pitted

Just when the workplace reality show "You Belong" was booming, a series of scandals and negative news were exposed one after another, which made the credibility of the show plummet.

China's evil program: The boss went directly to prison, and even the CCTV host has been pitted

The first to be exposed was Yao Jinbo, the boss of, who was once praised as an "entrepreneurial idol", and was sentenced to 5 years in prison. It turned out that he earnestly taught young people to be "honest and trustworthy" on the show, but he evaded more than 600 million yuan and became the old man among the "old lai".

China's evil program: The boss went directly to prison, and even the CCTV host has been pitted

Then, Mr. Yang, the boss of Lenovo mobile phone, was also imprisoned on charges of internal embezzlement. In the show, he put on a paternal teaching shelf and spoke bitterly to job seekers. But it was rumored afterwards that he was simply a "wolf boss" in the company, exploiting the interests of employees.

China's evil program: The boss went directly to prison, and even the CCTV host has been pitted

What's even more unbelievable is that Zhu Youbiao, the most "domineering" boss in the show, was also accused of arrears of 4 billion wages, and tens of thousands of employees were laid off and unemployed. Mr. Zhu, a dignified Internet "human spirit", has changed from a reserved and methodical person on the stage to a prisoner of "honest Li Dogdan" in seconds, which is really shocking.

China's evil program: The boss went directly to prison, and even the CCTV host has been pitted

Facts speak louder than words, and these bosses who seem to be "successful people" seem to be reasonable and reasonable workplace "golden words", but they have come to naught in an instant. As former workplace idols, they have undoubtedly lost the most basic professional ethics and become worthless "liars".

China's evil program: The boss went directly to prison, and even the CCTV host has been pitted

In addition to these, even some hosts have fallen on their heels. The most representative is the issue in which the stern and cool teacher Tu Lei was invited. Because the language was too ugly for an Internet celebrity applicant, he was directly sprayed by netizens as "insulting". Tu Lei had to post a public apology, suspecting that he was deliberately arranged by the program team to say such excessive words.

China's evil program: The boss went directly to prison, and even the CCTV host has been pitted

But this is obviously powerless, and the production methods of the program team have once again aroused doubts, and many viewers have said that they have been "deceived". After all, workplace programs are about professionalism, but now even the host is not amazing, how can you educate young job seekers?

China's evil program: The boss went directly to prison, and even the CCTV host has been pitted

It can be said that "You Belong" has been on the cusp of being questioned by all parties from the very beginning. As more and more incidents of "stealing beams and changing pillars" were exposed, the audience gradually recognized the hypocritical nature of the show, which eventually led to the collapse of the ratings plummeting and advertisers withdrawing funds.

China's evil program: The boss went directly to prison, and even the CCTV host has been pitted

These lessons need to be learned from those who come after us. If variety shows want to go far, core values and professional ethics are the most important cornerstones. Once it is contrived and fake, it will be spurned by the audience sooner or later. To be a person and do things, you still have to be honest.

China's evil program: The boss went directly to prison, and even the CCTV host has been pitted

The final collapse

As a result, "It's All About You" quickly became a pillar of shame. Too many viewers complained that this has completely degenerated into a "flickering show", not only the topic harassment is too serious, but even the meaning of workplace guidance has disappeared. What's more, the bosses of those star companies later collapsed one after another, making the entire "star-making project" of the show a complete failure.

China's evil program: The boss went directly to prison, and even the CCTV host has been pitted

Similar incidents continued one after another, which almost destroyed the credibility of the show. The ratings are only 0.72, and word-of-mouth and popularity fall with the plug. In the end, "It's All About You" could only be terminated altogether, and the life cycle of the show ended without a problem.

China's evil program: The boss went directly to prison, and even the CCTV host has been pitted

Through the analysis of the above-mentioned media reports on "You Belong", it can be found that although there are many specific reasons for the failure of this show, the core problem is excessive entertainment, the pursuit of topics and the supremacy of interests. So much so that its original workplace guidance concept has gradually drifted away and has become a stage for hype.

China's evil program: The boss went directly to prison, and even the CCTV host has been pitted

This is inevitably emotional, for the serious subject of the workplace, if you simply pursue exposure and gimmicks, it will inevitably be impossible to go far. No matter how exciting the variety show is, if the core value is missing, it will be difficult to escape the fate of being spurned by the audience. This is the lesson that can be learned from "You Must Belong".

China's evil program: The boss went directly to prison, and even the CCTV host has been pitted

Some people may say that entertainment programs are all about pursuing gimmicks, what's the big deal. However, if the one-sidedness is too serious and the blind pursuit of entertainment is supreme, it will inevitably lead to the moral turpitude of the program.

China's evil program: The boss went directly to prison, and even the CCTV host has been pitted

What is the supremacy of money?

Looking at the variety shows that are advertised all over the world today, we seem to have seen their final destination--- circle money!

China's evil program: The boss went directly to prison, and even the CCTV host has been pitted

In this way, the credibility of the show has been lost. Not only did they lose their original selling point, but there were fewer and fewer people watching them. To succeed in this era of artificial intelligence, it is not enough to simply get money to do things.

China's evil program: The boss went directly to prison, and even the CCTV host has been pitted

Let's pay attention to those variety shows that continue to be popular and stand tall, and it is not difficult to find that they not only pursue phenomenal gimmicks, but also pay attention to the abundance of core value.

China's evil program: The boss went directly to prison, and even the CCTV host has been pitted

It is not difficult for us to see which programs can always be truly loved by the audience, and the root cause is that they closely focus on their own theme positioning and value orientation. Only in this way can we build a solid core and long-lasting charm.

China's evil program: The boss went directly to prison, and even the CCTV host has been pitted

Therefore, if variety shows want to prosper for a long time, they can't go far by relying solely on opportunism and pursuing gimmicks. Sooner or later, after being attracted by the appearance of entertainment and frivolity, users will examine its intrinsic value. If it is found that the central orientation is completely deviated, it will quickly be dismissed as empty and spurned.

China's evil program: The boss went directly to prison, and even the CCTV host has been pitted

Nowadays, the Internet is developed, and the audience is more rational and independent. If any program rests on its laurels and does not want to forge ahead, sooner or later it will be eliminated by the torrent of the times. Therefore, for the producer, attaching importance to the heritage of traditional culture and the orientation of social value is the only way to occupy the market. Only in this way can the variety show industry truly prosper.

China's evil program: The boss went directly to prison, and even the CCTV host has been pitted
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