
On this day, 31-year-old Chen Turin seconds 22-year-old Bao Shangen, and only then did he know what it means to "have poetry and books in his belly"

author:Potter said entertainment

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On this day, 31-year-old Chen Turin seconds 22-year-old Bao Shangen, and only then did he know what it means to "have poetry and books in his belly"


The crew of "Jin Yong's Martial Arts World" Sanmei Chen Duling, Bao Shangen, and Hanikezi are in the same frame, causing heated discussions.

Bao Shangen is pure and cute, and his acting skills need to be improved; Hanikez exotic, dignified and elegant;

Chen Turin has an outstanding temperament, a bookish atmosphere, and the three beauties have their own characteristics, but their acting skills are not eye-catching.

They are not Internet celebrity faces, bright and smart, hoping to ponder their acting skills, and become popular when they receive suitable roles.

On this day, 31-year-old Chen Turin seconds 22-year-old Bao Shangen, and only then did he know what it means to "have poetry and books in his belly"

"Jin Yong's Martial Arts World" red carpet show

On the red carpet of the goose drama party, the drama "Jin Yong's Martial Arts World" became a beautiful landscape.

Three heroines - Chen Duling, Bao Shangen and Hanikezi

With its unique charm and style, it has attracted the attention of countless cameras and netizens.

They not only represent the different characters in the play, but also interpret the diverse beauty of modern women with their own charm.

On this day, 31-year-old Chen Turin seconds 22-year-old Bao Shangen, and only then did he know what it means to "have poetry and books in his belly"

There is a saying in the entertainment industry: "One high covers three ugliness, and one short destroys everything." ”

Although this is a bit exaggerated, it also reflects the importance of height and temperament to female stars.

Height can often give a person's first impression of visual impact, and temperament is the deep embodiment of personal charm.

Whether tall or petite, each female star can find the style that suits them best and show a unique style.

On this day, 31-year-old Chen Turin seconds 22-year-old Bao Shangen, and only then did he know what it means to "have poetry and books in his belly"

Bao Shangen chose a pink rose gauze dress with a bandeau design and a fluffy skirt.

Like a princess in a fairy tale, it exudes a gentle and pure atmosphere.

Her first impression is pure and exquisite, with a hint of sweetness in her gentleness.

Although there is controversy about her height, the self-proclaimed 162cm looks more like around 155cm at some angles.

On this day, 31-year-old Chen Turin seconds 22-year-old Bao Shangen, and only then did he know what it means to "have poetry and books in his belly"

But that didn't affect her overall aesthetic.

Bao Shangen's acting skills are mixed, and sometimes he is at ease.

Sometimes it's a little jerky, but her good looks and cold and sweet image are enough to impress.

Hanikezi opted for a white bandeau dress.

On this day, 31-year-old Chen Turin seconds 22-year-old Bao Shangen, and only then did he know what it means to "have poetry and books in his belly"

The cinched waist perfectly frames her figure, and the umbrella-shaped pleated skirt adds a touch of agility.

There is an exotic atmosphere in her temperament, noble and dignified, as if she is an elf who has traveled from another time and space.

Hanikezi's figure is coordinated, although his height is not particularly outstanding

But at 163cm, she still looks very eye-catching with her good proportions.

On this day, 31-year-old Chen Turin seconds 22-year-old Bao Shangen, and only then did he know what it means to "have poetry and books in his belly"

Her unique appearance and temperament make her stand out among many actresses and become an existence that cannot be ignored.

Chen Turin appeared in a bandeau embroidered gauze skirt, with a tall figure and elegant temperament that is unforgettable.

Her height reached 168cm, which is the most outstanding among the three actresses, which undoubtedly increases her recognition on the red carpet.

Chen Turin feels coordinated and bookish.

On this day, 31-year-old Chen Turin seconds 22-year-old Bao Shangen, and only then did he know what it means to "have poetry and books in his belly"

Her unique temperament seems to tell a story, making people feel an inner nobility.

As a learning actor, Chen Duling's acting skills are constantly improving.

Under her gentle and cold appearance, there is a profound literary heritage, and she truly achieves "poetry and calligraphy in her belly".

When Chen Duling, Bao Shangen and Hanikezi appeared in the same frame.

On this day, 31-year-old Chen Turin seconds 22-year-old Bao Shangen, and only then did he know what it means to "have poetry and books in his belly"

Their different styles are in stark contrast, and they also show the diversity of feminine beauty.

The significant difference in height does not diminish the brilliance of any actress, but adds to the layering of the picture.

Whether it is the tall and elegant Chen Turin, the pure sweetness of Bao Shangen, or the exotic style of Hanikezi.

On this day, 31-year-old Chen Turin seconds 22-year-old Bao Shangen, and only then did he know what it means to "have poetry and books in his belly"

Their respective temperaments have been fully displayed.

For the improvement of acting skills, the three actresses have common expectations.

I believe that with the accumulation of experience, they will show a more mature and multi-faceted self on the road of acting in the future.

On this day, 31-year-old Chen Turin seconds 22-year-old Bao Shangen, and only then did he know what it means to "have poetry and books in his belly"

"Jin Yong's Martial Arts World": Three beauties compete for beauty

On the red carpet, every turn of Chen Duling, Bao Shangen and Hanikezi is a silent fashion statement.

Their clothes not only reflect the characteristics of their respective roles, but also show their personal tastes and fashion attitudes.

Chen Turin's embroidered gauze skirt is a delicate craftsmanship and elegant design.

It seems to be the externalization of her inner bookish energy, reminiscent of the gentleness and wisdom of talented women in ancient times.

On this day, 31-year-old Chen Turin seconds 22-year-old Bao Shangen, and only then did he know what it means to "have poetry and books in his belly"

The rose gauze skirt wrapped in grace is like a flower blooming in spring.

Fresh and refined, it appropriately reflects her purity and sweetness.

And Hanikezi's bandeau dress, simple and gorgeous, shows the mysterious and noble exotic style on her body.

Three sets of shapes, three styles, but equally wonderful, together paint a beautiful picture of the fusion of modern and classical.

On this day, 31-year-old Chen Turin seconds 22-year-old Bao Shangen, and only then did he know what it means to "have poetry and books in his belly"

The temperament of every actress does not come out of thin air, but is the result of precipitation after years of baptism.

Chen Duling's bookish spirit stems from her love and pursuit of knowledge, and she studied at Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics.

In addition to her professional studies, her involvement in literature and art has endowed her with a unique literary and artistic atmosphere.

Bao Shangen's gentleness may come from her delicate observation and perception of life.

On this day, 31-year-old Chen Turin seconds 22-year-old Bao Shangen, and only then did he know what it means to "have poetry and books in his belly"

She feels the beauty of the world with her heart and transforms it into a part of herself.

Hanikez's nobility is not only because of her appearance, but also because of the tenacity and self-confidence in her bones.

This calmness is honed in the challenges and breakthroughs again and again.

The stories behind these make their temperament more three-dimensional and more real.

On this day, 31-year-old Chen Turin seconds 22-year-old Bao Shangen, and only then did he know what it means to "have poetry and books in his belly"

And what really determines a person's charm is much more than that.

Chen Turin's tall figure is certainly eye-catching, but her elegance and talent are the most dazzling parts of her.

Bao Shangen may not have an advantage in height, but her gentleness and sincerity are enough to make up for everything.

Although Hanikezi's height is not the most outstanding, her confidence and persistence allow her to shine on any occasion.

On this day, 31-year-old Chen Turin seconds 22-year-old Bao Shangen, and only then did he know what it means to "have poetry and books in his belly"

They tell us with practical actions that the real charm comes from the abundance and strength of the heart, rather than the external scale.

In terms of acting, the three actresses have shown different potentials and possibilities.

Chen Duling's learning acting skills have made her break through in every attempt.

Her willingness to take on new challenges and step out of her comfort zone is worthy of respect.

On this day, 31-year-old Chen Turin seconds 22-year-old Bao Shangen, and only then did he know what it means to "have poetry and books in his belly"

Bao Shangen's Korean style has won her a unique audience.

But at the same time, she is also constantly seeking self-breakthrough and eager to improve her acting skills.

Hanikezi's versatility allows her to switch freely between different roles, and her acting career is full of infinite possibilities.

For the future, they all have a common expectation - to constantly improve themselves.

On this day, 31-year-old Chen Turin seconds 22-year-old Bao Shangen, and only then did he know what it means to "have poetry and books in his belly"

Create more vivid characters, use works to speak, and let the audience witness their growth and transformation.

The red carpet of "Jin Yong's Martial Arts World" is not only a visual feast, but also a touch of the heart.

Chen Duling, Bao Shangen and Hanikezi, with their respective styles and charms, interpret what is the true beauty of women.

On this day, 31-year-old Chen Turin seconds 22-year-old Bao Shangen, and only then did he know what it means to "have poetry and books in his belly"


On this stage, height and temperament are just the appearance, and the inner strength and pursuit are the most worthy of our attention and appreciation.

Let's look forward to the days to come, where they can continue to shine in their respective fields.

Use more works to tell your own wonderful stories.

On this day, 31-year-old Chen Turin seconds 22-year-old Bao Shangen, and only then did he know what it means to "have poetry and books in his belly"
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