
Celebrities are gathering together to "change their faces"! Zhang Yuqi became an avatar, Li Zonghan didn't dare to admit it, and Ju Jingyi brightened

Celebrities are gathering together to "change their faces"! Zhang Yuqi became an avatar, Li Zonghan didn't dare to admit it, and Ju Jingyi brightened

Copywriting|Dayu No. 2

Editor|Dayu No. 2

The "face-changing" situation in the entertainment industry

In the dazzling entertainment industry, the changes in the appearance of celebrities have always been the focus of public attention.

Some people have grown old because of the passage of time, and some people have a new look because of various means.

Celebrities are gathering together to "change their faces"! Zhang Yuqi became an avatar, Li Zonghan didn't dare to admit it, and Ju Jingyi brightened

Today, let's talk about several stars who have "changed their faces" in the entertainment industry and see how their changes affect the public's nerves.

I have to mention Ju Jingyi, who is known as the "4,000-year-old beauty".

Since her debut, her appearance has undergone drastic changes.

Celebrities are gathering together to "change their faces"! Zhang Yuqi became an avatar, Li Zonghan didn't dare to admit it, and Ju Jingyi brightened

From the ordinary image at the time of the draft to today's high-nosed and big-eyed beauty, Ju Jingyi's transformation can be called a miracle in the entertainment industry.

In recent years, her appearance seems to have changed again.

Her face is getting sharper, her nose is getting straighter, and her eyes are getting bigger, and this excessive change makes one question her authenticity.

Celebrities are gathering together to "change their faces"! Zhang Yuqi became an avatar, Li Zonghan didn't dare to admit it, and Ju Jingyi brightened

In the recent show, Ju Jingyi's appearance has aroused heated discussions among netizens.

In front of the camera, her face is swollen, her chin is bulging outward, and the whole person looks full of "Internet celebrity".

And when the camera zooms out, her image has changed dramatically, making people almost unrecognizable, and some people even joke that she looks like a boy wearing women's clothes.

Celebrities are gathering together to "change their faces"! Zhang Yuqi became an avatar, Li Zonghan didn't dare to admit it, and Ju Jingyi brightened

Unlike Ju Jingyi, Li Zonghan's road to "changing face" is more tortuous.

As the former "No. 1 student of the nation", he has won the love of countless audiences with his tough and handsome image.

Yang Tiexin, who played in "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", is even more impressive.

In recent years, Li Zonghan has gradually reduced his opportunities to appear on camera.

Celebrities are gathering together to "change their faces"! Zhang Yuqi became an avatar, Li Zonghan didn't dare to admit it, and Ju Jingyi brightened

Rumor has it that he became obsessed with aesthetic medicine because of his appearance anxiety and tried to maintain his youth through surgery.

Such efforts do not seem to have yielded the desired results.

Now Li Zonghan, his face is swollen and his nose is crooked, which is in stark contrast to his neck.

Celebrities are gathering together to "change their faces"! Zhang Yuqi became an avatar, Li Zonghan didn't dare to admit it, and Ju Jingyi brightened

Every time he laughed, the strange phenomenon was even more incomprehensible - his apple muscles barely changed, as if they were fixed to his face.

When it comes to "changing faces", Jin Chen is undoubtedly the star who has attracted the most attention recently.

Celebrities are gathering together to "change their faces"! Zhang Yuqi became an avatar, Li Zonghan didn't dare to admit it, and Ju Jingyi brightened

This year, she frequently appeared on the hot search list for no other reason, precisely because of her facial changes in "South to North" and "Celebrating More Than Years 2".

From the once thin image to the current full face, Jin Chen's changes are shocking.

Her face was getting fuller, her mouth was crooked, and her nose was so strange that it was impossible to look at her.

In a recent event, Jin Chen's facial changes reached its peak.

Celebrities are gathering together to "change their faces"! Zhang Yuqi became an avatar, Li Zonghan didn't dare to admit it, and Ju Jingyi brightened

Her apple muscles are fuller and her nose is sharper.

This excessive change made her originally thin figure look out of place.

Many netizens have said that Jin Chen has lost her original characteristics and is becoming more and more unfamiliar.

With this, Zhao Lusi's road of "changing face" has also attracted widespread attention.

In the process of going from an online drama star to a big star, she has experienced countless image changes.

Celebrities are gathering together to "change their faces"! Zhang Yuqi became an avatar, Li Zonghan didn't dare to admit it, and Ju Jingyi brightened

In the early days, she was complained by netizens that she was ugly and rustic.

After some packaging, Zhao Lusi's image has undergone earth-shaking changes.

She not only successfully ranked among the "Four Popular Women", but also won the love of many audiences with her efforts and talents.

In terms of posture, she has also undergone a huge change.

From the former "bucket waist" to the current "music box princess", Zhao Lusi's transformation is amazing.

Celebrities are gathering together to "change their faces"! Zhang Yuqi became an avatar, Li Zonghan didn't dare to admit it, and Ju Jingyi brightened

In recent photos, however, people noticed that her appearance has changed again.

The shape of her mouth and nose seem to have undergone subtle changes, making one wonder if she has joined the ranks of "changing faces".

When the camera zooms in, people find some clues.

Zhao Lusi's facial lines became more and more stiff, as if she had lost her former agility and naturalness.

Celebrities are gathering together to "change their faces"! Zhang Yuqi became an avatar, Li Zonghan didn't dare to admit it, and Ju Jingyi brightened

Many netizens expressed their hope that she could stop this senseless change and maintain her original characteristics and charm.

The last star to talk about is the former "star girl" Zhang Yuqi.

She debuted with a pure image and became the heroine of Stephen Chow's movie.

With the passage of time and the increasingly fierce competition in the entertainment industry, Zhang Yuqi's image has also undergone tremendous changes.

Her once high-class face gradually became old, and people couldn't help but sigh at the ruthlessness of the years.

Celebrities are gathering together to "change their faces"! Zhang Yuqi became an avatar, Li Zonghan didn't dare to admit it, and Ju Jingyi brightened

And the most recent appearance was even more surprising.

Her nose has been modified to become unusually sharp, and some people even joke that she looks like an avatar.

When taking photos under strong light, her face looked unusually greasy, as if she had been hit with a thick layer of "lard".

When she appeared on the red carpet, she also had problems managing her figure.

The originally slender figure became bloated, making it impossible to look at it directly.

Celebrities are gathering together to "change their faces"! Zhang Yuqi became an avatar, Li Zonghan didn't dare to admit it, and Ju Jingyi brightened

The "changing face" in the entertainment industry has never stopped.

Celebrities are constantly making various changes and experiments in order to maintain their image and competitiveness.

In the process, they often ignore their truest side and characteristics.

Hopefully, they will be aware of this, cherish their uniqueness, and not let excessive change become a stumbling block to their career development.

Celebrities are gathering together to "change their faces"! Zhang Yuqi became an avatar, Li Zonghan didn't dare to admit it, and Ju Jingyi brightened

In this ever-changing entertainment industry, celebrities are facing tremendous pressure and challenges.

They not only have to face competition from the market, but also have to deal with expectations from fans and viewers.

In such an environment, it is easy for them to lose themselves and pursue the so-called "perfect" image, thus embarking on the path of "changing their faces".

True beauty does not lie in external changes, but in inner perseverance and self-confidence.

The reason why a star can win the love and support of the audience is often because they have a unique personality and charm.

Celebrities are gathering together to "change their faces"! Zhang Yuqi became an avatar, Li Zonghan didn't dare to admit it, and Ju Jingyi brightened

This charm comes from their talent, temperament and authenticity.

Only when they truly achieve self-acceptance and self-confidence can they gain a long-term foothold in the entertainment industry.

Of course, that's not to say that celebrities can't change their image.

Appropriate changes can allow them to better adapt to market needs and audience aesthetics.

Celebrities are gathering together to "change their faces"! Zhang Yuqi became an avatar, Li Zonghan didn't dare to admit it, and Ju Jingyi brightened

However, this change should be based on one's true characteristics and personality, rather than blindly pursuing the so-called "perfect" image.

Celebrities are gathering together to "change their faces"! Zhang Yuqi became an avatar, Li Zonghan didn't dare to admit it, and Ju Jingyi brightened

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