
"National First-Class Actor" He Bing: It's not that I can't get the play, I just don't want to make bad movies

author:Ender said

In He Bing's life, he was not happy as a child. Although he was born in Beijing, his father and mother were teachers, and his family environment was better than that of ordinary families, his upbringing was full of harshness and injustice.

In his limited childhood memories, he only remembered the harsh criticism and punishment of his parents, even if he achieved the first place in his class, but because his score did not reach the full score, he would be punished for kneeling, and this family environment made He Bing gradually become rebellious.

"National First-Class Actor" He Bing: It's not that I can't get the play, I just don't want to make bad movies

After starting school, He Bing began to give up on himself. He often skips class and goes out to play, or gets into trouble with fox friends and dogs, and even behaves in school. In order to escape punishment, he learned to lie, to see people and talk to people, and to tell ghosts.

Although these little cleverness allowed him to temporarily escape punishment, they made him fall behind in his studies more and more.

However, there are always unexpected twists of fate. In my sophomore year of high school, the school reclassified classes according to liberal arts and sciences. According to common sense, He Bing's grades are not even half of the ordinary class, and he should be assigned to the "poor student class".

"National First-Class Actor" He Bing: It's not that I can't get the play, I just don't want to make bad movies

However, when the list of classes was announced, He Bing was surprised to find that he was assigned to the "top class".

Faced with this sudden change, He Bing stood at the door of the classroom, in a dilemma. Go ahead, he knows that his grades are not good, and he is afraid of being ridiculed; Hold back, there are no other classes to go.

After thinking for a few minutes, He Bing plucked up his courage and walked up to the teacher to ask.

The reason why the school assigned He Bing to the "top class" was that he had won a prize in a recitation competition. This decision not only changed He Bing's learning environment, but also allowed him to meet the most important person in his life - Liu Haiyang, a class flower and a member of the study committee.

"National First-Class Actor" He Bing: It's not that I can't get the play, I just don't want to make bad movies

In the class full of positive energy, He Bing began to change gradually. Although he still couldn't understand the class at first, with Liu Haiyang's urging and help, he began to listen attentively and tried to catch up.

This unexpected turn of events laid the groundwork for He Bing's persistence and choice in the entertainment industry in the future, and also made him deeply realize the importance of the environment and persistence.

Under Liu Haiyang's careful care, He Bing's study and life have undergone earth-shaking changes. This former problem student began to listen carefully to the lectures, studied hard, and his grades also made significant progress.

"National First-Class Actor" He Bing: It's not that I can't get the play, I just don't want to make bad movies

Liu Haiyang not only urged He Bing to study, but also lent him his notes, and with this kind of care and help, He Bing's heart unconsciously sprouted a feeling.

Liu Haiyang's background is completely different from that of ordinary students, she has a superior background, received elite education since she was a child, is good at singing and dancing, and her academic performance is also among the best. In this way, she naturally became the focus of attention in the class, but Liu Haiyang often cared about He Bing, the only "bad student" in the class.

Perhaps it was her responsibility as a squad leader that prompted her to do so, or it may be that she was deeply moved by He Bing's progress, and Liu Haiyang cared more and more about He Bing.

"National First-Class Actor" He Bing: It's not that I can't get the play, I just don't want to make bad movies

In the days of getting along day and night, He Bing gradually developed complex feelings for Liu Haiyang. However, he didn't dare to confess, he thought he was just a poor boy, and Liu Haiyang was a rich daughter, and the gap between them seemed to be difficult to cross.

He Bing buried this crush deeply in his heart, gave it a go, and worked hard. He studied hard and improved his grades, just to be able to match Liu Haiyang one day.

Facts have proved that the power of love is indeed strong, and in just two years, He Bing jumped from the bottom of the school to the top of the top students in the college entrance examination, and he was successfully admitted to the Central Academy of Drama with his own expertise.

"National First-Class Actor" He Bing: It's not that I can't get the play, I just don't want to make bad movies

However, just when He Bing was about to confess to Liu Haiyang with this hard-won achievement, a bad news happened: Liu Haiyang was going to attend the study abroad arranged for him by his parents.

The last time they met before parting, the two had nothing to say Liu Haiyang looked at He Bing quietly, as if waiting for him to say something However, the young He Bing, full of thoughts about the upcoming parting, slowly lowered his hand holding the report card, and was speechless for a long time.

In the end, Liu Haiyang turned around and left with full regret, while He Bing could only go to the Chinese drama with regret. This youthful crush, because of the unspoken "I like you", has become an eternal regret in He Bing's heart.

"National First-Class Actor" He Bing: It's not that I can't get the play, I just don't want to make bad movies

Liu Haiyang's death made He Bing devote himself to his studies, and he was admitted to the Central Academy of Drama. But here, he found that the atmosphere of the class he was in was completely different from that of high school, there was no so-called class flowers and grass, and the classmates were competing for the elegance of their acting skills and physical performances.

In this atmosphere of competition, the students' acting skills have improved by leaps and bounds.

He Bing's class can be described as full of talents, and his class alone has cultivated three national first-class actors, Hu Jun, Chen Xiaoyi, and Xu Fan, as well as Wang Ban, the future vice captain of Renyi.

"National First-Class Actor" He Bing: It's not that I can't get the play, I just don't want to make bad movies

In the face of such an excellent classmate, He Bing felt deep pressure, but it also stimulated his hard work even more.

However, He Bing is not a talented actor, and every step of his progress requires more effort than others. Fortunately, He Bing met a good teacher who changed his life, and the teacher told him that with his current ability, even if he went to acting, he could only play a small supporting role, and he didn't know that he would have to wait until the Year of the Monkey to get ahead.

He Bing was deeply moved by the teacher's words, and he suddenly realized that instead of striving for some insignificant roles, it was better to fully devote himself to the process of improving his acting skills.

"National First-Class Actor" He Bing: It's not that I can't get the play, I just don't want to make bad movies

So, in the four years of college, He Bing did not take on any movies or TV series, but devoted himself to honing his acting skills.

After graduating, He Bing and a group of classmates applied for the examination and joined the Beijing People's Art Theater, however, the Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon within Renyi, the older generation of artists is even more shining. In such a competitive environment, He Bing can only start with a small role with a few lines, and the opportunities are very limited.

For two years, he was never offered a chance to play an important role.

"National First-Class Actor" He Bing: It's not that I can't get the play, I just don't want to make bad movies

When He Bing felt lost and confused, opportunities crept in. In 1993, during the rehearsal of "Birdman", he surprised all the older generation of artists present with his appearance in just seven minutes.

This breakthrough performance opened a new chapter in his career.

"Beijing Circle" is determined to revitalize domestic comedy and launched the first sitcom "I Love My Home". Although He Bing's role in the play is inconspicuous, it has become an important starting point for his career.

"National First-Class Actor" He Bing: It's not that I can't get the play, I just don't want to make bad movies

Since then, He Bing has gradually risen to prominence, laying the foundation for his future success.

After this dormant and breakthrough experience, He Bing deeply understood the importance of a solid foundation, and also strengthened his belief in only acting in good dramas and not making bad movies.

His outstanding performance in "Birdman" He Bing opened the door to the showbiz. He then worked on the landmark sitcom I Love My Home. Although the role is still small, He Bing has accumulated valuable experience through this, laying the foundation for future development.

"National First-Class Actor" He Bing: It's not that I can't get the play, I just don't want to make bad movies

In the next few years, He Bing successively starred in classic works such as "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", "Party A and Party B", and "My Life". Although most of the roles are only supporting roles, He Bing portrays every role with heart, making the audience remember him as an actor with solid acting skills.

He gradually grew up in the shaping of small characters, showing his unique interpretation charm.

With the passage of time, He Bing has gradually grown into a powerful actor, and many of the roles he has created, such as Qi Yiku, who attaches importance to family affection in "My Brothers and Sisters", Song Ci who is clever and decisive in "Forensic Song Ci", and the honest silly pillar in "Love in the Courtyard", have left a deep impression on the audience.

"National First-Class Actor" He Bing: It's not that I can't get the play, I just don't want to make bad movies

He Bing's efforts are out of the circle and are recognized by the industry. Although the output is not high, the high-quality works are precious, and no one has asked the reason for the lack of works, He Bing said bluntly: "It's not that I can't get the play, the real problem is that I can't find a good script."

This sentence not only reflects He Bing's rigorous attitude towards his acting career, but also reflects his demanding creative standards.

Through continuous accumulation and breakthroughs, He Bing finally became an excellent actor, and he left a deep impression in the hearts of the audience. He Bing's success proves a truth, only by constantly improving oneself can one gain a firm foothold in this highly competitive industry.

"National First-Class Actor" He Bing: It's not that I can't get the play, I just don't want to make bad movies

He Bing continues to climb in his career, but his love life has never progressed. Despite his many suitors, his heart was always occupied by the crush of that youth. Whenever someone introduces him to someone, he always can't devote himself wholeheartedly, and he always thinks of Liu Haiyang's figure.

This state lasted until a class reunion. The classmates who ignored He Bing at the beginning, now see that he has achieved fame and take the initiative to invite him to the party. He Bing didn't like the excitement and wanted to refuse, but Liu Haiyang's figure suddenly flashed in his mind, and the ghost almost agreed.

He Bing attended the party with trepidation, and secretly decided: if Liu Haiyang did not come, he would leave immediately. Once again, however, fate favored him. Liu Haiyang, whom he had been looking forward to seeing, actually appeared at the party, which woke up the long-lost throbbing in He Bing's heart again.

"National First-Class Actor" He Bing: It's not that I can't get the play, I just don't want to make bad movies

This time, He Bing didn't hesitate any longer, he took the initiative to walk over to Liu Haiyang and sit down. Then he asked directly: "Liu Haiyang, are you married?" Liu Haiyang was a little at a loss by He Bing's directness, and subconsciously shook his head.

After a while, as if he remembered something, he hurriedly lowered his head.

Seeing this scene, the students suddenly understood something and started to coax. In the coaxing atmosphere, He Bing quietly took Liu Haiyang's hand, and the two left the noisy environment together and strolled quietly in the night.

"National First-Class Actor" He Bing: It's not that I can't get the play, I just don't want to make bad movies

He Bing finally decided to speak his heart, and poured out the thoughts that had accumulated in his heart for many years. He candidly talked about his thoughts about Liu Haiyang, and also confessed his regret of missing out because of timidity.

Liu Haiyang listened to He Bing's confession, her eyes were filled with tears, and she also said her heart, it turned out that she had been waiting for He Bing.

Finally, two sincere hearts came together to make up for the regrets of the year. He Bing and Liu Haiyang quickly established a relationship, and soon entered the palace of marriage hand in hand. This hard-won emotion made He Bing cherish life even more, and also injected new vitality into his acting career.

"National First-Class Actor" He Bing: It's not that I can't get the play, I just don't want to make bad movies

After getting married, He Bing's life was plain and happy. The relationship between him and Liu Haiyang is like glue, but it does not lose the atmosphere of fireworks. This ordinary happiness makes He Bing more comfortable in his acting career, and it also makes him closer to life and perfectly interpret various roles.

After years of persistence and hard work, He Bing finally won the title of national first-class actor, and he was once considered an untalented young man to finally gain a firm foothold in the entertainment industry.

But He Bing was not complacent because of this, and still maintained his principles: as long as he acted, he would take it seriously, and if he didn't act, he would live well.

"National First-Class Actor" He Bing: It's not that I can't get the play, I just don't want to make bad movies

He Bing's success is mainly due to his constant awe and pursuit of art. He once said: "It's not that I can't get the play, I just don't want to make bad movies." This sentence not only highlights his insistence on the quality of his works, but also shows his serious attitude towards his acting career.

In the hustle and bustle of the entertainment industry, He Bing always sticks to his pace. He does not pursue quantity, only pays attention to quality, does not chase fame and fortune, and only focuses on the improvement of acting skills. This attitude has made him stand out among many actors, winning the respect and respect of the audience and people in the industry.

He Bing's story teaches us that success does not depend only on talent, but also on the strength of perseverance. Through his own experience, he let us truly understand the connotation of "rather lack than excess", and set an example to become a role model for external actors.

"National First-Class Actor" He Bing: It's not that I can't get the play, I just don't want to make bad movies

He Bing constantly pursues excellence in daily life, and always sticks to his original intention in obscurity, perhaps this is the real reason why he can successfully become a national first-class actor.

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