
Hatred of the rich, hatred of officials, hatred of Japan and xenophobia is a kind of heart disease, and Tencent, NetEase, and Douyin have issued announcements one after another.

author:Southern cousin to be married
Hatred of the rich, hatred of officials, hatred of Japan and xenophobia is a kind of heart disease, and Tencent, NetEase, and Douyin have issued announcements one after another.

Tencent issued an announcement: crack down on "inciting confrontation between China and Japan and inciting ultra-nationalism".

Tencent issued an announcement saying: Recently, the knife wounding incident in Suzhou High-tech Zone has spread on the Internet and attracted the attention of public opinion, and some netizens have incited confrontation between China and Japan on the Internet, incited national extremism, and concocted all kinds of extreme remarks. The platform resolutely cracked down on such illegal content and accounts, and disposed of 836 pieces of relevant content and 61 relevant illegal accounts, and took measures including banning and banning accounts depending on the violation and platform rules.

Hatred of the rich, hatred of officials, hatred of Japan and xenophobia is a kind of heart disease, and Tencent, NetEase, and Douyin have issued announcements one after another.

NetEase: Ban and ban remarks such as "inciting ultra-nationalist sentiments", advocating "anti-Japanese rape", and clamoring for the establishment of the "Contemporary Boxer Rebellion".

The NetEase news platform issued an announcement saying: Recently, some individual users have taken advantage of some recent events to incite ultra-nationalist sentiments, distort and exaggerate facts and even fabricate content to publish inappropriate remarks. For example, it advocated "anti-Japanese hoe rape", clamored for the establishment of the "contemporary Boxer Rebellion", disseminated slanderous remarks such as questioning that the school bus drivers who saved and sacrificed their lives in Suzhou were "Japanese spies", and concocted ultra-nationalist remarks such as "it is best for Japan to sink the island and commit genocide at an early date". The platform has banned or banned all kinds of extremely harmful remarks and issues in the incident.

Hatred of the rich, hatred of officials, hatred of Japan and xenophobia is a kind of heart disease, and Tencent, NetEase, and Douyin have issued announcements one after another.

Douyin blackboard newspaper

Douyin official information release official account release content: Recently, Ms. Hu Youping in Suzhou finally passed away due to righteousness and bravery, and the platform found that some accounts published some extreme and erroneous remarks, slanderous remarks, etc., and the platform will take a ban and ban according to the rules.

Hatred of the rich, hatred of officials, hatred of Japan and xenophobia is a kind of heart disease, and Tencent, NetEase, and Douyin have issued announcements one after another.

Crack down on incitement to confrontation and maintain online harmony

In this era of highly developed network information, the network has become an important place for us to obtain information and exchange ideas. However, there are always some people with ulterior motives who try to take advantage of the convenience of the Internet and the wide spread of the Internet to incite ethnic antagonism and provoke ultra-nationalism. In fact, these people are just afraid that the world will not be chaotic, or they are looking for a sense of existence in the online world. However, such behavior of these people not only undermines the normal order of cyberspace, but also has a serious negative impact on social harmony and stability.

As a Chinese, there is no doubt that each of us should be patriotic, but we should all the more polish our eyes, seek truth from facts, and be rational and patriotic.

We should be soberly aware that incitement to antagonism and ultra-nationalism will not solve any problems, but will only exacerbate contradictions and conflicts.

Moreover, we must also enhance our own discernment ability and civilized awareness of the Internet. Do not be easily deceived by extreme remarks, and do not participate in the spread of unsubstantiated rumors and malicious remarks.

There is an official report on the rescue heroes of the Suzhou knife wounding incident

Regarding the matter of Suzhou saving people, no matter where she is from, we must treat it rationally and not distort the facts when she makes such a sacrifice.

Hatred of the rich, hatred of officials, hatred of Japan and xenophobia is a kind of heart disease, and Tencent, NetEase, and Douyin have issued announcements one after another.

The Internet is not a place outside the law, civilized Internet access, mutual respect for everyone. #恶意煽动对立情绪者必须严惩##Tokyo Shimbun calls on Japanese media not to incite nationalism##警方通报苏州持刀伤人案件##爆料##坚决打击借网暴事件蹭热度带节奏#

Hatred of the rich, hatred of officials, hatred of Japan and xenophobia is a kind of heart disease, and Tencent, NetEase, and Douyin have issued announcements one after another.