
"Rich Woman Professional Household" Dong Lifan: From a worker to an actor, he is still working hard at the age of 60

author:Emperor Qin reads the world

Dong Lifan is the second eldest in a family of three children, which seems destined for her childhood to be overshadowed by shadows. The eccentricity of his parents was like an invisible knife, which deeply injured the young Dong Lifan.

Whenever there is food at home, she is always the last to taste it, and sometimes she doesn't even have the opportunity to taste it. "My brother is a boy, so he needs more nutrition."

"Rich Woman Professional Household" Dong Lifan: From a worker to an actor, he is still working hard at the age of 60

"My sister is still young and needs to be treated well."

Dong Lifan has been dissatisfied with the care given by her parents since she was a child, and she kept questioning her parents, but she got such a vague answer. She could only stand alone in the corner, watching with envy the love her brother and sister received from their parents.

These words planted the seeds of inferiority complex in her heart.

"Rich Woman Professional Household" Dong Lifan: From a worker to an actor, he is still working hard at the age of 60

To add insult to injury, despite his poor diet since childhood, Dong Lifan's weight has continued to rise. As an adolescent, she was much fatter than her peers, which made her feel even inferior.

When the other girls wore beautiful floral dresses, Dong Lifan could only hide in dark wide clothes to avoid attracting attention as much as possible.

Dong Lifan's childhood life was full of frustration and pain, she was not favored at home, and no one liked her when she went out. This experience deeply affected her and left a deep mark on her later life.

"Rich Woman Professional Household" Dong Lifan: From a worker to an actor, he is still working hard at the age of 60

However, it was these difficult experiences that taught Dong Lifan to survive adversity, which also laid a solid foundation for her future life and career.

Although the shadow of her childhood made Dong Lifan's life difficult, she overcame the difficulties through her tenacious character. This neglected "second daughter" finally proved with her own efforts that as long as you persist in working hard, anyone can go through their own wonderful life.

Dong Lifan's adolescence was not easy, and her long-term inferiority complex and internal friction made her academic performance never reach the ideal state. Seeing that his daughter's learning situation did not improve, Dong Lifan's father made a painful decision - to let her drop out of school.

"Rich Woman Professional Household" Dong Lifan: From a worker to an actor, he is still working hard at the age of 60

The reason why his father said that was nothing more than a high-sounding concern, but his words had ruthlessly cut off Dong Lifan's opportunity to study.

In this way, Dong Lifan, who was only a teenager, was sent to the factory and became a bricklayer. From the classroom to the workshop, from students to workers, this transformation is undoubtedly a huge challenge for Dong Lifan.

What's even more embarrassing is that her meager salary was finally pocketed by her parents.

"Rich Woman Professional Household" Dong Lifan: From a worker to an actor, he is still working hard at the age of 60

Fate seems to be playing particularly cruelly at Dong Lifan. In the factory, she and her father actually worked in the same workshop. However, as the daughter's boss, instead of giving her even the slightest help, the father tried his best to suppress her.

Although Dong Lifan performed very well among the workers and had the opportunity to be rated as an "excellent worker", his father did not want her to be "embarrassed" on stage, so he gave this award to others, which was undoubtedly a huge blow to the young Dong Lifan.

But in a life that seems to be full of despair, Dong Lifan has discovered his cherished talent - singing. She was pleasantly surprised to find that her singing voice was unique and stable, like a glimmer of light in the depths of the night, giving her the courage to pursue her dreams.

"Rich Woman Professional Household" Dong Lifan: From a worker to an actor, he is still working hard at the age of 60

When Dong Lifan plucked up the courage to express to his father that she wanted to resign and become a singer, his father angrily refused. At that time, singers and actors were not very stable jobs, and sometimes they were even looked down upon by others.

However, this time, Dong Lifan decided to make decisions about his future.

With a vision for the future and a love for music, Dong Lifan made the most daring decision in his life against all odds. She quit her job and embarked on a train away from home to pursue her musical dreams.

"Rich Woman Professional Household" Dong Lifan: From a worker to an actor, he is still working hard at the age of 60

This decision opened a new chapter in Dong Lifan's life.

Dong Lifan, who has transformed from a factory worker to a dream-chasing singer, this transformation is not easy. However, she understands that this may be her only chance to change her fate. With her love for music and expectations for the future, she embarked on an unknown but hopeful path.

Dong Lifan's music road was not smooth, she first arrived in a foreign land and met a teacher who taught singing. However, at first, the teacher did not want to take her as an apprentice, but Dong Lifan finally moved the teacher by constantly pleading and showing his love and persistence for music, and this persistence opened the door to music for her.

"Rich Woman Professional Household" Dong Lifan: From a worker to an actor, he is still working hard at the age of 60

Under the guidance of the teacher, Dong Lifan practiced hard, and slowly, her singing began to be heard by more people. As her fame grew, so did her income. This once neglected "second daughter" has finally found her own world.

Because of his fame in the singing industry, Dong Lifan was invited to join a ballet troupe as a member of the orchestra. She was hopeful, thinking that she was about to usher in a broader stage. However, reality hit her hard again, and because of her poor appearance, she was placed in the most inconspicuous position.

During her time at the company, it became increasingly clear to Dong Lifan that staying here might not achieve her goals and ideals. So, she made a bold decision again: to change careers to become an actress.

"Rich Woman Professional Household" Dong Lifan: From a worker to an actor, he is still working hard at the age of 60

This decision was undoubtedly risky, but Dong Lifan understood that if he didn't give it a try, he would never know his potential.

However, the road to becoming an actor is equally fraught with difficulties and challenges. Although Dong Lifan lacked beauty and beauty, she did not give up, she clearly recognized her advantages and limitations, and chose to start silently.

In order to improve his acting skills, Dong Lifan audited acting classes at the Beijing Film Academy at all costs. She knows that only by constantly studying hard can she gain a firm foothold in the highly competitive performing arts industry.

"Rich Woman Professional Household" Dong Lifan: From a worker to an actor, he is still working hard at the age of 60

Dong Lifan's efforts have finally paid off. She had the privilege of being involved in some big productions, albeit in a supporting role, which opened the door for her to show business. Among them, she starred in the movie "Living Treasure" with Zhao Benshan.

Despite not having many scenes, working with big names has greatly increased her popularity.

Just when Dong Lifan's career was showing a positive momentum, fate brought her an unexpected turn. She gets the opposite role of playing a rich, tough woman, a role that requires her to force a young male actor to drink it with a bowl of tonics, and if the other person doesn't, she needs to slap the other person.

"Rich Woman Professional Household" Dong Lifan: From a worker to an actor, he is still working hard at the age of 60

Dong Lifan's performance was lifelike and left a deep impression on the audience. The sonorous "pop" and threatening "drink" became her signature performance. However, she didn't expect that this role would turn out to be a double-edged sword in her career.

It made her famous overnight, but it also firmly fixed her in the image of a "rich woman", limiting her acting path.

It is precisely for this reason that Dong Lifan's role in the entertainment industry is mostly that of a rich woman. Although the role caused her some troubles, she still tried to use her talents in the limited space and interpret each role in her own way.

"Rich Woman Professional Household" Dong Lifan: From a worker to an actor, he is still working hard at the age of 60

Dong Lifan's love life is not all smooth sailing, in the eighties of the last century, just when her singing career was just improving, she met her first love, this man was considerate to her, always saying sweet words, so that Dong Lifan experienced the feeling of being loved for the first time.

However, this seemingly beautiful relationship soon revealed its true colors. At that time, Dong Lifan had already saved a little through singing, and her boyfriend borrowed tens of thousands of yuan from her.

Although Dong Lifan knew that this was not a small amount, looking at her boyfriend's pitiful appearance, she finally relented.

"Rich Woman Professional Household" Dong Lifan: From a worker to an actor, he is still working hard at the age of 60

Under Dong Lifan's continuous supervision, his boyfriend always prevaricated on the grounds that there were business problems and no capital turnover, but the money was gone and never returned. In the end, the man disappeared without a trace with the money, leaving Dong Lifan alone to face the pain.

This experience made Dong Lifan lose confidence in love, and he could no longer trust others easily. It was as if a high wall had been built on her heart, and no one would be allowed to enter her heart easily.

What's worse is that Dong Lifan's role as a tough rich woman on the screen is too deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, causing her to become more and more difficult to interact with the opposite sex in reality. She half-jokingly said on the show: "Everyone hides when they see me, especially men, so I'm still unmarried."

"Rich Woman Professional Household" Dong Lifan: From a worker to an actor, he is still working hard at the age of 60

Although this sentence is humorous, it also reveals the bitterness in her heart.

As a result, Dong Lifan has remained single all the time. This may be difficult for many people to understand, but for Dong Lifan, it is both the impact of the role and the result of her loss of faith in love.

Despite this, she still maintains her love for life and the pursuit of her career, filling the emotional gap with her work.

"Rich Woman Professional Household" Dong Lifan: From a worker to an actor, he is still working hard at the age of 60

With the passage of time, Dong Lifan's relationship with his parents has undergone subtle changes. The "second daughter" who was not loved back then has now become the most solid support for her parents in their later years.

While elderly parents are sick and need to be cared for, the elder son and youngest daughter are too busy with their careers to take care of their families. In contrast, Dong Lifan, who was once not treated well, chose to always accompany his parents to fulfill his filial piety.

In the last days of his life, Dong Lifan's father finally realized his partiality and injustice, and apologized to his daughter. The father's guilt was palpable. However, to his father's surprise, Dong Lifan said that she never blamed him.

"Rich Woman Professional Household" Dong Lifan: From a worker to an actor, he is still working hard at the age of 60

This made the father feel even more guilty, and it also made him deeply feel the kindness of his daughter.

Despite Dong Lifan's best efforts to take care of his father, his life eventually passed away. The death of his father made Dong Lifan feel deep grief, but it was gratifying that they finally reached a reconciliation at the last moment.

After Dong Lifan's father died, she and her mother depended on each other. When her mother's health gradually became problematic, she still took care of her as carefully as her father. Dong Lifan interpreted the ancient adage of "100 virtues and filial piety first" with practical actions, and made up for the estrangement with selfless love.

"Rich Woman Professional Household" Dong Lifan: From a worker to an actor, he is still working hard at the age of 60

However, the baptism of the years caused her mother to finally leave her, leaving her without the love of her relatives. The pain of losing her parents made Dong Lifan feel lonely, but she did not get depressed.

This made her more deeply appreciate the value of family affection, and also made the estrangement between her parents and her parents finally dissolve.

Although the shadow of childhood is difficult to completely erase, Dong Lifan chooses forgiveness and understanding. She proved with her actions that even if she was once neglected, she could become the most filial daughter.

"Rich Woman Professional Household" Dong Lifan: From a worker to an actor, he is still working hard at the age of 60

This unforgettable experience not only changed her relationship with her parents, but also gave her a deeper understanding of life.

Dong Lifan, who is now over the age of six, is still active in the entertainment industry. Despite the many setbacks she has experienced in her life, these have not allowed her to be crushed by fate. Instead, she chooses to devote all her energy to her career and continue to play the role of the "rich woman" who both makes her willing to show it and makes her feel conflicted.

Dong Lifan is 60 years old this year, and although she has no lover and no children, she is not lost because of this. She understands that although love is an important part of life, she has at least gained the recognition of the audience, which is also a success for an actor.

"Rich Woman Professional Household" Dong Lifan: From a worker to an actor, he is still working hard at the age of 60

Dong Lifan's story is like a mirror, it makes us understand that no matter what kind of suffering life brings you, as long as you have hope and never give up, you can find your own piece of sky.

She has become an excellent singer step by step from an ordinary factory worker, and an enthusiastic actress She has walked hard but firm every step of the way, and she uses her own experience to tell us what is truly strong and courageous.

Her experience tells us that characters can sometimes have two sides: although the image of the "rich woman" makes her widely known, it also limits her development to some extent. However, Dong Lifan did not complain, she chose to constantly improve herself in this role, and finally became a veritable "rich woman professional".

"Rich Woman Professional Household" Dong Lifan: From a worker to an actor, he is still working hard at the age of 60

Dong Lifan is in her 60s, and she is still working in the entertainment industry. Her experience tells us that it's never too late to dream. In her own way, she actively faced the difficulties brought by life, and always maintained kindness to the world.

Dong Lifan has a rich life experience, from the once neglected "second daughter" to the now well-known "rich woman professional household", from a factory worker to a dream singer to an actor, every step is full of hardships.

But it is these experiences that have shaped her indomitable character, and also allowed her to maintain her love and pursuit of acting career at the age of 60.

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