
Wang Yang, the goddess of frozen age: In the past, Xue Baoqin was brought to life during her illness, and she still does not look old at the age of 68

author:Indefinite pleasure reading
Wang Yang, the goddess of frozen age: In the past, Xue Baoqin was brought to life during her illness, and she still does not look old at the age of 68
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Wang Yang, the goddess of frozen age: In the past, Xue Baoqin was brought to life during her illness, and she still does not look old at the age of 68

In the Chinese film and television industry, there is such a magical actress: she once played an innocent little Taoist boy at the age of 34, which amazed the audience; Now that he is over the age of six, his face is still like a middle-aged man in his forties.

What is even more admirable is that she once insisted on performing despite being seriously ill and interpreted a complex role vividly. Her acting skills have been highly praised, but she has also caused controversy because of her appearance.

Who is this mysterious "frozen goddess"? How did she maintain such a youthful face and exuberant vitality through the baptism of years? Let's unveil the legendary life story of national first-class actor Wang Yang.

In 1952, Chengdu, Sichuan ushered in an extraordinary life, and Wang Yang fell to the ground. From a young age, she has shown a keen interest in the art of dance and dreams of one day showcasing her talent on stage.

Wang Yang, the goddess of frozen age: In the past, Xue Baoqin was brought to life during her illness, and she still does not look old at the age of 68

Fate seemed to favor this passionate girl, and when she was 18 years old, the opportunity finally came. With her outstanding performance, Wang Yang was successfully admitted to the dance major of the "May Seven" Art School in Chengdu, Sichuan, and started her artistic career.

In the days of art school, Wang Yang poured all his enthusiasm and sweat. Every movement practice, every posture adjustment, is a ladder to her dreams.

The arduous training sharpened her will and laid a solid foundation for her future artistic career.

After graduation, Wang Yang joined the Chengdu Song and Dance Theater as he wished and became a professional dancer. Here, her talent has been fully displayed and she has accumulated valuable stage experience.

Wang Yang, the goddess of frozen age: In the past, Xue Baoqin was brought to life during her illness, and she still does not look old at the age of 68

However, fate always likes to surprise people. Five years later, Wang Yang's life trajectory took an unexpected turn.

By chance, she participated in the selection of the China Children's Art Theater. With the expressiveness and unique temperament accumulated on the stage, Wang Yang successfully transformed into an actor.

This transformation is both a challenge and an opportunity for her. From dancer to theatrical actor, from body language to verbal expression, Wang Yang needs to relearn and adapt.

In the face of a new field, Wang Yang has shown amazing adaptability and enthusiasm for learning. She devoted herself to studying acting techniques, figuring out the characteristics of different roles, and trying to make her performance more natural and smooth.

Wang Yang, the goddess of frozen age: In the past, Xue Baoqin was brought to life during her illness, and she still does not look old at the age of 68

Gradually, she became comfortable in various roles with different styles, creating one vivid character after another.

This transition from dancer to actor not only enriched Wang Yang's artistic life, but also laid a solid foundation for her future success. The foundation of dance makes her more elegant and charming in her performance, and the spirit of continuous learning makes her go further and further on the road of acting.

Wang Yang's experience tells us that there is no fixed pattern on the road of art. As long as you maintain your love for art and the spirit of continuous improvement, you will be able to shine on different stages.

Her transformation is not only a personal growth, but also a vivid portrayal of an artist's continuous exploration and courage to challenge.

Wang Yang, the goddess of frozen age: In the past, Xue Baoqin was brought to life during her illness, and she still does not look old at the age of 68

1986 was an important turning point for 34-year-old Wang Yang. This year, she ushered in a major opportunity in her acting career - to participate in the 86 version of "Journey to the West".

In the ninth episode of this classic TV series, Wang Yang was chosen to play the role of Mingyue Daotong under the Great Immortal Constellation of Zhenyuan.

When he learned that he was going to play a little Taoist boy who seemed to be twelve or thirteen years old, Wang Yang couldn't help but feel a little apprehensive. "I'm 34 years old, how can I convincingly play a child?" This question bothered her for a while.

However, director Yang Jie's explanation made Wang Fescue Stop.

Wang Yang, the goddess of frozen age: In the past, Xue Baoqin was brought to life during her illness, and she still does not look old at the age of 68

It turns out that in the original work of "Journey to the West", although Mingyue Daotong is young in appearance, he has actually been practicing Taoism for thousands of years. What the director needs is an actor who can show the vicissitudes of life under the immature appearance.

This role requires the actor not only to have a "childlike appearance", but also to show his behavior and behavior that does not match his youthful appearance. Wang Yang's unique temperament and rich performance experience just meet the requirements of this role.

After comprehending the essence of the role, Wang Yang devoted himself to the performance. In front of the camera, she combed two cute flower buds, and her eyebrows were dotted with a touch of cinnabar, looking innocent.

However, when she spoke, she showed sophistication and alertness that did not match her appearance.

Wang Yang, the goddess of frozen age: In the past, Xue Baoqin was brought to life during her illness, and she still does not look old at the age of 68

The most impressive thing for the audience is the scene where Mingyue Daotong played by Wang Yang denounces Sun Wukong. In this scene, Wang Yang vividly interpreted the pungent and uninhibited character of Mingyue Daotong.

Her eyebrows fluttered, her lips were sharp, and she instantly turned a seemingly harmless little Taoist boy into a sharp "mouth cannon" master. This performance was affectionately called "the strongest mouth cannon" by the audience and became a classic in "Journey to the West".

Wang Yang's performance in "Journey to the West" not only won the love of the audience, but also was recognized by industry insiders. She successfully brought a complex role to life, showing her solid acting skills and deep understanding of the role.

This experience also opened a new door for Wang Yang's acting career and made her stand out in the film and television industry.

Wang Yang, the goddess of frozen age: In the past, Xue Baoqin was brought to life during her illness, and she still does not look old at the age of 68

However, success did not stop Wang Yang. She knows that this is just a milestone on the path of art. In the days that followed, she worked harder and tried to be the best in each role.

Wang Yang's success in "Journey to the West" is not only a personal victory, but also an important node in the history of the development of Chinese TV dramas. It proves that age is not a limiting factor for a great performance as long as you find the right actors.

Wang Yang's performance also set an example for later actors, encouraging them to break through themselves and challenge various possibilities.

This experience has become a strong stroke in Wang Yang's acting career, and it has also made her more confident and calm in her subsequent acting career. She proved with practical actions that the real charm of an actor does not lie in age, but in the ability to understand and interpret the role.

Wang Yang, the goddess of frozen age: In the past, Xue Baoqin was brought to life during her illness, and she still does not look old at the age of 68

The success of "Journey to the West" opened the door to new opportunities for Wang Yang. Soon after, she received an invitation to participate in another classic work "Dream of Red Mansions" as the talented girl Xue Baoqin.

This role is both a rare opportunity and a huge challenge for Wang Yang.

Xue Baoqin is an almost perfect character in the original book: noble-born, talented, and beautiful. How to convince the audience of such an idealized role has become the first problem faced by Wang Yang.

She began to delve into the original book, trying to capture the subtleties of Xue Baoqin's character, in order to present the three-dimensional sense of the character in the performance.

Wang Yang, the goddess of frozen age: In the past, Xue Baoqin was brought to life during her illness, and she still does not look old at the age of 68

However, the bigger test is yet to come. During the filming of "Dream of Red Mansions", Wang Yang unfortunately suffered from a serious illness, which caused obvious puffiness on his face.

This is undoubtedly a huge blow to Xue Baoqin, who needs to show her "beautiful appearance".

After some inner struggle, Wang Yang chose the latter. "The actor's duty is to devote himself to the role, and not let personal reasons affect the progress of the entire crew.

She told herself. With illness, Wang Yang still worked hard to interpret the role of Xue Baoqin. She focused her attention on Xue Baoqin's inner world, trying to show the charm of this talented woman through her eyes, voice and body language.

Wang Yang, the goddess of frozen age: In the past, Xue Baoqin was brought to life during her illness, and she still does not look old at the age of 68

Under Wang Yang's interpretation, Xue Baoqin's cheerful, enthusiastic, lively and active personality jumped on the screen. She tried to hide her discomfort behind the role, and made up for the lack of appearance with a sincere performance.

Despite her poor physical condition, Wang Yang's professionalism and understanding of the role allowed her to successfully interpret Xue Baoqin's image vividly.

However, when "Dream of Red Mansions" was broadcast, the audience's reaction was mixed. Some people praised Wang Yang for showing Xue Baoqin's personality to the fullest, thinking that she successfully captured the charm of this character.

But some viewers questioned her appearance, thinking that it was far from the image of the beauty described in the original book. This controversy has put a lot of pressure on Wang Yang.

Wang Yang, the goddess of frozen age: In the past, Xue Baoqin was brought to life during her illness, and she still does not look old at the age of 68

In the face of various evaluations, Wang Yang chose to face it calmly. She didn't justify herself, and she wasn't discouraged. Instead, she saw the experience as a valuable learning opportunity.

Wang Yang knows that actors will always encounter various evaluations on the road, and the important thing is to constantly improve themselves. This experience strengthened her love for acting and made her realize the importance of health as an actor.

Despite the controversy, Wang Yang's performance in "Dream of Red Mansions" still became an important milestone in her acting career. She proved with practical actions that the real charm of an actor lies not only in appearance, but also in the understanding and interpretation of the role.

This experience also made her pay more attention to the inner shaping of the role in her later acting career, which laid the foundation for her future success.

Wang Yang, the goddess of frozen age: In the past, Xue Baoqin was brought to life during her illness, and she still does not look old at the age of 68

Wang Yang's experience in Dream of Red Mansions not only shows her professionalism and professionalism as an actress, but also reflects the challenges she faces in artistic creation.

Her persistence and hard work presented a unique image of Xue Baoqin to the audience, and also added a strong touch to her acting career. This experience became an important turning point in Wang Yang's life, making her more mature and calm in her subsequent acting career.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, Wang Yang, who once played a lively and cute little Taoist boy in "Journey to the West", has now entered the age of sixties. However, what is amazing is that the 68-year-old Wang Yang still retains the appearance and demeanor of a middle-aged man.

This phenomenon of "frozen age" has aroused the curiosity and admiration of many people.

Wang Yang, the goddess of frozen age: In the past, Xue Baoqin was brought to life during her illness, and she still does not look old at the age of 68

Some people speculate that it is due to proper maintenance, and some people think that it is a genetic advantage, but the truth may be simpler and more profound: Wang Yang has always maintained a young heart. In interviews, she often jokes: "Age is just a number, what matters is mentality."

This sentence is not only her philosophy of life, but also the secret of her youth.

Even though he is over sixty years old, Wang Yang still maintains his love for life and the pursuit of art. She actively participates in various literary and artistic activities, communicates with young people, and maintains a curiosity about new things.

This positive and optimistic attitude towards life has allowed her to maintain her youthful vitality throughout the years.

Wang Yang, the goddess of frozen age: In the past, Xue Baoqin was brought to life during her illness, and she still does not look old at the age of 68

The miracle of Wang Yang's "frozen age" is not only reflected in the youthfulness of appearance, but also a kind of eternal youth in spirit. She used her own experience to tell us: as long as the mentality is young, life is a stage everywhere.

Her story has inspired countless people and proved that age is not the limit, and that maintaining a positive mindset is the best way to resist age.

Looking back on Wang Yang's artistic career, we see not only a successful actor, but also a life fighter who constantly challenges himself and pursues excellence. From dancer to actress, from young to old, she has always maintained her love for art and her passion for life.

The story of Wang Yang teaches us that the wonder of life is not in age, but in attitude. No matter what kind of challenges you face, as long as you maintain a positive and optimistic attitude, you can shine on the stage of life.

Wang Yang, the goddess of frozen age: In the past, Xue Baoqin was brought to life during her illness, and she still does not look old at the age of 68

The secret of her "frozen age" may be this never-say-die spirit and love for life.

Wang Yang uses his own experience to tell us that real artists not only shine on the stage, but also maintain enthusiasm in life. Her story inspires everyone: as long as you have a dream in your heart, you will always be young.

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