
The girl who has disappeared for a long time has reappeared now, and the status quo is really enviable

author:Watermelon talks about the world
The girl who has disappeared for a long time has reappeared now, and the status quo is really enviable
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The girl who has disappeared for a long time has reappeared now, and the status quo is really enviable

At the Spring Festival Gala in 2009, a rural girl dressed in bright costumes conquered the national audience with her unique charm. She is a girl, and she became famous with "Not Bad Money".

At that time, the audience was deeply attracted by her unpretentious and humorous performance, as if they saw their own shadow. Yadan's popularity is booming, and various business invitations are coming.

However, just when everyone thought that she was going to soar into the sky, Yadan quietly faded out of the public eye. Today, more than ten years later, where has the "girl egg phenomenon" that once swept the country gone? What ups and downs has she experienced in her life? Let's uncover the mysterious disappearance of Yadan, explore her legendary life, and witness how she re-emerged from the trough and finally reached the enviable status quo.

In 1987, Yadan fell to the ground in an ordinary family in Heilongjiang Province. Her father, Lu Junting, is an unknown duo-turned-actor, although he is skilled, he has never been able to escape the haze of poverty.

The girl who has disappeared for a long time has reappeared now, and the status quo is really enviable

Yadan's name itself reflects her status in the family - her father named her Lu Pin at random, as if he were just adding a few more strokes to the household register.

The hardships of life soon befell the family. Yadan was not yet a year old, and her parents quarreled constantly over financial issues. Eventually, as expected by the outside world, they embarked on the path of divorce.

The young girl is oblivious to the changes around her, and when her father remarries, she naively treats the new woman as her own mother.

However, fate always seems to work against the family. Soon after, the two-person theater run by Lu Junting declared bankrupt and was burdened with heavy debts. Under huge financial pressure, the stepmother chose to leave and divorced Lu Junting.

The girl who has disappeared for a long time has reappeared now, and the status quo is really enviable

Yadan, who was only ten years old at the time, faced the great changes in her family again, and her heart was full of indescribable grief.

It is in such a fragmented family environment that Yadan's soul is imprinted with an endless desire for maternal love. However, in the face of her family's troubles and heavy debts, Yadan did not allow herself to indulge in grief.

On the contrary, she showed an extraordinary strength and sense of responsibility.

In order to survive, Yadan has to run around with her taciturn father in search of life. In the process, she gradually accumulated a wealth of stage experience.

The girl who has disappeared for a long time has reappeared now, and the status quo is really enviable

Whether facing a sold-out theater or a silent rural venue, Yadan brings joy and energy to the audience in her unique way.

This difficult childhood experience became a key factor in shaping Yadan's character. The lack of maternal love made her yearn for warmth even more, and difficult situations honed her tenacity and perseverance.

It is this strength and optimism that laid the foundation for her future success.

Despite the many setbacks that life has given her, Yadan has always maintained a positive attitude. She interprets the philosophy of "laughter in life" in her own way, and this optimism not only helped her through a difficult childhood, but also became the source of her unique charm on stage in the future.

The girl who has disappeared for a long time has reappeared now, and the status quo is really enviable

In 2005, the god of fate finally smiled kindly at Yadan. Zhao Benshan, who was looking for fresh blood, took a fancy to this girl with great potential at a glance.

Yadan's infectious performance and unique stage charm made Zhao Benshan see infinite possibilities. For Yadan, this is undoubtedly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and she did not hesitate to join Zhao Benshan's team.

However, when she first joined this star-studded family, Yadan soon realized her insignificance. There is a lot of talent on the team, and everyone seems to have their own uniqueness.

In contrast, Yadan feels that her advantages are minimal, and she can hardly find her own stage. However, this pressure from the outside world did not break her, but became the driving force for her to keep moving forward.

The girl who has disappeared for a long time has reappeared now, and the status quo is really enviable

In the hard training day after day, Yadan showed amazing perseverance and learning ability. She humbly consulted with the seniors in her team and continued to hone her skills.

Even when she encounters setbacks and difficulties, she never gives up easily, and always grits her teeth and persists. This fighting spirit finally paid off in 2009.

On the eve of the Spring Festival that year, Zhao Benshan encountered a huge challenge. His carefully prepared new script was ruthlessly rejected by the jury and forced to create a brand new sketch in the last month.

Despite being physically exhausted and even sick, Zhao Benshan still chose to face the difficulties. At this critical moment, he created what would later become a household name, "Not Bad Money".

The girl who has disappeared for a long time has reappeared now, and the status quo is really enviable

When casting, Zhao Benshan first thought of his very appealing apprentice Xiao Shenyang. However, another important role of rural girls has been eluded for a long time.

Just when the master and apprentice were worried about this, Zhao Benshan had a flash of inspiration and thought of Yadan. Her simple and natural image perfectly matched the needs of the role, so she was chosen without any suspense.

The moment she appeared on the stage of the CCTV Spring Festival Gala, Yadan's heart was both nervous and excited. When she conquered the audience with her unique performance style, her eyes flashed with confidence.

The success of "Not Bad Money" made Yadan famous overnight and became a high-profile star.

The girl who has disappeared for a long time has reappeared now, and the status quo is really enviable

With that comes an overwhelming number of commercial offers and performance opportunities. Yadan's career is in full swing, and she was even favored by director Zhang Yimou, who invited her to star in the hit film "Three Guns Shooting Surprise".

However, in the face of sudden success, Yadan did not get carried away. In the spotlight, she always maintains a humble attitude and is grateful for every opportunity.

This experience not only made Yadan successful in her career, but more importantly, it allowed her to find her own value and positioning. From an unknown little girl to a comedian loved by audiences across the country, Yadan's growth process is legendary.

With her hard work and talent, she proved that as long as she persevered in her dreams, she would shine one day.

The girl who has disappeared for a long time has reappeared now, and the status quo is really enviable

When her career is in full swing, Yadan's love life has also ushered in a turning point. She fell in love with her senior brother Wang Jinlong in the team for a long time and fell in love. Wang Jinlong joined Zhao Benshan's team a year earlier than Yadan, and was attracted by her purity and immaculate when they first met.

In the days of Yadan's hard training, Wang Jinlong always cared for her silently, handed her a cup of warm tea, and gave gentle greetings. This delicate care made up for the lack of family affection in Yadan's childhood, and her heart was gradually filled with warmth.

In 2011, Yadan made a decision that surprised many people - to get married and have children. At that time, she was in the prime of her career, and various commercial invitations and performance opportunities came one after another.

However, Yadan chose a family and resolutely gave up a number of important opportunities, including Zhang Yimou's "Three Guns Shooting Surprise". This decision made many people feel puzzled, and even Zhao Benshan once dissuaded her from making a hasty decision.

The girl who has disappeared for a long time has reappeared now, and the status quo is really enviable

But in the face of Yadan's firm eyes, Zhao Benshan could only accept it helplessly in the end.

In 2012, Yadan's first child, Wang Tianqi, was born. As a first-time mother, her eyes are full of tenderness and happiness. In order to give more care to the child, Yadan chose to leave the stage for the time being and devote herself to parenting.

Whenever she picks up the child, Yadan's face is always filled with a happy smile, as if she has found a new meaning in life.

However, married life is not all smooth sailing. As work decreases, the financial pressure on families gradually increases. Yadan watched her husband Wang Jinlong running around for the family, and her heart was both moved and guilty.

The girl who has disappeared for a long time has reappeared now, and the status quo is really enviable

She began to rethink her life choices, and her heart was full of contradictions and struggles. At the same time, the contradictions between husband and wife are becoming increasingly prominent.

In the end, in 2017, Yadan and Wang Jinlong chose to break up peacefully. This decision was not a whim, in fact, they had already gone through the divorce procedures, but they had kept it a secret from the outside world.

When facing the camera, Yadan's eyes revealed a trace of loneliness, but more of an expectation for the future. She understands that the decision, while difficult, is a relief for both parties.

This experience made Yadan more mature. She has learned how to balance her career with her family, and she has cherished every choice in her life even more. Despite losing a relationship, Yadan reaped the happiness of being a mother, which became the driving force to support her to move forward.

The girl who has disappeared for a long time has reappeared now, and the status quo is really enviable

Looking back on this time, Yadan may have some regrets, but she never regrets her choice. Because it is these experiences that have shaped her today and made her more determined on the road of life.

As the child grows older, Yadan begins to think about the possibility of returning to the stage. Between 2015 and 2016, she plucked up the courage to participate in the show "Happy Comedian", hoping to recreate the glory of "Not Bad Money".

However, the entertainment industry is changing rapidly, and the tastes of the audience are constantly evolving. Yadan soon found that the performance style that once made her an instant hit was no longer able to resonate with the audience.

She tried to reinterpret "Not Bad Money", but found that she seemed to have really become the "front wave" mentioned in the play, and was ruthlessly photographed on the beach by the new generation of artists.

The girl who has disappeared for a long time has reappeared now, and the status quo is really enviable

In the face of this setback, Yadan did not give up easily. She began to think about how to break through and find a new direction for development. In this process, Yadan's eyes flashed with determination and expectation, and she believed that she would definitely find a new stage.

With a love for art, Yadan boldly tried to transform. She decided to challenge herself and made her first career as a film director, writing and acting in a film called "Fu Mo Ji Gong".

The concept of this work is somewhat similar to Stephen Chow's version of "Jigong", showing Yadan's tribute and innovation to classic comedy. However, after the release of the film, the word-of-mouth was not satisfactory and almost fell to the bottom.

This attempt exposed Yadan's lack of experience in the professional field of directing.

The girl who has disappeared for a long time has reappeared now, and the status quo is really enviable

Despite the defeat, Yadan was not discouraged. She calmly analyzed her shortcomings and was determined to continue learning and improving. In this process, Yadan has shown great resilience and learning ability.

With the advent of the Internet era, Yadan is keenly aware of the potential of the live broadcast industry. She began to try live streaming, and although she was initially criticized for non-standard Mandarin and poor sales skills, she did not give up lightly.

Yadan strives to improve her expression, constantly learns new skills, and even occasionally brings her young son to live broadcast, showing a different affinity.

Through unremitting efforts, she gradually found her place in this new field and started a new chapter in her career.

The girl who has disappeared for a long time has reappeared now, and the status quo is really enviable

In 2019, Yadan's life ushered in a new turning point. On a luxury cruise ship, her younger brother Xiao Pengfei proposed to her in a romantic way. When Xiao Pengfei knelt on one knee and held the shining diamond ring, Yadan's eyes flashed with tears of happiness.

At this moment, she seems to have rediscovered the beauty of love. Although this new relationship has caused some controversy, Yadan chooses to bravely follow her heart and start a new chapter in her life.

In the live broadcast industry, Yadan has gradually found a new positioning. Her performance is becoming more and more natural, and her interaction with the audience is more comfortable. Although she is occasionally criticized for certain shortcomings, Yadan always faces it with a positive attitude and constantly improves her performance.

Today's girl shows more feminine charm in front of the camera. Her eyes reveal confidence and calmness, showing an elegant ancient charm. Although her career may not have reached the peak of her former life, Yadan has found a new value in life.

The girl who has disappeared for a long time has reappeared now, and the status quo is really enviable

Not only has she had a steady development in the field of live broadcasting, but she has also tried to expand in the direction of film director, showing diversified talents.

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