
Yao Beina: Ten years after her death, her parents' insistence made people cry, what happened to them

author:Ender said

In Wuhan, which is full of cultural heritage, in 1981, a life destined to be extraordinary was born. Yao Beina, this name will shine brightly in the future music scene, and at this moment, she is just a little baby in the arms of Yao Feng and Li Xinmin.

Yao Beina's father, Yao Feng, is a vocalist with a prominent reputation. He not only successfully created works such as "Vicissitudes of the Sea" and "Peach Blossom Soul" that were sung by famous singers such as Dai Yuqiang, but also a teacher at Wuhan Conservatory of Music and trained many outstanding students.

Yao Beina: Ten years after her death, her parents' insistence made people cry, what happened to them

Yao Beina's mother, Li Xinmin, is a talented song and dance actress, and her representative works such as "Lark, You Don't Cry" and "I Have a Song of Praise in My Heart" are deeply loved by the public.

In this strong artistic atmosphere, Yao Beina seems to be born with the gene of music. Since she was a child, she loved to hum songs along with her parents, showing extraordinary musical talent.

At the age of four, the little Yao Beina was able to accurately sing every note on the piano, amazed those around her, and her parents were keenly aware of their daughter's talent and decided to systematically guide her in music from then on.

At the age of nine, Yao Beina ushered in the first important stage in her life. She took the stage independently for the first time, and her immature and aura singing voice echoed on the stage, winning warm applause from the audience.

Yao Beina: Ten years after her death, her parents' insistence made people cry, what happened to them

People sighed: "This little girl will definitely do a lot in the future!" This performance became the starting point for Yao Beina to pursue her music dream.

At the age of 16, she was admitted to the High School Affiliated to the Wuhan Conservatory of Music with her own efforts, where Yao Beina was not only a student, but her father Yao Feng was also a teacher at the school.

Unlike at home, Yao Feng, as a teacher, is extremely strict in the process of guiding Yao Beina, so strict that Yao Beina sometimes wonders if she is his biological daughter.

Yao Beina: Ten years after her death, her parents' insistence made people cry, what happened to them

However, it is precisely because of her father's strict requirements and her own hard work that Yao Beina's future success has a solid foundation. Under this training, Yao Beina's musical talent has been fully developed.

Her singing voice is becoming more and more pure, and her technique is becoming more and more proficient, which indicates her great potential in the musical path.

In 2000, Yao Beina was admitted to the Vocal Department of the China Conservatory of Music and proved her strength with her outstanding performance. This prestigious music institution opened the door to a wider stage for her.

Yao Beina: Ten years after her death, her parents' insistence made people cry, what happened to them

Here, Yao Beina is like a fish in water, her rich performance experience and solid basic skills make her stand out quickly, and all teachers praise her for her outstanding talent, thinking that she is a rare musical genius.

Yao Beina's outstanding performance in school has won her many valuable opportunities, such as participating in various types of competitions and even having the opportunity to perform on the same stage with the famous singer Dai Yuqiang.

These experiences not only enriched her stage experience, but also made her name gradually known in the music industry.

Yao Beina: Ten years after her death, her parents' insistence made people cry, what happened to them

In 2005, the god of opportunity once again extended an olive branch to Yao Beina. Soon after graduating, she was selected for China's first large-scale musical, "Golden Sands". The director thinks that the role of "Kim" is her perfect interpretation.

This was undoubtedly a great opportunity and challenge for the young Yao Beina, but she did not hesitate and accepted the task directly.

In the performance of "Golden Sands", Yao Beina showed extraordinary vocal strength and achieved far beyond ordinary achievements. Contrary to those cases where the high-pitched C-part is difficult to navigate, Yao Beina was able to sing these trebles with ease, leaving audiences and industry insiders alike in awe and marveling at her extraordinary talent.

Yao Beina: Ten years after her death, her parents' insistence made people cry, what happened to them

The huge success of this musical not only brought Yao Beina more attention, but also allowed her to gain a firm foothold in the field of musicals.

Subsequently, Yao Beina participated in the National Young Singer Competition and won the runner-up with her outstanding performance. It means a lot to her, but she doesn't get complastered or complacent.

On the contrary, Yao Beina sees it as a valuable opportunity to reflect on her performance and improve her strengths even harder.

Yao Beina: Ten years after her death, her parents' insistence made people cry, what happened to them

2007 was an important milestone for Yao Beina, who had been working the music road for 20 years, and she received an invitation to the Spring Festival Gala. This stage is a dream for every Chinese singer, and Yao Beina naturally will not miss this opportunity.

On the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, 26-year-old Yao Beina and Sha Baoliang sang "Beautiful Legend" together. Her ethereal and beautiful voice complemented Sha Baoliang's rich male voice, which made the national audience fall in love with it.

This performance made Yao Beina famous overnight and became a new star in the music world.

Yao Beina: Ten years after her death, her parents' insistence made people cry, what happened to them

On the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, Yao Beina's eyes flashed with tears. This is the joy of realizing dreams, the satisfaction of years of hard work, and the expectation of greater achievements in the future.

This Spring Festival Gala performance is not only a peak of Yao Beina's career, but also a driving force for her to continue to move forward.

With the booming career, Yao Beina's efforts finally bore fruit. In order to make up for the regret of failing to win the championship in the last Youth Song Competition, she signed up for the 13th Youth Song Competition again.

Yao Beina: Ten years after her death, her parents' insistence made people cry, what happened to them

This time, Yao Beina amazed the audience with a song "Sun and Moon Volley", and the judges unanimously gave a perfect score of 100 points, which not only affirmed her years of hard work, but also opened the door to new opportunities for her.

Taking advantage of this shareholder trend, Yao Beina launched her first solo album "Too Late". As soon as the album was released, it landed at the top of the major music charts, allowing her to gain a firm foothold in the pop music field.

Immediately afterwards, she was fortunate to participate in the singing of the opening and ending songs of the hit drama "The Legend of Zhen Huan", which made her voice spread all over the country.

Yao Beina: Ten years after her death, her parents' insistence made people cry, what happened to them

At this time, Yao Beina was only 29 years old, but she had already appeared on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala twice in a row, and her career was at its peak. Standing at the pinnacle of success, her eyes flashed with infinite hope for the future.

She firmly believes that with her talent and hard work, there will be more possibilities in the future.

However, fate played a cruel joke on her at this time. In 2011, Yao Beina constantly felt discomfort in her left chest and went to the hospital for a check-up and was told that she might have cancer. The bad news was like a bolt from the blue, instantly knocking her from the clouds to the bottom.

Yao Beina: Ten years after her death, her parents' insistence made people cry, what happened to them

Yao Beina couldn't believe it, and she didn't want to accept this fact, she went to many hospitals for diagnosis, hoping to get different results, however, the final diagnosis was still diagnosed as early stage of breast cancer.

Faced with the cruel reality, Yao Beina briefly fell into despair. I was at the peak of my career but I had to face such a serious health problem that I couldn't accept myself. But her love of music and her desire for life quickly perked her up.

She resolutely chose to have her left chest removed in order to sing again on stage.

Yao Beina: Ten years after her death, her parents' insistence made people cry, what happened to them

On the operating table, Yao Beina closed her eyes tightly and silently prayed that she could defeat the disease. After the successful surgery, she went through a series of difficult chemotherapy treatments. During these difficult days, Yao Beina never gave up her love for music.

When chemotherapy caused pain, she hummed her favorite songs and used music to give herself strength.

Yao Beina's parents were heartbroken after learning the bad news about their daughter, and their hearts were like knives. They are by their daughter's side day and night, giving her the utmost support and encouragement. Under the care of her parents, Yao Beina gradually recovered.

Yao Beina: Ten years after her death, her parents' insistence made people cry, what happened to them

She firmly believes that as long as she can sing, there is still hope, and this strength and optimism have touched everyone around her and become the motivation for her to continue to move forward.

After arduous treatment, Yao Beina finally overcame the disease and regained her life. The experience of the rest of her life after this catastrophe made her cherish life more and love the stage. She hopes that through her singing, she will convey strength and hope to everyone.

With this belief, Yao Beina dedicated herself to the music career with more enthusiasm. She regards singing as the whole of her life, and she tirelessly practices her basic skills, and as long as she has the opportunity to perform on stage, she will never let go.

Yao Beina: Ten years after her death, her parents' insistence made people cry, what happened to them

During this time, Yao Beina's career reached new heights.

Every time she stands on the stage, Yao Beina will be pulled back by her thoughts. Her singing voice adds a sense of life, which makes the audience sometimes happy and sometimes moist eyes.

People heard in her singing about strength, courage and love for life.

Yao Beina: Ten years after her death, her parents' insistence made people cry, what happened to them

Faced with this sudden news, Yao Beina fell into despair for a while. Soon, however, she was able to pick herself up again. She confided to her parents and doctors, saying, "I really don't want to go through the pain of chemotherapy again.

Her parents and doctors were very anxious about her and persuaded her to choose chemotherapy, hoping to prolong her life, but Yao Beina resolutely refused and knew that no matter what she did next, it would be in vain.

Despite her deteriorating health, Yao Beina still insists on writing and singing, hoping to leave something for the world in her last days. Every note is her celebration of life; Every song is her farewell to this world.

Yao Beina: Ten years after her death, her parents' insistence made people cry, what happened to them

In the last moments of her life, Yao Beina made an admirable decision: to save the lives of others, she asked her father to sign a consent form for organ donation. In this way, she hopes to continue the warmth of life.

This decision has touched countless people, and it also reflects Yao Beina's love for life and care for others.

Whether in adversity or hardship, Yao Beina interprets the value of life for us with her practical actions and sings the music of life with her singing. Her story, her singing, her spirit will forever inspire everyone who hears her singing.

Yao Beina: Ten years after her death, her parents' insistence made people cry, what happened to them

On January 16, 2015, Chinese female singer Yao Beina left this world at the age of 33. At the last moment of her life, Yao Beina decided to donate her organs, hoping to prolong the lives of more people in this way.

Her decision has touched many people, and it also reflects her cherishing of life and her great love for others.

When the bad news came, parents and countless fans were plunged into grief. Yao's father and Yao's mother once cried until they fainted, unable to accept the fact that their daughter had passed away. During that time, they didn't even dare to turn on their mobile phones and televisions, because they could see the images of their daughter at any time, and the grief was heartbreaking.

Yao Beina: Ten years after her death, her parents' insistence made people cry, what happened to them

At the funeral, Yao Beina's singing voice was played through the stereo, as if she was still singing with everyone on the scene. Yao Beina's parents wept silently in front of their daughter's coffin, and their thoughts flew back to every moment of their daughter's past.

They recalled the timidity of their daughter's debut on stage, the excitement of winning the Youth Song Competition, and the appearance of being strong after illness, each of which was so vivid that it could never be reproduced.

Yao Beina's death was not only a heavy blow to her parents, but also brought a shadow to the entire Chinese music scene. Her singing, her strength and love for music are all eternal memories of everyone.

Yao Beina: Ten years after her death, her parents' insistence made people cry, what happened to them

After Yao Beina's death, her fans spontaneously organized various commemorative activities. They share her songs online about the impact and power she gives them.

Every year, on her death day, a large number of fans go to the memorial park to lay flowers and sing in front of her statue to express their thoughts and respect for the deceased singer.

These activities are not only a commemoration of Yao Beina, but also an important support for Yao's father and mother to get out of their grief. In fan activities again and again, they slowly accepted the fact that their daughter was gone, and also felt the love and strength that their daughter left to the world.

Although Yao Beina has left this world, her music and spirit will always be passed on in the world. In her short life, Yao Beina composed many touching movements, which are like an eternal melody that will always warm people's hearts.

Yao Beina: Ten years after her death, her parents' insistence made people cry, what happened to them

As people say, as long as it is remembered, it will always be "alive" Yao Beina, an angel who warms people's hearts with her singing, will always live in people's memories.

It has been nearly ten years since Yao Beina left us, and time has flown by, but her music and spirit have not disappeared in the baptism of years, but have been influencing our lives in another form.

Yao's father and mother were immersed in grief and depressed at first after Yao Beina left. But as time went on, they gradually came out of their pain and began to actively participate in fan-organized commemorations.

Yao Beina: Ten years after her death, her parents' insistence made people cry, what happened to them

At these events, they heard many stories about how Yao Beina's singing has affected their lives, and in the process, they have come to realize that although their daughter is gone, her spirit and influence remain.

Every year on the day of death, Yao Beina's fans spontaneously organize various commemorative activities. They will come to the memorial park to lay flowers and sing in front of the statue of Yao Beina as a way to express their memory and respect for her.

Yao's father and mother will also participate in these activities to reminisce about Yao Beina with fans.

Yao Beina: Ten years after her death, her parents' insistence made people cry, what happened to them

During these commemorative events, Yao's father and mother often share some stories about Yao Beina, hoping to let more people know her true side. She is not only the shining singer on the stage, but also a tenacious, optimistic, and energetic ordinary person.

Yao Beina's fans use various ways to pass on her spirit. Some have adapted her songs into school musicals to get more young people to know the late singer.

There are also those who have been singing her songs to pass on her musical spirit to more people.

Yao Beina: Ten years after her death, her parents' insistence made people cry, what happened to them

As Yao's father said, "As long as you are remembered, you will always be 'alive'." Although Yao Beina has passed away, her singing, her story, and her spirit are still alive in the world. She used her short life to compose a moving movement, and this movement will always echo in people's hearts.

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