
"Third-level Cleopatra" Wu Jiali: Go all the way! refused Jackie Chan, and now he is 61 years old and fat to 220 pounds

author:Emperor Qin reads the world

Wu Jiali's life is full of twists and turns. She was born into a family of ordinary workers and shouldered the burden of life at a young age. However, fate does not seem willing to give the girl an easy life easily.

When she was 6 years old, her father, the pillar of the family, died suddenly, and the family, which was not wealthy, suddenly fell into trouble.

"Third-level Cleopatra" Wu Jiali: Go all the way! refused Jackie Chan, and now he is 61 years old and fat to 220 pounds

Faced with sudden family changes, Wu Jiali's mother had to take on the responsibility of supporting the family in her daily life. In order to live, she worked day and night to save money.

Although the young Wu Jiali did not have a lot of life experience, she had already understood the hardships of life, and she saw her mother work wholeheartedly and desperately to make money in order to give her children a better life.

"My childhood was not satisfactory, so I don't want my children to suffer such hardships. I think thrift and relying on your own hands is the key to solving the problem.

"Third-level Cleopatra" Wu Jiali: Go all the way! refused Jackie Chan, and now he is 61 years old and fat to 220 pounds

This quote not only reflects the difficulties of her childhood, but also highlights her strong and independent character.

It is this impoverished growth environment that has shaped Wu Jiali's indomitable spirit. Poverty did not break her, but made her more resilient. She has learned to be independent and to cherish everything that is hard-won.

This perseverance has laid a solid foundation for her future success in the entertainment industry.

In a way, Ng's success in the film industry stems largely from her tenacity and resilience honed in her childhood. Her story also shows us that adversity doesn't have to be all tribulation, as long as we have a positive attitude to face it, it may be an opportunity and an asset in life.

"Third-level Cleopatra" Wu Jiali: Go all the way! refused Jackie Chan, and now he is 61 years old and fat to 220 pounds

Normally, 35 years old is the peak of most people's careers, but for Wu Jiali, it is the starting point of her acting career. Unlike those stars who became famous at a young age, Wu Jiali's acting career started late, but her experience is undoubtedly an exciting counterattack story.

When Wu Jiali first stepped into the film industry, she started from the most basic level. In order to squeeze a few seconds in front of the camera, she had to rush to the set before dawn every morning, spending hours waiting and preparing.

Despite this, Wu Jiali has never complained about the hard work, on the contrary, she cherishes every opportunity and takes every role seriously, even if it is just an inconspicuous supporting role.

"Third-level Cleopatra" Wu Jiali: Go all the way! refused Jackie Chan, and now he is 61 years old and fat to 220 pounds

However, difficulties do not come from the work itself. Wu Jiali was nicknamed "Little Man Bone" by her colleagues because of her petite size. Despite the well-intentioned or malicious ridicule, she did not back down and went full speed to prove her strength.

She secretly made up her mind: "I must stand firm in this circle".

Wu Jiali's unremitting efforts and patience finally came to fruition. When she participated in the movie "Wildflowers", she got a relatively important role. With her dedicated and professional attitude, as well as her outstanding acting skills, she has won the recognition of audiences and industry professionals, successfully opened a new chapter in her acting career, and made a name for herself in the film industry.

"Third-level Cleopatra" Wu Jiali: Go all the way! refused Jackie Chan, and now he is 61 years old and fat to 220 pounds

Looking back on this experience, Wu Jiali sighed: "At that time, I was an ordinary person who worked silently behind the scenes, and I was willing to give everything in order to get ahead. This spirit of not being afraid of hardships and daring to challenge helped her successfully enter the showbiz at the age of 35.

Ng's story teaches us that age is not an obstacle to pursuing your dreams. As long as you have determination and perseverance, you can shine on the stage of life from scratch. Her experience of starting out at the age of 35 has undoubtedly inspired and inspired many people who have dreams but hesitate.

As she says, "Never feel like you can't do anything when you're old, you can start over at any time you want".

"Third-level Cleopatra" Wu Jiali: Go all the way! refused Jackie Chan, and now he is 61 years old and fat to 220 pounds

The success of "Wild Flowers" has promoted Wu Jiali's acting career into a period of rapid development, and she quickly emerged in the tertiary film industry with her unique temperament and strong performance style, winning the reputation of "Cleopatra of the Third Grade".

The media even praised her as "Hong Kong's version of Marilyn Monroe", which shows her popularity at that time.

Wu Jiali can be described as fame and fortune during this period. Her acting skills are exquisite, so she has won many film and television awards and has become the focus of the film industry. At an awards ceremony, Wu Jiali actually went on stage barefoot as an award guest.

"Third-level Cleopatra" Wu Jiali: Go all the way! refused Jackie Chan, and now he is 61 years old and fat to 220 pounds

This move caused quite a bit of controversy, but it also showed her eclectic personality and insistence on herself.

However, Wu Jiali's fame did not make her lose herself. In the interview, she bluntly said: "I am very clear about my positioning and will not blindly compare. This indifferent attitude has always kept her rare sobriety and firmness in the flashy entertainment industry.

Although Wu Jiali is active in the field of tertiary films, she has always maintained her love and dedication to acting. She is not satisfied with simply showing her figure, but delves into the inner world of each character.

"Third-level Cleopatra" Wu Jiali: Go all the way! refused Jackie Chan, and now he is 61 years old and fat to 220 pounds

It is this professional attitude that has earned her the respect of the audience and industry insiders in this field that is easy to be labeled.

Wu Jiali once said: "Although I have starred in some erotic films, I stick to my professional ethics and bottom line. This sentence not only highlights her work ethic, but also reflects her self-esteem and dignity as an actress.

She rejected some overly explicit shots, insisting on finding a balance between scale and art.

"Third-level Cleopatra" Wu Jiali: Go all the way! refused Jackie Chan, and now he is 61 years old and fat to 220 pounds

Even at the peak of her acting career, Wu Jiali still maintained a low-key and humble attitude. She is not proud of her success, and has always had a love and dedication to her acting career.

It is this attitude that has won her the respect and recognition of more people in addition to the aura of "Cleopatra of the Third Grade".

Looking back on the glorious years, Wu Jiali sighed: "I was young and frivolous at that time, and now I regret it. However, there are so many ifs in life. I'm doing well now, and that's enough. These words show her acceptance of the past and her wisdom in life.

"Third-level Cleopatra" Wu Jiali: Go all the way! refused Jackie Chan, and now he is 61 years old and fat to 220 pounds

Ng's story shows us that no matter what field you are in, maintaining your original intention and professionalism are the keys to success. She used her own experience to prove that even in the controversial tertiary film field, she can win respect and recognition.

This experience is not only the highlight of her acting career, but also represents her life values.

One of the things in Wu Jiali's acting career that has attracted widespread attention is that she decisively rejected the pursuit of Jackie Chan, who was at the peak of her career at that time. Jackie Chan, as a popular male god at that time, was loved by women.

"Third-level Cleopatra" Wu Jiali: Go all the way! refused Jackie Chan, and now he is 61 years old and fat to 220 pounds

However, Wu Jiali made an unexpected decision.

In the face of Jackie Chan's overtures, Wu Jiali said neither humbly nor arrogantly: "I'd rather be a cleaning attendant than your woman." ”

This sentence fully demonstrates her independent character, but also reflects her attitude of insisting on self-worth, and she believes that true happiness does not come from dependence on others, but from inner satisfaction and self-realization.

Wu Jiali's decision caused quite a stir at the time, and many people expressed puzzlement at her refusal of "good opportunities". However, Wu Jiali has won the respect of many actresses with her independence.

"Third-level Cleopatra" Wu Jiali: Go all the way! refused Jackie Chan, and now he is 61 years old and fat to 220 pounds

She once said in an interview: "I am an assertive person and will not rely on men to support myself".

Wu Jiali's choice shows the strong and independent side of her character. She does not want to be wronged by the other party's fame and status, but chooses to follow her heart and pursue her true self.

This courage and boldness is a unique display of femininity.

"Third-level Cleopatra" Wu Jiali: Go all the way! refused Jackie Chan, and now he is 61 years old and fat to 220 pounds

This decision may have deprived Wu Jiali of some opportunities, but she has won the respect of more people. She used her practical actions to illustrate what true self-esteem and self-love are, and also set an example for many women.

She tells us that when it comes to temptation, it's more valuable to be yourself than to go with the flow.

Looking back on the experience, Wu Jiali did not show any regrets. On the contrary, she is proud of her decision. Her attitude of insisting on herself and not following the crowd is precisely where Wu Jiali's charm lies.

"Third-level Cleopatra" Wu Jiali: Go all the way! refused Jackie Chan, and now he is 61 years old and fat to 220 pounds

Her choice not only changed the trajectory of her life, but also set an example of independence for the majority of women.

As time passed, Wu Jiali's popularity and exposure gradually weakened, and she chose to leave the entertainment industry and return to ordinary family life. Now she has become an ordinary housewife, living a peaceful and happy life.

However, lifestyle changes have also brought about changes in figure, and Wu Jiali, 61 years old this year, has increased her weight to 220 pounds. In an interview, she said with a smile: "I won't care about any body now, and no matter how high the salary is, I won't lose weight for it."

"Third-level Cleopatra" Wu Jiali: Go all the way! refused Jackie Chan, and now he is 61 years old and fat to 220 pounds

Wu Jiali's open-minded attitude comes from her deep understanding and understanding of life. She believes that life should not be bound by external standards, and that true beauty comes from inner happiness and satisfaction.

Even though she is in good shape, she still maintains a positive and optimistic attitude towards life, showing a rare calmness and ease.

"Third-level Cleopatra" Wu Jiali: Go all the way! refused Jackie Chan, and now he is 61 years old and fat to 220 pounds

Since retiring from the entertainment industry, Wu Jiali has devoted herself to family life. She is immersed in ordinary and comfortable days, no longer living for the pursuit of the camera and the audience, but really living for herself.

This lifestyle shift allowed her to find inner peace and contentment.

As the hostess of the family, Wu Jiali is very satisfied with the current state of life. "Accompanying my husband every day, walking and chatting, is the happiest thing." Such a simple and warm lifestyle is exactly what she has always longed for.

"Third-level Cleopatra" Wu Jiali: Go all the way! refused Jackie Chan, and now he is 61 years old and fat to 220 pounds

Wu Jiali's story shows us that the value of life is not only career success, but also inner fulfillment and happiness. As an inspirational role model, her life experiences paint a picture of what it means to live a happy life with her true self and bring a new perspective on life.

For those who are still worried about their figure and appearance, Wu Jiali's experience is undoubtedly a good medicine. She proves that true beauty is not in appearance, but in inner confidence and happiness.

Even though she weighed 220 pounds, she still enjoyed life to the fullest and even found her true self.

"Third-level Cleopatra" Wu Jiali: Go all the way! refused Jackie Chan, and now he is 61 years old and fat to 220 pounds

She did not deny the past, nor was she haunted by it, and she was able to embrace every stage of her life. Regarding the indulgence of her youth, she said frankly: "At that time, I was young and ignorant, and now I really regret it."

But there are so many ifs in life, the important thing is to live well now".

Today's Wu Jiali has gained weight, but her attitude towards life is still positive. She doesn't care about other people's evaluations, but puts all her energy into her own life and family.

"Third-level Cleopatra" Wu Jiali: Go all the way! refused Jackie Chan, and now he is 61 years old and fat to 220 pounds

Every time someone mentions her past, she always smiles indifferently and says that those are just brief experiences in her life.

Wu Jiali's experience makes us understand that there is no absolute right or wrong in life, only choices. The important thing is that no matter what choice we make, we need to have the courage to face it and dig deep into our own happiness.

She said frankly: "I am very satisfied now, walking and chatting with my husband every day, and my life is very comfortable."

"Third-level Cleopatra" Wu Jiali: Go all the way! refused Jackie Chan, and now he is 61 years old and fat to 220 pounds

This indifference and calmness are the precipitation of her years of life experience. Wu Jiali's life experience is not only the career of an actor, but also a vivid example of an ordinary person's persistence in his original intention and self-discovery in the ups and downs of life.

Her life insights are concise and profound: be kind to the present and cherish yourself. Whatever the past, the future is full of hope. This positive and optimistic attitude towards life is the reason why the 61-year-old Wu Jiali is still full of charm.

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