
Lin Qingxia was too difficult to serve, and the private chef threatened: No, no, I won't do it if I am paid for many years

author:Watermelon talks about the world
Lin Qingxia was too difficult to serve, and the private chef threatened: No, no, I won't do it if I am paid for many years
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Lin Qingxia was too difficult to serve, and the private chef threatened: No, no, I won't do it if I am paid for many years

In the Hong Kong entertainment industry, a jaw-dropping news is like a bombshell, causing an uproar inside and outside the circle. Simon, Lin Qingxia's personal chef, refused the sky-high salary of 5 million yuan per year, and resolutely chose to leave this position that was the envy of countless people.

This once high-spirited master chef is now tearfully telling his story. His voice was full of helplessness and bitterness: "I have never met someone so difficult to serve.

Even if I was given 5 million, I would not want to continue this job.

Simon's decisions and remarks make one wonder: what kind of working environment can make a skilled chef give up such a good salary? This mystery may hide another side that is unknown in the entertainment industry.

Lin Qingxia was too difficult to serve, and the private chef threatened: No, no, I won't do it if I am paid for many years

Lin Qingxia, this name is like a bright star in the Chinese film industry, shining for a whole era. Her acting career can be said to have gone hand in hand with the golden age of Hong Kong films.

From "Two Qin and Two Forests" to "Xia Yu Fanghong", and then to "Undefeated in the East", Lin Qingxia used her talent and charm to write one classic role after another, and became an idol in the hearts of countless audiences.

However, behind the glamorous screen image, Lin Qingxia's love life is as ups and downs as the role she plays. In her youth, a remarkable "love triangle" became the focus of the entertainment industry.

The emotional entanglement between Lin Qingxia, Qin Xianglin, and Qin Han lasted for 22 years. The relationship is full of dramatic twists, sometimes sweet, sometimes painful, which has sparked attention and discussion among countless viewers.

Lin Qingxia was too difficult to serve, and the private chef threatened: No, no, I won't do it if I am paid for many years

However, despite the vigor of this relationship, it failed to come to fruition in the end.

Turning points in life often come unexpectedly. At the age of 40, Lin Qingxia made a major decision that changed the trajectory of her life - she chose to marry the wealthy businessman Xing Li and officially entered a wealthy family.

The marriage lasted 26 years, during which Lin Qingxia twice challenged the advanced age to give birth, giving birth to two daughters at the age of 42 and 47 respectively. This is undoubtedly a huge challenge to her body and career, but it also highlights the sacrifices she has made for her family.

However, even a seemingly perfect marriage cannot escape the test of time. At the age of 66, Brigitte Lin made another astonishing decision to end a marriage that had lasted a quarter of a century.

Lin Qingxia was too difficult to serve, and the private chef threatened: No, no, I won't do it if I am paid for many years

She left the mansion worth 900 million yuan and chose to return to the mainland to start a new chapter in her life.

Lin Qingxia's life experience, from a film goddess to a wealthy lady, to a mature woman who has regained her freedom, seems to be a legendary movie with ups and downs. Every choice she makes touches the hearts of the public.

And it is such a colorful life experience that may also shape her unique requirements and attitudes towards life.

From the screen to reality, from love to marriage, Lin Qingxia's life is full of dramatic turns. Her story is not only a legend of an actor, but also a true portrayal of a woman pursuing herself and facing challenges at different stages of life.

Lin Qingxia was too difficult to serve, and the private chef threatened: No, no, I won't do it if I am paid for many years

Lin Qingxia's life is far beyond what people can imagine. In her luxurious mansion worth 900 million yuan, every detail shows the owner's ultimate pursuit of quality of life.

What is truly staggering, however, is her almost demanding standards for diet.

First and foremost is the freshness of the ingredients. Lin insists that all ingredients must be delivered within 12 hours of leaving the country of origin, and this requirement covers everything from vegetables to fish to all kinds of poultry meat.

This almost exacting standard makes sourcing ingredients a challenging task. The team of chefs needed to build a complex supply chain network to ensure the freshest ingredients were available every day.

Lin Qingxia was too difficult to serve, and the private chef threatened: No, no, I won't do it if I am paid for many years

Secondly, Lin Qingxia also has unique requirements for the selection of ingredients. She uses only the best parts of the ingredients, which ensures the quality of the dishes, but also brings a lot of waste.

For example, if you buy a pound of greens, only a few taels of cabbage may eventually be able to enter her eyes. This pickiness not only results in a lot of wasted ingredients, but also puts extra pressure on the chefs.

What's even more jaw-dropping is Lin Qingxia's requirements for the variety and quantity of dishes. Each day's meal requires 8 distinct dishes, and there is no room for repetition.

This means that the chef prepares 24 dishes a day and 168 different dishes a week. This requirement not only tests the creativity and skills of the chefs, but also challenges them physically and mentally.

Lin Qingxia was too difficult to serve, and the private chef threatened: No, no, I won't do it if I am paid for many years

Lin Qingxia's dietary requirements are not only limited to quantity and variety, but also to take into account health and deliciousness. As a female celebrity who pays attention to maintenance, she requires dishes to be both low-fat and healthy, but also have excellent taste.

This undoubtedly presents chefs with the need to find the perfect balance between nutrition and taste.

Under this high pressure, the team of chefs is walking on thin ice. Once Brigitte Lin expresses dissatisfaction with a dish, the entire team will face severe criticism and even punishment.

In order to avoid this, they can only go to great lengths to perfection in every detail.

Lin Qingxia was too difficult to serve, and the private chef threatened: No, no, I won't do it if I am paid for many years

Lin Qingxia's requirements have undoubtedly pushed the "exquisite life" to a new height. However, this pursuit of near-perfection also brings a huge waste of resources and manpower.

A large number of ingredients are picked and discarded, and the chefs are under tremendous pressure.

This luxurious lifestyle is not only the pursuit of material things, but also the embodiment of a life attitude. It shows Lin's insistence on quality, but it also provokes people to think about resource use and lifestyle.

While pursuing a high-quality life, how to balance personal needs and social responsibilities has become a question worth pondering.

Lin Qingxia was too difficult to serve, and the private chef threatened: No, no, I won't do it if I am paid for many years

Simon, a culinary who was once well-known in Hong Kong's culinary scene, stepped into the luxurious mansion of Brigia Lam with great anticipation for his idol worship.

However, what awaits him is not the glamorous as he imagined, but a long and arduous test.

When he first arrived at Lin Qingxia's house, Simon was shocked by the dense team of chefs in front of him. These chefs, wearing white top hats, seemed to be silently declaring war on him. However, this competitive atmosphere has instead sparked Simon's inner fighting spirit.

He secretly vowed to conquer the taste buds of the goddess with his cooking skills.

Lin Qingxia was too difficult to serve, and the private chef threatened: No, no, I won't do it if I am paid for many years

Simon first went through a six-month tasting process. In this long half year, he needs to constantly show his cooking skills and try to cater to Lin Qingxia's tastes.

It's a time of great experience for a passionate chef. Each dish carries his hopes, and it can also be the object of rejection.

Finally, Simon got his wish and became Brigitte Lin's personal chef. However, this is only the beginning of the challenge. Faced with Lin Qingxia's strict requirements, Simon needs to rack his brains every day to come up with new dishes.

He needed to make sure that each dish was not only delicious, but also met healthy standards and, more importantly, could not be duplicated with previous dishes.

Lin Qingxia was too difficult to serve, and the private chef threatened: No, no, I won't do it if I am paid for many years

This constant pressure to innovate made Simon feel exhausted. His once jet-black hair had turned gray in just a few years. Every day, he spends most of his time in the kitchen, thinking about how to create new and unique dishes.

was supposed to enjoy the years of life, but he was consumed in endless menu innovation.

Simon's efforts were not fruitless. His cooking skills have indeed won Lin Qingxia's appreciation, so much so that when he proposed to resign, Lin Qingxia did not hesitate to offer a high salary of 5 million a year to retain him.

For Simon, however, the job has come with more stress than money can compensate.

Lin Qingxia was too difficult to serve, and the private chef threatened: No, no, I won't do it if I am paid for many years

In Brigia Lin's kitchen, Simon has experienced a mental journey from admiration to disappointment, from enthusiasm to exhaustion. This experience not only tested his cooking skills, but also challenged his willpower.

In the end, he chose to give up this seemingly glamorous job, proving that there are some things that cannot be measured by money.

Simon's story shows the price that individuals have to pay in the pursuit of perfection. It also makes us think about how to maintain the value of life while pursuing the quality of life.

Lin Qingxia's lifestyle is undoubtedly the dream of many people. However, beneath this lavish façade lies a heart-wrenching reality – a massive waste of resources.

Lin Qingxia was too difficult to serve, and the private chef threatened: No, no, I won't do it if I am paid for many years

Every day, a large number of carefully selected ingredients are discarded after use. Simon, as a chef who cherishes food, sees it in his eyes and hurts in his heart. He often takes these obsolete ingredients home and does his best to reduce waste.

However, this effort is insignificant in the face of overall waste.

The larger-scale waste stems from Brigitte Lin's strict requirements for her dishes. 24 non-repetitive dishes a day means that a large number of ingredients can be discarded after only a small portion is taken.

This practice, while satisfying a person's appetite, also causes an astonishing waste of resources.

Lin Qingxia was too difficult to serve, and the private chef threatened: No, no, I won't do it if I am paid for many years

This luxurious lifestyle is not unique to Brigitte Lin. In the entertainment industry, similar examples abound. For example, Li Bingbing, who is also a well-known actress, has replaced 20 nannies in just three years because of her high requirements for nannies.

Even if a high salary of 100,000 yuan per month is offered, it is still difficult to retain satisfactory candidates.

The lifestyle of these stars has provoked a deep reflection in society. On the one hand, they enjoy luxury that is difficult for ordinary people to achieve; On the other hand, the waste caused by this way of life and the unfair distribution of social resources have also attracted public attention and discussion.

The government also realized the seriousness of the problem and began to strengthen tax supervision in the entertainment industry in an attempt to narrow the gap between the rich and the poor. However, to truly solve this problem, it may also require the joint efforts of the whole society, including the reflection and action of the stars themselves.

Lin Qingxia was too difficult to serve, and the private chef threatened: No, no, I won't do it if I am paid for many years

The waste behind this luxurious life is not only a disrespect for resources, but also a reflection of the distortion of social values. It reminds us that while pursuing a better life, we must also maintain rationality and moderation, cherish resources, and respect labor.

The story of Lin Qingxia and Simon is only a corner of the luxurious life in the entertainment industry. In this glamorous world, there seems to be a set of living standards and values that are completely different from ordinary people.

Li Bingbing's example further confirms this. Even with a high salary of 100,000 yuan a month, it is still difficult for her to keep a satisfactory nanny. This makes one wonder: what kind of request would make people willing to give up such a good reward? Li Bingbing's strict requirements for hygiene even led to a dispute between her and her father over the way she washed the dishes, and this almost paranoid attitude towards the pursuit of perfection may be a common phenomenon in the entertainment industry.

This luxurious lifestyle has undoubtedly had a profound impact on society. On the one hand, it stimulates people's yearning for a better life; On the other hand, it has also exacerbated the gap between the rich and the poor in society, triggering public thinking about social equity.

Lin Qingxia was too difficult to serve, and the private chef threatened: No, no, I won't do it if I am paid for many years

The government has stepped in to try to alleviate this contradiction by strengthening regulation. However, to truly change this situation, it may also require the concerted efforts of the whole society, including the reflection and action of the stars themselves.

The story of Brigitte Lin and Simon opens a window for us to get a glimpse of the "other world" in the entertainment industry. It reminds us that while pursuing a better life, we should also maintain rationality and moderation, cherish resources, respect others, and strive to build a fairer and more harmonious society.

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