
"Thousand-armed Guanyin" Tai Lihua: Deaf at the age of 2, rejected a wealthy businessman, married a science and engineering man, what is happening now

author:Emperor Qin reads the world

In Yichang, Hubei Province, there is an ordinary worker in a shipyard, and his wife is a small accountant. In 1977, they welcomed the most precious gift of their lives - a lovely daughter Tai Lihua. The arrival of this little life has brought endless joy and hope to this ordinary family.

Tai Lihua has shown a lively and lovely nature since she was a child. She learns to speak very quickly, and at the age of one and a half she can speak intermittently. She loves to talk, and even when she is playing by herself, her small mouth can't stop.

"Thousand-armed Guanyin" Tai Lihua: Deaf at the age of 2, rejected a wealthy businessman, married a science and engineering man, what is happening now

Parents watch their daughters grow up healthily, and their hearts are full of happiness and satisfaction.

However, fate always likes to play tricks on people. When Tai Lihua was two years old, a sudden measles broke the originally stable family life.

Tai Lihua continued to have a high fever, and her anxious parents immediately took her to the hospital, and after the doctor gave them an injection, they were asked to go home for observation, but Tai Lihua's condition did not improve.

After seeking medical treatment again, her daughter Tai Lihua received a second treatment. This time, her fever finally subsided, and her parents' hearts relaxed a little. However, they don't realize that an even bigger catastrophe is quietly coming.

"Thousand-armed Guanyin" Tai Lihua: Deaf at the age of 2, rejected a wealthy businessman, married a science and engineering man, what is happening now

After returning home, the parents find that their talkative daughter has suddenly become reticent. At first, they thought it was caused by the child's weakness after getting sick, and they didn't pay much attention to it. However, one day, the kindergarten teacher found that Tai Lihua did not respond in the game of "discerning and listening", and the family realized the seriousness of the problem.

After a professional examination at the hospital, Tai Lihua was diagnosed with deafness. Doctors misused streptomycin during the treatment of that misdiagnosis. While her fever was relieved, it caused permanent damage to her hearing.

This sudden bad news, like a thunderbolt from the sky, instantly crushed this originally happy family.

"Thousand-armed Guanyin" Tai Lihua: Deaf at the age of 2, rejected a wealthy businessman, married a science and engineering man, what is happening now

Tai Lihua was only two years old and didn't understand anything, she just looked at her parents in tears blankly, and she also cried. From that moment on, her world fell into eternal silence, and the family would face unprecedented challenges.

Faced with the heavy blow of their 7-year-old daughter Tai Lihua's loss of hearing, Tai Lihua's parents were heartbroken, but they understood that they had to consider their child's future and make difficult but correct decisions.

They sent Tai Lihua to a school for the deaf and mute to receive special education.

"Thousand-armed Guanyin" Tai Lihua: Deaf at the age of 2, rejected a wealthy businessman, married a science and engineering man, what is happening now

In this special school, Tai Lihua started a new life. She learns how to communicate in sign language and, more importantly, how to perceive the beat of dance, use her eyes instead of her ears, and rediscover her own world.

Although she couldn't hear the sound, Tai Lihua did not feel that the world had become narrow, on the contrary, she found a new way of expression - dance.

Dance is an extremely challenging art for someone who can't hear music. Ordinary people dance to the rhythm of the music when dancing, but Tai Lihua can only remember the transformation of the entire set of dance movements through her brain.

"Thousand-armed Guanyin" Tai Lihua: Deaf at the age of 2, rejected a wealthy businessman, married a science and engineering man, what is happening now

She needs to put in several times more effort than the average person, and she repeats the same set of movements every day until the muscles and nerves remember the details of each movement.

Tai Lihua's diligence and talent were quickly recognized by the teachers. She has grown from a brilliant dancer to a dancer who dares to try her own dance. In the silent world, dance has become an important medium for Tai Lihua to express herself and communicate with the outside world.

With the improvement of her skills, Tai Lihua performed with dance troupes all over the country. She devotes herself to the performance every time, telling her inner story with beautiful dancing. Although the audience knows that she can't hear, they are often struck by her precise performances.

"Thousand-armed Guanyin" Tai Lihua: Deaf at the age of 2, rejected a wealthy businessman, married a science and engineering man, what is happening now

The experience of living in a special education school allowed Tai Lihua to find the direction of her life and cultivate her tenacious character. She realized that in order to make a difference in the field of dance, deaf people need to put in more sweat and effort than ordinary people.

However, Tai Lihua never flinched because of this. Instead, she transforms her shortcomings into motivation to move forward, constantly challenging herself and pushing her limits in the world of dance.

Her practical actions tell us that as long as there is unwavering belief and unremitting efforts, even people with disabilities can shine on the stage of art.

"Thousand-armed Guanyin" Tai Lihua: Deaf at the age of 2, rejected a wealthy businessman, married a science and engineering man, what is happening now

Special education has opened a new window for Tai Lihua, allowing her to discover the beauty of dance and become her wings to fly to a wider sky. This experience not only paved the way for her future career, but also shaped her positive and optimistic attitude towards life.

In 2004, Tai Lihua and her dance troupe faced a twist of fate. The Athens Paralympic Games are about to be held, and the Chinese Paralympic Art Troupe was selected as a cheerleading team to cheer for mainland athletes.

In order to dedicate this special day to the contestants, the famous dancer Zhang Jigang carefully created a dance - "Guanyin with a Thousand Hands".

"Thousand-armed Guanyin" Tai Lihua: Deaf at the age of 2, rejected a wealthy businessman, married a science and engineering man, what is happening now

The dance was performed by 21 deaf performers, whose average age was only 17. One of the leaders, Tai Lihua, was chosen as the lead dancer. Although none of the actors could hear the music, their tenacious perseverance and deep understanding allowed them to perform the dance to near perfection.

On the stage of Athens, "Guanyin with a Thousand Hands" amazed the world. All the audience was impressed by the precise and graceful movements of the dancers and the touching stories behind them.

Dancer Tai Lihua stood in the center of the stage, her eyes firm and bright, as if telling the world that disability is not the end, but the beginning of another beauty.

On the stage of the Spring Festival Gala in 2005, Tai Lihua and her dance troupe once again perfectly presented "Guanyin with a Thousand Hands" under the gaze of hundreds of millions of viewers across the country, and this performance made them famous.

"Thousand-armed Guanyin" Tai Lihua: Deaf at the age of 2, rejected a wealthy businessman, married a science and engineering man, what is happening now

After returning to China, they ushered in greater opportunities.

When Tai Lihua's elegant figure appeared on the TV screen, many viewers were stunned. Her delicate face and smooth dancing, as well as the smile on her face, make it hard to believe that she is a dancer who cannot hear her voice.

When the host introduced their backgrounds, countless viewers were moved and burst into tears.

"Thousand-armed Guanyin" Tai Lihua: Deaf at the age of 2, rejected a wealthy businessman, married a science and engineering man, what is happening now

The success of "Guanyin with a Thousand Hands" is not only a masterpiece of art, but also a glorious display of human nature. It has shown the world the talent and resilience of people with disabilities, and it has also made more people pay attention to and respect the disabled community.

For Tai Lihua, this dance is not only an important turning point in her career, but also a new starting point in her life.

After the Spring Festival Gala, Tai Lihua of "Guanyin with a Thousand Hands" quickly became a hot topic of discussion across the country, and people were amazed by their performances and moved by their tenacious vitality. Tai Lihua has also become a role model for many people with disabilities, inspiring them to face life bravely and pursue their dreams.

"Thousand-armed Guanyin" Tai Lihua: Deaf at the age of 2, rejected a wealthy businessman, married a science and engineering man, what is happening now

Tai Lihua stepped onto a bigger stage with the success of "Guanyin with a Thousand Hands", and her story spread all over the country and even to the world. She, the girl who once struggled in the silent world, finally found her stage and showed her silent cry to the world.

With the success of "Guanyin with a Thousand Hands", Tai Lihua successfully opened the door to the world. She led the dance company on an incredible international tour.

This dance troupe composed of people with disabilities has traveled to more than 60 countries around the world, conveying the charm of Chinese culture through dance and showing the tenacious vitality of people with disabilities.

In the process, Tai Lihua has created one miracle after another. At present, Tai Lihua is the only Chinese dancer who has performed at both Carnegie Hall in the United States and La Scala in Italy, two of the world's top art halls.

"Thousand-armed Guanyin" Tai Lihua: Deaf at the age of 2, rejected a wealthy businessman, married a science and engineering man, what is happening now

These two stages represent the highest level of art in the world, and being able to perform here is not only an affirmation of Tai Lihua's personal artistic achievements, but also a recognition of the art of people with disabilities in China.

In each performance, Tai Lihua is fully engaged, although she can't hear the music, she can sense the rhythm with her body and interpret the dance with her heart. Her performance is accurate and infectious, as if she is pouring out all her joys, sorrows and sorrows through dance.

The audience is often shocked by her performance, in addition to amazement, more awe of life.

"Thousand-armed Guanyin" Tai Lihua: Deaf at the age of 2, rejected a wealthy businessman, married a science and engineering man, what is happening now

Tai Lihua has won applause from the audience and the respect of the world on the international stage, and she has proved with her practical actions that disability does not mean incompetence, on the contrary, it can be a door to excellence.

Her story inspires people with disabilities around the world and allows more people to reflect on their prejudices against people with disabilities.

The solo tour not only enhanced Tai Lihua's artistic attainments, but also broadened her horizons. She has seen first-hand what people with disabilities are living like around the world, which has strengthened her determination to contribute to the disabled community in the future.

"Thousand-armed Guanyin" Tai Lihua: Deaf at the age of 2, rejected a wealthy businessman, married a science and engineering man, what is happening now

Tai Lihua's success is not only a major victory for her personally, but also a major victory for the cause of the disabled in China. She has shown the world the talent and strength of Chinese people with disabilities, and has also won more respect and attention for Chinese people with disabilities on the international stage.

Tai Lihua's success on the international stage not only touched countless audiences, but also attracted the attention of Malaysia's super-rich, who fell in love with Tai Lihua at first sight and launched a passionate pursuit.

Tai Lihua first met the tycoon while performing in Malaysia, and he was fascinated by her talent and beauty. He has repeatedly expressed his love and even promised to provide Tai Lihua with superior living conditions.

"Thousand-armed Guanyin" Tai Lihua: Deaf at the age of 2, rejected a wealthy businessman, married a science and engineering man, what is happening now

However, in the face of such a "golden beetle son-in-law", Tai Lihua was unmoved.

Tai Lihua believes that sincere feelings are more valuable than money. She is convinced that happiness lies not in external brilliance, but in inner satisfaction. Therefore, although the rich man still missed her when he went to perform in Malaysia again many years later, Tai Lihua still politely rejected his pursuit.

Tai Lihua's heart has actually been filled by an ordinary person. By chance, she met a civil engineer named Li Chun, and the two fell in love at first sight and soon fell in love.

"Thousand-armed Guanyin" Tai Lihua: Deaf at the age of 2, rejected a wealthy businessman, married a science and engineering man, what is happening now

Although Li Chun does not have a prominent family background and huge wealth, he is sincere, kind, and able to understand and support Tai Lihua's career.

Tai Lihua finally chose to spend her life with Li Chun. This decision came as a surprise to many, but it also brought more people to show her full respect. Tai Lihua used her own choice to interpret her understanding of love - sincere feelings and spiritual fit are far more important than material conditions.

This ordinary and warm love story has enriched Tai Lihua's magnificent and extraordinary life and become another chapter full of love in her life. It not only shows Tai Lihua's firm pursuit of sincere love, but also highlights her unpretentious attitude to life.

"Thousand-armed Guanyin" Tai Lihua: Deaf at the age of 2, rejected a wealthy businessman, married a science and engineering man, what is happening now

After becoming famous, Tai Lihua has always adhered to her original intention and mission, and has never forgotten. She is deeply aware that her success is a demonstration of social care and support, so she decided to pass on her love to help more people with disabilities.

She devotes most of her income to helping people with disabilities around the world, improving their living conditions and helping them find their lives worthwhile. Her philanthropic efforts are not limited to China, but transcend borders and benefit more than 600 million people with disabilities around the world.

In her hometown of Yichang, Hubei Province, Tai Lihua founded a school affiliated to the Disabled Art Troupe, which specializes in cultivating artistic hobbies for people with disabilities and providing them with a platform to showcase their talents.

"Thousand-armed Guanyin" Tai Lihua: Deaf at the age of 2, rejected a wealthy businessman, married a science and engineering man, what is happening now

Tai Lihua hopes that through her own efforts, she can help more disabled people like her find the stage of life and bloom the brilliance of life.

Tai Lihua's dedication has been widely recognized. She was named an "Artist of Peace" by the United Nations, a model worker, a moving Chinese figure, and won the May Fourth Medal. These honors are a double recognition of her artistic achievements and contributions to the public good.

However, Tai believes that none of these accolades are more valuable than seeing more people with disabilities regain their confidence. She often said: "Because I have been drenched in the rain, I am willing to hold an umbrella for others."

"Thousand-armed Guanyin" Tai Lihua: Deaf at the age of 2, rejected a wealthy businessman, married a science and engineering man, what is happening now

This sentence is Tai Lihua's original intention to embark on the road of public welfare.

Tai Lihua is still active on the stage, creating new dance works and promoting the development of public welfare undertakings as always.

She interprets the inspiring words with a powerful life: "The path of life is not something we can choose, but we can face all kinds of unhappiness in life with gratitude."

Tai Lihua's story is inspiring more people to face life bravely and warm the world with love.

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